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1 Question Bank CARDIOLOGY - Dwayne A. Williams

1. A 45-year-old male is diagnosed with hypertension. A kidney biopsy is

performed, which shows nodules of pink hyaline material in the glomerular
capillary loops. Which of the following medications is considered to be the
management of the choice based on comorbidities?
a. hydrochlorothiazide
b. enalapril
c. terazosin
d. metoprolol
e. verapamil

2. A 45-year-old male presents to the emergency room. On physical examination,
his skin is warm and flushed. There is decreased systemic vascular resistance.
The patient has the following vital signs:
Blood pressure 119/50 mmHg
Temperature: 99.9o F
Respiratory rate: 30/min
Pulse: 120 beats per minute with bounding peripheral arterial pulses, capillary
refill <2 seconds

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. hypovolemic shock
b. obstructive shock
c. cardiogenic shock
d. hemorrhagic shock
e. septic shock

3. A 50-year old male presents to the emergency room with 10/10 chest pain that is
ripping and knife-like. On cardiac examination, there are no murmurs present.
On physical exam, there is a decreased left-sided femoral pulse compared to the
right side and blood pressure in the right arm is 160/120 compared to 110/90 in
the left arm. Which of the following radiologic findings would be most likely
present in this patient?
a. cardiomegaly
b. widening of the mediastinum
c. rib notching and a 3 sign of the aorta
d. Kerley-B lines
e. Batwing appearance of the hilum

Chapter 1 Question Bank CARDIOLOGY - Dwayne A. Williams

4. In evaluating a patient with progressive dyspnea, an echocardiogram is obtained,
showing inadequate relaxation of the heart, a thickened pericardium and
diastolic dysfunction. On physical examination, there is increased jugular
venous distention, especially with inspiration. Which of the following is most
consistent with the suspected diagnosis?
a. pericardial knock
b. bilateral atrial enlargement
c. speckled myocardium
d. vegetation on the mitral valve
e. diastolic collapse of the cardiac chambers

5. An 11-year old previously healthy patient with a recent history of myalgias and
runny nose presents with a 3 week onset of gradual increase in exercise
intolerance, abdominal pain and shortness of breath. He has no recent travel
history. On physical examination, rales are heard as well as a third heart sound.
There is no periorbital edema or skin lesion. A chest radiograph is obtained and
it shows cardiomegaly. An examination of fresh anticoagulated blood and buffy
coat is negative for motile parasites. A biopsy of the cardiac tissue shows
infiltration of lymphocyte with myocardial tissue necrosis. Which of the
following is the most likely cause of the symptoms?
a. herpes simplex virus
b. enterovirus
c. adenovirus
d. influenza virus
e. trypanosoma cruzi

6. A 43-year-old otherwise healthy male has been having recurrent episodes of
episodic dull chest pain that usually occurs at rest or awakens the patient at
night. The patient denies any pain currently and is asymptomatic. Chest
radiology shows no acute cardiopulmonary disease. A 12 lead
electrocardiogram shows normal sinus rhythm at 88 beats per minute with no
ST-T wave changes. An exercise stress test is performed and showed no acute ST
depressions, ST elevations of T wave inversions. Which of the following is the
most likely diagnosis?
a. acute pericarditis
b. stable angina
c. unstable angina
d. prinzmetals angina
e. Non ST elevation myocardial infarction

Chapter 1 Question Bank CARDIOLOGY - Dwayne A. Williams

7. A 14-year-old male comes in for a wellness visit and has a physical examination
done. On cardiac examination, there is a systolic ejection crescendo-decrescendo
murmur best heard at the left upper sternal border with a loud first heart sound
and a widely fixed split second heart sound that does not vary with respirations.
Blood pressure in the right arm is 120/80 and the left arm 125/80. Carotid and
femoral pulses are 2+. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. coarctation of the aorta
b. patent ductus arteriosus
c. atrial septal defect
d. aortic stenosis
e. aortic regurgitation

8. A 42-year-old male presents with acute chest pain for 2 hours that is not relieved
with rest. On physical examination, his vital signs are as follows:
Blood pressure: 88/60
Pulse: 49 beats per minute
Respirations: 20 per minute
O2 sat: 97% on room air
Temperature: 98.9
An ECG shows 3-mm ST elevations in leads II, III and avF and ST depressions in
leads V1, V2, V3 and V4. Which of the following is the most appropriate
management at this time?
a. administration of IV nitroglycerin
b. administration of IV morphine
c. administration of IV fluids
d. administration of IV labetalol
e. administration of IV Furosemide

9. A 34 year old patient presents with palpitations. The patient is
hemodynamically stable. The following rhythm is seen on the monitor.

