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Generator [ABB Power T&D Company Inc. Relay Differential Relays For Protection of AC Generators, Transformers, and Station Bus Transformer ‘Application Data 41-301 Page 2 General Application and Selection Table of Contents General Application and Selection Principles of Diferental Relays 2 Differential Protection Using Overcurrent Relays 5 Differential Protection Using Percentage Diferental Relays a Differential Protection Using High Impedance Relays 4 Differential Protection Using Linear Coupler Relays. 4 Generator Differential Relays. olay Type CA. 5 Relay Type SA-4 7 Bus Differential Relays Relay Type CA.16, ° Relay Type HU: 12 Relay Types LC-1, LC-2 14 olay Type KAB 18 Transtormer Differential Relays Relay Type CA 2 olay Type CA-26. 2 Relay Type HU 2 Relay Type HU 28 olay Type HU-4 25 Relay Type HRU 3 Principles of Differential Protection General information Differential relaying systems are universally used for the protection of generators, transformers, station buses. and transmis. son lines. Thess eiferanial systems are all baced on the principle of balancing oF comparing the eecondary currents inthe Current transformers atthe terminals of ‘equipment. Due tothe distance between terminals of a transmission line, the Comparison cannot be made directly. and transmission lie relaying therefore isa separate and distine! type of ciferential feloying. This subject is wreated elsewhere ‘The basic differential scheme is shown diagrammatically in Figure 1. Under normal toad conditions, currant flows through the protected equipment (generator. bus oF leanstormer) and the current transformer secondory currents I; andl, will circulate through path I: [With a protective relay connected between points 1 and 2, no current will low through the relay under normal conditions. Should § fault accur external to the equipment. {current flow will be Increased but willbe inthe same relative direction 3s under rormal conditions. and the relay will not ‘perate for this external faule condition, ‘When a fault occurs inthe protected eaulp: ment the cuttent flow on one side is reversed. upsetting the normal balance and teausing current o low thtough the relay from paint 110 peint 2, {As long asthe current wenstormer Secondary currents are nearly equel, 0 “ppreciable current wil flow through the felay operating cireult. Any error current however, 19 other phases arto ground. will Upset the balance and send current through the relay operating col If this current fexceeds the pickup setting f the relay. it ‘wil operate to rip the breaker and disconnect the fully apparatus Generator ditferental relays are usvally arranged to rip the generator. field circut. land neutral breakers simultaneously {ing a manually reset lockout auxiliary ‘lay. In some applications the differential felay also tips the throttle and admits (CO2 10 the generator for fire pratection In wansfarmer differential protectin, the high voltage cireut breaker is often located atthe remote end of the line serving the transformer. In this application the differential relay initiates a remote trip signal over apilot wire, tone or catier chonnel to the breaker location. Fig, 1, Basic differential relay connect ‘April 1991 ABB Differential Protection Using Overcurrent Relays While standard overcurrent relays have been used in differential schemes [Figures Zand 3). the rapid increase inthe complexity and loading af integrated power systems has ereateg a mare selective line of differential relays each with its own operating characteristic, Sensitive relay settings are required to detect ground faults which may develop into phase-to-phase or three phase faults. The heutal impedance ofa generator limits the magnitude of the ground fault current However, relay selectivity requirements may prevent tne use of low-cutrent or Phase overcurrent protection has definite limitations from the consideration of sensitivity, selectivity. and speed operation finee overcurrent relays must be set above maximo load eutrent and must also have time settings which select with other relays onthe system, ‘The use of esteaining windings in diferen tial relay design permits more sensitive ralay Setting. This atfords greater protection than is possible with plain overcurrent relays whose trip settings must be high tenough to prevent undesired operation due to current transformer performance under heavy through fault current Differential Protection Using Percentage Differential Relays Percentage diferential relays have two (or more) additional windings called restraining tuindings (Figures 4 and 5). The restraining torque isn the contact opening direction {and ie proportional tothe vector sum of the Incoming and outgoing currents. On an external fault thie contact opening torque fe etrong and tends to prevent false tripping {due to the differential curren lp] eaused by saturation effect of the current transformers, On internat faults, most ofthe current in the restraining windings is in opposite directions so that th total restraint torque Isimuch less than in the ease of the external ‘The relay will rip when the operating torque (created by I.) fe greater than the restraining torque. that, when the operating current {higher than 9 certain percentage of the smaller or larger of the two resvaining Currents, depending upon the type of relay tobe used April, 1991 Application Data 41-3016 Page 3 General Application and Selection Fig, 2. External Fault Fig. 3. Internal Fault | Fa 5. nena Fou Some relays are designed to trip when 3 conatant percentage of unbalance exists between the restraining currents. Other felays operate over a varable range of Giferential current. These have a"variable percentage’ characteristics ond as the magnitude of the restraining current Increases, a greater amount of aperating, or diferental curent la required 10 tp the relay. The variable percentage relay is more sensitive than a constant percentage relay fon light internal faults, but less sensitive On heavy external faults; due to the variable percentage characteristic. tis particularly suitable where heavy saturation currents “The burden of the current transformers used in differential relaying schemes is of importance in maintaining the proper {elationship between the two sets of current transformers. “The current ranslormer should not saturate when carrying the maximum external Symmetrical fault current (i.e, exciting current should not exceed 1.0 Amp secondary rms for types SA-1 end CA-1B Felays. end 10 Amp for types CA 26 and MU relays, atl;= 100 AmpI. This ‘Application Data 41-3016 Page 4 General Application and Selection requirement is metif the burden impedance dors not exceed (Ns Vex — lon —1001R,)/ gy, Ohne, where IN, = proportion of total numberof current transformer turas in use. Veq = currant transformer accuracy class © {or 10L) voltage lua, = maximum external fault current in Secondary rms, amperes. (Let “5100 if maximum external fault current is less than 100 Amp). Re = current transformer secondary winding resistance in ohm. k '33 for bus protection and 1.0 {or wanstormer protection For example, i the 400:5 tap of an 800:5 (C400 current anstormer is used, Ny=-400/800=0.5, if Iq, =120 Amp RE=1,0 ohms, the burden should not exceed Nexto —1001R, Ely 0.8 x 400—(720—100) x 1.0 133 x 120 = 1.13 ohms {for bus or ganerator protections. In caleulating the impedance burden, a less ‘accurate, But satisfactory method i For wye-connected ct 2)=1.13R, + Relay burden + Z, Where R,= one way lead resistance in (Ohms at 20°C for 3-phase fault consition, ands two way lead resistance in Ohms at 20°C for single phase to ground fault condition. For delta connected ct 2p=3(1.19R, + Relay burden + 2,) Where R.=one way lead resistance in Ohms at 20°C Note that the 1.13 multipliers used to 2¢ count for temperature rise o 60°C during faults 2.