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SONG (po NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD 10 DO so} 'T.B.C. : B-GTD-O-NDA Test Booklet Series Seri ———— TEST BOOKLET MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Paper—I INSTRUCTIONS 1, IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMPNATICN. YOU SHOULL? CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET 2. PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS THE CANDIDATE'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENCODE AND FILL IN THE ROLL NUMBER AND TEST BOOKLET SERIES CODE A, B, C OR D CAREFULLY AND WITHOUT ANY OMISSION OR DISCREPANCY AT THE APPROPRIATE PLACES IN THE OMR ANSWER SHEET. ANY OMISSION/ DISCREPANCY WILL RENDER THE ANSWER SHEET LIABLE FOR REJECTION. 3. You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. 4. This Test Booklet contains 120 items (questions). Each item somprisos four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case, you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for eact. item 5. You have to mark your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. 6. All items carry equal marks. 7. Before you procced to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to ‘varicus ‘tems in th? Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Admission Certificate. Afier_you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answe: Sheet and the ‘xamination has concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. 9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. 10. Penalty for wrong answers : ‘THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE. (0) There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third ().33) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. (ii) Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be seme penalty as above to that question. ii) If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is given by the cardidete, there will be no penalty for that question. (DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD 70 DO 50) ‘A body of mass 20 kg falls freely in vacuum. It has fallen through a vertical distance of 50m. The gravi-ational acceleration may be assumed as 10 m/s*. What is the thermodynamic work done by the body? (a) 1000 Nm () 10K © 0 (@) 1kNm When 2 system is taken from state ‘x’ to state ‘y’, 30 kJ 0 heat flows into the system and the system does 10 kJ of work. When the system is retumed from‘y’ to*x’ along another path, werk done on the system is 8 kJ. What is the amount of heat liberated or absorbed? (a) 12kJ of heat liberated (b) 28 kI of heat liberated (©) 12 kl of heet absorbed (A) 28 kJ of hezt absorbed A closed gaseous system undergoes a reversible constant pressure process at 2 bar in which 100 kJ of heat is rejected and the volume changes from 0.2 m*to 0.1 m?, The change in the internal energy of the system is (a) -100 ks (b) -80 ks © 60k! @ -40Ky A Carnot engine receives 100 KJ of heat at 600 K. Heat is ejected at 300 K. The displacement volume is 0.2 m’. The mean effective pressure is (a) 2bar %b) 2.5 bar (c) 3 bar id) 3.5 bar 5. The values of heat transfer and work transfer {for the processes of a thermedynamie cycle are given below: Process | Heat transfer | Work inns (kJ) (kK) fa 300—«| = 30) ; 2 o = | so 3 -100 ~1C0 | 4 00 250 The thermal efficieny of the eycle and the work ratio will ¢ respective'y: (@) 33%and 6.66 (b) 66%and (.36 (c) 36%and 6.66 (@ 33%and 0.36 The performance of reciprozating compressors with provision of esoling cylinder is compared with (a) Mechanical effiziency (©) Isothermal efficiency (©) Adiabatic e-Ficiency (@)_Isentropic efficiency ‘A body of mass 2 kg ead Cp = 1.00 kivke K is available at 600 K. If the atmosphere is 300 K and In 2 0.693, the maximurr work obtainable from the -ody till it comes to equilibrium with the emosphere is (@) 150KI (b) 142 kr (©) 184.2k5 @ 1905k5 (Contd) CO 10. A liquid of heat capacity 5 J/K in an insulated container is heated electrically from 300 K tc 600K. If