Which of the following is the management of choice

a. synchronized cardioversion
b. unsynchronized cardioversion
c. amiodarone
d. adenosine
e. atropine

Chapter 1 Question Bank CARDIOLOGY - Dwayne A. Williams

10. Which of the following is classically associated with mitral stenosis?
a. bounding pulses
b. weak, delayed carotid upstroke
c. mid systolic ejection click
d. opening snap
e. increase in murmur intensity when then patient sits up and leans forward

Choice B enalapril is correct. The biopsy description is classic for Kimmelstiel-
Wilson lesion (nodular glomerulosclerosis) which is a pathognomic lesion seen
in patients with diabetic nephropathy. This lesion is due to non-enzymatic
glycosylation of proteins seen with diabetes mellitus. This is usually the first
evidence of proteinuria, leading eventually to microscopic proteinuria (evidence
of renal damage and dysfunction). Over time this proteinuria and damage to the
kidney will ultimately lead to end stage renal disease. Diabetes is the most
common reason patients end up on dialysis (hypertension is second). ACE
inhibitors are considered renoprotective and agents of choice in patients with
diabetes, chronic kidney disease or nephrotic syndrome due to their mechanism
of action. ACE inhibitors preferentially dilate the efferent arterioles near the
glomerulus, leading to a drop in glomerular filtration rate. A drop in glomerular
filtration rate means less protein is lost at the glomerulus, reducing proteinuria.

Choice A (hydrochlorothiazide) is incorrect. Thiazides are often used in patients
diagnosed with hypertension with no comorbidities, in African-American,
patients (along with Calcium channel blockers) and in patients with isolated
systolic hypertension. They do not have affects on proteinuria.

Choice C (Terazosin) is incorrect. This drug is not considered first line therapy
due to its side effect profile (first dose hypotension and syncope). It is however
considered a great choice in patients with both hypertension and benign
prostatic hypertrophy. This is because alpha-1 receptor activation leads to
contraction of the urethra and prostate, decreasing urinary outflow. alpha-1
blockers such as terazosin improve urinary outflow in patients with BPH by
causing relaxation of the prostate and the bladder neck. Tamsulosin is the
most uroselective of the alpha-1 blockers.

Choice D (Metoprolol) is a cardioselective beta blocker. Beta blockers are not
usually first line medications in hypertension (but may be useful in patients with
concurrent angina or post myocardial infarction.

Choice E (Verapamil) is a nondihydropyridine. In patients, Dihydropyridine
calcium channel blockers (amlodipine, nicardipine etc. the pines) are preferred
for hypertension because they have little effect on the heart but exerts its effect
by causing dilation of peripheral arterioles. Verapamil may be useful in patients
with hypertension and angina.

Chapter 1 Question Bank CARDIOLOGY - Dwayne A. Williams

Choice E (septic shock) is the correct answer. Septic shock is a type of distributive
shock. Distributive shock is defined as excess vasodilation with shunting of blood flow
from vital organs (heart, kidney) to non-vital organs (ex skin). Early septic shock is
associated with increased cardiac output (brisk capillary refills, warm, flushed
skin), and decreased systemic vascular resistance when compared to other types of

Choice B (obstructive shock) is incorrect. Obstructive shock is due to obstruction of blood
flow from the heart or great vessels. Common causes include massive pulmonary
embolism, pericardial tamponade, tension pneumothorax and aortic dissection.
Obstructive shock leads to a decreased cardiac output, increased pulmonary capillary
wedge pressure and increased systemic vascular resistance.

