From Creation To Chaos

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From Creation to Chaos

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In the beginning, the Godhead created the heavens and the earth. And the
Godhead decided to place upon the earth for a habitation creatures They called
Angels. They created in these Angels an inbred desire to worship the Creator.
And they also gave Their creation a free will. The firstborn of creation They
named Lucifer, which means Son of the Morning. And Lucifer became a mighty
angel, great in wisdom and stature. The Godhead appointed Lucifer to be the
Archangel, above all the other angels of creation. And Lucifer chose another
mighty angel to be his second in command. This angel was known as Michael.
Lucifer and Michael worked very closely together for many millennia, and they
became good friends. And they always chose to follow the will of the Godhead
in every action that they made, until one day

Luke sat at his large oak desk nervously eyeing his nameplate. His pet serpent, which
he had named Mickey after his best friend and second in command, stood at his side with
his head resting on his lap. It seemed a little cold in the office today. Luke gently pushed
Mickey to the side and stood up. He crossed the room, passing the computer system that
was a necessity as he kept records on every angel ever created and all the events that had
ever happened on Earth. He stoked up the fire. Now that felt a little better. As he stood
warming by the fire, he remembered that it had been a while since he had found the time
for a vacation. He would love to be able to visit Heaven for a while. But no, there was
too much to be done here on the earth. A frivolous trip would have to wait.
Luke could smell the coffee brewing. He badly needed a cup. Maybe it would help
him calm down a little. He considered his current feelings. For some time now, the
Godhead had been making many decisions that he had a hard time following, yet he had
always reluctantly followed them. However, for the first time in his existence, he did not
want to follow a decision that had been made by the Godhead.

He passed the closed

door of his office as he crossed to his small kitchenette. Mickey ran playfully at his side,
but he shooed him away absently. Mickey fell to his four feet and slithered away, hissing

Steven J. Lee

Creative Writing and the Bible

From Creation to Chaos

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as he often did when rejected by his master. Luke poured a large cup of hot coffee and
took a big drink. It soothed his nerves as it slid smoothly down the back of his throat. He
wished Michael would hurry up and arrive. He really needed to talk to him about what
was going on. He needed to let him know how he was feeling. Mike always helped him
sort things out, although lately Mike had been annoying him with his puppy-like
acquiescence to the Godhead.
He slowly walked back over to his desk and sat down. Although he was third in
command of the entire universe, he felt like nothing more than an administrator. Even
though he totally disagreed with The Plan, as the Godhead referred to it, he was
expected to implement it, no questions asked. This new feeling he was experiencing,
much like a teenager feels the first time he considers rebelling against his parents wishes,
was both objectionable and tantalizing at the same time. Maybe the Godhead wasnt
right all the time. Maybe it was time They started listening to him. No, he knew it
wasnt right. Yet something kept pulling at him. He absently glanced at his nameplate
again. Lucifer, Archangel, it said. What a joke, Luke thought.

The return from Heaven was proving to be uneventful. Mike had just enjoyed a twoweek stay, and he was refreshed by a wonderful time. He had actually been granted an
audience with the Godhead, and he enjoyed the time he spent with Them. He was eager
to get back to work and tell Luke about all that had transpired. He now had a very good
understanding of The Plan, and could not wait to discuss it with Luke. He knew his
boss would be excited about the new details also.

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Creative Writing and the Bible

From Creation to Chaos

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As he flew into the Milky Way galaxy, he remembered the time he and Luke had
worked together on implementing the system that tracked the history of the universe.
Before their program, everything was very unwieldy and inefficient. There were rooms
and rooms of paper records, which were a nightmare to search through when you needed
to find anything. He and Luke had worked long hours together, night after night, week
after week, until they had come up with a system in which they could both be proud. It
was during that time that they had realized how much they have in common. That had
been the beginning of a long professional and personal relationship.
But Mike was disturbed by one trend he had seen while in Heaven. There seemed to
be a feeling among some of the angels that there was something wrong with The Plan.
A group of angels had got together and found some other angels who felt the way they
did. They had released something they called a poll, and it said that 33% of the angels
did not think that The Plan should be implemented. Who really cares what the angels
think, anyway? If the Creator believes this is what should be done, who are we to argue?
But still, it was probably nothing to worry about. These angels were not very well
organized, and they would need a strong leader before they would even register anyones
attention. And there was no angel in any leadership position that Mike could even think
of who would take up this issue.
The AA Building that was Mikes destination was now visible down below. It was a
large metallic structure that dominated the earthly landscape for miles around. He really
liked working in the Department of Angelic Administration. He felt like he was making
a difference in the lives of his fellow angels every day. As he landed in front of the
building, he could smell a particular brand of coffee wafting from the sixth floor window.

