Notice of Default Judgement On National Recoveries, Inc.

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errr Peoples; Congressional Record Page A3220 of May I1, 1955; Title 50 Appendix § 7(c), 7(e), 9, 12; Tile 42 U.S.C. § 1986; Tit US. § 1333; 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act; 45 Sta. 401; $4 Sta. 670 NOTICE OF DEFAULT JUDGEMENT AND AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS A matter must be expressed for being resolved. In Commerce TRUTH is Sovereign. Truth must be expressed in the form of an Affidavit, An Affidavit not rebutted stands as the Truth in Commerce. An Affidavit not rebutted after 30 days becomes the judgement in Commerce. A Truth Affidavit under Commercial !aw can only be satisfied by: truth affidavit rebutted point for point, by payment, by agreement, by resolution, or by common law rules, by a jury. Equality under the law is paramount and mandatory by law. Lack or no written response to this affidavit within 10 days will be accepted as ‘Tacit Consent and Agreement (UCC § 2-201(2)) by “The Company” the facts stated in this affidavit are true and correct, NOTICE TO THE PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO THE AGENT, NOTICE TO THE AGENT IS NOTICE TO THE PRINCIPAL ON THE RECORD, FOR THE RECORD, LET THE RECORD SHOW NATIONAL RECOVERIES INC., MISSY BRANDJORD, & FEDERAL STUDENT AID will be singularly referred to as “The Company” FACT1 The Indigenous / Autochthon creating this affidavit is The Living, Three Dimensional, Sound of Mind, Self Aware, Etheric 9 Being, Melaninite Man of Cherokee Descent HU, in Commerce, is Secured Party, Private Banker, Creditor-In- Fact, Lienholder, Postmaster, & Holder-In-Due-Course; [Anu-Samawaati Eil]©OTM & has a Secured Interest in CARLTON E SHERRODGTMnotme FACT2 CARLTON E SHERROD@TMnotme is a fiction/entity/corporation that was created in the matter of VITAL STATISTICS REGISTRATION #159-2650328 of a live birth, by the U.S. GOVERNMENT who did not inform IT'S mother that she entered into a CONTRACT to sell her living, flesh and blood child to the “STATE” as Chattel/Property/Slave under the United States Corporation (Title 28 U.S.C. § 3002(15)) which is FRAUD and a Violation of Human Rights. IN COMMERCE, FRAUD VOIDS ALL CONTRACTS ab initio. Sce attached Statutory Declaration which was received by the OFFICE OF Peoples; Congressional Record Page 43220 of May 11, 1955; Title 50 Appendix § 7(c), 7(e), 9, 12; Title 42 U.S.C. § 1986; Title 38 U.S.C. § 1333; 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act; 45 Sta. 401; $4 Sta. 670 STATE OF CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR JERRY BROWN on 4/9/15 via REGISTERED MAIL #RB567335115US by E. Fong (hutps:/www scribd.comv/doc/2962 15636/Statutory-Declaration-Mailing) FACT3 CARLTON E SHERROD@TMnotme via the Standard Form 181 Form (SFI81) from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, has a COMMERCIAL STATUS of White in Commerce in Accord with AACRAO, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers & National Center for Education Statistics’ IPEDS Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System’s Definitions for New Race and Ethnicity Categories because the word(s) Black/African American have No Standing at Law. crs National Recoveries Ine. tendered a presentment to CARLTON E SHERRODOTM regarding an alleged defaulted student loan held by the U.S. Department of Education & has demanded payment in the amount of $7783.56. FACTS A NOTICE OF ADEQUATE ASSURANCE OF DUE PERFORMANCE was tendered to The Company by Creditor-In- Fact, [Anu-Samawaati Eil]®OTM to verify and validate the bookkeeping entries & that the claimants utilized Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in producing alleged loan & that pursuant to UCC § 2-608 the alleged lender used their OWN monies to purchase alleged borrowers promissory note and did not accept the borrowers promissory note as money or like money to fund the check or similar instrument that the lender “lent” to the borrower which would have an economic effect similar to stealing, counterfeiting, or swindling & that the lender has followed Federal Laws 12 USC § 1831(n)(a)2(A) and/or 12 CFR §741.6(b) regarding GAAP. CT 6 ‘The Company tendered two promissory notes incorporated into a TEXAS GUARANTEED STUDENT LOAN, APPLICATION with pages 1-4 of 6 omitted on each to Debtor CARLTON E SHERRODOTMnotine which made for an invalidated/incomplete response to the above inquiry in FACT 5 from the Holder-In-Due-Course. The Company, in response to the NOTICE OF ADEQUATE ASSURANCE OF DUE PERFORMANCE, also stated on their letter an explanation of the promissory notes and mentioned that the federal government is exempt from the Uniform Commercial ‘Code and that the “Department” is not subject to the Uniform Commercial Code because it's not a merchant though The Company & referred CARLTON E SHERROD©TMnotme back to The Company's collection ageney National Recoveries, Inc. MISSY BRANDJORD tendered an additional presentment along with the same information & NATIONAL RECOVERIES, INC. has tendered 2 additional presentments on 11/29/2016 demanding payment of $7836.98 & on 12/10/2016 demanding payment of $7846.30. FACT7 In Accord with House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5" 1933 “every provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation which purports to give the obligee a right to require a payment in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency, or in any amount of money of the United States measured thereby, is declared to be ugainst public policy.” pertitier rid Title 4 U.S.C. § 1-4; Article(s) $5 & 56 of the United Nations Charter; Inter-American Declaration on the Rights of Indigen Peoples; ‘ongressional Record Page A3220 of May II, 1955; Title 50 Appendix § 7(c), 7(e), 9, 12; Title 42 U.S.C. § 1986; Tile 28 US.C. § 1333; 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act; 45 Sta. 01; 54 Sta. 670 FACT 8 On June 5, 1933 Congress passed House Joint Resolution 192 (HIR192) to suspend the gold standard and abrogate the gold clause. Since then, no one in America has been able to lawfully pay a debt. FACT9 In Accord with House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5® 1933 “Every