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Mathematical Modelling Validation of the Szorenyi Rotary Engine

L. Espinosa, S3467613
Background Information
The internal reciprocating engine has been around for more than a hundred years and is world known, being
investigated and developed over the time but there is another kind of engine that has a great potential, this is
the rotary engine. This engine consists in a stator with four chambers that rotates inside varying its volume
and therefore, producing four power strokes per revolution, the same as an 8 cylinder reciprocating engine
version. This means that this kind of engine has the potential to develop the same power as a traditional
engine using much less space and weight, also it has much less parts, making it more simple and reliable than
a reciprocating engine (King, 2013, Mohammed, 2014, Peng, 1994, Szorenyi, 2004).
Peter Szorenyi analysed the internal displacement and relationship between the stator profile and the
centreline axle in a quasiturbine engine (Mohammed, 2014, Szorenyi, 2004). He deduced that there was a
four leaf clover around the centreline of the stator and that the mathematical form was sin2 (King, 2013).
With this in mind, he developed a geometric shape that describes a right isosceles triangle hypotenuse
extremes in constant contact with a surface where the other corner has the movement with the equation
described before. This curve was patented as The Szorenyi Curve, bringing a wide range of different
profiles depending on the values that are used in the equation (King, 2013).
Additionally, the Szorenyi engine has four chambers, this means that instead of three power strokes per
revolution as the Wankel engine has, it has four, this is equivalent to an eight cylinder engine (King, 2013,
Peng, 1994). In order to validate the Dr Szorenyi development a series of modelling and simulations has to
be done. While the CAD/CAM design has been done as well as a series of test with prototypes, this engine is
still in a very primitive stage and there is a long way until this development is proven to be worthy of further
research and development. If this is proven, it could have a great future in aviation and other applications
(King, 2013).
Current state of the art
The invention of the Szorenyi engine was partially based on previous knowledge on the aeronautic field of
the inventor (King, 2013). The initial focus was to analyse the type of movement that is generated respect to
the central axis and the displacement generated there. Then in the year 2000, based on that idea, the stator
equation was developed based on the idea of a right isosceles triangle in constant contact with a surface
(King, 2013, Szorenyi, 2004). This surface on a first view, is similar to an ellipse but it is mathematically
defined. The resultant equation has two variables (King, 2013, Szorenyi, 2004). First, the crank rotation
angle that defines where is the first point of the right triangle. Second, a constant defined as w, this constant
varies the amplitude of the stator shape. It affects also the general shape.
That curve was named after his developer and patented (Szorenyi, 2004). Also, this discovery was awarded
with an ACT Research and Development Grant of $63.000 in 2001 (King, 2013). A series of assumptions
were made by the creators of this model in order to create the first drawings and sketches with the objective
of be able to compare the engine capacity with their equivalent reciprocate and Wankel engines (King, 2013).
In consequence it has the combustion chamber of the same size than a GM 347 cubic inch V8 (LS1 series) as
well as the expansion chamber (King, 2013). Once, they agreed on the general dimensions and
characteristics of the engine, a digital CAD model was developed. Then, compression and pressure generated
were calculated and based on that the gross torque was calculated. The results indicated that it has 6.5% more
gross torque than the GM engine (King, 2013).
With this model, all the mechanic characteristics were defined in order to create a real model. The first
prototype had a compression ratio of 9.5 and a swept volume of 1150cc. It had a number of design solutions
for the rotor and the output shaft. The rotor is a deforming rhombus. In order to keep the pressure generated
in each cam, the same seals used in Wankel engines were used here. Also, each one of the four segments are
joined together using hinges. Finally, in order to keep the apex seals in constant contact with the stator

contour, each segment was fitted with roller bearing wheels. Each of those wheel follow a cam plate and they
are attached to the engine sides to locate the rotor pack inside the stator (King, 2013).
The engine rotates, the rotor centre bears on a lobe attached to the output shaft. The pressure generated by
the combustion gasses is transferred to the output via a lobe attached to the output shaft. That force creates a
torque about the centreline of the output shaft which rotates and in consequence provides the final output
power (King, 2013, Szorenyi, 2004). In the first prototype, the static pressure was too low, in consequence, it
was not possible to create combustion there. This was produced due to an inadequate design of the seals in
the hinges (King, 2013). Once it was solved adding another seal around the hinge, a second prototype was
tested. Here the static compression was greatly improved but the dynamic pressure was not good enough.
The cause was an inaccuracy of the cam plates. This produced compression leaking problems when the
moving segments were not in contact with the stator (King, 2013).
Finally, on 26 February 2008 the last test was conducted. This engine worked and had an idle of 700 rpm but
didnt accelerated. When this engine was dismantled, it was found that a hinge was broken and the segments
created a severe scoring in the side plates. Then, the hinges were re designed and a final prototype created.
This engine proved a static pressure of 120 psi but never was tested due his inventor, Peter Szorenyi died
(King, 2013).
Project Objectives

To mathematically model and validate the Szorenyi engine.

To determine the characteristics of the Szorenyi engine compared to Wankel and reciprocate engines.
To analyse and understand the output changes of the engine when the Szorenyi curve changes.
To mathematically validate the work made by the inventor of the engine.

The research method is mainly a theoretical analysis. Since the objective of the research is to mathematically
demonstrate this invention potential, a validation of its mechanical properties is required. Here the
thermodynamic properties will be analysed. In consequence, pressure and temperature present in the
chamber must be calculated at each give moment. This will be performed by taking some assumptions such
as the gasoline and ideal air properties.
Using theoretical data, a simulated mathematical model will be developed in order to understand the
theoretical behaviour of the engine and their properties such as top pressure and temperature, how long the
expansion stage takes and the pressure decay.
Compare this theoretical results to the existing results of reciprocate and Wankel engine in order to compare
the properties of them. Based on that, determine the advantages or disadvantages of the Szorenyi engine
respect to these more conventional and used engines.
Using mathematical software, run a series of simulations in order to determine the shape which can provide
better properties or identify a pattern that might be useful to pursue future specific developments of the
Szorenyi engine in the future based on the different needs or requirements.
KING, P. 2013. The Szorenyi Rotary-the four chamber rotary engine. Autoengineer.
Australia: Society of Automotive Engineers-Australasia; Rotary Engine
Development Agency.
MOHAMMED, M. A. 2014. Quasiturbine rotor development optimization. Universiti Tun
Hussein Onn Malaysia.
PENG, L. 1994. Fundamental research on a unique rotary machine. PhD, McMaster

SZORENYI, P. 2004. Hinged rotor internal combustion engine. U.S. patent application.
Apr. 13, 2004.

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