Koopmans Theorem

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Koopmans' Theorem.

Koopmans' theorem [59] can be understood as follows: for closed-shell systems, the
negative of the HOMO energy is the ionization potential. That is, the energy required to
form the cation provided that the ionization process is adequately represented by the
removal of an electron from an orbital without change in the wave-functions of the other
The only alternative way to calculate the I.P. is to calculate the DHf of the parent species,
then, without allowing the geometry to relax, calculate the DHf of the ionized system.
The difference in DHf , in kcal.mol-1, divided by 23.06, is the predicted I.P., in eV.
Bond Orders
Three quantities can be derived [15] from the density matrix for use in discussing
bonding. These are: atomic bond index, anisotropy, and bond order.
The density matrix, P, can be decomposed into sub-matrices representing atoms or
interactions between atoms. The three quantities just mentioned can then be defined in
terms of these sub-matrices.
Mulliken populations
By default, the density matrix printed is the Coulson matrix, which assumes that the
atomic orbitals are orthogonalized.
If the assumption of orthogonality is not made, then the Mulliken density matrix can be
constructed. To construct the Mulliken density matrix (also known as the Mulliken
population analysis), the M.O.s must first be re-normalized, using the overlap matrix, S:

From these M.O.s, a Coulson population is carried out. The off diagonal terms are simply
the Coulson terms multiplied by the overlap:

while the on-diagonal terms are given by the Coulson terms, plus half the sum of the offdiagonal elements:

A check of the correctness of the Mulliken populations is to add the diagonal terms: these
should equal the number of electrons in the system. As with the Coulson population, the
unit of the Mulliken population analysis is the electron. For the hydrogen atom, the Pss
population would be 1.00.
Localized orbitals
The molecular orbitals generated by diagonalization are normally delocalized over the
system. By using a unitary transform of the occupied M.O.s, it is possible to generate a
set of molecular orbitals which are localized on from one up to three centers.
These localized M.O.s are not eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian, nor are their energies
eigenvalues. However, localized orbitals can be equated with the single, double, triple,
and delocalized -bonds of classical organic chemistry.
Localized M.O.s
In addition to being equivalent to the classical bonds, localized M.O.s are useful in
understanding chemical reactions, and other phenomena which take place slowly relative
to the speed of light: i.e., phenomena which take place in 10-12s or slower.
Consider a SN2 reaction. All the bonds forming and breaking can be seen in the localized
M.O.s. Consider the reactive sites in a molecule (double bonds, lone pairs, etc.). These
have exact equivalents in the localized M.O.s. The energies of localized M.O.s are
indicative of the reactivity of the associated electron pair. Consider an excited, insulating
polymer, such as excited polyethylene. The excited state is usually written with an
asterisk (*), and is generated simply by localizing the M.O.s of an excited polymer

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