obligation, heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether ‘or not any such provision is contained therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon payment, dollar for dollar, in any coin or currency which at time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts.” CT 10 In Accord with House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5" 1933 “Any such provision contained in any law authorizing obligations to be issued by or under the authority of the United States, is hereby repealed” FACT In Accord with Commercial Security Agreement #0828 19652015 a Private Commercial Contract between Creditor-In- Si Fact, [Anu-Samawaati Eil|@GTM & Transmitting Utility, CARLTON E SHERROD@TMnotme The security interest granted herein secures any and all indebtness and liabilities whatsoever, owned by DEBTORS to Secured Party whether direct or indirect, absolute or contingent due or to become due, now existing or hereafter arising and howsoever evidenced. This security interest is also given to secure any other debts, which may be owed by DEBTORS to Secured Party from time to time as stated herein below corporations: CARLTON ERWIN SHERRODOTM, SHERROD ERWIN CARLTONOTM (and ALL A.K.A’s, D.B.A’s and derivations thereof) Soc Security Number: xxx-xx-0234; Back: xx4x4972. Before any of the above or below following property can be exchanged, sold, tendered or in any manner disposed of, there must be compensation to the Secured Party for the property. FACT 12 In Accord with Public Notice with Affidavit / Statements of Fact I. ANY act of harassment, including any notice presentment received by Secured Party of any alleged demand for payment, or appearance in a court of the like, is assigned a minimum monetary value of $300,000 Functional Currency. II. ANY act against the property or bank account of Secured Party or Debtor assigned a minimum monetary value of $750,000 of functional currency. III. ANY act of detention, arrest, incarceration or physical harm to Secured Party hereafter is assigned minimum monetary values as per precedent established by Trezevant vs City of Tam 36,19 $25,000 per 23 minute period ic. $65,217.91/hr ; $1,565,217.30/day, in functional currency plus punitive damages in amount decided solely by Secured Party, Secured Party's Heirs or assigns. rrr Title 4 U.S.C. § I-4; Article(s) $5 & 56 of the United Nations Charter; Inter-American Declaration on the Rights of Indiger Peoples; Congressional Record Page 43220 of May 11, 1955; Title 50 Appendix § 7(c), 7(e), 9, 12; Title 42 U.S.C. § 1986; Title 28 U.S.C. § 1333; 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act; 45 Sta. 401; 54 Sta. 670 FACT 13 {Anu-Samawaati Eil]@OTM is not a party to or subject of and denies the compelled performance of the private copyrighted laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes, rules of court used by the HOLY SEE, Great Britain, ENGLAND, the British CROWN, The United States, The United States of America, The STATE OF CALIFORNIA, or any other corporate Governmental entity FACT 14 In Accord with LEGAL NOTICE® COPYRIGHT NOTICE® ALL RIGHTS RESERVED re Common-law copyright of trade-name/trade-mark, By: [Anu-Samawaati Kil]@OTM copyright©2015. CARLTON ERWIN SHERRODOTM , SHERROD ERWIN CARLTONOTM, as well as any and all derivatives, AKA's, DBA’S and variations in the spelling of said trade-name/trade-mark, may neither be used nor Reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, nor in any manner whatsoever, without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgement of : [Anu-Samawaati Eil]©OTM, signified by the red ink signature of: [Anu-Samawaati Fil]@OTM, Herein after “Secured Party” With the intent of being contractually bound, any juristic person, as well as the agent of the said juristic person, shall not display, or Otherwise use in any manner, the common-law trade-name/trade-mark. With the intent of being contractually bound, any Jjuristic person, as well as the agent of the said juristic person, shall not display, nor otherwise use in any manner the common-law trade-name/trade-mark of above mentioned ©, nor the variation in the spelling of above mentioned, without the prior express written consent and acknowledgement of Secured Party, as signified by Secured Party’s signature in red ink, Secured Party Neither Grants, nor implies, nor otherwise gives consent for any unauthorized use of above mentioned © and all such unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Secured Party is not now, nor has ever been, an accommodation party, nor a surety, for purported Debtors, ie. CARLTON ERWIN SHERRODOTM , SHERROD ERWIN CARLTONOTM nor for any derivative thereof, nor for any variation in the spelling of, said name, nor for any other juristic person, and is indemnified and held harmless by Debtors, i.e. Hold-Harmless Indemnity Agreement — Commercial Security Agreement: 082819652015 via UCC- Filed at any county clerk’s office in the state of California or any UCC Recording Office, against any and all claims, legal actions, orders, warrants, judgements demands, liabilities, losses, depositions, summonses, lawsuits, costs, fines, liens, penalties, damages, interests, and expenses whatsoever, both absolute and contingent as are due and as might become due now existing and as might hereafter arise, and as might be suffered by , imposed on, and incurred by Debtors for any and every reason, purpose and cause whatsoever. Self- executing Contract in Event of Unauthorized Use: By this Copyright Notice, both the juristic person and the agent of said jjuristic person, hereinafter jointly and severally “User”, consent and agree that any use of: CARLTON ERWIN SHERRODOTM, SHERROD ERWIN CARLTONOTM other than authorized use set forth above constitutes. unauthorized use, counterfeiting, of Secured Party’s common-law copyrighted property, contractually binds User, renders this Copyright Notice a Security Agreement wherein User is Debtor and [Anu-Samawaati Eil]@OTM Secured Party, and signifies that User: (1) grants Secured Party a security interest in all of User’s assets, land and personal property, and all of User's interest in assets, land and personal property, in the sum of $500,000 US Dollars or Functional Curreney per each occurrence of use of any and all