In2=0.693, entropy generation of the universe would be (@) 6.93. /K (b) 3.465 KX (©) 34.65 /K @ 10.65 7K Which of tke following relationships represents the change of entropy of a perfect gas? aT R cp +Sav Lo Opp ty 2, cpt_Ryp T P 3. ve sop P Vv 4 fa) 1,2and donly tb) 1,2 and 3only (c) 2,3 and 4 only (@) 1,2,3and4 Consider the following statements regarding evailability: Itis generally conserved It can either be negative or positive It is the maximum theoretical work obtainable 4. Itcan be destroyed in irreversil ity Which of the atove statements are correct? (a) 3and4 () tand2 (© Land3 () 2and4 M. 12 13 During a thermodynamic process, 1(0 kJ of heat is transferre¢ from a reservoir at 800 K toa sink at 400 K. The ambient temperct is 300 K. The loss of aveilable energy 's (a) 275k (6) 32.5kI © 375K @) 625k A refrigerator that operates on a Camot cycle is required to transfer 2000 ki/min to the atmosphere at 27°C, where the low temperature reser-oir is al 0°C, What is the power required? (a) 200 Ww (b) 32.93kW (©) 200kW (@ 3.33kW Consider the following statements: 1. Camot, Ericsson and Stirling cycl2s are ideal power cvcles that are comp ctely reversible 2. Ericsson cycle is not practical engine cycle 3. Stirling cycle is the only practical power cycle among the above 4. Alllthese eycles have the same thermal efficiency Which of the above statements are correct? (@) 1,2, 3and4 (b) 1,2 and 4 only (©) 2,3.and4 only (@ 1,2 and3 only (Cond) . The vapour pressure of a liquid at any arbitrary temperature can be estimated approximately with the help of (2) Gibbs equation (b) Joule-Kelvin equation (©) Clausius-Clapeyron equation (@_ Gibbs-Duhem equation . In order to determine the quality of wet steam by a separating and throttling calorimeter, the steam should be first separated and then throttled such that the final state is (a) >) (©) Saturated vapour only Superheated vapour only Ata pressure higher than the original pressure (@)_ A mixture of saturated liquid and vapour The work done in a steady flow process is J vdp. In the Rankine cycle, the turbine work is much greater than the pump equal to work because (a) The specific volume of water is much igher than that of steam (b) The specific volume of steam is much aigher than that of water (c) The pressure drop in the turbine is -nuch higher than that in the pump @ There is less irreversibility in the curbine than in the pump V7. 18. 19. ‘The maximum net specitie work obtanathe in an ideal Brayton cycle for ~,,, = 900 K and T,, = 400 K is given by (@) 100Cp (b) 500 Cp (©) 700Cp (@) 800Cp The tendency of detonation -s tigh in engines of larger =ylinder diam eter because of (a) Higher intake pressure in lager cylinder Higher fuel air rato in larzer cyliacer Flame havirg to :revel longer ¢istance in larger cylinde~ Sparks are advenced mos ir larger cylinder Consider the followirg statements: 1. The only practical way of imp-ovirg efficiency of Otto ycle is to increcse the compressior. ratio of an internal combustion engine 2. Briesson cyzle reeds heat transfer n all the processes 3. Ericsson ard Stirling cycles -mpioy regenerative heat exctzngers for reversible heat transfer 4, Atkinson cycle 1as a greaer specific work than a comparable Otto cycle engine Which of the abcve statements are corrent? (@) 1,2,3and4 @&) (©) 2,3 and 4only @ 1, 2and donly 1, 2and 3oaly «Comid. 20, For a multistage reciprocating compressor; which of the following statements are correct? 1, It decreases volumetric efficiency 2. The work of compression is reduced 3. The high pressure cylinder is smaller in size (a) (b) () @ Land 2 only 2and 3 only land 3 only 1, 2and 3 . An open cycle pressure gas turbine uses a fuel of calorific value 40,000 ki/kg with air- fuel ratio of 80:1 and develops a net outout of 80 ki/kg of air. The thermal efficiency of he cycle is tay 12% (b} 16% (©) 20% (A) 18% Consider the following statements regardirg cyeles: 1. Stirling cycle consists of two isothermal and two adiabatic processes. 