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Creative Writing and the Bible

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He had a renewed sense of excitement as he anticipated the discussion with Luke about
the great plans of the Godhead. And he could sure use a cup of Lukes coffee.

Mike bounded up the metallic stairs of the AA Building, his boots clanking loudly
upon each step. As he ran excitedly through the front door, he almost tripped over a
bunch of boxes that had been left right inside the door. He glanced over at the delivery
driver who had left them there, who apologetically hurried over and moved them out of
Mikes way. Mike gave her a hearty, Hello, and then continued on his way into the
Mike paused just outside the closed office door. As he lifted his hand to knock on the
door, he recalled the dinner where Luke had requested that Mike serve as his second in
Mike, Ive been watching you. And not only me, but the Godhead
also. Luke said.
Mike replied with a chuckle, I hope thats a good thing.
Luke smiled. He said, We all believe you are an extremely hard
worker and an angel of integrity. The Godhead was particularly impressed
with your work on that program we spent so much time on a few years
back. They also believe that with all they things that fall under my
discretion, that it might be a good idea for me to have some help. While I
dont necessarily agree that I need the assistance, if I must pick someone, I
can think of no one I would rather it be than you. Luke laughed as if the
part about him being forced to pick someone were a joke, and that is the

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Creative Writing and the Bible

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way it was understood by Mike. (If only Mike had known how serious
Luke actually was). But Luke had been truthful when he said he would
like it to be Mike. He did consider Mike a good friend.
Of course, Id love to get more involved in the higher levels of
administration, Mike said. I have many ideas that I think would be of
great value to our department. It would be an honor to work that much
closer with you.
Mike pulled himself back to the present. His hand fell upon the wooden door in a
number of light knocks. Luke smiled to himself as he recognized the knock.
Come in, Mike. Luke said.
Mike opened the door. Maybe it isnt me, he laughed.
Mickey ran across the room and jumped into Mikes arms. Mike laughed as Mickey
licked his face all over. Well, Im glad to see you too, boy, Mike said. Mike gently
placed him back on the floor as Luke reached them and extended his hand. They shook
hands as Luke said, Welcome back. Weve missed you.
Its good to be back. Mike stated. I have so much to tell you.
Great. Cup of coffee? Luke offered.
Of course, Mike said. Ive been waiting for it.
Luke moved toward the kitchenette as Mike seated himself in the large leather chair
just in front of Lukes desk. Without a word, Luke poured a large cup of hot coffee and
brought it over to Mike. Mike took a large drink as Luke went around the desk and sat in
his chair.
Just as good as I expected. Mike said

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Creative Writing and the Bible

From Creation to Chaos

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So, Ive been hearing rumors about The Plan. Luke said, with just a tinge of
untainted sarcasm. Did you learn any details while you were in heaven?
Mike shook off the feeling of Lukes sarcasm quickly.

It must have been his

imagination. He knew Luke too well. Details? You want details? Mike exclaimed
playfully. Would you believe me if I told you I was granted an audience with the
Godhead Themselves?
This time Luke was able to hide his true feelings a little better. Jealousy is what he
felt. But he said, Mike, thats wonderful. That doesnt happen every day, you know.
Yes I do know, said Mike. I know youve been in Their presence before, so I am
sure you know what a great feeling it is. To be that close to the Creator brought much joy
to my heart.
I remember the feeling. Luke said. So what did They tell you?
They are planning on creating a new being. Mike informed Luke. They refer to
this new creation as human. These humans will be mostly material beings, unlike us
mostly spiritual beings. They will also be what the Godhead refers to as mortal. This
means that they will live their limiting material existence for a short period of time, say
about a hundred years. Then their material being will return to the dust from which they
were created, and their spirit will join with us in the heavenly realms.
It was just as Luke had heard. What an absolutely stupid idea, Luke thought. Did
they give you any reason for this plan? Luke questioned.
They see it as nothing more than a test with a reward. Mike responded. A man and
a woman will be placed in a garden much like Heaven. They will rule over this garden
and all of its creation. They will have complete free will to do anything they would like

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Creative Writing and the Bible