=an adaltional burden, f any, When using the type SA-1 relay for ganer ator gitferential protection the current transformer sets may have diferent accuracy classes, I go their burden factor, BF, should not differ by mare than a2to 1 ratio. The burden factor is deined a8: 1000 Ry BFF Van were Ry-resistance ofthe burden ‘excluding current transformers winding resistance For example: Assuming the sbove set of ‘curcent transformers has 3 Tesistance burden of ,=0.5 ohms, the burden factor i ‘1000 Fy Np Vew 1000 % 0.8 0067 x 20072 The other set of current transformers may then have a burden factor as high as 2 3.827.601 as low as 14 X3.8=19. ithe other set of current wanstormars also has ' burden of 0.5 ohms, 3 C100, C200 or {6400 for 10L100, 101200 or 101.400) rating would be setistactory since the burden factors are 7.6,3.8.and 1.9 respectively. Differential Protection Using High Impedance Relay While the high impedance differentiat scheme also uses conventional current transformers, it avoids the problom of Unequal current transformer performance by loading them with ahigh-impedance felay unit All current transformers are ‘connected in parallel then connected to a high impedance relay unit (Fig. 6). In normal operation the voltage atthe relay terminate is approximately zero. In the tase of an external fault the voltage st the relay terminals still remain lpproximately zero f both the source Chreent transformers and the faulted current teansformer are not saturated. However ‘uring severe external faults, the faulted Current transformer may saturate and 0 Voltage or current can be developed fram its secondary winding. The source current transformers would then have ta force theit ‘current flow into the faulted cutrent transformer and the relay. The impedance Inthe reley ie much higher than that in the faulted current ranstormer when itis fsturated, therefore, most of this external fault currant flows Inte the faulted currant transformer, preventing the relay from ‘operation due tothe saturation of the faulted hreent transformer ADE FADD Inthe case of internal faults, all impedances ofthe current transformers and the relay fre high, this makes a high impedance Burden to the current vansformers. A high voltage will anpoar atthe relay terminals {and will be well above the pickup seting. “The relay will operate ‘Tis type of protection is particularly applicable tothe protection of station buses lahere the de component of short cieult ‘current has ¢ long time constant and causes Saturation in current transformers. Fig. 6 Differential Protection Using Linear Coupler Relays Linear coupler transformers produce secondary voltages propartional to the applied primary currents ‘The linear coupler method of ditferential protection is essentially 2 voltage Giferential scheme and. consequent. @ parallel circuit employed with current transformer schemes nthe case of an external fault as shown In Figure 7. the sum fof the voltage Induced in the liner coupler 's zero. +E,~E,=0. This occurs because the sum of the currents flowing tothe Bus is equal to the um of the current flowing out tothe system... and the relay does not tp. In the case ofan internal fault. see Figure 8 the above voltage cancellation does not exist, and the aiference voltage appears at the torminals of high speed, low energy, linear coupler relay which trips instante: ously. The linear couplers are in effect aie core mutual reactors, They are similar to Current transformers in general appearance fad staictural detll except they have an alt core with a permeability of 1.0; thus will ‘when heavy primary currents exist This type of protection is particularly applicable to the protection of station buses ‘where the de component of short eireut Current nas fong time constant and eauses Saturation in current transtormers of Conventional design. ‘April, 1991 Fig.7 External Fault Fig. 6 Internal Fault Generator Differential Relays ‘he relays described inthis section ae percentage differentia types. The magn {ude ofthe diferencal current requed to operate them increases asthe external fault {or through! current increases. In the type CA inverse timing relay the percentage ie constant. and in the type SA-t instantaneous 3-phasa relay the percentage ts variable “These relays are extremely sensitive, yor they will not tip an a through fault unless the difference current expressed as a percent of she smaller restraint current xceeds the percent sensitivity af the relay Type CA Single Phase, Inverse Timing, Constant Percentage The basic connections for this relay re shown in Figure Connected #8 shown, under normal condi tione current passes through the current transformers, relay testraining coils Ry end Ra and back ta the current transformers. “The current inthe relay restraining coils produces 9 restraining, o contact opening torque. [An internal fault in the protected machine tal unbalance the secondary currents, Horcing a diflerential current through the relay operating coil 0. The amount of differential or operating current required to Svercome the restraining torque and close the relay contacts fea xed (constant) percentage of the emaller restraining current (igure 10), Characteristics Singla phase, 25 to 60 Hertz, spst-cc or Gipstice contacts, FT-21 Flonitest case Operating time: See Figures 12 and 13 ‘Two restraining and one operating circuit No rtio taps Constant percentage differential Sensitivity: 10% or 25% unbalance 1 L] ea 6 at Application Data 41-301E Page S Generator Differential Relays Minimum tip (0.18 amperes for 10% relay (0.45 amperes for 25% relay Burden: See Figures 15 and 16 ‘Thermal capacity Restrain Cireuite: 10 amperes continuous Operating circuits: 10% relay. 2.5 amperes continuous, 70 amperes for 4 Second: 25% relay, 6.0 armpores continuous, 140 amperes for tsecond Relay Settings No seting is required forthe percentage fiferential unit except the setting of the time dial, which should be on the number ‘position Each rlay is designed fora specific ‘sensitivity and onee the correct rlay is Chosen for @ given application. no adjust iment is necessary, for some reason, {idjustment becomes necessary. tho spring fension contalling minimum operating trent may be altered slighty. In general, for generator protection. a study of the current traneformer characteristic Curves under short circuit conditions should indicate whether the high sensitivity (10%) bor the low sensitivity (258) relay should be Used, The 25% relay should be used if ac Saturation causes more than 1% ratio error in either set of curren ansformers, TTT 13} Goniace Cogs When Ooeie Fig. 9 ‘April, 1991 Soa “7 th PTL Z| t He + eee TI Normal ly cee) cr i Are | BE HA AVE seco + i Cl PES yao 5080 oa 7030 Smaller Reswaint Amperes Fig, 10. Typical operating curves, 10% CA O20 304580 Smaller Restaint Amperes 782207 Fig. 11. Typical operating curves, 25% CA relay ‘Application Data 41-3016. Page 6 Generator Differen Type CA Single Phase, Inverse Timing, Constant Percentage Tor T rt of {14444 A lease p allea aries ia , s a 5 tT Tests weuy Je Ba a : : t a i a [ Li Case _] lea i 2 [eae eee seal] ror I Fig. 12, Typical ume curves, 10% CA relay. Fig. 12. Typical time curves, 25% CA relay. Fig, 14, Typical saturation curves, all CA relays Wim amowes deasee Sinamowes® "2 Eases! Further Description Descriptive Bulletin 41-302 Fig, 15, Typical burden curves, 10% CA relay. Fig, 16. Typical burden curves, 26% CA relay. Instruction Leafet 41-331.2 Apri, 1991 ABB Type SA-1 Solid Stat Instantaneous, Variabl The SA-1 soli state relay is used for 3:phase, high-speed type differential protection of ac motors, generators. nd Shunt reactors. The variable percentage thatacterstie ofthe relay provides high Sensitivity fo ight, internal faults, and voids Incorrect tripping on heavy external faults. See Figures 17.18, “The standard SA-1 relay has a minimum pickup current of 0.14 emperes. oper 4 8% unbalance (.25 amperes) with 5 ‘amperes of restraint current. At 60 amps festaint, the operating circuit required to tip the relay is 30 amperes or 50% unbalance, With proper selection of curtent ans: formers, the relay is unaffected by de Uwanslents associated with asymmetrical faults through short circult conditions For special cases, such asa split.winding ‘generator protection the 0.5 amp minimum pickup relay should be used. Further Description Descriptive Bulletin 41-3565 Instruction Leaflet 4348.1 Apri, 1991 Characteristics Three phase. 60 Hz, § amperes Percentage slope curve. Figures 17. 18 Operating time: Figure 19, Frequency response: Figure 20. Minimum pick-up: 0.14 amperes, (0.5 fmpere relay for special applications) Burden and thermal ratings Each restraint circutt Burden: 0.25 volt amperes at § amperes, Continuous rating! 