derivatives of: CARLTON ERWIN SHERRODOTM, SHERROD ERWIN CARLTONOTM, and variations in the spelling of: CARLTON ERWIN SHERRODOTM, SHERROD ERWIN CARLTONOM, plus costs, plus triple damages, (2) authenticates this Security Agreement wherein User is debtor and {Anu-Samawaati Eil]®6TM Perret) Title 4 U.S.C. § Ind; Article(s) $5 & 56 of the United Nations Charter; Inter-American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous: Peoples; Congressional Record Page A320 of May II, 1955; Title 50 Appendix § 7(c), 7(e), 9, 12; Title 42 U.S.C. § 1986; Title 28 U.S.C. § 1333; 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act; 45 Sta. 401; $4 Sta. 670 is Secured Party, and wherein User pledges all of User’s assets, land, consumer goods, farm products, inventory, equipment, money, investment property, commercial tort claims, letters of credit, leter-of-credit rights, chattel paper, instruments, deposit accounts, accounts, documents, and general intangibles, and all User's interest in all such foregoing, property, now owned and hereafter acquired, now existing and hereafter arising, and wherever located, as collateral for securing User's contractual obligation in favor of Secured Party for User's unauthorized use of Secured Party's common- law copyrighted property; (3) consents and agrees with Secured Party's recording of a UCC Financing Statement, COPY RIGHT NOTICE FOR above mentioned © with a State of California county recorder’s office, wherein User is debtor and [Anu-Samawaati Eil}@OTM is Secured Party; (4) consents and agrees that said UCC Financing Statement described above in paragraph “(3)” is a continuing financing statement, and further consents and agrees with Secured Party’s filing of any continuation statement, clause, notice or affidavit necessary for maintaining Secured Party's perfected security interest in all of User's property and interest in property, pledged as collateral in this Security Agreement and described above in paragraph “(2)”, until User’s contractual obligation therefore incurred has been fully satisfied at the discretion of the Secured Party, (5) consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of any UCC Financing Statement, as described above in paragraphs “(3)” and “(4)”, as well as the filing of any Security Agreement, as described in paragraph “(2)”, a UCC filing office, as well as in any county’s recording office; (6) consents and agrees that any and all such filings described in paragraphs “(4)” and “(5)” above are not and may not be considered, bogus. and that User will not claim that any such filing is bogus; (7) waives all defenses; and (8) appoints Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's default re: User's contractual obligations in favor of Secured Party as set forth below under “Payment Terms” and “Default Terms”, granting Secured Party full authorization and power for engaging in any and all actions on behalf of User including, but not limited by, authentication of a record on behalf of User, as Secured Party, in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate, and User further consents and agrees that this appointment of Secured Party, in Secured Party’s sole discretion, deems appropriate, and User further consents and agrees that this appointment of ‘Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's Default, is imevocable and coupled with a secutty interest User further consents and agrees with all of the following additional terms of Self-executing Contract in Event of Unauthorized use of: CARLTON ERWIN SHERRODOTM, SHERROD ERWIN CARLTONOTM as set forth above, User hereby consents and agrees that User shall pay Secured Party all unauthorized use fees in full within thirty (30) days of date invoice is sent, User shall be deemed in default and: (a) all of User's property and property pledged as collateral by User as set forth in above paragraph “(2)” immediately becomes, i. is property of Secured Party; (b) Secured Party is appointed User's Authorized Representative as set forth above in paragraph “(8)” and (c) User consents and agrees that Secured Party may take possession of, as well as otherwise dispose of in any manner that Secured Party, in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate, including, but not limited by, sale at auction, at any time following User's Default and without further Notice, any and all of User's Former property and interest in property, described above in paragraph "(2)", in the possession of , as well as disposed of by, Secured Party, as authorized above under “Default Terms”, User may cure User's default only re: the remainder of User's said former property and interest property, formerly pledged collateral that is neither in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party within a (30) day period for curing default as set forth above under “Terms for Curing Default” authorizes Secured Party's, immediate non-judicial strict foreclosure on any and all remaining from property and interest in property, formerly pledged as collateral by User, now property of Secured Party, which is not in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party upon expiration of said thirty (30) day defaull-curing period Ownership subject to common-law copyright and UCC financing Statement filed with a County Recording Office. Record Owner: [Anu-Samawaati Eil]©OTM, Common Law Copyright® 2015. Unauthorized-use of: [Anu-Samawaati Eil|®OTM. incurs same corr Petter ert Title 4 U.S.C. § I-4; Article(s) 55 & 56 of the United Nations Charter; Inter-American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous. Peoples; Congressional Record Page A3220 of May 11, 1955; Title 50 Appendix § 7(c), 7(e) 9, 12; Title 42 U.S.C. § 1986; Title 28 U.S.C. § 1333; 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act; 45 Sta. 401; 54 Sta. 670 FACT 15 unauthorized-use fees as those associated with: CARLTON E SHERRODOTM, SHERROD ERWIN CARLTONOTM. A copy of UCC | Financing Statement, Statutory Declaration, SF181, Power of Attorney, & House Joint Resolution 192 have been included with this NOTICE OF DEFAULT JUDGEMENT AND AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS for your RECORD. JURAT [Tobikhar / Atlan/ Turtle-Island / Land of The Frogs / Muu-Lan / Egypt of the West / Amexem] {33:85 40” North Latitude, 117 53° 30” West Longitude) Using «notary on this document doss not constitute an adhesion, nor does it alter my Indigenous Standing in any matter. The purpose for the notary is for verification and identification only and not for entrance in any foreign jursdition a an advantage fo ster, ‘confederates, Corporations and fcttios entities to implement Corporate Laws, Fettions Codes, and Commercial Contracts over my [Natural Indigenous / Autochthovous / Flesh and Blood, Melaninite Bods. