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Research about the different gas laws

Juan Sumulong Memorial Junior College

School Year 2009-2010
Taytay, Rizal


Submitted by:
Dan Paolo Petalbo
Submitted to:
Mr. Rufino Panganiban Jr.

Boyles Law Uses/Applications

1) Many gases are stored under high

pressure. This way they would occupy
smaller volume. This is an application
Boyles Law. For example, some cars
compressed natural gas as fuel.
2) The mechanics of a bicycle pump is
governed by Boyles Law. The washer
in a
bicycle pump
allows air enters
barrel from
outside during the upstroke, but during the down
stroke, this air can no longer escape to the outside
and is compressed in the barrel. As the volume
decreases, the pressure increases, but at first, the air
cannot escape because the valve in the bicycle inner
tube prevents it from entering that tube. This valve is
closed because the pressure of the air already in the
tube prevents the entry of further gas. Only when the
pressure of the air in the pump is greater than that in
the inner tube will the valve open and allow more air into the tube, further
increasing the pressure. This means that, at the next
stroke of the pump, the air will have to be
compressed even more. As the pressure in the tube
increases, it gets harder and harder to depress the
3) Suppose that you buy a bag of chips at the top of a mountain, once you hit
the bottom of the mountain, the bag explodes, causing chips to fly
everywhere. This is because the air contained in the bag expanded as the
pressure inside of the bag increased.
A practical application illustrating Boyles Law
would be the action of a syringe. When we draw fluids
into a syringe, we increase the volume inside the
syringe, this correspondingly decreases the pressure on
the inside where the pressure on the outside of the
syringe is greater and forces fluid into the syringe. If we
reverse the acting and push the plunger in on the
syringe we are decreasing the volume on the inside
which will increase the pressure inside making the pressure greater than
on the outside and fluids are forced out.
A more life dependent example of Boyles Law is the action of the
diaphragm of our body. This is a muscle that is located just below the
lungs. When we inhale the diaphragm moves downward allowing the lungs
an increased volume. This decreases the pressure inside the lungs so that
the pressure is less than the outer pressure. This results in forcing air into

the lungs. When we exhale

diaphragm moves upward
decreases the volume of the
lungs. This increases the
pressure inside the lungs
above the pressure on the
outside of the lungs so that
gases are forced out of the
lungs. Of course, all of this is
totally automatic and we take
important cycle which is
performed hundreds of times
day for granted until we
receive a sharp blow to that
region that briefly paralyzes the diaphragm muscle. We say the wind
knocked out of us, but Boyles Law was not allowed to function.




Fish that live in low depths survive under a great amount of pressure
due to the volume of water above them. When brought to the surface of
the ocean, perhaps for study, the dramatically reduced pressure greatly
increases the volume of the gases in
their bodies. This causes the rupture of
cells, bladders, and other biological


While playing in the pool when you

were younger, did
you ever notice that
when you exhaled,
the bubbles seemed
grow larger and
larger as they ascended? This change in size is a
result of the decreasing pressure of the water, which
allows the gas bubbles to expand.

Charless Law Uses/Applications

1) When flying hot-air balloons, balloonists apply the

principle of Charless Law. As the air inside the
balloon is heated, its volume increases. The
density of the air decreases as the air inside the
balloon is heated; it expands, resulting in an
increase in density of the air inside the balloon.
density of hot air is less than of cold air. The
difference in density between the air inside and
outside the balloon makes the hot-air balloon rise.
2) Weather balloons are launched daily from weather
stations across the country. The balloon begins at the
earth at a certain P, T, and V and upon its accent all
three of these variables change in response to the
3) A rubber raft swells up when left in the sun on a hot
day, providing the raft is not completely inflated (if it
completely inflated, it will rupture). Remember this if
you are ever stranded in tropical waters!
5) The plunger in a turkey thermometer pops out
when the turkey is done. The higher temperature of
the turkey causes the volume of the air trapped under
the plunger to increase, which forces the plunger to

Combined Gas Law Uses/Applications



A four stroke engine like your car operates on the principle of taking
a volume of gas/air mixture, compressing it, igniting it, and pushing the
exhaust out. The movement of the pistons moves the drive shaft.

Ideal Gas Law Uses/Applications


Commercial airlines pressurize their passenger cabins and mountain

climbers often carry oxygen tanks with them. The air at these higher

altitudes is at lower atmospheric pressure or is ``thinner.'' This

phenomenon in which pressure decreases with
increasing altitude occurs in all fluids (liquids and
and is particularly pronounced when water is the
On the ocean floor the water pressure
enormous! This is why submarines and other
sea diving vessels must have thick walls to
prevent them from being crushed under
tremendous water pressures.

can be

Daltons Law of Partial Pressure


A common laboratory method of collecting the gaseous product of a

chemical reaction is to conduct it into an inverted tube or bottle filled with
water, the opening of which is immersed in a larger container of water.
This arrangement is called a pneumatic trough, and was widely used in
the early days of chemistry. As the gas enters the bottle it displaces the
water and becomes trapped in the upper part.


The volume of the gas can be observed by means of a calibrated scale on

the bottle, but what about its pressure? The total pressure confining the
gas is just that of the atmosphere transmitting its force through the water.
(An exact calculation would also have to take into account the height of
the water column in the inverted tube.) But liquid water itself is always in
equilibrium with its vapor, so the space in the top of the tube is a mixture
of two gases: the gas being collected, and gaseous H 2O. The partial
pressure of H2O is known as the vapor pressure of water and it depends on
the temperature. In order to determine the quantity of gas we have
collected, we must use Dalton's Law to find the partial pressure of that

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