20 amperes. (One-second rating: 300 amperes. Operating circuit: Burden of te operating circut on each eurtent transformer is variable because of the saturating vansformer. Burden i 0.37 volt-amperes ot 0.5 amperes land 170 volt-amperes at 60 amperes, Continuous rating is 10 amperes ‘One second rating is 200 amperes. de burden on station battery Application Data ‘41-3016 Page? Generator Differential Relays Operating Curent in Ampere na Pitt Seeene G0 1 Sooo eC BS y | {1 H tsi i 8 It {| CH &Coeert = 350] \ & E300 8 280 - : i an) 2% 40 6OSCSCNOSCOSCT 88D Fig. 20. Typical frequency response curve. Abb ‘Application Data 41-3016 Page 8 ator Differential Relays Gener: ‘April 1981 ABB Bus Differential Relays In generating stations tnd sub-stations there ara usually several incoming and outgoing lines connected tothe bus all of Wihieh must be included in the bus Giferential protection zone, For low impedance relays, the diferential scheme must provide a restraining circuit for teach cirevit thats connected to the bus, £0 {hat there willbe no response to external faults under any system concition and with the fauited current transformer saturated In sdaition, the relay should be sensitive at low current values to operate ana light inter nal faut. yet celatvely insensitive at high vl tes of eurrent to prevent tripping on heavy ‘external faults when the current transformer charactorstics might vary, For high impedance relays the arrangement terids to force the falee differentia currents through the faulted current transformer rather than through the relay operating oll wen the faulted current wanstormer is ‘The linear coupler system, uses a series connection between all the linear couplers Inthe protected tone witha simale low fenergy high speed ralay. This system fe Geseribed mare Tully on pages 14 through 19) Fig, 24. CA-16 relay typical time curve ‘April, 1991 ‘Type CA-16 Single Phase, Inverse Timing. Variable Percentage The CA-16 is designed for the differential protection of mult-cireut buses up toa {otal of six groups of circuits. The variable percentage characteristic provides the {esirable high sensitivity at small current ‘magnitudes and relative insensitivity at high currents will therefore detect light internal faults in the protected bus section 4nd. conversely, willot tip incorrectly on heavy external faults, The optional sensitive fault detector circuit consists of an autotransformer and a small solenoid type contactor switch, is used to ‘minimize the possibility of shock tripping. Choracteristics Single phase, 60 or 50 Hert, spst-ec or pst-ce contacts, PT-22 Flonitest case Fig. 22. Variable percentage slope curve, CA-16 relay with one restraint winding, mr TI | ‘Application Date 41-3016. Page 9 Bus Differential Relays Operating time: see Figure 26 Sineestrainteircults, one operating circuit No ratio taps Voriable percentage characteristics: see Figures 22 and 23, Minimum wip: 0.18 ampsres Buraen Each restraint circu 10.75 voltamperes at 5 amperes S4amperes continuous rating 460 amperes 1 sacond rating Operating circuit: burden, see Figure 25 ‘amperes continuous rating 280 amperes 1 second rating Relay settings: none eequired Performance curves: se0 Figures 22 t0 25, Further Information Descriptive Bulletin 41-3046 Instruction Leaflet 41-237.3 Fig, 23. Variable percentage slope curve, CA 16 rolay with six restaint windings in series, r eel fa | Fig, 25. CA-16 veloy ty ot+1 4 tt aft ff | Ss —t i | A 37957 ical burden operating cuvve, ‘Application Data T 41-3016 + Page 10 Bus Differential Relays Feecee Grove Sy" Frese itera ay, tyne CA N6 Y ‘36: Opmsin cane Prats ase 1 eevee Element Fig. 26. External wiring ~ one set of CA-16 relays forthe protection of a six circuit bus with the feeder groups. ABB agit DD Page 1 Bus Differential Relays Sa aa aj Lg f enasee ie iterental Relay. Type CANS peeing Ca (Bottom #0 Element) Paired Reataine Co in Ty Tipcats Gdovom Ri Clement) | CA-18 - Paved Restraint Com R [Top Ltt Element T-baiteg Resvain Co Top Ri element) 196 Ruston Tisping Rely. Type WL Fig, 27. External schematic of one set of type CA-16 relays for the protection of 2 three and four circuit bus. ‘April, 1991 Application Data 41-3016 Page 12 Bus Differenti ‘Type HU-4 Single Phas Variable Percentage ‘This relay is» high speed unit with tour testraint circults and one operating circu, In addition. ithas a second harmonic restraint unit for ue where a transformer Is fssociated with the bus differential scheme, ‘The harmonic restraint provides security agoinst false tripping on magnetizing inrush associated with the transformer energization The varible percentage characteristic provides high sensitivity at high cutrent, Iwill therefore detect ght internal faults ‘and will not rip incorrectly on heavy external faults, The type HU- may be applied to any bus circuit where the external fault current through the bus is wenty times tap value Secondary current or less. he. 100 amperes on ampere ta, Exiemal connections, as shown in Figure 31, with the relay input limited to four restraint ciruite Including transformer Characteristics Single phase, 60 or SOherte, dpst-ce contacts, FT-42 Flexitest case Operating time: see Figure 29 Four restraint circuits, one second harmonic feetraining circuit, and one operating cireuit, Ratio taps:, 4.2, ampere taps on each restvaint circuit Variable percentage characteristics: see Figure 28, Minimum trip: 30% or 35% of tap value LT is adjusted for an RAMS operating current [with the second harmonic component removed) pick-up of 15 times tap value current (e.g. 75 amperes on 5 amperes tap) Relay setings: Same as those for types HU and HUT relays, pages 25 1023. [Usd ig similar to HU and HU-1, except that ithas four restraint circuits.) Performance curves: see Figures 28 t0 30, Thermal rating: one second--300 amperes (Thermal capacities for short times other than one second may be calculated on the batis of time being inversely proportional tothe square of the current.) Further information Descriptive Bulletin 41-305 Instruction Leaflet 41-347.1 1b ee he egies og ny tage tp ve cen “Ae “CEE 19} Operating Current in Muttines of Tap Valve Larger Rosvaint Current in Mulvipies of Fig. 28. Variable percentage slope curve, HU-4 relay. % Bp ae baa 3a Be Soe BB Te Bo ae LTT | of + 7 a ~ | PEP aaeee ce Tepes caren soa Fig, 29, Typical time curve, MU relay, T T : El | 2 Li | bt | a t tut tt to H | | | = wo i: : KI I a TT - 1 | LL {ot ‘April 1991, ‘Application Data 41-3016 Page 13 Bus Differential Relays farfelan)— [enfayaryay pepeatna) ee Te Sta isonet Ava 679878798787 ste eyesa L rose Ci Crcone raise pase and cal cee Se at Scouse ectose | oe | | See ntRcy 0 fe, ©ow sore ster oi © fot re ) a : ral “9 Fi, 31. Type HU externa schematic wyeswye-dta bank April, 1991 Application Data 41-3016 Page 14 Bus Differential Relays Type LC-1, LC-2 Singl Instantaneous, Phase “The linear coupler method of bus protection Utilizes air core mutual reactore known az linear couples, instead of the usual current transtormers employs the voltage outaut fof the couplers in aseres voltage ‘ifferontia circuit. The energy output of the couplers makes possibie he use of low. tenetgy, high speed relays, types LC-1 and UC:2" Each is provided with impedance taps 50 thatthe impedance ofthe relay can be more clotely matched tothe impedance of the linear couplers when such is required for maximum sensitivity |When the relay and coupler impedances Bre matched, there isa maximum amount fof operating energy trarssterred from the ‘coupler tothe relay. Since the standard linear coupler Induces 5 volts secondary per 1000 amperes primary, the couplers (untike current transformers) can be safely open- ireuited. Danger to personnel from high Voltages is eliminated It is well to bear the following in mind when Using linear couplers for bus differential (1) Bushing space must be allocated tothe linear couple, rather than a current trans: former which is more universal in use (2) The tinear coupler has a low wattage output (31 The leads must be in the same duct or Conduit and transposed with respect to all ther cleulte, Relays Used ‘Type LC-1" Consists primarily of an impedance matching wansformer and solenoid unit which has trip contacts, It Covers four taps of 30. 