Copyofthedevilsargument Katiedizon

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AP English 12
Period 2
7 December 2016
Paradise Lost: The Devils Argument
Current Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte presents an argument similar to
that of the devil Moloch in Miltons Paradise Lost. Before he was president of the
Philippines, Duterte was mayor of a city that once had the highest crime rate in the
country. To solve this issue, he used vigilante death squads to eliminate alleged drug
lords and criminals, and did not give them a fair trial. Though Dutertes method of
reducing crime rate was successful, it earned him the nickname The Punisher. After
being elected to presidency, Duterte has waged a national war on drugs and crime. Like
Moloch, Duterte uses aggressive tactics in response to problems. They believe that war
is an acceptable answer, even when there are other reasonable and more favorable
solutions in their comrades point of view. Moloch and Duterte do not think or take into
account the consequences of their actions, but rather prefer to address the issue
assertively and forcefully.

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