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Assignment: Quantitative tools for Research (not to be submitted)


Case Study
Study I: The title of the first study is Impact of Mobile usage on the education of university students, The data
was collected from different universities of Karachi (public & private), the total sample size is 150. Main
objective of the study is to find the positive or negative impact of mobile usage on education. For this purpose
questionnaire was designed in three parts, first part comprise of the questions related to demographic & mobile
usage (number of hours per day), second part questions related to positive impact (question #1 to 9) and third part
questions related to negative impact (question #10 to 18). Further questionnaire is divided into four variables,
Academic Performance, Moral Value, Communication & Language and Functions & Features. These variables are
obtained by taking median as average of responses (rounding to 0 decimals).
Variable Name: MU for mobile usage, PI for positive impact, NI for negative impact, AP for academic
performance, MV for moral value, CL for communication & language and finally FF for function & features. The
questions from 1 to 18 are on 5 likert scale (strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree & strongly disagree) and
MU is assessed with four options: less than 1 hour, 1 3 hours, 4 6 hours, 7 9 hours and more than 10 hours
In order to find the relationship between MU and other variables, the SPSS software was used and different
statistical techniques were applied to analyzed the primary data. The results are as follows, kindly guide the
researcher to interpret the SPSS output:
Study II: The title of the second study is Emotional Intelligence as Predictor of Employee Motivation:
Evidence from Degree Awarding Institute. This study seeks to investigate the relationship between Emotional
Intelligence and Employee Motivation among the employees of degree rewarding institute in Karachi. The data
was gathered from 150 respondents among the employees of the institute selected. For this purpose questionnaire
was designed in three parts, first part comprise of the questions related to demographic (gender & age), second
part questions related to emotional intelligence (question #1 to 15) and third part questions related to employee
motivation (question #16 to 30). Further questionnaire is divided into six variables, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal,
Adaptability, Work Environment, Risk Taking, and Employee Need. These variables are obtained by taking
median as average of responses (rounding to 0 decimals).
Variable Name: EI for emotional intelligence, EM for employee motivation, IAP for intrapersonal, IEP for
interpersonal, AD for adaptability, WE for work environment, RT for risk taking and finally EN for employee
need. The questions from 1 to 30 are on 5 likert scale (strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree & strongly
In order to find the relationship between EI and EM, the SPSS software was used and different statistical
techniques were applied to analyzed the primary data. The results are as follows, kindly guide the researcher to
interpret the SPSS output:

Following are the output (SPSS) of reliability test, kindly guide the researcher about the usefulness of
reliability test is survey data, also specify the benchmark and elaborate each of the following results:

Following are the output (SPSS) of the sample adequacy test for variables included in two different
studies. Explain the results in detail:

Following are the output (SPSS) of the one sample t- test for three variables included in two different
studies. Explain the results in detail:

Following are the output (SPSS) of the pair sample t- test for two pairs included in two different studies.
Explain the results in detail:

Following are the output of cross tabs of different combinations of variables. Explain the results
specifically interdependence of the combination of variables:

Following are the output of correlation matrix of variables. Explain the results specifically significance of

Following are the output of regression analysis of variables. Explain the results specifically significance
of overall regression and significance of regression coefficients of independent variables:

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