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CHEMICAL HAZARD BULLETIN NO. 414 Saud Arameo Product: ARAB EXTRA LIGHT ARAB LIGHT, ARAB MEDIUM and ‘ARAB HEAVY PETROLEUM CRUDE OIL oy ‘TAN TO BLACK VISCOUS LIQUID, MILD TO PUNGENT AS: 9002-05-8 ce HYDROCARBON ODOR, MODERATE IRRITANT, UN: 1267 EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE, ASPIRATION HAZARD GUIDE: 128 ‘VAPOR - Petroleum Crude Gil is a mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons (7.8-12.3% kerosene, (OR Mist: 2.5% butane) and traces benzene, hydrogen. sulfde, vanadium, and polyruciear aromatics. No PEL or TLV® has been adopted for cruce oll. Benzene has a PEL of 1 PPM. Liquid mist or vapors can cause eye, skin and respiratory tract imitation and CNS’ depression. In hot confined spaces’ may produce enough vapor to cause headaches, nusea, dizziness, weakness, and loss of coordination or death. Lau: rel wack lt eyes, Fewest or done thin coiad my vareinreeed| health Cracking loeding 'o Want dermatis and infocton. Ingestion canbe foal. May cause {eerste upset, natscehvomitng, narcosis, dzziness, drowaness, bee ot | NaZAardS Scorinaion, come are death, As wth ether hycrotatbon iquds, expat ito the lunge, for example folowing Ingestion and vortng, fe Ika to cause fatal choral pnoumorite WEAR RECOMMENDED GLOVES TO HANDLE CRUDE OIL Flammable liquid. The flash point is 25°C (19°F) and the flammable range In air s 0.9%(LEL) to 7 0%(UEL) Products of thermal decomposition include toxic oxides of carbon and suffur. Firefighters mus! wear SCBA. fire and REACTIVITY: Stable under normal temperatures and pressures. Reacts with sirong oxidizers and stiong acid Pits oral. reactivity EXTINGUISH FIRES WITH WATER SPRAY, DRY CHEMICAL, FOAM, HALON OR CO, ‘USAGE: ‘Raw material for hydrocarbon fuels and petrochemical processing. No smoking. Bond tnd ground contsinere when transfering rom one vooeatoanothor. STORAGE & Usual stored in bulk tanks, Stow in wel venilated arse, removed ftom heat or TRANSPORTATION: | inion source and fiom oxidizers. Always label containers. For transportation, Should be iebeed wih DOTMO hazardous weringlabel FLAMMABLE QU. | handlliny sPuLis! Evacuate al non escent! personnel. Eliminate sources of ignition and abeorb ell ig LEAKS: Cal Enironnerial Engnaatng Dvsion at 874-0120 or 745428. for depossl | aac procedures sarery Ist exposure stunt, nerene (SN 21-82-00) of Buren o Point | StOTAGE EQUIPMENT: ‘cohol (OVA, 21-492-024 gloves shculd bo used and safety gogdes or face seld for eye protection. Eye wash fountains should be maintained where chemicals aro ‘used. For concentrations oxceeding the recommended exposure limit, woor ro9pirator racommonded por Industrial Hygiene approval. USE CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PROCEDURES WHEN APPROPRIATE INHALATION Move vicim to fresh air. Wfbreatiing i dffcut, administor oxygen. f breathing has stopped, give cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). EYEISKIN ‘Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Hold eyes open end flush with water for 15 ‘CONTACT: Ininutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes and wash skin thoroughly with ‘soap and water. Ifirrtaion persists seek medical attention. Loundry contaminated | ge 2 clotiing before rowoarng, first aid INGESTION: Keep vietim quiot. Aspiration hazard. DO NOT induce vomiting. Immediately take victim to hospial CALL 110 FOR MEDICAL AID For further information, cll Iadustial Hygiene: 872-2623 (DH), 678-4902 (RT), 572-3553 (ABQ), 0 427-2217 GID). Hiacard Ratings: O-Insignificant, 1~Slight,2-Moderate,3-High, and 4~Exireme Revised 1022/2001

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