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CAS Consultation Form CAS @ MLC SCHOOL Student Name: Jessie Cai Date: 20/07/16 Instructions: Complete a selt-appraisal of your progress towards achieving the eight CAS leaming outcomes and submit itto your CAS Advisor prior to your ‘consultation meeting in term 3 of Year 11 and term 2 of year 12. Leaming Outcome Activity/Project and Evidence of achievement CAS Advisors Comment Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth They are able to see themselves as individuals with various skills and abilities, some more developed than others, and understand that they can make choices about how they wish to move forward. Activities: Singing lessons, IGSSA Tennis 2015, personal training sessions Singing lessons: | attended weekly singing lessons at school, over two terms in year 12. Through attendance in these lessons, | became more aware of certain areas of growth that | had never properly considered before. I'd sung in Chamber Choir at school since year 7, and had always thought that | was relatively comfortable singing in front of others, however through singing lessons, | discovered that the experience of singing in a choir, compared to singing solo was very different. I realised that | had a weakness in solo performance, despite being in the school choir for a substantial number of years. This has made me make a commitment to myself to be more confident in front of others in performance activities, whether that be singing, or other areas such as public speaking. I've tried to become less fearful of public, judgement and embrace the actual experience more. IGSSA Tennis 2018: | participated in the school Saturday sport tennis programme, which involved training at school by coaches. twice a week, and a game on Saturday. Through the training sessions, | became more aware of a need to improve on my specific tennis skill, in areas such as my backhand. However, | Taenia tae been tavelied 2k a lage of aotuines Be CH. Although TFassical She en et tg oe PP ate ne S canyots CAS @ MLC SCHOOL also discovered that I had strengths in teamwork, Personal training sessions: | attended 10 weekly sessions with a personal trainer, at my local gym. Through exposing myself directly to exerting physical exercises, | became aware of my areas for growth in terms of my physical abilities. For example, | discovered | that my cardio was not very well developed, and that I had little |// upper body strength. 2. Undertaken new challenges A new challenge may be an unfamiliar activity, or an extension to an existing one. Activities: Crochet club, Bollywood dancing, singing lessons, personal training sessions, swimming lessons Crochet club: I'd never tried crocheting before participating in the Friday club. | was required to go to Spotlight to purchase the appropriate equipment, including multi coloured yarn and crochet hooks. | then taught myself how to crochet over the weekend through watching videos online. My first attempt had quite a few holes, though as | made more practice squares my technique improved slowly and the quality of my squares improved. Through this CAS activity, I've developed newly acquired crocheting skills Bollywood dancing: I'd never tried Bollywood dancing before taking part in the Bollywood showcase for Rainbow Week, as apart of CAS, Participating in this activity allowed me to realise how much | enjoyed creative movement, and it offered me interesting new hobby over the course of training for the final performance. Singing lessons: Though I'd always participated in school choirs, | had never really been required to sing solo, and I'd never undertaken singing lessons before. Starting this new activity allowed me to learn particular singing techniques that | hadn't been, explicitly aware of previously. ns: In 2015, I'd newly signed up to a CAS @ MLC SCHOOL ‘gym, a membership being something I'd never previously had before. Since | wasn't too sure of how to use the equipment in the ‘gym, | signed up for a personal trainer. Involvement in this new activity allowed me to realise my love for fitness and going to the gym, which I've continued into 2016. Swimming lessons: I'd previously had swimming lesson, however I stopped in 2010. Re-attending these lessons allowed me to rediscover how much | enjoyed swimming and cardio fitness. It also forced me to relearn many swimming techniques that Id lost over, /] the course of the 6 years since last attending lessons. 3. Planned and initiated activities Planning and initiation will ‘often be in collaboration with ‘others. It can be shown in activities that are part of larger projects, for example, ‘ongoing school activities in the local community, as well as in small student-led activities. Activities school business club, skirts for Nepal, Bali bracelet making School business club: School business club is a student lead committee that organises fundraising activities for micro loan projects via Kiva. | was required to plan and initiate activities in the fundraising stage, for example, we were required to coordinate a ‘Winter Stall, making the products and selling them for profit.