2, In vapour compression cycle, the refrigerant is in the form of dry saturated vapour before entering compressor. 3. Diesel cycle consists of one constant pressure; one constant volume and two isentropic processes Which of the above statements are correct? (a) 1,2and3 “>) Land 2 only (e) 1 and3 only (d) 2and3 only 5 : 23. 24. 25. The efficieacy cf the vapour power Renkine cycle can be increased by 1. Increesing the temperature of the working fluid at which heat is added 2. Increasing the pressure of the wo-king fluid at which heat is added 3. Decreesing the tem>erature of the working flud at which heat is rejected Which of the above statements are ecrect? (a) (b) 1 and 3 only (©) 2and3 only (@) 1,2and3 An ideal refrigerating machine works between the temperature lim ts 0°45°C end 8°C . The power required per toa of reftigeration is (@) 1.0 kw (b) 1.2 kW (©) 08 kW @ 07 kw 1 and 2 only Consicer the following data efer-ing to a refrigerator working on Vapour-compress.02 refrigeration cycle: 1. Enthalpy at ertry to compressor = 180 ki/kg Enthalpy a: exit from compressor = 210 kivkg 3. Enthalpy at exit of coadéaser = 60 the surroundings is 4 Wim'K. In order to provide e-Yective insulation, the minin-Lm outer diarneter of the pipe should be (@) 45mm (b) 60mm (©) 75mm (@) 90mm 39. .A plane wall is 20 cm thick with an area perpendicular to heat flow of 1 m? and has a thermal condvctivity of 0.5 WimK. A temperature differenc of 100°C is imposed across it, The rate of beat flow is (@) 0.10kW () 0.15kW (©) 0.20kW (@) 0.25kW 40. The laminar flow is characterized by Reynolds number which is (a) Equal to critical value (b) Less than the critical value (©) More than the cr-tical value (@) Zero critical valve 41. Conside statements: ‘An increase in pin fin ef"ectiveness is caused by high value of 1. Convective coefficient 2. Thermal conductivity the followi 3. Sectional area 4. Circumferenze Which of the above statements are correct? (@ land3 (b) Land 4 (©) 2and3 (@) 2and4 2 4B Ina ‘aminar developing flow through a pipe with constant wall temperature, the magnitude of the pipe wall inner surface convective heat transfer coefficient shall be maximum at the: (a) Middle length of flow (b) Beginning of flow (©) End of flow (©. None of the above For minimum compression work in a 2-stage reciprocating air compressor, which othe following expressions gives the ratio 0° low pressure cylinder to high pressure cylinder diameters? where p,,p, and p, are suction, intermediate and delivery pressures respectively. 44, Oxides of ni-rogen in Petrol engine exhaust can be reduced by the folle wing methods: 1, Use of 5% lean mixturz 2. Advancing the spark timing 3, Recirculating a fraccicr of exhanast gas 4, Using an oxidaricn catalyst in the exhaus: manifold Which of the above stetements is/are correct? (a) 1and2 (b) 2only (©) 3and4 (a) 3 only 45. A counter flow shell and tube excrenger having an a-ea of 32.5 m?, is used “o heat water with hot exhaust gases. The water 16 Ki/kg K) flows a: arate of 2 kg/see while the exhaust gases (Cp = 1.03 K) flow at a race of 5.15 kgyse2. If the overall heat transfer surface coefficient is 200 Wim"K, the NTU for the heat 2 changer is @ 12 (b) 2.4 (©) 36 (@ 48 46. Consider the following statements with regard to heat transfer: 1, The temperature variations in lumped heat capacity analysis is exponential with time 2. In situations involving simultaneous heat and mess transfer, the ratio of convective heat transfer to convective mass transfer varies with Lewis number, Le, as (Le)!", Which of the above statements are correct? (a) Both 1 and2 (b) Neither 1 nor 2 (©) Lonly (d) 2only 47. For a fluid with >randtl number Pr >1, momentum boundary layer thickness (@) Decreases rapidly compared to the thermal boundary layer thickness (9) And thermal toundary layer thickness increase at the same rate (©) Increases rapidly compared to the thermal boundary layer thickness (4) And thermal boundary layer thickness decrease at the same rate 48. For the same type of shapes, the value of