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Regn. No. MUM/WP/HSG/TC/9687/97-98 Dt. 26-06-97
D Monty Lane, Orlem, Malad (W) Mumbai 400 064

28th July 2014

Notice of 19th Annual General Body Meeting
The Managing Committee at its meeting has fixed 8 pm on
Wednesday 13th August 14 as the time and date to hold the
19th Annual General Body meeting of Fernhill Garden Co op
Housing Society Ltd at the Stilt Parking Area.
The Agenda of the AGM will be as follows:
1. To read and confirm the minutes of the previous AGM.
2. To read and confirm the Audited statement of Accounts for
F.Y.13 14.
3. To appoint a new managing committee and new office
bearers for the posts of Chairman, Secretary and
4. To appoint an Auditor for the Society.
5. To discuss and approve the annual salary hikes for the
watchmen and sweeper
6. To discuss the possibility of Repairing the Stair case from
ground floor to the Terrace of the building.
7. To discuss the possibility of appointing a Manager on part
time basis to handle society work. Members can inform
the Secretary if they have any known references for this
job. Mr Bharat Kalavar an experienced person has been
invited to attend, to present his credentials so that
members can decide if he is suitable and to fix his exact
role and remuneration.
8. Any other business with the permission of the Chair.
All members are requested to be in time for the meeting.

Salarine D Souza

Hon Secretary

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