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Heredity determines personality. (a) Build an argument to support this statement.

Build an argument against this statement.

To establish my statements, firstly we have to know what we mean by
personality and then where personality comes from. So all these are
depicted below:
Simply, it refers to the ways how people react or interacts with others. We
all know that each and every persons characteristics are unique. Also,
people have different quality and characteristics and all of these
characteristics make personality. As we know, personality comprises a set
of mental distinctiveness which reflect the way in which a person thinks,
acts and feels.
In short, it can be said that personality consists all of these characteristics
which portray persons behavior. Sometimes it might happen that there
are similar characteristics among all of them but there are also some
differences which are unique. Moreover, we try to find out differences
between one individual to another from, which are lies on their
personality, their characteristics. There are different types of personality
like- extroverted-introverted, perceiving- judging and so on.
Different factors are related with personality determinants such as
heredity, environment and situation. Some characteristics come
genetically to individuals and some come by learning from the
environment or from different situation. Now the question is '
Heredity determines personality or not
As a human being, we have to stand certain characteristics which are
mainly come from genetic inheritance. So, it is sure that ones personality
depends on heredity. Most of the time we use some words like- that
girl/boy just like her/his father, his eyes exactly like her mother etc.
In addition, people grow up in their family and follow all these and also try
to behave like in that way. With the result of that heredity create the limit
of individuals personality trait
Moreover, we all know that every person put up with similar gene with
their parents which are to be found in their chromosome. Therefore,
Heredity determines personality.
Environmental and situational factors are also related to determine

personality though heredity involves there. Specially, after born people

are try to learn different behavior and also cope up with that situation.
In society, people have to play different role at different situation. And
person learns it from their culture as well as from social groups. Different
types of culture related to make personality like traditional, western
culture. Different culture helps in a different way to handle activities. We
try to grab all cultural values, norms and so many things. As we didnt
come from one culture so it varies from person to person.
In addition to, religion also determines personality. Such as- people, who
come from Muslim religion their personality, obviously differ from another
religion and vice versa.
Also, experience plays an important role to determine personality. People
try to do such behavior what they learned through experience. For
example- If any employee sees that when she express her anger to
another employee, there is a negative impact on her. Therefore, she wont
do this again. So she has learned it through experience and try to apply it
in different situation
From the above discussion, it seems to me that not only heredity
determines personality but also another factors are related likeenvironment and situation.

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