Radiation Shape Factor will be higher when surfaces are (a) More closer orly : (b) Moved further apart (c) Smaller and held closer (d)_ Larger and held closer 49. Ina pipe, laminar flew ia fully devsloped region with constant heat flux from pipe wall, bulk mean -emperature of fluid (a) and pipe wall temperaturs increase in flow direction (©) and pipe wa teraperature decrease in flow direction (©) remains ccnstent, but pipe wall ‘temperature -nerease: in low direc-ion (d) increases bet pipe wall temperature remains constant 50. Which of the following statements is corect, for steam boiler ? @ iler secondary hea: transfer surface includes super-heater, economizer and air pre- heater. (®) Boiler primary heat transfer su-face includes evaporator section, saper- heater sectior. and rebeat section. (©) Boiler primacy heat -ransfer surfece includes evaporator sec-ion, economizer and super-heater section. (@)_ Boiler secondary teat transfer surface includes evapcrator section, economizer and air pre- heater 51. Ina wall of constant thermal conduetivi-y, the temperature prcfile “or heat conduction in the presence of a heet scurce inside the wall is (@) Linear (b) Logarithmic © Parabolic (d)_ Hyperbolic (Cortd.) Se 52. 54. Determine the heat transfer through a plane of length 4 m, height 3 m and thickness 0.2 m. The temperatures of inner and outer surfaces are 150°C and 90°C respectively. Thermal conductivity of the wall is 0.5 Wim. (a) 1800 W (6) 2000 W (©) 2200W (a) 2400 W In a Psychrometric chart, which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) I is used to determine properties of reffigerants (b) It cannot determine WBT and DBT (©) It is seldom used for air conditioning design (d) It provides plots for moist air conditioning In a Psychrometric chart, horizontal lines represent constant (a) Humidity ratio and vertical lines represent constant dry bulb temperarure (b) Humidity ratio and vertical lines represent constant wet bulb temperature (©) Drybulb temperature and vertical lines represent constant absolute humidity ratio (© Wet bulb temperature and vertical lines represent constant humidity ratio 55. Air is passed through a cooling coil at a temperature of -$°C. If the temperature of air drops from 25°C to 10°C, the Bysass factor of the coil is (a) 02 (b) 05 © 07 (@ 1.0 56, The multistage compressior. of air as compared to sing.e stage compression (a) Improves vo umetric efficiency for the given pressure ratio (b) Reduces work done per ke of a (c) Gives more uniform zorque (@ Alloftte above 57. In sensible ccoling of moist air, ts physical properties vary as follows: 1. The wet bulb temperature decreas2s 2. The dew poin: temperature remains constant, 3. The relative aumidity :ncreases Which of the above statements are ccrrect? (a) 1,2and3 (b) 1 and 2 only (©) Land3 only @)_ 2and 3 only 58, A desert cooler having a cooling efficiency of 70% reduces the temperature of atmospheric air from 37°C to 30°C. The wet bbalt temperature of the air is 2c (b) 25°C ie) 26°C (a) 2c Consider the following statements with regard to air-conditioning systems: 1 In adiabatic saturation process, air- vapour mixture undergoes a process of constant relative humidity 2. Wet bulb temperature of air whose relative humidity is 100 is equal to the dew point temperature 3. In winter air conditioning, the process is heating and humidification 4. For designing air conditioning ducts, equal friction method automatically reduces the air velocity in the duet in the direction of flow Which of the above statements are correct? (a) land2 (b) land4 (©) 2and3 @) 3and4 12 . 60. 61 62, 63. A fin will be more eFective ‘when Biot number is (a) Greater than 1 (b) Bcual to 1 1 3 (©) Between 5 and | (d)_ Less than 1 In a convergent divergent nozzle, the velocity at throat of nozzle is given by (a 1 (© V=[20p,v,.? @ v=inp,y, where p= initial en-ry pressure, v, = initial entry specific vo.ume and r. = isentrepi index of expansion Which of the following ref-igeraticn systems is most suitable for solcr (a) Ejector reftigeraticn systern (b) Vepour abso-p:ion system (©) Desiccant re-tigeteticn aysiem (d)_ Vertex tube refrigeration system A tank of length, breadth and height n the ratio of 2:1:2 is fal. of water. The ratio of hydrostatic force et the kotor: te that 2) any larger vertical surfa: @ 1 (b) 4 @ 2 @) 3 (Cored) 65. 