40, 60 and 60 ohms andis adjustable to operate at energy levels fated from 0.510 8.0 volt-amperes, Curent Transtormer Secondary Current Fig. 32. Current tanstormers and linear ‘coupler saturation curve Type LC-2: The use of a de operating polar unit energized by a rectifier from the saturating impedance matching wansformer makes the LC-2 more sensitive than the LCA. it covers four taps of 30, 40, 60 and 80 ohms and is adjustable to operate at ‘energy levels rated from 0.0085 to 0.062 The auxiliary witch V, is a small de voltage operating clapper type switch used to minimize the possibility of shock tripping Current Transformers and Linear Couplers: Indiferental protective schemes, the relays and current wanstormers function a8 @ team. The current transtormers must Interpret in their secondary windings, the fe current conditions existing in the power ireult-. and transmit this information to the relays. The typical saturation curve shown beiow (Figure 32) indicates thot Secondary currents are proportional to primary currents atong the eurve portion Of of the curve corresponding to the ‘nominal rating of the transformer. When large short circuit eurrente acu. the secondary current of the heavily saturated Current transtarmer is indicated on the Upper portion of the curve, portion AB. and the ratio of transformation is rarely equal for two different types of cutrert ans magnitude ofthe error-currant. so that felays and tner sattings can be chosen to ompensate forthe current anslormer Saturation from ac Component of Fault Current ‘Ac saturation isnot particularly trouble ‘some since it can be calculated. and Compensation made for the resulting erors in secondary current. For a given current, Saturation results from: {a} insufcient {rose section of iron in the transformer Core, (b tao few secondary turns, (6) 109 high a secondary burden: or a combination Fig. 33. Typial bushing type linear couple. AT PAL ofall three, The degree of saturation due to the maximum ac current can Be taleulated from the formula 12,108 4d ofa when {8 =Flux density in the core in ines per square inch 1 = Maximum secondary short-circuit current in RMS amps 2,=Total secondary circuit impedance ineluding current transtocme: secondary Inohms, 1p =Number of secondary turns f =Frequeney, 2 =Iron cross-section in square inches 12 =Iron cross-section in square inches Thus. for a given short-circuit currant and ‘agiven transformer, Both dacreasing the Secondary impedance and increasing the Secondary turns wil Improve the perform lance ofthe transformer by requiring # lower flux donsity to supaly the burden. Its therefore recommended thatthe highest ‘ated available current transformer ratios be used. consistent wth the requirement ‘thatthe minimum internal foult ean be Safely vipped. If some saturation results, ft ‘may be possible to raise the relay setting {0 provide a sufficient margin of safety. ‘The minimum tip equicement must aot be exceeded. however, Saturation From de Component of Fault Current the fault current is asymmetrical a de ‘component is present. When it decoys Slowly Because of long de time constant Tlarge L/R ratio). transient saturation of the Fig. 34. Typical bar type linear coupler Apri, 1991 curront wanstormer results. This condition occurs more frequortly In the pratection of generating station buses when the de time Constant of the eicuits apt to belong. For ‘ost substation buses, the time constant is short and no appreciable effect from de Saturation results, The presence of a prolonged de component will produce a severe transient saturation, Even though it would be technically possible to design 2 current transformer {hat would not saturate, calculations show that euch current ansformers would, Fequite @ cross section of iron a8 much as fone hundred times larger than current ansformers of standard construction year Coupler Scheme ‘The problems associated withthe saturation of the core of curtent transtormers are fliminated when linear couplers ara used, The linear coupler consists ofa toroidal or ring type secondary winding on 3 non magnetic core tis usually mounted in a Circu't breaker or ranstoemet bushing and an be designed tot inte the space {vallabie for a conventional current transformer. See Figures 33 and 34 “The single conductor in the bushing forms the primary of the linear coupler reactor anc because of she absence of ron, avotds broblems cue to saturation and provides & efinite linear relationship between primary ‘currents and secendary voltage. The system employs o series circuit in contrast tothe aaraleleieuit used with current Wanstormers, fll of the liner coupler secondaries of @ particular phase are Connected in series with one type UC relay to forma closed loop. Under normal Conditions, of when external faults occur, the induced voltages in all the linear couplers are canceled out. On internal faults. a net voltage is available for relay operation. The seneme is fastin operation, Simple. and easily checked wnile inservice “The ratio between maximum external fault current and minimum internal fault cutrat is limited to 25/1 lexcept when a separate ‘round LC felay is used, not because of the relay, but because of the economic ‘manufacturing tolerances of the couplers Couplers are made to plus or minus S-percent accuracy. The possibility exists that one cupler may be 1% and another in the same eircult ~ 1%, with maximum Current flow. This gives a 2-percent accuracy Spread which, combined with 22/1 safety, factor. limits the relay pickup to not less than 4 parcent of the maximum through fault current of a atio af 1/25 between ‘minimum internal ane maximum external fault currents April, 1981 The external fault ususlly wll be a solid three phase fault white the internal fault Usually isa line to-ground fault Example: Assuming a 6000-ampere moximum external fault current, the LC felay should not be set to plek up on less than 4-percent of 5000 or 209 amperes primery current, Therefore, 200 amperes primary current isthe minimum internal fault the relay can be set to detect The calculations for settings and perform= ance involve simple appication of Ohm's tow. Selection of LC-1 or L¢-2 The anticipated reloy current is calculated by the following formula: : be X 2a (lv TE xD KZ. RN This gives the approximate value Maximum external primary faut current 24, =8 volts/ 1000 amps=Mutual impedance of ane coupler. 25 =25/1, which is ratio of maximum ‘external to minimum internal fault current, includes coupler tolerance and safety factor detalls 2. =Reduction factor: If coupler series Impedance (Zc! is 60 ohms, then ‘double (2) thi value Because the relay ‘would be set on the 60 ohm tap {and adds 60 ohms additional impedance to relay cireut, Z_ = Impedance of one coupler—average of TO ohms each N=Number of series couplers in one phase B38 na {G2 plus ext. paralil resistor Required information Maximum external fault current: phase and ‘round ‘Minimum internal fault current: phase and ground: Application Data 41-301 Page 15, Bus Differential Relays Numb of couplers per phase. Coupler impedance (estimate at 10 ohms unknown) LC Relay Single phase. 60 or 50 hertz, spst-ce contacts, FT-11 Flesitest case Operating time: 1 cycle or lass above 150% of pickup Impedance matching taps: 30. 40, 60, 80 ohms Sensitivity: 0.8 voltamperes. Lc-2 Relay Single phase: 60 or 50 hertz, spst.ce contacts, FT-11 Flexitest case, Operating time: 14 10 134 eycles including lime for VS contactor. Impedance matching taps: 30. 40, 60, 80 Sensitivity: Adjustable 0085 to 062 vo amperes, LC-1 and LC-2 Settings The following fundamental equations apply a 2 Bs ‘ett 3 La ‘ ro. a) i « E = voltage induced in tinear coupter secondary primary curtent in linear coupler. M =mutual impedance of tinear couples ‘008 ohm for 60 hertz |, relay current. 2, impedance of secondary circuit, N number of secondary cireuit= number of linear coupler secondaries in series er phase. self-impedance of linear coupler 2, =relay impedance. Applicat 41-301 Page 16 Bus Dit ion Data E ifferential Relays Protectea 9 Phase Bos A ] ie terete | il | IU Ieee] 1 erase 8 Fi Ble hd 19. 