Crazy Facts

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Crazy Facts

1. Mens shirts have the buttons on the right while womens shirts have the buttons on
the left.

Because when buttons first appeared in the 17th century, they were seen only on
garments of the wealthy. At that time it was the custom for rich men to dress themselves
and for women to be dressed by servants.
Having women's shirts button from the left thus made things easier for the mostly righthanded servants who dressed them. Having men's shirts button from the right made
sense not only because most men dressed themselves, but also because a sword drawn
from the left hip with the right hand would be less likely to become caught in the shirt.
2. The Ramses brand of condom is named after the great Pharaoh Ramses II, who
supposedly fathered over 160 children.

3. Kopi Luwak, the worlds most expensive coffee, is made from the coffee beans
collected from the dried feces of palm civet - small, cat-like creatures found in southeast Asia.

The animal eats only the select berries, giving it a special flavor. It ingests the coffee
cherries needed for this bizarre delicacy, but doesn't digest them. The animal passes the
beans through its digestive tract to be picked up by waiting humans.
Kopi Luwak has spread from Indonesia to the US and Europe, with a London outlet last
year announcing that it will charge patrons 70 for a cup.
4. In most of the malls today, perfumes are always found at the entrance. There's a
reason behind this:

Before automobile came in, commuters used to depend on horses, which used to leave
lots of dung on the roads. Just to ensure the stench/bad odor would not enter the sales
outlet, perfumes and fragrances were always kept at the entrance. This was done so that
the customers would have a pleasant experience the moment they step in.
5. A honey bee must tap two million flowers to make one pound of honey.
6. Potato chips were invented in Saratoga Springs in 1853 by chef George Crum as a
mocking response to a patron who complained that his French fries were too thick.

7. To determine the percentage of alcohol in a bottle of liquor divide the proof by two.
8. American Airlines saved $40,000 a year by taking out ONE olive from each salad they
9. Jeans are stitched with orange thread so that it goes well with the coper rivets on
10. The first product to have a bar code on its packaging was Wrigley's gum.
11. The first cloned animal `Dolly' was named in honor of Dolly Parton, because it was
cloned from a `mammary' cell

12. It takes 43 muscles to frown but only 17 to smile.

13. If a statue of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in

battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds
received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural

14. The liquid inside tender coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma in
15. Honey is the only food that doesnt spoil. It was found in an edible form even in the
Pyramids. When you call someone honey, you are blessing them with a long life.
16. Only one McDonald's in the world has turquoise arches. This is in Sedona, Arizona.
The Government officials thought the yellow would look bad with the natural red rock of
the city.

17. Black box, the in-flight voice recorder, is painted orange so that it can be spotted
easily in the event of a plane crash.

18. "A Persian carpet is perfectly imperfect, and precisely imprecise." Carpet makers in
Iran introduce a deliberate flaw into their work so it is not perfect. This is because
according to Islam, only Allah is perfect.
19. The sailors bell-bottom trousers, are commonly believed to be introduced in 1817 to
permit men to roll them above the knee when washing down the decks and to make it
easier to remove them in a hurry when forced to abandon ship or when washed
overboard. In addition the trousers may be used as a life preserver by knotting the legs
and swinging them over your head to fill the legs with air.

20. An airplane pilot and copilot are required to eat different meals to minimize the
threat due to poisoning. Because even if one meal is contaminated, it is highly unlikely
that the other is, ensuring the safety of at least one pilot!
21. For more than fifty years after the formation of the Indian Railways, there was one
crucial element that was missing on the nation's trains: toilets.
Passengers had to wait till the stations to answer the call of nature, and it was not until a
passenger named Okhil Chandra Sen wrote this angry yet amusing letter in 1909 that

toilets were installed on Indian trains.

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