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Biography of

Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on

August 24, 1947. Before becoming the most widely
published Brazilian author of all timepublishing close
to 100 million bookshe worked as a theatre director,
an actor and a journalist. In the 1970's, Coelho was
also a successful songwriter whose songs were sung
by such well-known brazilian singers as Elis Regina,
Rita Lee and, most notably, Brazilian psychadelic rock
pioneer Raul Seixas. Seixas and Coelho recieved wide
commercial and critical acclaim for their songs "Eu
Nasci H Dez Mil Anos Atrs," "Gita," "Al Capone" as
well as 60 other songs. Also during this time, Coelho
travelled the world as part of the hippy movement and
became more and more interested in Eastern religions
as well as occultism in general.
Coelho's definitive spiritual turn, however, came when
he made a pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago
de Compostela, a catholic pilgrimage route in the
north-western Spanish state of Galicia. This journey is
documented in his book, The Pilgrimage (O Dirio de
um Mago), released in 1988. His next book was The
Alchemist (O Alquimista), a book which he claims is a
metaphorical adaptation of his own spiritual journey
that he undertook on his pilgrimage. Clearly, the name
of the protagonist in The Alchemist is a nod to
Coelho's experience on the Camino de Santiago. While
sales of The Alchemist were slow at first, it went on to

become the highest-selling Brazilian book of all time

and one of the most widely read books in the world.
Since publishing The Alchemist, Coelho has gone on to
publish other titles including Brida (1990), The
Valkyries (As Valkrias, 1992), By the river Piedra I sat
Down and Wept (Na margem do rio Piedra eu sentei e
chorei, 1994), The Fifth Mountain (O Monte Cinco,
1996), Manual of a Warrior of Light (O Manual do
Guerreiro da Luz, 1997), Veronika decides to die
(Veronika decide morrer, 1998), The Devil and Miss
Prym, (O demnio e a Srta. Prym, 2000), Eleven
Minutes (Onze Minutos, 2003), The Zahir (O Zahir,
2005), The Witch of Portobello (A Bruxa de Portobello,
2006) and, most recently, The Winner Stands Alone (O
Vencedor Est S, 2008). In addition to his books,
Coelho also has a weekly column which is published in
several Brazilian newspapers and is syndicated
Coelho is not only an internationally acclaimed author,
but is also an outspoken activist for peace and social
justice. He is a Messenger of Peace for the UN, an
Ambassador to the European Union for Intercultural
Dialogue, a Member of the Board of the Shimon Peres
Institute for Peace, a UNESCO Special Counselor for
Intercultural Dialogues and Spiritual Convergences,"
and a Board Member of the Schwab Foundation for
Social Entrepreneurship. He is also a member of the
Brazilian Academy of Letters, the highest honor for a
Brazilian author, and is one of the best-known authors
to actively support the free distribution of his work.
Paulo Coelho and his wife Christina split their time
between Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Saint Martin,
Hautes-Pyrnes, France.

Biografa de Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho en la cabeza
Paulo Coelho naci en Ro de Janeiro, Brasil, el 24 de agosto de 1947. Antes de
convertirse en el autor brasileo ms ampliamente publicada de todos los
tiempos, la publicacin de cerca de 100 millones de libros-trabaj como
director de teatro, actor y periodista. En la dcada de 1970, Coelho fue
tambin un exitoso compositor cuyas canciones fueron cantadas por tales
cantantes brasileos conocidos como Elis Regina, Rita Lee y, sobre todo,
pionero de rock psicodlico brasileo Raul Seixas. Seixas y Coelho recibimos el
aplauso de pblico y crtica por sus canciones "Eu Nasci H Dez Mil Anos atras",
"Gita", "Al Capone", as como otras 60 canciones. Tambin durante este
tiempo, Coelho recorri el mundo como parte del movimiento hippie y se hizo
cada vez ms interesado en las religiones orientales, as como el ocultismo en

A su vez espiritual definitiva de Coelho, sin embargo, vino cuando hizo una
peregrinacin por el Camino de Santiago de Compostela, una ruta de
peregrinacin catlica en el estado espaol noroccidental de Galicia. Este viaje
se documenta en su libro, La Peregrinacin (O Dirio de um Mago), publicado
en 1988. Su siguiente libro fue El alquimista (O Alquimista), un libro que afirma
que es una adaptacin metafrica de su propio viaje espiritual que llev a cabo
en su peregrinacin. Claramente, el nombre de la protagonista en El Alquimista
es un guio a la experiencia de Coelho en el Camino de Santiago. Mientras que
las ventas de El alquimista eran lentos al principio, que se convirti en el libro
brasileo ms vendido de todos los tiempos y uno de los libros ms ledos en el

Desde la publicacin de El Alquimista, Coelho ha pasado a publicar otros ttulos

incluyendo Brida (1990), Las Valkirias (Como Valkirias, 1992), A orillas del ro
Piedra me sent y llor (Na Margem do rio Piedra eu Sentei e chorei, 1994) , La
Quinta Montaa (O Monte Cinco, 1996), Manual del Guerrero de la Luz (Manual
de O hacer Guerreiro da Luz, 1997), Veronika decide morir (Veronika decidir
morrer, 1998), El demonio y la seorita Prym, (o demonio ea Srta. Prym, 2000),
once minutos (Onze Minutos, 2003), El Zahir (O Zahir, 2005), La bruja de
Portobello (A Bruxa de Portobello, 2006) y, ms recientemente, El vencedor
est solo (O Vencedor ESTA es as, 2008). Adems de sus libros, Coelho
tambin tiene una columna semanal que se publica en varios peridicos
brasileos y est sindicado a nivel internacional.

Coelho no es nicamente un autor de renombre internacional, pero tambin es

un destacado activista por la paz y la justicia social. l es un Mensajero de la
Paz de la ONU, un embajador de la Unin Europea para el Dilogo Intercultural,

un miembro de la Junta Directiva del Instituto Shimon Peres por la Paz, un

asesor especial de la UNESCO para "Dilogos Interculturales y Convergencias
espirituales", y un miembro de la Junta de la Fundacin Schwab para el
Emprendimiento Social. l es tambin un miembro de la Academia brasilea de
Letras, el ms alto honor para un autor brasileo, y es uno de los autores ms
conocidos de apoyo activo a la distribucin gratuita de su trabajo.

Paulo Coelho y su esposa Christina dividen su tiempo entre Ro de Janeiro,

Brasil y San Martn, Altos Pirineos, Francia.

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