| was also required to set up a voting system to choose which candidates we would be supporting with our micro loans, designing posters and placing them around the school. Skirts for Nepal: In the aftermath of the Nepal earthquake in 2015, a group of girl and myself participated in making skirts for an orphanage for HIV positive children in Nepal. We were required to plan the skirt designs, attain and cut out the appropriate material. We then planned and sewed on several occasions to construct the skirts. | then delivered these skirts to a local reverend, who took them to Nepal. Bali bracelet making: for this activity, another group of girls and myself planned to make bracelets over the course of 2015. We then planned and initiated a final BBQ in 2016 where we sold the CAS @ MLC SCHOOL bracelets to raise funds for educational resources for Balinese children, 4. Worked collaboratively with others ‘Collaboration can be shown in many different activities, ‘such as team sports, playing music in a band, or helping in a kindergarten. At least ‘one project, involving collaboration and the integration of at least two of creativity, action and service, is required. Activities: Bollywood dancing, IGSSA Tennis 2015, touch football 2014, school business club, skirts for Nepal, Bali bracelat making IGSSA Tennis 2015/Touch Football 2014: For both of these team sports, | was required to work with other girls. There was a good level of team bonding within both these sports as | was playing with my friends, and they were completed with relative ease and enjoyment. School business club/skirts for Nepal/Bali bracelet making: In all of these activities, | was required to take part in creative and service projects. It wasn't difficult to work with others in any of them as again, | was friends with all the girls. It was extremely valuable having a team for these projects as we were able to delegate big tasks, and build on each others ideas on how to best approach our fundraising aspirations. Bollywood dancing: For this activity, | was required to coordinate with the other dancers. | had to ensure that | listened to others’ instructions and guidance carefully, and that | was in time with everyone else in the final performance. /) 5. Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities At a minimum, this implies attending regularly and accepting a share of the responsibility for dealing with problems that arise in the course of activities. Activities: Bollywood dancing, singing lessons, IGSSA Tennis 2015, IGSSA Soccer 2015, personal training sessions, IGSSA touch football 2015, swimming lessons, Bali bracelet making For all the above activities, | was required to attend regular training or practice sessions. | was motivated to stay committed as the majority of the activities involved working with other people, and | didn’t want to let others down. Particularly for the Bali bracelet making project, | needed to commit to having an activities input in group discussions as we encountered several problems along the CAS @ MLC SCHOOL way. For example, it was difficult to get approval for some of our ideas so we had to persevere in trying to email and convince the right people, or spend time conceptualising alternative plans. 6. Engaged with issues of global importance Students may be involved in international projects but there are many global issues that can be acted upon locally or nationally (for example, environmental concerns, caring for the elderly, improving literacy). ‘Activities: School business club, Bali bracelet making School business club: The school business club allowed us to fun international micro loans. This engaged with the global issue of poverty, especially among women as we only chose female candidates Bali bracelet making: Our activity making bracelets for Bali funded educational projects for disadvantaged children in rural communities. This project engaged with the global issue of educational access and to an extent, poverty. 7. Considered the ethical implications of their actions Ethical decisions arise in almost any CAS activity (for example, on the sports field, musical composition, in relationships with others involved in service activities). Evidence of thinking about ethical issues can be shown in various ways, including journal entries and conversations with CAS advisers. Ae ities: jollywood dancing, skirts for Nepal Bollywood dancing: In performing the Bollywood style of dancing, Thad to be aware that I remained sensitive to possible issues of cultural appropriation. My costume and actions were strictly guided by the girls leading the activity, as they had an awareness of the Indian culture, and thus knew what was and was not appropriate. | had to ensure that I wasn't offending others through my actions while in culturally significant attire. Skirts for Nepal: In making the skirts for the HIV positive girls of the Nepalese orphanage, we were told due to strict cultural and religious regulations, the skirts were required to be particular modest, e.g. with a thicker material and appropriate length. | had t. consider the ethics of respecting other cultural norms and oP preserving the modesty of others. Tanatas uber te aetods ter CAS aduities her jovrmy one He pet 8. Developed new skills As with new challenges, new Activities: crochet club, IGSSA Soccer 2015, personal training sessions, swimming lessons, Bali bracelet making CAS @ MLC SCHOOL skills may be shown in ‘Crochet club/Bali bracelet making: In participating in these activities that the student activities, | developed newly established crocheting and bracelet has not previously making skills. These were taught to me through online videos, or undertaken, or in increased _| the advice of other students. expertise in an established area. IGSSA Soccer 2015/personal training sessions/swimming lessons: All of these activities required me to developed new sporting skills. 'd never played soccer before so | was taught passing and dribbling techniques. In addition, I'd never previously been signed up to a gym before, so taking part in personal training sessions allowed me to improve my form on particular exercises, and learn new ones, such as leg presses on a machine. By submitting this form you are declaring that the information provided meets the IB Academic Honesty guidelines. Student signature. JOSSIC CAI... see CAS Advisor statement: the student has completed and uploaded documents for all activities: & planning DY evidence of sustained participation reflection et atin Action and Service G roup Project CAS Advisor signature:... Mlager. sessesses Date: 1s[u feos CAS @ MLC SCIIOOL.

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