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ~ International Bill of Human Rights (UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) iio! un or/esasocdo/unpiidacunetis DRIPS cyst (UDAR) hngp//n wun orefen/universal-delaration-human-rightsindes biol UNCETRAL, Tuuy// 9 uneitralorgdunciualfenfindes in) UN ECOSOC pli wy ocr nel EN/MR Blo CESCR/Pagos/CESCRIndes anys United Natlons Charter hip un orafen/charier sions hi, Presidential Proclamation 7500 i), posi sh eds pid=b1797 HJR ips go gov /fdssSépke/BILLS- 1 Ohrys| chin BILLS-110aes104oh.pd Mfotu Proprio July 2013 uu? vaiean valconienvtraneyscofennow proprioKlocumentsdpapetrancesco-mou-pmprin 2UEO7LL rsa ‘iusizive pn! , HJR192 June 8, 1933, Public Law 73-10. “Th notary public oar fier complating this cerfisate verifies only the Menity of he ving man/woman who ged te dooonen to which this ortiicate is tached, and ot the tutfuless, accuracy, or validity of hat document suet aon ) conyot_ Dlang € ) oold-2a-lb retreme, BLA CaSby Wola fei, Date Here Insert Name ond Tie of Ofer resontyapeea_Callten F Shella — Nomets of signers) ro wneT owe On eas oT TO TACT ee OT woe aaa Tied he RTO nowaged ove th SPreftey executed eae ine te ethored capaci ond that by hehe sgatrlon the introment the personel rhe erty Upon bel of whe perenne theatre "cert under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California thatthe foregoing paragraph is rue and correct WITNESS my hand and official sea ‘Signature of Notary Pub Lee 1-808 Without Resudive vee s 102 Produced Kentifcation _ Type and 1 ‘November 15, 2016 Mr, Carlton Sherrod P.O. Box 5450 Balboa Istand, CA 92662-5450 DebtNo.: 8719581 8719589 Account No. 1002985742 ‘Dear Mr. Sherrod: ‘Thank you for your correspondence conceming your student loan account with the U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student Aid. ‘You dispute the validity of this debt. Copies of your promissory notes are enclosed. The promissory note the borrower signs before receiving a loan explains the tems of the loan and outlines his or her rights and responsibilities as a borrower. The promissory note is a binding legal document. Whea the borrower signs the promissory note, he or she is agreeing to repay the Joan according to the terms of the note. The federal government is exempt from the Uniform Commercial Code due to the fact that the purpose of this code is to govern commercial transactions and practices that pertain to merchants. Because the Department is not a merchant, the Department is not subject to the Uniform Commercial Code. Yon sfll remain legally obligated to repay your debt, For further information regarding this account and your repayment options, you should contact ~ ‘National Recoveries, Inc., the Department's collection agency, at 1-877-221-9729. : For more information, visit our Web site at warw-myeddebt.ed gov. We hope this information will be helpful to you. Sincerely, Default Resolution Group Servicing Centet Enclosures Federal Student i: ‘An DEFICE of the U.8, DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION [Anu-Samawaati EilJ@OTM Creditor In-Fact/Postmaster/Secured Party/Private Banker/Holder-In-Due- Course/Bailee/Authorized Represenatative of CARLTON E SHERRODOTM 33° 35" 40” N Latitude, 117° 53° 30” W Longitude ‘Tobikhar, Atlan /Turtle-Island c/o 206 MARINE STREET PO BOX 5450 BALBOA ISLAND CA [92662-5450] usA not domestic, Federal Student Aid An OFFICE of the U.S. DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION Default Resoloution Group Servieng Center PO Box 4139 Greenville, TX 75403-4139 1, (Anu-Samawaati EilJ®OTM do Now Claim the following correction of my Appellation{Name]. My Appellation NOW to be correctly spelled: [Anu-Samawaati Fil]®©TM c/o 206 MARINE STREET PO BOX 5450 BALBOA ISLAND ‘CA [92662-5450] in Accord with U.N.D.RLP. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples), United ‘Nations Charter Article(s) 55,56, and Statutory Declaration, a Treaty between Eye and STATE OF CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR JERRY BROWN, See: |(s/\v¥\v.seribelcomédoe! tgtutory-Declaratign-Mailin; ‘Your attached letter is Accepted for Ve tion with Full Reservation of my Indigenous / Autochthonous ights Eternally ‘The copies of promissory notes sent back are incomplete as pages I through 4 for are missing on BOTH instruments & ‘you have not completely fulfilled the requests asked of you on the NOTICE OF ADEQUATE OF ASSURANCE OF DUE PERFORMANCE sent to your collection agency as follows: 1. Send me the bookkeeping entries to validate and verify that General Accepted Accounting Principles were followed by claimants regarding alleged loan 2. Send me proof that pursuant to UCC § 2-609 that the lender has performed according to the loan agreement & that the original lender used their OWN money to purchase the borrowers promissory note and did not accept the borrowers promissory note as money or like money to fund the check or similar instrument that the Tender “lent” to the borrower, which would have an economic effect similar to stealing, counterfeiting, or swindling & that the lender has followed the Federal Laws 12 USC 1831(n)(a)2(A) and/or 12 CFR § 741.6(b) regarding GAAP. 3. Under PENALTY OF PERJURY, send me the Statute(s) verifying that the Federal Government is exempt from the Uniform Commercial Code & not subject to the Uniform Commercial Code, TAM: {Anu-Samawaati Eil]@OTM © UCC 1-308 All Indigenous Rights Reserved Recorded in Ofte! Record, range County Hn aTaN 1H +200 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT i 15000285040 11:54 am 06/02/15 eS 66 414 U0B F132 aE NE oF CTRST AT FRER OT M8 1 OO 2 soo 00 000 BEAL CONTACT AT FLER (oponad [e-SERD ACHRGNLEDGMENT TO (am ae Fao) [Anu-Samawan E1.33°31'S3"N,117046°9"W TY ‘ebikhar Aen Torte stand W/o St ACAPULCO STREET [LAGUNA BEACH, CA[92651] =| “THE ABOVE SPACE ISFOR FLING OFFICE USE ONLY If "etn ms ses ann ows ne [jeep emanate oman onan See seam Pam 0 SHERROD _ CARLTON _ ERWIN 851 ACAPULCO STREET LAGUNA BEACH cA [92651 us TDEBTORS NAVE” Ran oa Daorvans Gf fe sneha nee davsrh ah) oe nonoa wy pro BONO alfa se en Bas rere tnt tan e tar tus Gestnce [] me ese eal mon meme tr san oe [a REARS TONE CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD OF RAT RE FRR PSOE [SOI 0. 