36. Trip circuit for LC-1 J] to stern Fig. 37. Tip circuit for Le-2. Equation (3) is used to determine the curvent ot which the relay trip for an internal fault of magaitude |, on the bus. Equation (4) is used to determine the primary current necessary to trip the relay when it hae been adjusted fo trp ata known, It should be noted, however. thatthe relay limpedance is not constant. but varies with relay current 2s indicated in Figures 38 and 40. Theretare, in using equation (3) itis desirable 1o assume a valve of relay impedance equal tothe impedance tp and make a frst calculation of the relay current When this is obtained, 9 new valve of relay impedance should be selected from Figure 38 or 40 and a second value of relay current Calculated. Usually, it will not be necessary te continue the ealevlation any further, 28 the values resulting fom the second Calculation wil be sufficiently accurate, LC Setting Exampl ‘Assume 9 six circu bus for which the Vinear couplers havea self-impedance of 3.7 + 89) 64/67.4". Thr type LC-1 relays are used, one per phase, to obtain phase an ground fault protection ‘The maximum external fault current is {60,000 ampares rms symmetrical, tis ‘minimum internal fault of S000 amperes However since the linear couplers and relays wil operate over a 25/1 rangeto 201 factor of safety the relays may as Well be set for 2400 amperes, whichis, 1/25 of 60,000. ‘The self impedance ofthe linear coupler secondaries is determined ist, as follows: 22.24 83.4. For any given primary current, the relay feceives maximum energy when the impedance 2, is made equal to NZ. This feature is uilized by matching Z, and NZ, 2s closely 9s possible in those cises where itis desirable to obtain the lowest possible minimum wipping eurtent. In other cases, the relay impedance Zand the total linear ‘coupler self impedance NZ, may be ‘eliberately mismatched in order to extend the range of adjustment to a higher current value. Inthis example. a fre trial Celculation will be made on an approximote Device Number Chart Gr Linear Coupler Gus Diterenit or _Relty, fp Cen ante 52 Power ireuitareaner 5a _—bremer Avuiiary Contact 52r¢ Breaker Mp Col ‘April, 1991, basis by assuming thatthe relay impedance |s.60 ohms (60 ohm tap) and that this adds arthmetically tothe 87-8 ohms of the Couplers {leads being neglected) 2,=67.8+60=117.8 ohms approximately EX 1,M=2400 x .005=12.0 vol E 120 Zz 188 =.102 amper approximately Reference to Figure 38 indicates that the rolay ean be set to operate at-102 (or 10.100 ampere] on either the 60 ohm or 80 ‘ohm tap. Since the desired valve is near ‘he minimum obtainable. choose the 60 tohm tap boing the closest match tothe Value of 67.8 for NZ, and make a second mote eccurate calibration. Using the 60, thm tap and a contact travel of 078 inches, \Valuee read from tha curve give eplekup current |,~0.100;2, =58.3 ohms. and an impedance angle of 33° for Z, 2,=88.3/39" 489+ 31.75 NZ, =57.8/67.4°=22.2 + 53.4 2,3NZ, STA 85.8: 111/50.1"° £120 From equation (2), .= $= 20 1081 ampe This current is higher than the original assumed current because the calculations were more accurately made, taking nto Consideration the vector addition of Z, and INZ. Changing the contact travel to 080 Inch to obtain the pickun current, | =.107, makes an inconsequential enange in the felay ohms, Z,=59. and a change of approximately 0.5 in the phase angle ofthe felay impedance. Another tral calculation Te therefore unnecessary trom a practical standpoint Lc-2 Setting Example ‘Ascume 2 six circut bus has linear couplers with 2 sel-impedance of Z.=3.7 +,8.9 9.64/67 4". Three type LC? relays are useo. one per phase. to obtain phase and Ground fault protection. The maximum External fault current ie 12.000 amperes rms symmetrical Since the linear couplers and relays will operate over 8 25/1 range with 2 0 1 factor of safety the relays may be set for 480 amperes, which is 1/25 af 12.000. The LC-2 relay operates with maximum energy when its impedance equals the Impedance of the linear coupler circuit 1991 N2q=6(3.7 + 89)=222 + 53. 57.8/67.4°. Therelore. choose 9 tap set ting 2, = 60 forthe relay. which is an lpprorimate match. Since the phase ang! OFZ, is substantially constant (within 3%) 922", 2=60/22"=85.6 + 225. Nz.=222 + 53.4 2, 55.6 + 225 =778 + 75.9=108.8 ohms I, M=480 x .005=2.4 volts From equation (3) page 15, =.0221 amperes ‘This is within the recommended setting range of the relay as indicated in Figure 39, (On the 69 ohm tap, at |=.0221.2,= 545/22" =50.6 + 204 This new value of 2, should be used in equation (3) Nz=22.2 + 534 Z, =506 + 204 =72.8 + 73.8=103.6 ohms IM 2.4 7, 7703.6 10232 amperes ‘At, = 0232 on the 69 ohm ta, Figure 40 indicates that 2,~54 ohms. Since a value of Z,=54.5 was used inthe above caleu: Tation. it ie not necessary to carry the calculation any further ‘The relay should be adjusted to wip &t (0232 amperes on the 60 ohm tap sing the magnetic shunts atthe rear of the polar elament sssembly, {In Service Test Facilities for LC Relay Schemes The linear coupler ditferential circuit can be provided with atest ecneme to cneck the cfferential circuit wile the bus carrying load. Detects such as short luited linear coupler transformers, ‘round faults and open circuits in the Secondary 1oop, wrong polarity or phasing connections in the linear couplers, severe steady state voltage effects from foreign Sources can be detected. For further details Feter to instuction Leaflet 41-342.1 Further Information Descriptive Bulletin 41-307€ Instruction Leaflet 1-242.1 Application Data 41-301 Page 17 Bus Differential Relays Fig. Fig. 39.LC-2 vot. or = Fig, 40. LC-2 Relay impedance Curve (impedance at 22° angie) ‘Application Data 41-3016 Page 18 Bus Differential Relays Type KAB, single phase Instantaneous, high speed The type KA@ relay is an instantaneous relay of the high impedance type used for us differential protection. This relay also an be applied for generator or shunt reactor Siferental schemes. ‘The type KAB relay can be applied for bus protection in most cases where bushing typa cts are in use, and in metal-clad tequinment where ct's with toridally wound cores having thelr windings completely distributed are employed. Fig. 41 shows the ‘external connection ‘The following points should be considered ‘or should be known on any proposed type KAB relay application: 4. Allet's in the bus diferential circuit should have the same ratio and should be ‘operated on ther full tap ftp ‘connection cannot be avoided, the ‘winging section between the taps being ‘sed must be fully distabuted and the high voltage which may appear atthe ful tap terminal due to the auto-ranstormer fction should be checked ‘The leakage impedance of the crs which ‘are 0 be used should be low. ‘The use of the ariliary cts is nat recommended. I this eannot be avoided the additional impedance from the furiliry e's and the high voltage which is transformed by the auxiliary ct shoul be checkes ‘The best location for the junetion points is equidistant trom all t's “The lead resistance from the junction points to the relay terminals Is not erica. A lockout relay contact is recommended to short circuit the varistor following the relay operation in order to prevent the varistor fram overheating To insure a substantial margin of operation on internal faults, the V-unit Should not be set higher than the knee voltage, V, {value of the poorest ct whieh is connected tothe relay) A FA ‘To insure a substantial margin for proventing the relay fom operating on external faults, the knee voltage value of the best ct which is connected tothe relay ‘should be used to determine the value of (R, + RI L/NY, in Fig. 42, ‘The knee voltage is defined as the interaction ofthe extension of the wo straight line portions of the saturation curve, ordinate and abscissa must Be ‘ame scale Tor each dacade. A high voltage may be developed across the elay on internal faults, The magnitude fof the voltage thet can be developedisa function ofthe total feult current and the characteristics of the cts used in the afer tential eeu The varistors} which is built Int the relay is used to limit this high volt lage toa safe level, Curves in Figure 43, Should be used to investigate the applica: tion limit for one-cise and four-siserelays Ifthe faut current é- and knee point vot ‘age (Ve) are such that the intersection of these two points plot below the curve, then the application wil be safe with fe pect to the limits for 4-cycle clearing time {Note that the one-dise type relay has 2 higher capability in application than the fourdise relay) Fig. 41, External Connection of Type KAS Bus Dit 507 ‘Apri, 1981 ABB 9. The maximum number of cireuite which can be connected tothe relay or the minimum Internal fault current required {a operate the relay can be estimated from the following equation. 