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FETE AGUIAR conmure on nome ———w Glongrese nf the Hniteh States “sme, air Bouse of Representatives Seer oe Washington, BO 20515-0531 sxsneen fmt October 28,2016 ‘The Honorabe Joye . Frost, Director Office for Viims of Crime 810 Seventh Steet NW, Second Floor ‘Washington, DC 20531 RE: San Bemardino Anti-Terrorism and Emergency Assistance Program grint Dear Diretor Frost | represent the City of San Bernardin, California, As you are well aware, our city was rocked bythe terrors attack that took pace on December 2, 2015. During the past year Ihave worked closely with acl community leaders, victims ofthe stack, victims Families and focal aw enforcement lo address challenges stemming ftom the terrorist attack or our eamraunty. Our community neds federal suppor to overcome these challenges, whichis why | stongly support the Anti-Terorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAD) grant applicaionsubmited by the California Vietim Compensation Board and the Bureau of Victim Services in he San Bernardino County District Attomey's Office to support our community in its ecovery “This application requests approximately 4,000,000 to support both the short-andlong-term needs ofthe vietims and families of the vitims in recovering from this attack. The requested funds would pote suppor the cost of eriticalvetim needs, suchas medical leave and COBRA coverage reimbursement for vitims and their family members, many af whom wee San ‘Bemardino County employees. The funding would also support many differen chimant compensation needs, including expenses for lest income, menial health and medical expenses, funeral expenses, and rehabilitation “The requested Funding would also provide support programs to help the broader community Funds would suppor mental health treatment fr victims, ist responders, medica providers and ‘thers who plied a ole inthe community's response tothe attack. The funding would also assist with monthly resiliency forums, trauma workshops and oer programs affeed through the Department of Public Health. Further, funding would help with commemorative evens inthe community as we mark this grim anniversary and resolve to move forward sronge together This fundingis an important investment in our community at a tcl time in ourcesovery. 1 believe this finding i especially deserved inno stall part because ofthe amazing response the atack by sur local first responders, mecca providers, local government and community, The response tothe attack has been held up by experts at an example to the est of ‘he country [want to ensue that our community andthe County of Sen Bernardin have the suppor they aed to continue to be an example in thei response tothe atsck. The challenges stemming fom the atack remain ad this funding isa important component in our recovery and our community’s ability to be San Bemardino Song. 1 urge you to give this application you full and fur consideration, consistent with all applicable laws and regulation. Ifyou have any questions or concen, please contact Becky Cornell in my office at (202) 225-3201. Thank you for your time and attention to this mater. Sincerely, Poe ApcLr Pete Aguilar Member of Congress

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