33008 BALTIMORE, MD [21290-3008 | USA. T SEDURED PARTS NAWE is WaME GASSIGNEE 1 ASSISNON SOOURED PANTY eo Son Pry Sar) EL ‘Anu Samawaati NSO re ler Isare [rosra coe (eaRRY C/O 851 ACAPULCO STREET LAGUNA BEACH TORUATERAL Te hansny enecer oven pe lounge — ‘Fixtures: REGISTERED MATL #REO4S481028US, “5 Scant opcabie ex check anyone box. Cowra n [ The’ Tra! aoe UCCVAG, er 17 and insuuchonn) [Tuoi earirniored by « Devers Personal epeenaate Se SSS ee ee Crmevst es Tarenarnecesuuten vaca []wetene——[]Sovenetraee — C] suwire—fevmetee 0 7 oerova LER REFERENCE DATA “ONLINE FILING #iS>467139528 TriematonatAssonavan of Commercial AGmiiavaton TAA, "FILING OFFICE COPY — UCC FINANCING STATEMENT (Fem UCC) (Rev oarzann) _ "Hemnslonsl Associaton of Commercial Admanstators UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM FOUOWINSTRUCTONS FAME OF FRET DEBTOR Sane ow nua FawrgSuaren Faw awe Minas aval Or sone act eh CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD To DEBTOR'S NAME ve Sono oy sea Oa Oat Tana WT ae Goa He PPro Se eh LI ae ea Soto my aby a ef Sansa) arab ass oe SHERROD CARLTON ERWIN 851 ACAPULCO STREET. [LAGUNA BEACH CA |92651 us T_[AbarTOWAL SEGURED PARTY'S Wave ar [| ASSIGHOR SECURED PARTY'S WAVE! Parent mavore(ie@ TH RSET SURE FT PERS ACTON STATES — SAT TE ADOTIONAL SORCE FOR TENA (Coir) REGISTERED MAIL #REO44481028US ‘ONLINE FILING #157467139528 SHERROD CARLTON ERWIN renlesrare neconse [_Clswesmavneess [Jone manana (Zhate stave Ade Soper CoantaTED & ntad WETH THE TAIST. Debiors:' CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD, SHERROD ERWIN |CARLTON are Transmitting Uslicies utilized in commerce for the benefit of the Secured Party. The Sceured party isa 3-dlmendional living sou, flesh and blood Male Who Is Autochthonous, Indigenous ‘and Descendant forthe original peoples of Turtle Island, Muu-Lan, Altan, Amexem, Land of the Frogs| MISNOMER: North America ‘The Seeured Party Secures All Rights, Titles Interests to All Collateral as recelved by Corporate / Government Registires, Twsceroneous ‘ONLINE FILING # 187467139828 a RSS ON COST ATCO FIUNG OFFICE COPY — UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM (Fem UCCYAA) (Rel SURED US. Office of Personne! Management ETHNICITY AND RACE IDENTIFICATION Guiseto Persone! Osta Stdarse | (Please red ha Privacy Ae tteret ar nattons heer opting fr) Tame (Lat Fs Made iy = | Seca Security Narber | thd (onthae Year) | SHERROD, CARLTON E | STK 08/1965 ‘Agony Use Oni Privacy Act Statement a - ss ~ Ethnicity and race information ‘s requested under the authority of 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16 and in compliance with the Office of Management and Budget’s 1997 Revisions fo the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity. Providing this information is voluntary and has ne impact on your employment status, but in the instance ‘of missing information, your employing agency will attempt to identify your race and ethnicity by visual observation ‘This information is used as necessary to plan for equal employment opportunity throughout the Federal government. It Js also used by the U. S. Office of Personne! Management or employing agency maintaining the records to locate individuals for personnel research or survey response and in the production of summary descriptive statistics and analytical studies in support of the function for which the records are collected and maintained, or for related workforce studies, Social Security Number (SSN) is requested under the authority of Executive Order 9397, which requires SSN be used for the purpose of uniform, orderly administration of personnet records. Providing ths information is voluntary and failure to do s0 will have ne effect on your employment status. If SSN is not provided, however, other agency sources may be used to obtain it. Specie wetrctions” Toe vo questone btw aa Geignd io Bev your eit and race. Regardlens of your anawerto Question goto question 2 ‘oF Latino? (A peison of Oban, Mexican, Puero Rican South or Genial American orather | Spanish sure or nin, ragercans of 9c) Byes) No ‘Question 2 Piase solct the racial calegor or calegores win which you most Gosaly Went by placing an Xn the oparoprne box: Check ag many 88 ay RACIAL CATEGORY |___chmsosronenenpay ——|—_EPNTIONF CATEGORY ean a haa nave] Kin Baga aryl onal pales ol Nos od Sat Dera Sts "ata Seaton eas tareae na aa a Sacer 2 psn 1 paon hg gay te ign poia fh Fa at Suen Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, Indi, | Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan the Philippine Islands, Thatlond, and Vietnam. (C1 Black or African American ‘A person having cigins in any of the biack racial groups of Ate, C7 Native Hawaian or Other Pacific Islander_| A person having ctigins in any ofthe original peoples of Hawai, Guam, Samoa, or ther Pacife iiands. 