4 Xi, he LIN where Iga, =minimum internal fault Currents! RMS, |, et secondary excitation feurrent ata voltage equal 10 the setting value of Vit, urrent in V-unit at setting voltage Ve (ies = V_/2600} Voltage equal to the setting Value of Vunit. Use Fig. 43 fodetermining |. lumber of circuits ‘connected to the bus “The relay is connected as shown in externat connection igure 41, In normal operation the voltage atthe relay trminals is lpproximately 200, Inthe case of an ‘external faut the voltage atthe relay terminals sil remain approximately zero i bbotn the eource ct’ and the faulted c's are hot saturated However, uring severe external faults the faulted ct may saturate and no voltage or Current ean be developed from its secondary winding. The source c's would than have to force their currents, In the case of internal faults. the feeder ct’s impedances neglecting the load current. are tequel tothe magnetizing impedance which {Sihigh, Since the relay is ahigh impedance type. this makes a high impedance, secondary burden tothe source crs, a high Voltage will appear atthe relay terminals, ‘nd will be above the pickup setting, Characteristics ‘Single phase, 60 or 50 Hs, Spst-cc contact, 1F7-21 Flexitest case. Overvottage unit: Range 78-300 volts ‘sdjustable operating speed 1.8 cycles. Instantaneous overcurrent unit: Range 3-48 ‘amperes. Operating speed 1.0 cycle. Indicating contactor switch (1S) (0.2/2.0 amperes Apri, 1991 ‘Application Date 41-3016 Page 19 Bus Differential Relays ir : { Preae: i aaAt CE Fig. 2, le hppctin Lint for KA Rt, 700 | i T & Fig. 43. Typical Volt Ampere Characteristics of Varistor In Type KAB Relay (RMS) ‘Application Dat 41-3016 Page 20 Bus Differential Relays Setting Calcutations A. SETTING OF CURRENT UNIT 8. SETTING OF VOLTAGE UNIT 1SETTING VOLTAGE UNIT 4.) for 3 -phase fault condition, o ‘Tha setting ofthe voltage unit can be Since (A, + Ry Aha(093 + 1.07) x ; expressed as follows: 160000 UR, + ROAT / Y= E0099 + 1.07 x “400 =300 : VaR ER 60000 for 3-phase fault 000) / s75=08 where V,=plck up setting of the Vani \ from Fig. ak = 082 ‘aes vats) Un, + my ato.93 2% 1.07) x Ri=deresistance ot etsecondary “02-545 Ves k (Re + Rhy ‘winding. neluding internal 0000 fea to bushing terminals 082(0.93 + 1.07) «£0002. 246 PT for phase to ground faut ea +400 resistance of lead from junction points to the most distant ct (One-way lead From Figure 45 using the higher humberof s45%hecurrent unit setting is! f0r phase to ground fault condition forprase fault wewaylead eSB gnaizamperestoronecsckas, CUR +RYR] / w= (1093 + 2x 1.071 x 7 bs Set the overcurrent unit at 45 amp. and 49000 5 5 5, ‘Samp. respectively 520 / 375-092 4, Maximum externa fault ‘eureent (RMS amp.) Contributed by the bus. Taou epee eapee eeea fpjnenesauema Rash Aa from Fig, 4K =0.77 N =ettur’s ratio, t Vas (R= RE Ks Margin factor . 50.77 (093 + 2 1.071 “The margin factor is 8 modification ‘number It vari with the reciprocal of ik + At, NY, Choose the maximum of (a) and {b). te prevent the relay from false pickup Figure 44 shows the margin factor curve, fon external faults, Is minimum setting which is based on tests on the KAB relay mR and considers a safaty factor of 2. The use " Should be at least this maximum fof this curve Is explained in the sample 266 volts. This adjustment is made ealeulation Fig. 44. Margin Factor for V-Unit Setting by varying he spring tension, Soe "Routine Maintenance" (in 2. SETTING CURRENT UNIT Wa1-3378) The setting calculation for this unit is rather simple. First, calculate the valve of trem ta <1 the minimum foult current required to operate the relay at the seting of 266 vols, ‘Assume that from the et saturation curve |,=0.045 amp. at 266 volts. And from Fig, 431,=0.16 amp. a 266 volts IAMS fora disetype KAB) then from eurvesin Fig. 45 find the value forthe setting. These curves have considered a safety factor of 2 lin OC + YN 43. Sample Calculation: ‘Assume a6 circuit bus, for which the vee ‘maximum external 3-phase fault current x 0.045 +288 5 {$60,000 amperes ems. symmetrical ee Ose aon gore ee ‘maximum external phase to ground fault 0.532 x 400=213 amp. ‘current 45,000 amperes, andthe fini internal fault current is 10,000 amperes, Assume the t's ratios are 2000:5, class C400, V,=375 volts, secondary winding resistance R, ‘ohm. and one way lead resistance to Junetion point R= 1.07 ohm. Fig 45. IT-Unit Setting $09.8, Further Information WaeeCs1 Descriptive Bulletin 41-306E For one-isc type KAB,Iyis less than at 265 volts, Theretore, min =149 amp. oo TG ta lie from igre 42 fore 150A and y= 750, ‘can be seen that either one-dise type or four disc type KAB relay would be satisfactory for this application Apri, 1991 AD FAD ‘Transformer Differential Relays Power transformers have a high and a low voltage winding (2-winding). with some having an intetmediate voltage winding [G-winding) ane the current transformers associated with each winding will have differnt ratings and operating character: istics, particularly on heavy overloads and short circuit conditions. For this reason, leansformer diferental relays are usually provided with “ratio” tape to balance the Giference in current wansformer character: Isties, In some applications, auailiary auto-balancing wanstarmers are used In addition 1o the problem of matching the high and low side current vanstormer characteristics, the problems of magnetizing Tnush to the power ansformer must also be considered 2- and 3-winding transformers require Giflerent dilferential protective relay Schemes. and a reguiating tanstormer still Another. Each ofthe relays covered in tis Section has ite specifi eld ot apalication and proper selection and application may be tasily made from the following information. ‘Type CA Single Phase, 2-Winding, Inverse Timing, Constant Percentage Basic external connections for the CA relay are shown in Figure a Application Data 41-301E Transformer Differenti Fig. 47. CA relay external wiring for wye-delta bank Jew © ‘Tehabos (87 —Tranetormar Percentage Diterenta Rony: Tyoe CA | La Fig. 48. CA relay external wiring for delta-detta bank 978 Restraining Coot Type CA 830P—Operaning Goi of Type ehelay 86-—Kasiery Tripping Rely, 52 Cru 16—Breater Tnp Col 6S—indieatng Contactor Switch sg Connected as shown, under nocmal conditions current passes through the Current anstormers, relay restraining coils Ry and Re. and back tothe current transformers. This eutrant inthe relay retraining coils produces a restraining. of April, 1981 {An internal fault in the protected power transtormer will unbalance the secondary currents, forcing adiferental curent | through the relay operating coll 0. The amount of wifferentia! or operating current Fequired to overcome the restraining torque and close the relay contacts i a fixed percentage ofthe smaller restraining External wiring diagrams are shown in Figures 47 and 48 Characteristics Single phase, 50 to 60 hertz, spst-ce or pst-ce contacts, FT-21 Flexitest case 2iwinding tanstormer protection Inverse time characteristics Operating time: see Fig. 51 Drestaining and 1 operating circuit Ratio tape: 6-5, 5-5.5, 6-6, 5-6.6,5-7.3, 5:8, 5.9, 5:10 Constant percentage differential Sensitivity: 50% unbalance [Minimum trip: on :5 tap, terminals 9 and 5-2.7 192.8 amperes 95:5 tap, terminals 7 and 52.910 3.2 Burden: see Figures 59 ana 54 Therma rating Restraining citcults~10 amperes continuous {the untapped winding should be limited to 5 amperes to prevent averioading of te ‘operating winding) Operating circuit—8 amperes continuous, ‘Application Data 41-3016 Page 22 Transformer Differential Relays Relay Settings the correct tap setting ‘curren delivered to the relay ft fll load on the transformer bank, taking into consideration not only the current, twanstormer ratios, but also any delta