67. Which of the following fluids exhibit a certain shear stress at zero shear strain rate followed by a straight line relationship between shear stress and shear strain rate? (2) Newtonian fluids (b) Ideal Bingham plastic fluids (©) Pseudo-plastic fluids (4) Dilatent fluids What is the specific gravity of a marble stone, which weighs 400 N in air, and 200 N in water? (g = 10m/s*) (a 8 (b) 6 (©) 4 @ 2 . What is the intensity of pressure in the following SI units, when specific gravity of mercury is 13.6 and the intensity of pressure is 400 KPa? (a) 0.3 bar or 4.077 m of water or 0,299 m of He 4 bar or 5.077 m of water or 0.399 m of Hg 0.3 bar or 5.077 m of water or 0.599 m of Hg 4 bar or 4.077 m of water or 0.299 m of Hg (b) © @ Consider the following statements: 1. Ifa small upward displacement is given to a floating body, it results in the reduction of the buoyant force acting on the body 2. A slight horizontal displacement does not change either the magnitude or the location of the buoyant force Which of the above statements is/are correct? (a) Both I and 2 (b) 1 only (©) 2only (@)_ Neither 1 nor 2 68, State wheher followir.z flow field is physically possiale? ua3xy?t2x+ytand v=? -2y —y" (@) Possible for steady, incompressible flow (b)_ Possible for unsteacy, inccmpressible flow (©) Possible for steady, compressibie flow (A) Not possible 69. A steady incompressible flaw field is given byu=2x?+ y and v=—4ny. The convective acceleratior along x-direction at point (1, 2)is (@) 6 units (©) 24 units () -8 units (a) -24 units 70 Consider the following remarks >ertaining to the irrotational flow. 1 The Laplace equsticn of stream sy function 2¥ +2 ar? ay satisfied for the flow tc be potential. 2. The Laplace equation fer the velocity potential 2% 24 musi be a satisfied 40 fulfil the eritztior. of raess conservation i.e contirvity equatinr Which of the above stetements is‘are co-tect? (@) Lonly () Both 1 and 2 (©) only (@ Neither 1 aor 2 Come.) FE 1. 72. 14, Ina two dimensional incompressible fluid flow field, the stream function at a point P 2, 1) is given by an expression y = 2xy. The value of velocity potential at P is f@) 3 (b) 25 © 4 @s Ina stream line steady flow, two points A and B on stream line are I m apart and the flow velocity varies uniformly from 2 m/s to 5 m/s, What is the acceleration of fluid at B? (a) (b) (©) @ 3 mst 6ms* 9 ms? 15 mis? . The strzam function is given by y = 3xy, then the velocity at the point (2, 3) is @ 9 (b) -€ © UT (@ 108 ‘The heed loss in a sudden expansion from 8 cm diameter pipe to 16 cm diameter pipe interms of velocity V, in the smaller pipe is 75. What is the ratio cf momentum thickness to the boundary layer thickness 8 when the layer velocity profile is given by : u(y)? (a) €.133 (b) 0.333 (©) 0.166 (d) 0.136 where wis velocity at height y above surface and U, is free stream velocity of flow. 76. The boundary layer thickness at a given distance from the leading edge ofa flat piate is @ (>) © @ In laminar flow thro gh a circular >ipe, he discharge varies (2) Linearly with fluid densi-y (b) Inversely vith pressure drop More for lighter fluid More for censer fluid Lass for denser fluid “ess for lighter uid 71. (©) Directly as square of pipe radius (d)_ Inversely with fluid viscosity 78. A fluid is flowing over a “lat plate. At distarce of 8 cm from the leading edge, the Reynolds number is found to b2 25600. The thickness of the 2oundary layer at this po.nt is @ (b) (©) @ 5.0mm 1.3 mm 2.5mm 4.0mm (Contd. a. Air is flowing over a flat plate with a free steam velocity of 24 m/s, and its kinematic viscosity is 72 x 10° m/s, Ifat a particular point, the Reynolds number is 30000, its location