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Tutorial: How to Create Component Symbol in ISIS Proteus

Syed Noman ud din

December 6, 2015

ISIS Tutorials


In this tutorialwe will explain the step by step process how to create component symbol in ISIS Proteusif
it is not readily available in the ISIS library.



Proteus in one of the extensively used technical softwares used by electronic & electrical engineers to
perform simulations and verify their circuits. It has a rich library containing a variety of components and
ICs. However not every IC is present in the ISIS library. It is possible that a user may use a component/IC
in his circuit but found out that the device is not available in ISIS. To overcome such situation, it is possible
to make device symbol in ISIS and include it in the library for future use as well. This article will explain
the whole process how to create component symbol in ISIS Proteus

To make you better understand, I take example of a current source or LED driver IC LM3590. The IC

schematic symbol or structure is shown in the figure.

It has 5 pins and the purpose, name and number of each Pin is shown in the figure.

First step toCreate Component Symbol in ISIS Proteus is drawing the outlay/body/box of the component.
It is done by selecting 2D Graphic box and makes the body.

It must be noted that approximate dimensions can be taken for the

ISIS component making depending upon number of pins. It is not necessary to make the components
exactly of the same dimensions as of that given in data sheet. However in ARES it is important to follow
the dimensions strictly. To understand, please refer to my article how to make footprints in ARES.
STEP 2 Placement of Pin
The next step is to add the required number of pins. For this purpose, go the deivce pin mode and select
the appropriate type of Pin.It is recommended that select the default style however, depends upon the

requirement another style can also be selected.Since LM3590 contains 5 pins so we will connect 5 pins to
the body as shown in the figure

The most important thing to remember while connecting pins is the correct orientation. At one end of pin,
there is a cross symbol. It must be ensured that the side of pin opposite to cross should be at the body of
the symbol. The wrong and correct orientation of pins is shown in the above figure.
Step 3: Name and Number each Pin
In this step, name and number will be assigned to each pin according to its data sheet. To do this, double
click on each pin and a window will appear as shown in the figure.

In the Pin name box, write the pin name. For example according to data sheet of LM3590, top left pin is
input pin. So we named it as Vin. Pin names are also specified in the data sheet. After the pin name, pin

number is specified. Top left pin is number 4, so 4 written in Pin number box. Next is to specify the pin
type. Make sure that type is specified correctly. Make sure that power pins are selected as power pin while
pins used for both input and output purpose are selected as IO bidirectional.

After naming and numbering the pins, the next step to create component symbol in ISIS Proteus is to
specify the origin or center point of the device symbol. It is important because the symbol will rotate
across this axis when it is to be used in the circuit.This is done by going into the 2D graphics Markers
Mode and selecting the origin. Than, putting the origin symbol in the middle of the symbol body as shown
in the figure.


After completing the previous four steps, last step is to create component symbol in ISIS Proteus. To
accomplish this, after selecting the whole component and right click by putting mouse cursor on the
component. A dialog box will appear so select make device as shown in the figure.

After left click on the make device, a window will appear where the device name and other related
information can be entered.Enter the device name as LM3905. Other information can left or can be
specified depends on the choice of the user.


Next is to assign packaging to the device. Packaging is the ARIES symbol/footprint that appears on the
PCB. So the need of assigning packaging is the requirement of PCB making not in ISIS simulation. However
it is recommended that package must be assigned to the newly created symbol. Click on the next button
and it will ask to assign package. Consider the following figure.

Click on the add/Edit and the window on the left will appear. Now there are two possibilities.
If the structure of the device is such that its footprint/packaging specified in the datasheet exactly
matches with the packaging of any other device, than that package can be assigned to the symbol. ARIES
has a rich library and it is possible in most cases that the device package can readily be found in the
ARIES library.
If the package/footprint of any other device do not matches with any other one present in the ACRIES
library than in such case, a special footprint/package can be created for it in ARIES. The step by step
process of making footprint in ARIES shown in my article, how to make custom ARIES footprint and
assign it to the ISIS symbol.

Since the assigning package is the requirement of PCB making and it is explained in , how to make custom
ARIES footprint and assign it to the ISIS symbol, click on next without assigning package to complete the
procedure how to create component symbol in ISIS Proteus.

The following window will appear.

Enter the name and description of the newly created Symbol. Specify the type and click next. A new
window will appear asking for the Datasheet. It is not necessary so it can be skipped. If you want to add

data sheet just click on the add button and specify the location of the datasheet.

Than click next and window asking to specify the type and category of the newly created symbol. It is
recommended that select the miscellaneous category. Specify the manufacturer according to the
datasheet. If the manufacturer is not itemized in the list, select others. Also write description and notes for
future reference.

Click on the OK to complete the tutorial how toCreate Component Symbol in ISIS Proteus Now the newly
created symbol will appear in the device list on the left. It can be added to the simulation like other
devices in the library.

NOTE: it must be noted that the symbol does not have simulation model so it cannot perform simulation
at this stage. It is just a symbol and if assigned package, it will appear on the PCB layout. To understand
how to add simulation model to it, please refer to my article how to add simulation model to a newly
created symbol in ISIS. Therefore to run the simulation, exclude it from the simulation otherwise
simulation will not run. Consider the following figure.

If the package is not assigned, also exclude it from the PCB layout by selecting the option as shown in the
above figure.If you have any further question regarding how to create component symbol in ISIS Proteus
feels free to ask in the comments. If you like it, please share it with your friends.

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