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Key Differences Between Correlation and Regression

The points given below, explains the difference between correlation and regression in

A statistical measure which determines the co-relationship or association of two

quantities is known as Correlation. Regression describes how an independent variable
is numerically related to the dependent variable.


Correlation is used to represent the linear relationship between two variables. On

the contrary, regression is used to fit the best line and estimate one variable on the
basis of another variable.


In correlation, there is no difference between dependent and independent

variables i.e. correlation between x and y is similar to y and x. Conversely, the
regression of y on x is different from x on y.


Correlation indicates the strength of association between variables. As opposed

to, regression reflects the impact of the unit change in the independent variable on the
dependent variable.


Correlation aims at finding a numerical value that expresses the relationship

between variables. Unlike regression whose goal is to predict values of the random
variable on the basis of the values of fixed variable.
With the above discussion, it is evident, that there is a big difference between these two
mathematical concepts, although these two are studied together. Correlation is used
when the researcher wants to know that whether the variables under study are
correlated or not, if yes then what is the strength of their association. Pearsons
correlation coefficient is regarded as the best measure of correlation. In regression
analysis, a functional relationship between two variables is established so as to make




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