from the leading edge is (a) 0.05 m (b) 0.07m (©) 0.08 m (d) 9.09 m ider the following statements pertaining to boundary layer on a flat plate: 1. The thickness of laminar boundary ‘ayer at a distance x from the leading edge varies as x! 2. The thickness of turbulent boundary layer at a distance x from the leading edge varies as x" 3. Boundary layer is laminar wien Reynolds number is less than 5 x 10° Which of the above statements are correct? (a) *,2and3 (b) 1 and2 only (© 1 and3 only (@ 2and3 only Which of the following parameters of fluid will increase as a result of friction while flowing adiabatically through a convergent divergent nozzle? (a) Available heat drop (b) Entropy (©) Stagnation pressure (@ Stagnation temperature 82. Ina shock wave, the flow passes from a (a) Subsonic to a soni state (b) Subsonic to a supersonic state (©) Supersonic to a sonic state (@)_ Supersonic 20 a subsonic state 83. A jet of water issues from a nozzle with a velocity of 2) m/s and it impinges normally on a flat plate moving away from it t 10 ms. If the cross sectional area of the jet is 0.01 m? ard the density of water is take as 1000 kg/m’, then the force developed on the plate wil. be (a) 100N (b) 200N (c) 1000N @ 2000N 84, A two dimensioral velocity field is g.vem by V= (xy? +x) i-Qxy-y)j ‘The convective acceleration at (x,y) = (1,2) is (@) 0 (b) 14 units (© 2units (a) None of the above 85. Jet pumps are often used in process industry for their (a) Large cepacity (b) High efficiency (©) Capacity to transport gases, liquids and mixtures of both (@)_ None of the above 86. 87. 88. Mainly hydraulic turbines are used to drive the electrical alternators which require maintaining the peripheral speed constant even at part load conditions to avoid the change in frequency of electric power. The governing of the hydraulic turbine is done by (a) Controlling the flow area (b) Controlling the velocity (©) Using the fly wheel (@ Combined control of flow area and velocity In a hydraulic coupling (a) The magnitudes of input and output torques are equal (b) The magnitude of input torque is greater than output torque (©) The magnitude of input torque is less than output torque {@) The magnitude of input torque is negligible as compared to output torque Considering the flow of steam through a Convergent-Divergent nozzle under real conditions, where supersaturation occurs, the difference between the saturation temperature corresponding to the pressure and the supersaturated temperature is defined as degree of (a) Under cooling (b) Superheat (©) Reaction (© Saturation 89. For maximum. discharge cf hot gases through a chimrey, the height of hot column producing draught is (a) Twice the height of chimney (b) Equal to the height of chimney (c)_ Half the height of chimney (a) None of the abcve 90. Consider the fol owing statemznts: 1. In natural convection turdalent flow over heated vertica! plats, h is independent of tre characteristic length 2. In turbulent flow, non-dimensional heat transfer coefficient for na:ucal convection over a heated 21 is given by 4 Nu=c?Pr)? Which of the above stacements :s/are al plave correct? (a) Lonly (b) Both 1 and 2 (©) 2only (@)_ Neither 1 nor 2 91. For ac from rest to supersonic speed, w2 @ erating an ideal gas isentropically convergent-divergent nozzle. To decelztatz an ideal gas isentropicelly fram supersoniz speed to subsonic speed the d: fuser shevald be (a) Diverging () Converging (©) Convergent-divergent (@)_ Divergent-convergent (Corsd.) 