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| upc 678.5/.8:6204: DIN 53479 7b MM 2794444 0018374 &b mm | DEUTSCHE NORMEN 31.754/.755 «| Ee He Bu z scare abc aezgewoin ner Gonshigog ee DI Dashes nt Naming Va ein gett, Froese Onenetengsntt Feny @- Freaman, Obssdort Testing of Plastics and Elastomers Determination of Density Prafung von Kunststoffon und Elastomeren; Bestimmung der Dichte For connection with the Recommendation ISO/R 1183-1970 issued by the International Organization for Standard- ization (ISO), soo Explanations. 1 Purpose and application ‘The methods given in this Standard are used for deter- mining the density of plastics, elastomers and products made from these; It does not however cover eallular materials 1). ‘Tho density is a property that ean be determined quickly and used for detecting physical and/or chemical changos in plastics and elastomers. A density determination is often carried out for monitoring the manufacture and processing of plastics and elastomers Which of the methods given below is chosen for det mining density depends on the type of material, the shape ‘and size of the specimen and the requirements regarding repeatability and reproducibility of the results according to DIN 61848 Part 1. Method A Determination of density by the immersion method Examples of application: Half-inished products and ished parts (e.. sheets, rods, tubes ete.) ‘Method B Determination of density with the pyenometer Examples of application: Moulding materials) (granules and powder). ‘Method Determination of density by the sink-float method Examples of application: Half-finished products, parts and granules. ished Method D Determination of donsity by the density gradient method Examples of application: Half-finished products, finished parts and granules. Mota: Determination of density by caleulation of the volume from the dimensions and weighing the specimen 1 stipulated in DIN 53.420, 2. Definition) ‘Tho density 9 of a material is the quotient of the ‘mass m divided by the volume V. eye Sanit: ko/im? Normal unit: g/m? 3. Manufacture and shape of specimens 3.1 Methods A, C and D ‘Specimens are taken from half-finished products and finished parts. Care should be taken to ensure that no ‘change in density caused by compression stresses occurs when the specimens are cut out, The surfaces af spet mens shall be smooth and frae from cavities so as to pre vent air bubbles being entrapped on them when the spec ‘men is immersed in the test liquid) With methods C and D, moulding materials in the form Of granules are measured in the "as-delivered” condition. ‘Tho dimensions of specimens for determination of density by method D must be chosen to permit accurate measure- ment of the height of the contre of the volume. 32 Method B Polymerizates and moulding materials in the form of powders and granules are measured in the "asdelivered'* condition. 4 Number of specimens ‘The density shall be determined on 8 specimens, using ‘the same method. 5 Pretreatment of specimens Untess othorwiso proscribed, specimens shall be tested in the “assdelivered” condition. 6 Test liquid ‘Tho tost liquids used for determination of density must not cause the speciman to swell dissolved. When testing materials of unknown compo- sition, a test liquid shal first of all be found that meets ‘these requirements within the period of the test. The ‘est liquid shall be agreed and stated in the test report. Wo te: If necessary, the spocimen for determination of density according to methods A, B or Ca liquid-tight coating of a material of known density, eg. parattin wax, ‘has to be applied. Tho mass and density of this coating ‘shall be taken into account when calculating the density. Ty For determination of grossdensity of cellular materials, see DIN 3.420 2) For definition moulding material, see DIN 7708 Partt 3) See DIN 1308 Continued on pages 2 t0 4 Explanations on page & ‘Niinvertaut dor Naren rch Gouth Vorlag Gm Borin 30 una Kain T o 09.78 . DIN 63479 ongl. Prelsgr. 6 Verte, 0108 SDIN 53479 76 MM 2794446 0018375 8 mm | Page 2. DIN 63479 7. Test temperature ‘The temporature of the test liquid for determination of density by the methods given in this Standard shall be (200.1) °C or (23 *0.1) °C, If an accuracy of a result to within three significant figures Is adequate, the testing can be carried out with the tost liquid at a temperature of (20% 1) °C or (23 * 1) °C. Care should be taken, however, that the requirements conceming repeatability and reproducibility will not then. bbe complied with, Note: The density isin all cases determined at the calibration temperature given on the apparatuses usod. 8 Determinations 8.1 Method A: Determination of density by the immersion method 8.1.1 Apporatuses 4) Balance with an error limit of 0.0004 9. Donsity hydrometor with scale graduations of 0.0008 g/oms according to DIN 12781. 8.1.2" Test modia FoF other suitable liquid, which may con- tain up to 0.4 % wetting agent for removal of air bubbles. 8.1.3 Procedure ‘The spocimen is weighed suspended with a thin wire (diameter: maximum 0.126 mm) (m4), and then im= morsed in the test liquid and again weighed (mg). Care should be taken to ensure that no air bubbles adhere to the speclie ‘Tho donsity of the test liquid gy Is determined with @ density hydrometer, and shouid be checked before each measurement. Note: If the specimen has @ lower density than the test liquid, a sinker, 0.9. a lead weight, should be attached With the specimen to a thin wire and immersed in the test liquid and both weighed together. The mass of the sinker when weighed In air and in the test liquid must be deducted from masses my and ma. The displacement produced by the sinker must be taken into account. 8.1.4 Evaluation The density g in g/amS is calculated from the following Wher ‘my Mass in g of the specimen weighed in air ‘mz. Mass in g of the spocimen, less the mass of the dis- placed liquid (weighing of specimen in liquid) F- Density of the test liquid in g/cm? Repeatability: 0.002 g/ems Reproducibility: 0.004 g/em3 8.2. Method Determination of donsity with the pyenometer 8.2.1 Apparatuses4) Balance with an error limit of 0.0001 9 Pycnometer, calibrated according to DIN 12797 Test liquid: Distilled wator or other suitable liquid, which may con- tain up to 0.1 % wetting agent for removal of air bubbles ‘and whose density is less than that of the specimen, 8.2.3. Procedure ‘The empty pycnometer, after cleaning and drying, is weighed (m}, and the specimen then inserted and a further weighing carried out (mp). The pyenometor, with ‘the specimen, is then filled to the elrcular measuring mark with the test liquid and again weighed (mg). The pyeno- ‘meter is then emptied and cleaned, filled with the test liquid up to the circular measuring mark and weighed (rip). Note: In arbitration cases, it is recommended that,

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