1B wite ‘A person having crigins in any ofthe original pacples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Ata, ‘Standard Form 181 Revised August 2005 Previous editions not ussble 42 US. Secton 0000-16 i NSN 7540.01-090-2446 _ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Office of Business Enterpece aplistion Sevies Section ‘THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the collections of the Library of Congress contain a publication entitled THE STATUTES AT LARGE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and that the attached photocopies (from PART 1, VOL. XLVI) - the title page and pages 112 and 113 on which appears HJ. Res, 192, a JOINT RESOLUTION To assure uniform value to the coins and currencies of the United States, June 3, 1933 - are a true representation from that work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the seal of the Library of Congress is affixed hereto on May 2, 2012, Office of Business Enterprises Library of Congress 101 Independence Aver, SE Washington, DC 20540-4917 Tl 202707 050 was 1 dupliatonsecvicoeoe gor THE STATUTES AT LARGE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FROM MARCH 1933 to JUNE 1934 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS RECENT TREATIES AND CONVENTIONS, EXECUTIVE PROCLAMATIONS AND AGREEMENTS, TWENTY-FIRST AMENDMENT ‘TO THE CONSTITUTION EDITED, PRINTED, AND PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF CONGRESS ‘UNDE THE DIRECTION OF THR SECRETARY OF STATE VOL. XLVII IN TWO PARTS Paar 1—Public Acta and Resolutions. Pant 2—Private Acts and Resolutions, Concurrent Resolutions ‘Treaties and Conventions, Executive Proclamations and Agreements, Twenty-first Amendment to the Constitution. ; 112 yd CONGRESS. SESS. I. CHS. 46-48, JUNE 3, 5, 1933. [CHAPTER 461 AN ACT pe os, HERSABL _ autnoriaing a per caplte payment of $100 to the members of the Menominee ttt ute tdlens af Wuconnin from funds ox dopealt to ther eredit in the ‘Treanaty of tho United Staten. the Be it enceted by the Senate and Houss of Representatives of erie tan United State of America in, Congrete nsembied, That the Cece, “erate props tary of the Interior and he is h authorized to withdraw CIRStRINE" from the fund in the Treasury of the United States on-deposit to the credit of tho Menominee Indians in the State of Wisconsin « fuffisient sum fo make therefrom a per capite payment or distribu, Hon of $100, in three installments, $50 immediately upon passage Gf'tnis Act, $25 on or about October 15, 1998, and $25 on or about Sanuary 18, 1884, to each of the living’memers on the tribal ro JP ths Sfencminee Tribe of Indians of the State of Wisconsin, under Such rules and regulations as the said Secretary may prescribe. Approved, June 3, 1933. [CHAPTER 47) JOINT RESOLUTION : BE Bier anpeen css arrears in THAD tbe Setcay ad Woet Pots, Poaheng Yeo, s tin of Chins. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ss States of America in C rnomtod, That the Serreary of Wer ‘ua be, and he is hereby, aut to permit Posheng Yen to receive indtruction at the Siates Military Academy at West Point ; ‘not Inter than July 1, 1984: Provided, That no expense shi ng a io the United States thereby, and that cheng Fen shall sgres to comply th tll regulations for the spline of the Academy, to be studious, and to give his ‘accomplish the courses in the various departments Uf festruetion, and that seid Posheng Yen shall not be edmitted to Gee tAcademy’ until he shell have passed the mental end physical txeminations prescribed for candidates from the United States, and Ghat he shall te immediately withdrawn if deficient in studies Or in gigy ot sve conduct and so recommended by the Academic Board: Provided EF cum im further, That in the case of said, Poseng, Yen, the proven of * {eGtioné 1590 and 1521 of the Revised Statutes shall be suspended + miseierpunt. Provided further, That S.J-Res. 179, approved March 8, 1983, be, bearasce und the same is hereby, repealed. ir ‘Approved, June 5, 1933. (CHAPTER 48] pare JOINT RESOLUTION FFA tomuar uslform vais to the else and cron ofthe Usted Staten ‘Whereas the holding of or dealing in gold affect the public interest tion and restriction; and and efe therefore subject to proper stepaitite ” Wheress the existing emergoney has disclosed thet provisions of # ‘{etimtions uch Furpore to gire tho obliges a Tight to require pasando per Kd of co recy he Pena eencr in en amount in money of, the United States rpeenred chert, obstruct the power of io elas thervafuo of the ftoney of the United Skates, and re i at the vein fllaved policy of the Congress to maintain at all times Tre faut power of every dollar, coined oF issued by the United sic Housel ui nts payment of ie.” om, there fore, be 5, 6, 1933. 113 7ad CONGRESS. SESS. I. CHS. 48, 49. JU: Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the «ttn, United Stat of america én Congres cteenbled, Tot ae provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation which Pe Purporta to give the obligee a right to require payment in gold or Perporta ur Lind of coin or currency, oF ia an amount in money of tho United States measured thereby, is declared to be against public ,,X;.bisrcme* policy; and no such provision shall bp contained in oF made rieh Perpest to any obligation hereafter incurred. Every obligation, ,.ferryuietmde heretofore or ‘incurred, whether or not any such provision — Ge contained therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged pon parent dlls for doles, f apy cola rene ‘which at the tie of payment is legal tender for public and private. debts. Cotas, mot ey ies, arbriion contaiged im any iaw tuthorising Doligations to “7 te ADT mich Beurunder authority of the United States, hereby weer repealed, but the repeal of any such provision shall not invalidate ny other provision or authority contained in such law, 1) a, ted in this ruin, the tor obliga m” means an Sep “otitha” obligation (including every obligation of ‘and to the United ting currency} le in money of the Us Ean of cureney ® means ocr eamecy ofthe United oe omen” ‘States, including Federal Reeerve notes and cir Fedora, egos bank end tere (i) of ubection (G) of Xia ae at a EB of uel, ompie win fof he At peta cl re the existing national Semel.” economic emers \creasi Itural purchasing power, — Stell ovens for extzsordinary expenses cme aed oy aon of "i uch enungency, to provide emergency Tespuct to agri. aia Satin, ofan ri cn “ * rs 1098, is amended to retd aa follows: a a ‘Ail coins and currencies of the United States (including Fed- umtsrismee cal Reeve notes and ciculating notes of Federal Heserve banks ; Ghd netooa! banking eseocations) heretofore or heresfter coined Or ite sal be legal ender fo alt dal, pubis ad pera ensea tan an due, excopt that gold coin, when , Aimer ci tained righ tad Unt of rane Proved by ing “oS for the bo lgal tender only a valuation in proportion fo tnir actual weight! “Approved, June 6, 1038, 4.40 p.m. wa AGT To a nat ext and for oa ste ct. ate er eS roll Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rey United States of America in Cc assem ‘promote ‘the sstablishment and fs muon fo national system 7 Peat anys dr erty ra ease ‘tobe of Labor bureau to be known as the United States tay. Ba ment Service, at the head of which shall be s director. The director , Appustent sevet shall be appointed ‘by the President, by and with the advice and 7" consent of the Senate, and shall receive a salary at the rate of $8,500 (CHAPTER 49) per annum, (b), Upon the expiration of thres months after the enactment of » Tit. iet? this Act the employment service now existing in the Department fisgd oreeesy eas Of Labor shall be abolished; and all records, files, and property (including offee equipment) of the existing’ employment service Honorable Governor Jerry Brown, |, Anu-Samawaati El am sending this correspondence to inform you that | have claimed my indigenous standing according to U.N.O.R.