92. Consider the following statements with regard to steam turbines: 1. A single stage impulse turbine has a nozzle angle a. The maximum blade efficiency of the turbine will be cos? a 2. For a reaction steam turbine with identical stator and rotor blades, the blade velocity for maximum blade efficiency is equal to inlet steam velocity 3. Velocity compounded impulse steam turbine gives less speed and less efficiency Which of the above statements are correct? (@ 1 and2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (© 2and3 only @ 1,2and3 ‘Surging is the phenomenon of (a) Steady, periodic and reversed flow (b) Unsteady, periodic and reversed flow ()_ Unsteady, periodic and uniform flow (d)_1-dimensional steady and uniform flow . In an axial flow compressor, the ratio of pressure in the rotor blades to the pressure rise in the compressor in one stage is known as (a) Work factor Slip factor Degree of reaction Pressure coefficient 95. Head| 97. In the following diagram, for axial flow compressors, surging is likely to occur in Mass flow rate (@ 4% zene (6) 2" zone © 1*zone @ 3*z0ne Ina centrifugal ccmpressor, en increase in speed at a given pressure ratio causes, (@) Increase in flow and inctease in efficizncy () Increase in flow and decrease in efficiency (©) Decrease in flow and decrease in efficiency (d) Decrease in flow and increase in efficiency The optimum ra-io of blade speed to tangential 2omponent of jet seed for the de Laval and Parsons turbine ere (@) 1 for both (b) 1/2 for de Laval curbin2 and 1 for Parsons turbire (©) 1 for de Laval turbine and 1/2 for Parsons turbine (@)_ 1/2 for both (Contd) 98, 99. 100. What is the correct sequence in increasing order of air handling/compressing machines based on the pressure ratios? (a) Air blower, axial flow fan, centrifagal compressor and reciprocating compressor (b) Axial flow fan, centrifugal compressor, air blower and reciprocating compressor (©) Air blower, centrifugal compressor, axial flow fan, and reciprocating compressor ‘d) Axial flow fan, air blower, centrifugal compressor and reciprocating compressor ‘The head developed is maximum (keeping other parameters such as rotor diameter, speed, width, inlet angle, ete. constant) for a centrifugal compressor with (2) Rotor with backward curved blades (b)_ Rotor with forward curved blades (©) Rotor with radial blades (d)_All of the above The velocity of a gas flowing through a duct is 300 mvs; its temperature is 127°C; Gas constant R = 0.25 ki/kg K, the ratio of specific heat is C//C, = = 1.6. What is the value of Mach number? (a) 0.70 () 0.72 © 075 (d) 0.77 Directions: — Each of the next Twenty (20) items consists two statements, one labelled as the ‘Statement (1) and the other as ‘Statement (Il)’. Examine these ‘two statements careftlly an¢ select the answers to these items using the codes given below: Codes: (a) (>) © @ 101 102. Both Statement (1) and Statement (II) are individually true and Statement (II) is the correct explanaticn of Statement (I) Both Statement (°) and Statement (Il) are individually true but Statement (Il) is NOT the correct explanation of Statement (I) Statement (1) is true but Statement (Il) is false Statement (1) is but Statement (II) is true Statement (1) : T2mperature potential difference is a necessary for condition heat interaction between systems. Statement (II) : Heat transfer to a system inevitably increases the ‘termperature of the system, Statement (1) : In an isolated system, the heat transfer OQ and the work transfer 6W are always zere Statement (II) : In an isolated system, the entropy always remains constant, (Contd.) 103. Statemen: (I): Statement (Il) : 104. Statement (I). : Statement (II) : 105. Statement (I) Statement (Il) : $22-0, the cycle is T reversible, $5250, the cycle is T irreversible and possible The three phase (triple state/point) of a single component system possesses a single set of properties, For a single component system, the Gibbs phase rule, F=C+2—P (where F is number of independent intensive properties, Cis number of components in the system and P is number of phases), reduces to F=3-P, : The Clapeyron equation enables us to determine the enthalpy change associated with phase change. Using usual notations, the Clapeyron equation is given by (2) Te AP Joa Tgy 106. Statement (1) Statemen: (Il) : 107. Statement (1) Statement (ID) : 108. Statement (1) Statement ‘TI) 109, Statement (1) Statement (11) : 2 Amixture of liquid ai- and air cannot be considered as pure substance Proportions of oxygen and