Choice C (cardiogenic shock) is a primary disorder of the myocardium (ex myocardial
infection, myocarditis, valvular, congenital heart diseases, and cardiomyopathy.
Cardiogenic shock is associated with decreased cardiac output (cool, clammy skin),
increased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, and increased systemic vascular

Choice D (hemorrhagic shock) and choice A (hypovolemic shock) are due loss of blood or
fluid volume. Hypovolemic shock is associated with decreased cardiac output (cool,
clammy skin), decreased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, and increased systemic
vascular resistance.

Choice B (widening of the mediastinum) is correct. This is the classic description of
aortic dissection in which a patient develops ripping chest pain as there is a tear in the
innermost layer of the aortic wall (the intima). A widened mediastinum may also be seen
in pulmonary anthrax.

Choice A (cardiomegaly) appearance is classically seen with systolic dysfunction, dilated
cardiomyopathy and large pericardial effusions).

Choice C (rib notching and a 3-sign) are signs of narrowing (coarctation) of the aorta.
Whenever there is significant variation of pulses between the left and the right, aortic
dissection, Takayasu arteritis should be suspected. However, with coarctation, there
should be a systolic murmur present that radiates to the back. Coarctation usually
present with signs of heart failure instead of acute chest pain.

Chapter 1 Question Bank CARDIOLOGY - Dwayne A. Williams

Choice D and E (Kerley B lines and Batwing appearance of the hilum) are associated
with congestive heart failure. Pulmonary crackles (rales) would be most likely present
in these patients and shortness of breath instead of knife like pain is usually reported in
congestive heart failure.

Choice A (pericardial knock) is correct. This is classically describing constrictive
pericarditis. This is due to a stiff, inelastic pericardium that causes diastolic dysfunction
by inhibiting filling of the ventricles during diastole. The pericardial knock is due to
sudden cessation of ventricular filling by the stiff pericardium.

Choice B (bilateral atrial enlargement) and choice C (speckled myocardium) is seen in
restrictive cardiomyopathy. Both are associated with diastolic dysfunction & impaired
diastolic ventricular filling. However, restrictive cardiomyopathy is associated with
myocardial dysfunction, not a thick or calcified pericardium. A speckled myocardium is
classically seen with amyloidosis (the most common cause of restrictive

Choice D (vegetation on the mitral valve) is classically associated with infective

Choice E (diastolic collapse of the ventricles) is classic for pericardial tamponade. In
tamponade, Kussmauls sign (increased JVP with inspiration) may also be seen.
Tamponade would be associated with Becks triad (muffled heart sounds due to the
pericardial effusion), systemic hypotension (due to decreased forward flow) and
increased jugular venous pressure (form increased backflow of blood). Tamponade by
itself is not associated with thickening of the pericardium.

Choice B is correct. Viruses are the most common cause of myocarditis, which is
inflammation of the heart muscle. Of all the viruses the Enteroviruses (Echovirus
and Cosackie virus especially Coxsackie B) are the most common causes.

Choice A (HSV) Choice C (adenovirus) and Choice D (influenza virus) may cause viral
myocarditis, but is not the most common viral etiologies.

Choice E (Trypanosoma cruzi) are protozoa that can cause Chagas disease. Chagas
disease is associated with dilated cardiomyopathy as well but will often have a
chagoma (swelling at the site of bite by the Assassin bug often on the face) and
develops ipsilateral periorbital swelling (Romaas sign) and evaluation of the
blood will be positive for the parasitemia. The patient may even develop toxic
megacolon as a complication. The patient would usually have travel history or lived
in Latin America (especially South America)

Chapter 1 Question Bank CARDIOLOGY - Dwayne A. Williams

Choice D (Prinzmetals angina) is correct. Prinzmetals angina is due to coronary
vasospasm, leading to transient ST elevations, and a normal ECG in between episodes.
The chest pain is classically nonexertional and often occurs at night and at rest. Ischemic
disease would most likely show ECG changes (although 50% of patients with ischemic
disease will have a normal resting ECG). A negative stress test and negative angiography
are more likely seen in patients with Prinzmetals angina, reflecting that the underlying
problem is vasospasm not atherosclerosis.