connections which may be used. These ‘curcente willbe ina certain rato and the relay taps should be chosen to match this, 28 closely as possible. For example. assume that the currants are 7.8 and 4.6 amperes, and the relay is properly connected so thatthe higher Current (7-8 amperes) flows inthe tapped Festraining winding. The ratio 4.6/7.8 qual 10 5/8.47. The nearest tap ratio on the relay 16 5:8, and thi par of taps would bevused, ‘The time dial should be set on the number 1 positon Operating characteristics of the CA relay for normal through load current and through fault current are shown in Figures 49 and 50. When the currents flowing In and out af the lay ae plotted on those curves {and the point falls outside ofthe inoperative {rea the relay wil tip In Figures 48 and 80, the two curves going with the 5:5 tap are ted together with a bracket to indicate that these two curves {90 together. Similarly, the two curves for the 5-10 tap are alo tied together. The center lines between pairs of curves are shown forall taps. The paired curves Bounding the inoperative areas are not shown for the 55.5 trough 5:9 taps. ‘These curves may be approximately dotermined by using the following formula: for the upper curve: l= o for the lower curve: I; 0.375 2 In these formulas, Tis the larger number ‘of the tap pair, For example, ifthe relay is Seton the 5.7.3 tap, than T=7.3. ‘As on example ofthe accuracy of the formula. consider the point Iy= 43.5 and y= 30, and read from the lower curves for the 5 tapin Figure 50. Applying the formula, equation (2), the calculated value of fy ie found tobe 45, which i fairly close tw the curve value ly of 43.5. Furthsr Information Descriptive Bulletin 41-3036 Ingiruction Leaflet 41-332.2 Fig low current values gemamee! Fig. 50.CA rl high current values sess 48, CA relay typical operating curves, typical operating curves, Fig. 53. CA relay typical burden curve Si tap. Fig. 51.CA relay typical time curves. Fig, 54. CA relay typical burden curve, 510 tap. April, 1991 A. 1D PAD Type CA.26 Single Phase, 2 oF 3 Winding, Inverse Timing, Variable Percentage The CA-26 may bo used for differential protection of ether a2 or a winding power transformer. thas thee restraining Eircults for use in either af these applications, The variable percentage ratio characteristic provides Nigh sensitivity at low current ‘magnitudes, with an incraase in percentage Fatio atthe higher currents. It will therefore (detect ight internal faults within the teansformer an atthe same time allows for Variation in current transformer performance at high external fault currents theceby preventing False tripping on heavy 36 2 20 Operating Current in Ampeces 7-30 Restraint Current in Armperes 70-86 80 700 27988 Fig. 55. CA-26 olay variable percentage slope cue with one restraint winding, April, 1991, ‘extornal faults. This characteriati is particularly desirable when severe Saturation of the current transtormers occurs {due 10 the de component of asymmetrical short circuite Atypical external connection diagram ie Shown in Figure 59, Characteristics Single phase. 50 oF 60 hertz, spst-ce or pstice contacts, PT-32 Flexitest cate. 1: See Figure 58 int circuits, one operating circuit No ratio taps Variable percentage characteristics: see Figures 85 and 6, Minimum trip: 1.25 amperes. s¢ 40) ‘Operating Current In Amperes oe ee 620 Restraint Cuventin Amperes 937958 Fig. 56.CA.26 clay variable percentage slope curve with six restraint windings ‘Application Data 41-3016 Page 23 Transformer Differential Relays Buraen Each restrain citeuit—0.75 voltamperes at S amperes, 14 amperes continuous rating, 4460 amperes 1 second rating Operating ciraut—see Figue 57.8 amperes continuous rating: 260 amperes 1 second ating Relay settings: none required. except to select the proper tap onthe indicating Contactor Switch (Ic Performance curves: see Figures 85 0 88 Further Information Descriptive Bulletin 41-3046 Instruction Leaflet 41-337.3. Ht Operating Curentin Bmperes 527967 (CA.26 relay typical burden curve, and + —t (Operating Time in Mi 597056 Fig. $8. A-26 elay typical time curve ABB Application 0 41-3016 Page 24 Transformer Differential Relays ‘These elays are high speed differential units with two, three or four restraint Circults respectively; all incorporating @ hharmonie restraint cireut ta prevent false ‘wipping en magnetizing inrush current. ‘They ate all designed witha variable percentage rato charscteritie which provides nigh sensitivity at low current ‘magnitudes, with an increase in percentage Fetio at the higher currents. Each relay wil, tharatore. detect light internal faults within the tanstormor and atthe same time prevent {alse ripping on heavy external foult Currents which may cause variation inthe Current transformer performance at high ‘urtents. This is particulary desirable when Severe saturation of the current transformers ‘occurs due to the de companent of ‘symmetrical short circus ‘The harmonie restraint feature prevents false tripping on magnetizing inush currents Which appear atthe relay av an internal fault. These inrush currents are rich in harmonies. with the second harmonic predominant. Since the second harmonic is Slways present in magnetizing inush Eureents, and notin internal fault current waves. the second harmonic is used In these relays to restrain the relay an inrush, Normal application ofthese relays is 25 {ollows 2.winding vanstormer: type HU. ‘Seinding transformer: type HU-4 4eminding transformer: type HU-& Transformer with four breakers: type HU-4 [All HU type relays are available with a sensitivity of either 0.30 oF 0.35 times tap fating. The 30% sensitivity relay satatec, torily handles up to 15% mismatch le. 10% transformer tap changing, plus 89% current anstormer mismaten). The 35% Unit handles up to 20% mismatch, See Figures 60 to 65 for comparison of these two sensitivity characteristic, Ether characteristic may be obteined on any one of these relays by recalibration in the tel ‘Taps are provided in each restraint and ‘operating circuit to compensate for current transformer mismatch, These tap eetings {are marked In terms of secondary amperes and these values are listed in "character: Istice" below. ‘April, 1991 ‘Atypical external connection is shown in Figure 67 Character (Type HU-4 characteristics are the same as those for type HU and HU: except where noted otherwise) Single phase, 60 or 60 hertz, spst-cc or ddpst-ce contacts, HU-HU-1~FT-31 Fle case, HU-#FT-42 Flexitest case Operating time: see Figure 65, Restraint circuits: 2 in HU, 3 in HU-1, 4 i HU-4. plus one harmanie restraint. One ‘operating eltcut in each, Ratio Taps: 29, 3.2,,,5.0, 8.7 ampere taps on each restraint circuit, Variable percentage characteristics: ‘Types HU ang HU: 1—See Figures 60 and) Type HU-4~soe Figure 62 Minimum wip 30% oF 35% of tap value, Performance curves: see Figures 60 to 66. ‘Application Data 41-3016 Page 25 Transformer Differential Relays Energy Requirements ARG Atal Eien By B28 gm Be He Bren we 2 2 2B BR Gn Therma rating: 300 amperes 1 second (chermal capacities for short times other than one second may be calculated on the basis of time being inversaly proportional to the square of the current), 10 Sa pale ; f | 3 eit a | FEC saa | CERBEE EET LCE TEE ERs 3 a] El) L a Fig. 60. Types HU, HU-1 diferential unit characteristics, smaller current values ‘Application Data 41-3016 Page 26 Transformer Differential Relays. i mT feet Hi a | i 3s | 23? Bu tj eee Fig. 64. Types HU, HU-1 differential volt age characteristics of OU unit, 0.35 tines tap value pickup. ‘Operating Current in Muliles of Tap Value Larger Resvaine Current in Muttipes of Fig. 62. Type HU-4 relay itferential unit ‘characteristes of DU unit | z 22} SL} | o +16 0 Operating Current in Multiples of Tap Value Current 538023 Fig 65. Types HU, HU-1 relay typical operating time curve Relay Settings. Select the ratio in matching taps. tn order to aleulate the required tap settings and check Current transformer performance, the follow. ing is required Required Information 1eMaximum transformer rating (KYA 2. Maximum external fault currents, 3. Voltage ratings of power transformer Woe Ve Vl 4. Curtent transformer ratios. 5. Current sranstormer accuracy class voltage (or excitation or ratio-overcurrent urve). 