nitrogen differ in liquid and gaseous states in equilibrium. : A good Cl engine fuel, like diesel oil, is a bad SI ‘engine fuel and a good SI engine fuel, like petrol, is abad CI engine fuel. A good Cl engine fuel requires high self-ignition ‘temperature and a good SI engine fuel requires low self-ignition temperature. : The specific fuel consumption of a Cl engine is lower than that ofan SI engine, For the same power, a CI engine is bigger in s:ze than an SI engine. The cut off ratio of a Diesel engine cycle should be greater than one, but should be as low as possible Lower cut off ratio does improve the thermal efficiency but lowers the specific work output. Hence, the value of cuteff size. (Conte) 110. Statement (I) : Statement (I) : HIF. Statement (I): Statement (Il) In Cl engine, increase of load decreases the knocking tendency. Increase of load increases the temperature of mixture and thereby increase in delay angle. Liquid-cooled engines are able to vary the size of their passage ways through the engine block, so that coolant flow may be tailored to the needs of each area. Locations with either high peak temperatures (narrow islands around the combustion chamber) or high heat flow (around exhaust ports) may require generous cooling. This reduces the occurrence of hot spots. Air-cooled engines may also vary their cooling capacity by using more closely spaced cooling fins in that area, but thi can make their manufacture difficult and expensive, 112. Statement (I). : Statement (I) : 113. Statement (1) Statement (Il) : 114. Statement(1) Statement (II) : A counter flow heat exeaanger is more effective than a parallel flow heat exchanger. Fo- same temperature limits of hot and cold fluids, the overall heat transfer coefficient o conater flow heat exchanger is more than paralle! flow heat exchanger. : The COP of an ai- conditioning plant is higher than the COP of a houscicld refrigerator. For the same condense= temperature, the suction corditioning plant than in househcld refrigerator. The main difference between vapour com- pression refrigeration cycle and Bell-Coleman ‘gas refr-geration cycle is that in gas cycle, an expandcr is used in place of a tarcttle valve, In chrotling of a perfect ‘gas, tem perature remains constant, 115. Statement (1) Statement (II) : 116. Statement (1) Statement (Il) : 117. Statement (1) Statement (Hl) : : Humidity ratio of moist airs the ratio of the mass of water vapour to the mass of moist air in a given value of air-water vapour mixture, For any given barometric pressure, humidity ratio is a function of the dew point temperature alone, With heat exchanger gas turbine cycle, the cycle efficiency reduces as the pressure ratio increases. As the pressure ratio increases, the delivery temperature from the compressor increases and ultimately will exceed that of the exhaust gas from the turbine. : The estimation of exact cooling load calculations of space to be conditioned is important to know because it involves both the initial cost and operating cost. The outside heat gain to conditioned space is called external load and the heat gain from inside the conditioned space is called internal load. 118. S‘atement (1) Statement (II) : 119. Statement (1) Statement (11) : 120. Statement (1) : Statement (I) : Entropy across the norral shock increases. Stagnat or. tempsrature across the narmel shock remains constant. : Axial flow air compressors reed many stages to develop higk pressure ratics. ‘The amount cf turing of air flow in blace row is limited by the occurence of separation, a phenomenon caused by adverse pressuze gradient. The — supersatureted expansion in nozzle © a process in which vac steam expands beyond -he saturated vapour line in superheated condition, Steam canno! exist supe-heated siate wher the expansion process in nozze reaches ihe saturated vapou- SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK . SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

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