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Set up the Learning VM

1. Get

an up-to-date version of your virtualization software.

We suggest using either VirtualBox or a VMware

application appropriate for your platform. VirtualBox
is free and available for Linux, OS X, and Windows.
VMware has several desktop virtualization
applications, including VMWare Fusion for Mac and
VMware Workstation for Windows.
2. The

Learning VM's Open Virtualization Archive format

must be imported rather than opened directly.

Launch your virtualization software and find an
option for Import or Import Appliance. (This will
usually be in a File menu. If you cannot locate an
Import option, please refer to your virtualization
software's documentation.)
3. Before

starting the VM for the first time, you will need to

adjust its settings. Allocate 2 CPUs and at least 2GB

(2048 MB) of RAM. Set the Network Adapter to
Bridged. Use an Autodetect setting if available, or
accept the default Network Adapter name. (If you
started the VM before making these changes, you
may need to restart the VM before the settings will
be applied correctly.)

4. Start

the VM. When it is started, make a note of the IP

address displayed on the splash page. Rather than

logging in directly, we highly recommend using SSH.
On OS X, you can use the default Terminal
application or a third-party application like iTerm. For
Windows, we suggest the free SSH client PuTTY.
Connect to the Learning VM with the login root and
password puppet. (e.g. ssh root@<IPADDRESS>)
5. To

access the Quest Guide and get started, enter the

Learning VM's IP address in your browser's address
bar. (Be sure to use http://<ADDRESS> for the Quest
Guide, as https://<ADDRESS> will take you to the PE

For the most up-to-date version of this troubleshooting
information, check the GitHub repository. If nothing here
resolves your issue, feel free to email us at and we'll do our best to
address your issue.
For issues with Puppet Enterprise that are not specific to
the Learning VM, see the Puppet Enterprise Known


The cowsay package won't install!

The Learning VM version 2.29 has an error in the
instructions for this quest. The cowsay package
declaration should include provider => 'gem', rather than
ensure => 'gem'.

I completed a task, but the quest tool doesn't

show it as complete
The quest tool uses a series of Serverspec tests for each
quest to track task progress. Certain tasks simply check
your bash history for an entered command. In some
cases, the /root/.bash_history won't be properly initialized,
causing these tests to fail. Exiting the VM and logging in
again will fix this issue.
It is also possible that we have written the test for a task
in a way that is too restrictive and doesn't correctly
capture a valid syntactical variation in your Puppet code
or another relevant file. You can check the specific
matchers by looking at a quest's spec file in the
~/.testing/spec/localhost/ directory. If you find an issue here,

please let us know by sending an email to

Password Required for the Quest Guide

The Learning VM's Quest Guide is accessible at
http://<VM's IP Address>. Note that this is http and not https

which is reserved for the PE console. The PE console will

prompt you for a password, while no password is required
for the Quest Guide. (The Quest Guide includes a
password for the PE console in the Power of Puppet

Does the Learning VM work on vSphere, ESXi,

Possibly, but we don't currently have the resources to test
or support the Learning VM on these platforms. If you do
get it to work smoothly on a different platform and want
to share, we're all ears!

My puppet run fails!

The Learning VM generally runs the puppet master stack
in an environment with less resources and less consistent

network settings than a production installation. This

means that components of the puppet master may crash.
This is the most common reason for a puppet run to fail.
Rather than troubleshooting individual services, the
easiest way to address this is to restart the VM. Also note
that on restarting the VM or restarting a service, it may
take some time for all component services of puppet to
fully come on line. If your puppet runs still fail after
restarting, please wait a minute and try your puppet run
You can debug check the status of puppet services
specifically with the systemctl command. If you notice any
stopped puppet-related services (e.g. pe-puppetdb), try
starting them. (e.g. service pe-puppetdb start).
If you get an error along the lines of Error 400 on SERVER:
Unknown function union... it is likely because thepuppetlabsstdlib module has not been installed. This module is a

dependency for many modules, and provides a set of

common functions. If you are running the Learning VM
offline, you cannot rely on the Puppet Forge's dependency
resolution. We have this module and all other modules
required for the Learning VM cached, with instructions to
install them in the Power of Puppet quest. If that
installation fails, you may try adding the --force flag after

the --ignore-dependencies flag.

If your puppet runs still fail after trying the steps above,
feel free to contact us at or
check the Puppet Enterprise Known Issues page.

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