|.P. (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples), H. RES, 194, & General Orders 100. especie < > sawed Cyl cee 1-308 Wife frejed i0a e rete see/Pope Francis | -¢. Elizabeth li ce. Jesuit General Adolf Nicholas ce, US. President Barack Obama cc, President of the Republic of China Ma Ying-jeou Statutory Declaration In the matter of Vital Statistics Registration # 159-2650328 1, Anu-Samawaati El, ¢/o of 206 Marine Avenue, California(P.O. Box 5450, Newport Beach) do solemnly declare in accord with: the 1931 Statute of Westminster (htip:/, 1778 Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union ~ Art.X1, 1812 Treaty of Ghent; 1794 Jay Treaty; 1836 Treaty of Marrakesh(Morrocco) all recognized and valid treaties, constitution for the united states of America, the 1948 Charter of the United Nations, the 1975 Inter-American Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations 2nd Decade of the World's Indigenous People, that upon the discovery of the registration of a Live Birth of Aug, 28,1965, in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China was a contract between my mother and the Government who did not tell her that she was selling me, a flesh and blood child, born in the Republic of China(corporation) on a U.S. Military Base(Corporation under the United States: Title 28 USC sec 3002(15)) in ‘Taipei, Taiwan as their Chattel/Property/Slave, which is a violation of Human Rights. I hereby void the contract ab initio for fraud. Since | am a Flesh and Blood Melaninite Cherokee Indian. In accord with: the United ‘Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, HJR-194-https:! 1O/hres194/text. US congress apology to African Americans for Slavery, 8.Con.Res26- htips://www.govira 1 L1/s.congress26/text- United States Senate Apology to African Americans for Slavery; u.s. Apology to Native Americans (See 8113 H.R.3326 Department of Defense Appropriations Act) hups:/ | 1 fnr3326/text, Regina V. Jah hutp://nutrial org/node/133 (case Ref. number: T20107746). On May 14,2011 at SouthWark Crown Court (1 English Ground in SouthWark, London, England) Defendant: John Anthony Hill in the United Kingdom proved before an English jury that Blizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor Mount batten was not the rightful monarch and never was: This was 2 two-point argument, First that Blizabeth knew both then and now that she was crowned ‘on a fake coronation stone instead of the real stone of Destiny/Coronation Stone, which meant not only was she never properly crowned, but she was also knowingly and fraudulently conning the public, and this is why she didn’t want her coronation televised, see: I declare the name CARLTON ERWIN SHERROD on the registration of live Birth is a corporation and Carlton Erwin Sherrod is an Indigenous Flesh and Blood Man. I am not a corporation, artificial person, natural person, fictitious entity or vessel of the United States defined under 18 U.S.C§ 9 and I give notice Internationally, Domestically and Universally via this Declaration that I deny corporate existence. Under reservation of all my rights Unalienable and otherwise, I am: Indigenous/Autochthon of this planet and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is the same force and effect as made under oath. aurat United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - Chup (/www.un.orwlesa/socde v/unpfii/documents/DRIPS_en.pdf UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UN Convention on Economic , Social & Cultural Rights, United Nations Charter; Articles 55 & 56; Presidential Proclamation 7500, H.I.R. 194, S.Con, Res 26, S. 1200, HIR-3. :, ; 4 \ Affirmed to and subscribed before me this day of A pst! Co¥h _. 2015, By: Personally Known Produced Identification ‘Type and of 1D_CaQe fmt Duleos LigeerSe ‘ __ SEE Atachord a uhoum Public Notary ‘My Commission Expires CALIFORNIA JURAT WITH AFFIANT STATEMENT GOVERNMENT CODE § 8202 sarosansetnannon isso ROR SOON ENERO SORE ARES See Attached Document (Notary to cross out lines 1~6 below) See Statement Below (Lines 1-6 to be completed only by document signerfs}, not Notary) ‘Signature of Document Signer No. 7 "Signature of Document Signer No. 2 (if any) document fo which this certificate is attached, and not te truthfulness, accuracy, or valdy of that document, [ ‘notary ble or cher ote completing this caicate verfes ony tho ier ofthe indvdual who signed e| State of Calorria Subseribed and sworn to (or armed) before me County of ZA oe onthis_ GE aay ot Abu 20157 by Date ionth Year mCARTH ERwiny SHERRDDd - no. Bate ‘Name(s) of Signer(s) proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me Signature. A Li ne ota ™ Signature of Notaty Public OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment ofthis form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Tile oF Type of Document’S HE _ Document Date: fps Number of Pages: | _ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: _ pO SSE CITGO SSRI ISDE EEE EOIOSTER (©2014 National Notary Association + www + 1-800-US NOTARY (-800-876-6827) Item #5910, Seal Place Notary Seai Above ois, Wort CONGR! masc Hy RES, 194 Apologininge for the enstavement andl svcial Segregation of Atieaw-Americans, IN THE TIOU OF REPRESENTATIVES Fennvary 27, 2007 Mr. COmEN (for hinwelf, Mr, JOHNSON of Georgin, My. Tensox-LEe of ‘Texas, Mr, Brapy of Pennsylvania, Me. WEXLER, Ms. Kinrarnivn, Ms. Woorsky, Mr Panroxe, Ms. LEE, Mr, MeGOvERS, Ms, SCIAKOWSEY, Mrs, MALONEY of New