6. One way current transformer lead sistance at 25°C (when using excitation curve, Include current wansformer winding re sistance. 7. Current wanstormer connections (mye or delta Detinition of Terms primary eutrert at (KYA, ‘urtent transformer secondary current SEIKVAl a, Iyeeelay input current at (KVAly, lay lau ley a8 Same a5 I except for high, Ow and intermediate voltage sides, respectively 9, = - a BT] enim 2 | ee 3 | | & TIGR Mismaten | Baral one ‘ { u vob Soe i 2 13 7P T ° 1035353530 * | | tap vawe Cue “hone | | | a1 (gto oe fig. 69-Types HU.HU- aterentia wot es = age characteristics of DU unt, 03 times tap value pickup. Fig 65 Pickup on variable frequency type HU, MU-1 and HU: relays. Apri, 1991 | PADDED Definition of Terms (continued) Te respectively N =number of current twansformer turns that are in use. N,=current ronstormer ratio, fll tap, Ve =current transformer securacy class vol: age Cor 10. ay tap settings for high. tow. and Intermedia voltage windings. N, (peoportion of total turns in use} Z,=burden impedance of any devices other ‘Wan HU or HUT relays with m>ximum phase-to phase or 3 phase curt at flowing Z,=total secondary burden in ohms {excluding current tranetormer winding resistance. except when using excitation curve) Calculation Procedure 1, Selection curent transfor rmultiatio types are used, Select atap to five approximately § amperes at maximum food evrtent. This will provide good Application Data ‘41-3016 Page 27 ‘Transformer Differential Relays sensitivity and wil produce no thermal froblem to the CT. the leads, oF the relays. Better sensitivity can be achieved by ‘electing a tap to give more than 5 amperes ifs carelul check ia made of the CT. the leads and the relay capability For determining the requited continuous ‘ating ofthe relay, use the expected two: hour maximum load. since the relay reaches final temperature i this time. Lt ws ; PAL, « ei r Si =a) SS ‘att ec eens Isemets hay Fig. 67. Types HU, HU-1 relay external connections. April, 1991 Application Data 41-3016 Page 28 Transformer 2. Caleulate the Relay Currents y Allrelay currents for relay tap selection ‘should be based on the same KVA capacity, 2. Calculate the Relay Current Ratio(s) using the lowest current as reference, 4, Select relay tap ratio as close as possible torelay current ratio from Table |. Choose the first relay tap ratio using the largest current ratio from Step 3. The other tap ratios should be determined using the lower tap from the fist tap ratio as reerence Ia should not exceed relay continuous rating as defined in Energy Requirement Table 5. CheckiIT Operation. The IT pickup is ten times the relay tap value forthe HU and HU? fF 15 times tap value for he HU-4. Therefor, the maximum symmetrical error current whichis lowing in the differential ireuiton ‘external fault eurrent due to dissimilar ct at Uration should not exceed 10 or 13 times, relay tap, 1000/8 (N=200) 20/8 (N40) uy Wow Die a Ea 100! 82188 4 6x, © 218, ‘ eae 2095) Fig. 68. Types HU. MU:1. HU mre2 Tarts $ oswmine emer winding MU Relay Tap Ratios (TT) Hist = 10 0 ay 2 espe “ws pag | eras from the intermeciate tolow voltage windings April, 1991 Where tap changing under load is per formed the relays should be seton the bat ofthe middle or neutral tap position, ‘The total mismatch, including the auto matic tap change should not exceed 15% witha 30% sensitivity relay. and 20% with 23.35% sensitivity relay, Note from Figure Gothatan ample satety margin exists at these levels of mismatch 7. Check current transformer performance. Ratio error should not exceed 10% wit imum symmetrical external current flowing [An accurate method of determining ratio terror is tose tatio-correction factor curves (cH. "A less accurate, but satisfactory ‘method isto utlize the ANSI elaying accu: fey clessiication Ifthe “(or 10.) accuracy is used, performance willbe adequate if ‘Application Data 41-301E Page 79 Transformer Differential Relays (eta (2 For daa connate eet = 120 2.-24nsam 228524 nme woe wan 288 22, For wye-connected et: " The factor of 2 accounts for conditions ex isting during a fault phase.) 2, lead resistance + Relay burden + Z, 0.15, saan, + 225 + 2, 0nms (a ( multiplier, 1.13, is usedto account for 018 temperature rise during faults 2 is an erat a faults approximation, Use two way lead re sistance for single phase to ground fault) al f —fesroy | st Fig. 69, Type HU-4 External Schematic Wye-Wye Delta Bank Apel, 1991 Application Data 41-3016 Page 30 Transformer Differential Relays ABB Three: Winding Transformer Calculations (Ses Figura 70) ‘e memsten sool!RH/RD THT. rool BtOu82)—(29/86), p= VAM, © 143 Amp. £0.000 334 Amp. 19.000 2.465 amp. (0x ie oo avs seta 40018 oops (we 20) 1000/5 20) tee 183.470 ano B27 Ane $8.22 anp In (aL 4 VAD: tan=179V3 tai-2.78V5 fmenagn2 as T8810 TL 872300 room TT) ‘aia soo (LIM) ATU) soot 82/922)—4.6/87)_ Fig. 70, 20/88 sa2iaae = senses aan rand t018- 230106 osnso0a= twvcunoor>2r Yen ves ves amet maces ete near Rout 35% Smsiviy Ra sne (LT M)> 19% ee Farther Information BE es me HU, HU-1: Descriptive Buen 41-2056 a 3 = oe vivre low Inston Leatiet #1387 1 orton be ceve wat 122.002 VAK- g0.000 ‘val {2828 | HU-t: Descriptive Bulletin 41-3056 | ‘wi meee ee em es ES zit 2 ‘April, 1991, ‘The HRU harmonic restraint lay is high speed relay used for supervision of ‘differential, overcurrent, or pilot relays, I is applied in various transformer diferental Schemes to provide security agains false tripping on transformer magnetization Magnetizing inrush current waves have various wave shapes. A typical wave fanpeare as 0 rectified half wave with ‘decaying peaks. In any case, the various Wave shapes are high in harmonies, with the ‘second harmanic predominant. ince the {Second harmonic is always present in ‘magnetizing rush waves and notin internal fault current waves. this second harmonics used inthe relay to restrain the uniton magnetizing inrush ‘The relay uses two L-C fier circuits with 2 full wave rectifier atthe output of each “The de output of the fundamental pass circuits fed tothe operating coll. and the {dc output of the second harmonic pass filter ie fed 10 the restraining coil. The Constants of these hte ctcults are such that the harmonic unit wil not elose is contacts unless the second harmonic content is less than 18% of the fundamental component, ‘The 3-phase HRU relay may be added to an existing Induction-dise aiferental relay installation should inrush tipping become ‘problem, See Figure 7, Figure 74 ilustrates a scheme using a2 phase HRU relay to supervise the HCB or HC8-1 relay fr the pravention of magnetiz fing ineush tipping, ‘When there are no selectivity requirements with low ide protective devices a modified “ingle phate HRU relay may provide protection ofa transformer. Sov Figure 73, Siphase, 60 Hert, spt-ce contacts, FT-31 Flexites case. (One harmonic restraint unit, three Instantaneous overcurrent units, one mixing transtormer Single phase, 60 Hertz, epst-ce contacts, FT-21 Floxitestcaze One harmonic restraint unit, one instantaneous overcurrent unit No ratio taps [2 relay ratings, 2.0and 4.0 Apri, 1981 Burden: 2.0 ampere relay0.88 volt-amperes at 2.0 amperes. 50.0 volt amperes at 16.0 amperes. 4.0 ampere reley--0.91 volt amperes at ‘4.0 amperes. 53.0 volt amperes a 22.0 amperes. Application Data 41-3016 Page 31 Transformer Differential Relays ‘Thermal rating: 300 amperes for 1 second. Frequency response: see Figure 72. Further Information Descriptive Bulletin 41-167 Instruction Leaflet 41-347.3 alc! et (ist relay instalation Fig. 71. External connection of3phase HAL with induction-dise differential J} eee Application Data 41-3016 Pege 92 8 Pickup Curent in % of 60 Here Pickup L. it (eocleti oo.ses120 pe t00 Fig. 72, HAU relay frequency response curves. | LT J 600 80 Lb Ty Hepererr a: Fig. 73. External connection of HAL with CO relays for rectifier Uwansformer protection Fig. 74. xtornal connection of 3-phase HAU with HCB or HCB-1 relay installation aa had. Bins Babee ‘ABB Power T&D Company Inc. ‘ABB Power T&D Company Inc. Relay Division Relay Division 4300 Coral Ridge Drive a 7036 Snowdrift Road, Suite 2 Coral Springs, FL 33065 * Allentown, PA 18106 ‘April, 1991 954-752-6700 610-395-7333

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