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This Week at Aldersgate

Write your prayer requests here

Today, December 25 Merry Christmas!

10:00 am
11:00 am

If you would like your prayer request to

be included on the Caring For One
Another daily e-mail prayer chain,
please check here.

Coffee and Refreshments (RR)

Worship (Sanctuary)

Monday, December 26
Church Offices Closed
6:15 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm

Instrumental Ensemble (S)

Boy Scouts Troop 119 (FH,K,106,107)
Families Anonymous (108)

Tuesday, December 27
Church Offices Closed
10:00 am
1:30 pm

If you have a prayer concern,

there are several avenues for
sharing with the Aldersgate
You may submit your requests to
the Caring For One Another email prayer chain. Contact Jeanne
Hamlin (

The detachable portion of this

bulletin includes a space for
written prayer concerns that you
may place in the offering plate.
Also, please check out the Prayer
Wall at

Quilters Guild (RR)

Alzheimers sppt grp (208)

Wednesday, December 28
Church Offices Closed
5:15 pm
5:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm

Cov. Discipleship (Parlor)

Small Group Prayer meeting (108)
Moonlighters Quilters (FH)
Womens Bible Study (YR)
Chancel Choir Practice (S)

Thursday, December 29
Church Offices Closed
11:00 am
2:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm

Original Christmas art courtesy of Brooklyn Squire

Merry Christmas!

Happy Hands Craft Group (RR)

Treasurer (208)
Sweet Adelines (FH)
Praise Band Rehearsal (S)

Friday, December 30
Church Offices Closed
Saturday, December 31 New Years Eve
8:00 am

Mens Group (208)

Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the

transformation of the world. Matthew 28:19
1500 East Rio Road Charlottesville, VA 22901
CR = Choir Room
FH = Fellowship Hall
HR = Hospitality Room
K = Kitchen
RR = Reed Room (Old Sanctuary)
UFH = Unfinished Fellowship Hall
WC = Welcome Center
YR - Youth Room

434.973.5806 Twitter @CVAUMC
December 25, 2016



For Unto Us a Child Is Born Handel, arr. M. Hayes

*Opening Hymn 240

Rachel Miller, Dir. of Min. with Young People

"Hark! The Herald Angels Sing


*Call to Worship based upon Isaiah 52:7-10

Leader: How beautiful upon the mountain are the feet
of the messenger who announced peace,
People: who brings good news, who announces salvation,
who says to Zion, Your God reigns.
Leader: Listen! Your sentinels lift up their voices, together they sing for joy;
for in plain sight they see the return of the Lord to Zion.
People: Break forth together into singing, you ruins of Jerusalem;
for the Lord has comforted his people,
he has redeemed Jerusalem.
The Lord has bared his holy arm before the eyes of all the nations;
and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.
*Opening Prayer
God of light, we thank you for giving us the gift of Jesus Christ. We come
before you with wonder and delight that you come to us in the child born
in a manger. Be with us on this day of birth and rebirth. Come, honor us
with the presence of your gracious, joyful Spirit. Fill our weary hearts
with renewed hope and joy. Rekindle in our souls the light of Christ.
Glory to you in the highest, O God, glory in the highest! Amen.

Come Now, Children

Childrens Message

Rachel Miller

Prayer of the People and the Lords Prayer

Rev. Rob Robertson, Lead Pastor
Scripture Lesson

Luke 2:8-20; John 1:1-14 NRSV


Christmas Word

Rev. Rob Robertson

Prayer of Response
Rachel Miller
Source of all Light, we celebrate today the coming of your Word made
flesh, your Light of Life to dwell among us. By your grace and abiding love
remind us of your constant presence and your unwavering care. Bless us,
that we might reflect the Light of Christ in our daily lives and in our world
so desperate for the love, peace, hope, and joy this day brings. We ask
this in the name of Jesus Christ, the light of the world! Amen.
*Hymn of Preparation 224 Good Christian Friends, Rejoice
Offering Prayer

Rev. Rob Robertson

O Little Town of Bethlehem

L.H. Redner

*Doxology 238 (refrain only)

*Hymn of Commitment 220 Angels from the Realms of Glory


Rev. Rob Robertson

*please stand as you are able

Additional information is projected on the screens

Sermon Notes

Communication Card
Please take a moment to fill out this
card, then tear at the perforation and
place it in the offering plate.

Name: ________________________

Email: ________________________


Phone: _______________________
I would like to:
Learn more about Aldersgate
Be added to weekly e-Note
Join Aldersgate Church
Be baptized
Receive a call from the pastor
Gave my tithe and/or offering
Volunteer to host Sip n Chat

Volunteer as a receptionist
on Mondays from
11:30 am to 2:30 pm
Other _______________________

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