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Problem Statement

Catholic Church is criticised because of the financial, administrative

and spiritual scandals that have occurred at several levels of the
Adding additional check on the financial transactions might also lead
to problems between the levels of Roman Catholic Church
People doubting the churchs ability to provide spiritual, moral and
financial help to the people in need.

Solution Options
1. Add a compulsory financial audit at all the levels of Church
and publish the same in papers.
2. The Church should give strict punishment to the culprits.
3. The Church should highlight the good deeds done by Church
to the needy.
4. All the parishes and diocese should send consolidated
financial statement every year.
5. Transparency should be maintained
6. Church hierarchy should be reduced
7. Check on parishes and diocese should be increased

Evaluation of Options
1. Add compulsory financial audit
a. All the financial transactions should be recorded properly.
b. A proper financial report can be maintained.
c. All the financial transactions undertaken by the Church
should be kept transparent.

a. Requires extra manpower to maintain the financial
b. Straneous task to maintaining a proper financial report for
all the transactions
c. Can lead to differences between authorities at Church

2. The Church should punish the culprits

a. It will increase the trust of people when Church takes
action against the culprits, and give a sense of spirituality
b. It will warn the other members of Church that nothing will
be taken for granted.
3. Highlight the good deeds done by Church
a. Increase peoples trust when they see the charity work
being done by Church
b. People will also get to know the expenses incurred in doing
the charity work.

a. It can be tedious to maintain all the transactions
b. It can sometimes become dangerous to disclose all the

4. Consolidated Financial Statement of all parishes and diocese

a. All parishes and diocese will maintain financial documents.
b. Easy to track if there is any irregularity.
c. People can be sure about the money donated being used
in a proper way with the help of transparent financial

a. Requires every financial transaction to be recorded which is
again a tedious job

5. Transparency should be maintained

a. It will be helpful in gaining and maintaining the trust of
people in the authority.
b. Will be easy to track any discrepancies in financial

a. Can lead to differences of opinion among the members of
the Church.

6. Check on parishes and diocese to be increased

a. Church can keep an eye on the parishes and diocese
b. It can set an example to all the parishes and diocese about
the mandatory behaviour which they need to follow.
c. Can increase the trust of people by setting an example that
no one has a power to use the money from charity for
personal use and cannot indulge in acts that are
detrimental to the image of the Church.
a. Can lead to differences between the authorities of the
7. Church hierarchy to be reduced
a. Easy to communicate when the hierarchy is less.
b. The highest authority can easily keep a check on lower
authorities and their working.
c. Flow of information will become easier.
d. Issues can be resolved within less time.
e. Decision can be taken quickly.
a. The structure can sometimes become friendlier in nature.

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