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in the garden except for one thing. In the middle of the garden will be a tree. If they eat
from this tree, it will give them knowledge of good and evil. When they pass the test the
Godhead has put before them, they will be allowed to eat of the Tree of Life, and their
mortality will end. They will rule over the entire Earth as we rule in the heavens.
With a flash of anger that Mike was unaccustomed to, Luke screamed, But I thought
I was ruler of all the Earth! He quickly got his emotions under control and said, I am
third in control of the entire universe. Why would They want to take the Earth away
from me?
Mike was taken aback. I have heard rumblings of discontent from lesser angels, but
I did not expected to see them in someone as disciplined as you. He said, Luke, you
are still third in command of the entire universe. As far as I know, the Godhead will
continue to see you as the Prince of the Power of the Air. This is nothing more than a
new type of creation that the Godhead would like to try out. They have lived through
many millennia with us angels as their only creation, and they are merely ready for
something new. Is there anything really wrong with that?
That depends, Mike. Luke replied. If that is all there is to it, there is nothing
wrong. But dont you see, these humans are spiritual and material. They will probably
come to view themselves as better than us. And if the Godhead invests a lot of time in
them, they may begin to see them as better also. Then where will I, where will we, be?
Mike got up and paced across the room. He absently patted Mickey on the head as he
coiled around his leg. He replied, Luke, this just doesnt sound like you. What do you
care about another creation of the Godhead? You will still be the mightiest of all the

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Creative Writing and the Bible

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angels. You will always be the first-born of creation, and no one can take that away from
you. Certainly, you should not be threatened by a new act of the Godhead.
Threatened? I am not even threatened by the Godhead Itself. Luke regretted it as
soon as he had said it. But now he had said it. So he decided to move forward. He
needed to know if he could count on Mike for his rebellion. Yes, he had just decided it.
He did know how to handle things better than the Godhead. If these were the idiotic
plans that were going to start coming from Them, then he had to take control while
there was still time. He said, Mike, have you noticed how the ideas that the Godhead
have been coming up with for the last couple of millennia have been making less and less
Mike was cautious as he proceeded. No, I really havent. What are you talking
about, Luke?
Well for instance, those dinosaurs. What were They thinking placing those huge
material beings down on our Earth? These huge beings were tromping around making an
absolute mess of a lot of our material holdings. It sounded flimsy even as he said it, yet
he knew he was right in principle.
Mike said, You are making entirely no sense at all, Luke.
I know you and I together could do a lot better than the Godhead, Mike. We could
make this Earth an angelic paradise and shake off the bonds that this Godhead places
upon us. We have done wonderful things together, and I know we could do things that
our fellow angels have not even imagined. We could make a much better life for us all.
Mike looked at Luke with almost fear on his face. He really didnt know what to say.

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Creative Writing and the Bible

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Luke waited an uncomfortable moment that seemed like an eternity before he burst
out laughing. He said, The look on your face is priceless, Mike. I didnt know how
much longer I could go on without laughing. Of course, I think this plan of the Creator is
a wonderful idea. I cant wait to get the details so that I can implement it as soon as
possible. I am so glad you are back. I havent had this much fun in a long time.
Mike laughed uneasily. He loved his friend very much, and he truly wanted to
believe it was all just a big practical joke. But in his heart of hearts, he wasnt convinced.
He would have to keep his eyes and ears open.
Luke jumped out of his chair and took the coffee cups to the kitchenette. Well,
weve both got a lot to do. Will I see you later this evening?
Of course. Luke said as he stood up from his chair and headed for the door.
Weve still got the tickets to the big game tonight.
As he exited the room, Luke had momentary thoughts of getting rid of him right then
and there. He had decided he was going to rebel against the Godhead, and he didnt need
any loose ends lying around. But, in fact, he truly did love Mike. Mike just couldnt
overcome his navet in following the Godhead with puppy-like faith. However, Mike
would be a formidable opponent, Luke thought, but one who will never be as good as me.
As he sat back at his desk and glanced knowingly at his nameplate, he said Goodbye,
Michael. He was Lucifer, the greatest angel ever created. Michael had told him there
were others in Heaven who had been thinking the same thoughts. He would organize
them. The Godhead would know his wrath.

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Creative Writing and the Bible

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Mike closed the door. Michael? He hasnt called me that in years, he thought. He
was still uneasy about what had just transpired. He would ask him about it at the game
And then Lucifer rebelled against the Godhead. And one-third of the angels
joined him in rebellion. The Godhead appointed Michael as the new Archangel,
and though he loved the angel he had known as Lucifer, he could not allow the
rebellion to succeed. Spiritual warfare took place in the heavenlies, and this
had a devastating effect upon the material. Lucifer and his one-third were
defeated and cast out of Heaven. Lucifer planned his revenge on the Godheads
new creation. Now the earth was void and without form

Steven J. Lee

Creative Writing and the Bible

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