York, Mr. CONYERS, Mr Moray of Virginia, Mr CAPEAND, Mr, RANGRE, Mie PAYNE, Mr. JRFFERSON, Mr. Ei AAG GREEN of Tesas, Mb, BCUTERFTELD, Ms. Warsox, Mr Mr, CLEAVER, Ms, CARSON, Mr. TSRABE, Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. DAVIS of Alabama, Mrs Lewis of Georgia, Mi, AMERCROMMTE, Mr. TLARR, Mr. KeNvnpy, Ms Buoy, Mi Hopes, Mi. Fixe, Mr. Hoxpa, and Me KVeTSICHT) sulmitted the following vesolntion; wiiieh was referred to the Committee on the dndiciany RESOLUTION Apologizing for the enslavement and racial segregation of Mrican-Americans. Whereas millions of Afrieans and their descendants were enslaved in the United States and the 12 American ealo- nies from 1619 throngh 1865; Whereas slavery in Ameriea resembled no other form of invol- untary servitude known in history, as Africans were eap- tmved and sold at auction like inanimate objects or ani- mals; 2 Whereas Africans foreed into slavery were bratalized, humili- ated, delmmanized, and subjected to the indignity of being stripped of their names and heritage; ie un Whereas enslaved families were torn apart after having been sold separately from one another; Whereas the system of slavery and the visceral rac persons of Afvic came entrenched in the Nation’s social fabri m against m descent upon which it depended be- Whereas slavery was not officially abolished until the passage of the 12th Amendment to the United States Constitu- tion in 1865 after the end of the Civil War, which wa fought over the slavery issue; Whereas after emancipation frou 246 years of slavery, Afr can-Americans soon saw the fleeting political, social, and ceonomie gains they made during Reconstruction evis- cerated by virulent racism, lynchings, disenfranchisement, Black Codes, and racial segregation laws that imposed a rigid system of officially sanctioned racial segregation in Virtually all arcas of lifes Whereas the system: of de jure racial segregation known as “Jin Crow, which arose in certain parts of the Nation following the Civil War to create separate and nmequal societies for whites and Atrican-Americans, was a direct. result of the racism against persons of African de engendered by slavery; Whereas the the 1960°s—a Amcrica—until Congress took action to end it, but the ston of Jim Crow laws officially existed into tury after the official end of slavery in F Fim Crow continue to this day; vestiges 01 Whereas African-Auiericans continue to suffer from the con sequences of slavery and Jim Crow—long after both sys SIRES 194 Ut 4 formally abolished—through enormous damage 1 the loss tems we and loss, both tangible and intangible, inchu of human dignity and liberty, the frustration of earcers and professional lives, and the long-term loss of income and opportunity; Whereas the story of the enslavement and de jure segregation of Afvican-Americans and the dehumanizing atrocities committed against them should not be purged from or an history; minimized in the telling of Ameri Whereas on July 8, 2003, during a trip to Gorve Island, Ser- cal, a former slave port, President George W. Bush ace knowledged slavery’s contimaing legaey in American life and the need to confront that legacy when he stated that: slavery “was... one of the greatest crimes of history Phe racial bi ed by slavery did not end with slavery or with segregation. And many of the issues that still tronble America have roots in the bitter experience of other times. But however long the journey, our destiny is set: liberty and justice for all.”; sident Bill Clinton also acknowledged the deep- Whereas T seated problems caused by the continuing legacy of race ism against African-Americans that began with slavery when he initiated @ national dialogue about race; Whereas a genuine apology is an important and necessary first step in the process of racial reconciliation; Whereas an apology for centuries of brutal delunnanization and injustices camot erase the past, but confession of the wrongs committed can speed racial healing and ree cans confront the ghosts of onciliation and help Ame th past; sHRES 194 1H 4 Whereas the legislature of the Conmnonwealth of Virginia has State logislitures ane considering similar recently taken the lead in adopting a resolution officially expressing appropriate remorse for slavery and othe resolutions; and Whereas it is important for this country, which legally recog: won Socwraawe HL 1B make a formal apology for slave Jim Crow, so that it can move forward and seek ree: nized slavery through its Constitution and its laws, to y and for its successor, onciliation, justice, and harmony for all of its citizens: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Touse of Representatives (1) acknowledges the fiamdamental injustice, crnelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery and Tin Crow; ) apologizes to African-Americans on behalf of the people of the United States, for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow; and (3) expresses its commitment to rectify’ the lin- geving consequences of the misdeeds committed against Mrican-Americans under slavery and Jim, Crow mid to stop the pecurrence of Laman rights violations in the future, SHIRES 194 1H “99004 2 ty Mtaifor 1614" (usato nside dimension) 2lease Recycle a SSy-UNITED svares. id POSTAL SERVICE® & $14: Utility Mail | | ~~"Registered No. Date Stamp Handling Return i Charge e208 Receipt Ff 3 2 Postage Restricted 7 e a Delivery =f: Rest t Ba ~ 88 | Received by i x} ae eee { Ss, oo Oo}, "| Customer Must Declare. Doma Insurance upto S25gRBys incl Full Value $$ g~" -~ 9 the declared valué“Spdgfnational “<3? 2.2 ‘nde is limited. (See Re¥érse). hbo 25/8 Sol es posh Sf, | i Lg loa Becch UL BEST gf } 4 tp AOS AD & io fe Yan, tl Ste LTS eg amento CA. 95% /¥ z PS Form 3806, Receipt for Registered Mail Copy 2- Post Ofice May 2007 (7530-02-000-9051) rae [Anu-Samawaati Eil}OTM Holder-In-Due-Course 33° 35° 40” N Lat. / 117° 53° 30” W Long. Tobikhar, Atlan / Turtle-Island ‘c/o 206 MARINE STREET PO BOX 5450 RE 044 468 346 US BALBOA ISLAND, CA [92662-5450] usA not domestic: SE sa ‘MISSY BRANDJORD ‘National Recoveries, Inc. ‘Compliance & Regulatory Management| PO Box 48367 ‘Minneapolis, MN $5448 SN 99& 897 770 34 i | juowodouryy £101

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