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Adjective Clause

Relative Pronouns





Types of Adjective Clause


How important
Important as it defines
the antecendent
Unimportant, as
additional information
about the antecendent

Comma is

Relative pronoun
Can be replaced
by that
Cannot be
replaced by that

1. The student is a representative of STAN outstanding student of the

year. He is wearing a dark-blue jacket.
The student who/that is wearing a dark-BLUE jacket is a
representative of STAN outstanding student of the year.
2. The lecture has been cancelled. It should have been held in R 201.
The lecture which/that should have been held in room 201 has
been cancelled.
3. The employee is a STAN graduate. The Director has chosen him to
attend a conference in the US.
The employee whom the Director has chosen to attend a conference
in the US is a STAN graduate.

4. We all have to buy the expensive book. The lecturer recommended


We all have to buy the expensive book which the lecturer

5. We were introduced to Mr. Brown. His article on the analysis of
ASEAN Economic Development is worldly known.
We were introduced to Mr. Brown whose article on the analysis of
ASEAN Economic Development is worldly known.
6. Faculties should immediately upgrade themselves. Their facilities
cannot accommodate the students activities.
Faculties the facilities of which cannot accommodate the students
activities should immediately upgrade themselves

7. Bank Arta will be liquidated. My family relies on it for the operation of

our business.
Bank Arta, on which my family relies for the operation of our
business, will be liquidated
8. This is the person. The Director has sent you to him for a good
academic advice.
This is the person, to whom the director has sent you for a good
academic advice.

1. International action was needed to deal with problems faced by
exporting countries. The principal exports of these countries were
primary commodities.

2. Our new sales campaign will be launched next week. We are

relying on it to acquire a large share of the market.
3. The company deals with the export of raw materials. He has been
working for this company since he left school.
4. Many of the workers have been relieved from their jobs. The
manager considered them lacking in capability.
5. The developing countries should make a careful planning in
setting up the development programs. The World Bank has
extended a large amount of long-term loans to some of these
6. The country has for the past few years made a significant
increase in its foreign reserves. Its national income depends
greatly on tourism.
7. Multinationals having branches all over the world include Coca
Cola. One of its subsidiaries is in Indonesia (use ralative pronoun
for person)
8. The inadequate allocation of funds caused the world bank loans
for development not to achieve the desired target. This has been
repeatedly argued in the parliament.
9. The most popular manager has been promoted to one of the
direcors of the bank. Everybody praised him for being a very
capable and sociable manager.
10. Cooperatives are making great efforts to diversify the sources
of their capital. They expect to be able to expand their activities
with it.
11. Member of the committee examining the feasibility of a giantelectrical plant have been working hard for more than one month
on this peoject.
Some of these members are expatriates.
12. The authorities were confident that balance of payment
deficits would decrease.
The design of various new taxes had been assigned to them.
13. The exporters of primary products were heavily competed by
the producers of synthetic products.
Many of these exporters lost their share in the world market.
The government tried to
protect all garment exporters against a sudden cut on the
existing quota.
These exporters are in fact contributing to the diversification of
expoted products.

1. This is obvious.
Indonesia cannot improve its economy through agricultural
development only.
2. The Trade Minister insists on this.
Indonesia should make room for foreign capital and expertise in oil
and natural gas.
3. This is vital.
Do not cause damage to the environment for the sake of
commercial gains.
4. Businessmen were wondering about this.
Will the government take other drastic steps to stabilize the
5. He told us this.
Excess production of a commodity will lead to a glut on the market.
6. I would like to know this.
Has the committee made up the budget for the new project?
7. The manager requested this.
The present supervisor should be replaced because his performance
is unsatisfactory.
8. The tourists wanted to know this.
Where is the nearest shopping centre and where can I get good

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