Choice A (acute pericarditis) is classically associated with chest pain that is pleuritic
(sharp and worsened with inspiration), persistent, postural (relieved with sitting
forward) and often associated with a pericardial friction rub. Pericarditis is also
classically associated with diffuse ST elevations especially in the precordial leads,
reflecting epicardial injury.

Choice B stable angina will often shows ST depressions (normal resting ECG in up to
50%) but a stress test would most likely induce chest pain or ST/T wave changes.

Choice C unstable angina would classically show ST depression and T wave inversions.

Choice E (Non ST elevation MI) would classically show ST depression and T wave
inversions, as well as positive cardiac enzymes.

Choice C (atrial septal defect) is correct. Atrial septal defect classically presents with a
systolic murmur, prominent S1 and a widely fixed, split S2 sound.

Choice A (coarctation of the aorta) is classically associated with a systolic ejection
murmur that radiates to the back or scapula and delayed weak femoral pulses and
asymmetrical blood pressure measurements between arms of >20 mmHg.

Choice B (patent ductus arteriosus) is classically associated with a continuous
machinery murmur

Choice D (aortic stenosis) is classically associated with a systolic ejection crescendo
murmur that radiates to the neck and is associated with a weak, delayed upstroke of the
peripheral pulses.

Choice E (aortic regurgitation) is a diastolic murmur(not systolic).

Chapter 1 Question Bank CARDIOLOGY - Dwayne A. Williams

Choice C (IV fluids) is correct. The inferior ST elevations and the St depressions in
anterior leads (which in reality represent with reciprocal changes seen in posterior wall
myocardial infarctions) reflect right coronary artery involvement. In patients with
myocardial infarction, tachycardia is common but since the right coronary artery
supplied the Sa and the AV node in the majority of patients, they may present with
bradycardia. Because right sided infarctions are preload dependent, IV fluids help to
preserve preload, thereby protecting the cardiac output.
Choice A (IV nitroglycerin) is incorrect. Although IV nitroglycerin is helpful patients
with myocardial infarction, patients with inferior and/or posterior wall MIs are preload
dependent. IV nitroglycerin may drop preload. In addition, a systolic blood pressure
<90 mm Hg is a contraindication to its use. This question tests your knowledge of the
contraindications of the drugs.
Choice B (IV morphine) can also drop preload in these patients who are preload
dependent (although often used in acute coronary syndrome).
Choice D (IV labetalol) is also often used in the management of acute coronary
syndrome. A pulse >50 bpm, systolic blood pressure <100 are also contraindications to
the use of beta blockers. Beta blockers are also often routinely used in ACS but be
familiar with the indication and contraindications of beta blockers in these patients.
Choice E (Furosemide) is helpful in congestive heart failure, not inferior/posterior wall

Choice D (Adenosine) is correct. Adenosine is the drug of choice for narrow complex
SVT. Adenosine temporarily blocks the AV node, thereby terminating the reentry of the
Choice A (synchronized cardioversion) is the treatment of choice for unstable
Choice B (unsynchronized cardioversion) is the treatment of choice only for
pulseless ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation.

Choice C (amiodarone) is the treatment of choice for wide complex tachycardia not
narrow one.
Choice E (atropine) is an anticholinergic drug that would increase the heart rate not
decrease it.

Chapter 1 Question Bank CARDIOLOGY - Dwayne A. Williams

Choice D (opening snap) is correct. Mitral stenosis is almost always caused by
rheumatic fever. It is classically associated with ruddy cheeks (mitral facies), atrial
fibrillation (due to atrial enlargement), prominent S1 and opening snap.

Choice A (bounding pulses) is classic for aortic regurgitation

Choice B (weak, delayed carotid upstroke) is classic for aortic stenosis

Choice C (mid systolic click) is associated with mitral valve prolapse

Choice E (increase intensity of murmur when sitting up and leaning forward) is
associated with aortic murmurs aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation not mitral
murmurs. Mitral murmurs are increased when placed in the left lateral decubitus

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