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He thought that it was easier to study observable behavior rather
than internal mental events (the mind is like a black box so its very
difficult to study it).
So Operant conditioning: is an approach that says that the best
way to understand behavior is to look at the causes of an action and
its consequences. Its not the same as motivation.
Operant Conditioning deals with operants - intentional actions that
have an effect on the surrounding environment.
Ex: if you want to cause a feeling of happiness in one person you
have to assure that you give him the reinforcement (a simile, a
cookie) to make him happy.
Skinner (1948) studied operant conditioning by conducting
experiments using animals which he placed in a 'Skinner Box' which
was similar to Thorndikes puzzle box.
There are some types of responses that can follow a behavior:

Neutral operants: t neither increase nor decrease the probability

of a behavior being repeated.

Positive reinforces. Ex: reward. It strengthens a behavior by

providing a consequence an individual finds rewarding. For
example, if your teacher gives you 5 each time you complete
your homework (i.e. a reward) you will be more likely to repeat
this behavior in the future, thus strengthening the behavior of
completing your homework.

Negative reinforces: is to encourage someone to do not do

something. It strengthens behavior because it stops or removes
an unpleasant experience.
For example, if you do not complete your homework, you give
your teacher 5. You will complete your homework to avoid
paying 5, thus strengthening the behavior of completing your

Punishment: it consist on eliminating something, extinction of

some behavior. Is defined as the opposite of reinforcement

since it is designed to weaken or eliminate a response rather

than increase it. It only tells you what you dont have to do.
!!! Note: It is not always easy to distinguish between
punishment and negative reinforcement.

Extinction: its used in EEUU. Ex: a company wants to increase

their revenues so if some worker does not contribute to increase
these revenues we will be laid off (despedido). You will only
have one opportunity to accomplish something.

There are three schedules of reinforcement:

Constant: theyre constantly motivating people by rewarding

them. If you make this youll have a reward. Youre constantly
being rewarded. However this could mean that you get used to
be rewarded so you dont effort more.

Constant variable: every time you do something you are


Irregular variable: youll receive an award when you make an

exceptional effort. When you make an exceptional behavior you
are rewarded.

Conclusion: if you always get a bonus, its not a bonus anymore

and its meaningless. Its important to do not make it
Bribery: soborno
EX: an example to a behavioral modification plan to get
students to arrive on time.
A punishment when arriving late could be the most effective.
Performance management:

Identify and clearify critical aspects of performance we

should identify why theyre doing this or just dont doing this.

You can do a survey in order to ask. They could be interviews,

but in high power distance they can just answer what you want
to hear. You could consult experts (consultants), but it could be
so expensive.

The better technic is observation by analyzing what they do.

But the best thing is DATA: good performance, behavior

1946: Employees prefer to have a job. The most important is job
security because it has just finished the IIWW.
1986: is more important to have an interesting job.

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