Religion and Equality

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Religion and equality

Prejudice means to prejudge some one without sufficient information or knowledge, but it
can be an irrational attitude that develops after we have come in contact with a group of people that
differ from ourselves. It is a negative cultural attitude, directed against an individual or a group of
people that is based on a generalised stereotype. Prejudice is also the belief that a person who we
think belongs to a particular group will have certain characteristics. Prejudice can be a method of








Discrimination is an act, behaviour or unequal treatment towards some one based on

prejudice, so discrimination is the action following or based on a persons prejudice.









An example of racism would be any distinction, exclusion, or first choice based on race,
colour, national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of getting rid of or lowering their
The Bible condemns racism. We can see this by examining Pauls letters, the life and
teachings of Jesus and passages from the Old Testament. Pauls letters in the bible rule out racism
altogether. He told the Galatians that what matters is faith. It is not the Jews who are Abrahams true
descendants, but those who have faith in Jesus. So there is no difference between Jews and
gentiles, between salves and free men, between men and women, you are all in one union with
Christ(Galatians 3:28). This means that, as we are all children of God no matter what colour, sex or
race, we are, we are all equal. Another example of this would be when Jesus said Do not ill treat
foreigners who are living in your land, love them as you love yourselfLeviticus19:33(-the Old
Testament), he was talking about racism and how it is wrong. Not only did Jesus say that we should
treat people of other races fairly but we should love our enemies as it shows in the ...

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