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Elric of Melnibon

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For the novel, see Elric of Melnibon (novel).
"Elric" redirects here. For other uses, see Elric (disambiguation).
Elric of Melnibon
Weird of the white wolf daw 1977.jpg
Elric as depicted by Michael Whelan on the 1977 cover of The Weird of the White
First appearance
The Dreaming City, 1961 story
Created by
Michael Moorcock
Gender Male
Emperor, sorcerer
Title Elric VIII, 428th Emperor of Melnibon
Elric of Melnibon[1] is a fictional character created by Michael Moorcock and the
protagonist of a series of sword and sorcery stories taking place on an alterna
te Earth. The proper name and title of the character is Elric VIII, 428th Empero
r of Melnibon. Later stories by Moorcock marked Elric as a facet of the Eternal C
Elric first appeared in print in Moorcock's novella "The Dreaming City" (Science
Fantasy No. 47, June 1961). Moorcock's doomed albino antihero is one of the bet
ter known in fantasy literature, having crossed over into a wide variety of medi
a, such as role-playing games, comics, music, and film. The stories have been co
ntinuously in print since the 1970s.
Contents [hide]
Fictional history
Publishing history
Internal Chronology
Characters in the Elric series
Appearances in other media
Role-playing games
References in popular culture
External links
Fictional history[edit]
Elric is described in 1972's Elric of Melnibon:
It is the colour of a bleached skull, his flesh; and the long hair which flows b
elow his shoulders is milk-white. From the tapering, beautiful head stare two sl
anting eyes, crimson and moody, and from the loose sleeves of his yellow gown em
erge two slender hands, also the colour of bone.[2]
Elric is the last emperor of the stagnating island civilisation of Melnibon. Phys
ically weak and frail, the albino Elric must take drugs (special herbs) to maint
ain his health. Unlike most others of his race, Elric has a conscience; he sees
the decadence of his culture, which once ruled the known world, and worries abou
t the rise of the Young Kingdoms, populated by humans (as Melnibonans do not cons
ider themselves such) and the threat they pose to his empire. Because of his int
rospective self-loathing of Melnibonan traditions, his subjects find him odd and
unfathomable, and his cousin Yyrkoon (next in the line of succession, as Elric h
as no heirs) interprets his behaviour as weakness and plots Elric's death.

In addition to his skill with herbs, Elric is an accomplished sorcerer and summo
ner. As emperor of Melnibon, Elric is able to call for aid upon the traditional p
atron of the Melnibon emperors, Arioch, a Lord of Chaos and Duke of Hell. From th
e first story, Elric uses ancient pacts and agreements with not only Arioch but
various other beings some gods, some demons to help him accomplish his tasks.
Elric's finding of the sword Stormbringer serves as both his greatest asset and
greatest disadvantage. The sword confers upon Elric strength, health, and fighti
ng prowess, allowing him to do away with his dependence on drugs, but it must be
fed by the souls of intelligent beings. In the end, the blade takes everyone cl
ose to Elric and eventually Elric's own soul as well. Most of Moorcock's stories
about Elric feature this relationship with Stormbringer, and how it despite Elric
's best intentions brings doom to everything he holds dear.
Moorcock acknowledges the work of Bertolt Brecht, particularly Threepenny Novel
and The Threepenny Opera, as "one of the chief influences" on the initial Elric
sequence; he dedicated 1972's Elric of Melnibon to Brecht.[3][4] In the same dedi
cation, he cited Poul Anderson's Three Hearts and Three Lions and Fletcher Pratt
's The Well of the Unicorn as similarly influential texts. Moorcock has referred
to Elric as a type of the "doomed hero", one of the oldest character-types in l
iterature, akin to such hero-villains as Mervyn Peake's Steerpike in the Titus G
roan trilogy, Poul Anderson's Scafloc in The Broken Sword, T. H. White's Lancelo
t in The Once and Future King, and Jane Gaskell's Zerd in The Serpent.[5]
The story of Kullervo from Finnish mythology[6] contains elements similar to Elr
ic's story, such as a talking magic sword and fatal alienation of the hero from
his family.[7] Besides Elric, Kullervo has been proposed as having influence on
Poul Anderson's 1954 novel The Broken Sword, and J.R.R. Tolkien's Trin Turambar.
Moorcock has stated that "Anderson's a definite influence [on Elric], as stated.
But oddly, the Kalevala was read to us at my boarding school when I was about s
even", and "from a very early age I was reading Norse legends and any books I co
uld find about Norse stories".[8] Moorcock in the same posting stated "one thing
I'm pretty sure of, I was not in any way directly influenced by Prof. T[olkien]
Elric's albinism appears influenced by Monsieur Zenith, an albino Sexton Blake v
illain whom Moorcock appreciated enough to write into later multiverse stories.[
10] Moorcock read Zenith stories in his youth and has contributed to their later
reprinting, remarking that it "took me forty years to find another copy of Zeni
th the Albino! In fact it was a friend who found it under lock and key and got a
copy of it to Savoy who are, at last, about to reprint it! Why I have spent so
much energy making public the evidence of my vast theft from Anthony Skene, I'm
not entirely sure... ".[11] Moorcock later said, "As I've said in my introductio
n to Monsieur Zenith: The Albino, the Anthony Skenes character was a huge influe
nce. For the rest of the character, his ambiguities in particular, I based him o
n myself at the age I was when I created Elric, which was 20".[12] The influence
of Zenith on Elric is often cited in discussions of Zenith.[13]
Publishing history[edit]
See also: Michael Moorcock bibliography
Elric first appeared in print in a series of five novelettes, published in Scien
ce Fantasy magazine:
"The Dreaming City" (Science Fantasy No. 47, June 1961)
"While the Gods Laugh" (Science Fantasy No. 49, October 1961)
"The Stealer of Souls" (Science Fantasy No. 51, February 1962)
"Kings in Darkness" (Science Fantasy No. 54, August 1962)
"The Flame Bringers" (Science Fantasy No. 55, October 1962). Retitled

The Caravan

of Forgotten Dreams in some later collections.

After this came four novellas:
"Dead God's Homecoming" (Science Fantasy No. 59, June 1963)
"Black Sword's Brothers" (Science Fantasy No. 61, October 1963)
"Sad Giant's Shield" (Science Fantasy No. 63, October 1964)
"Doomed Lord's Passing" (Science Fantasy No. 64, April 1964)
The last of these terminated the sequence with the close of Elric's life. After
these initial Elric tales, Moorcock periodically published short tales throughou
t the 1960s and early 1970s, such as 1967's "The Singing Citadel" and 1973's "Th
e Jade Man's Eyes". Meant to be placed in between the initial stories but before
the conclusion of "Doomed Lord's Passing", these later stories would frequently
be edited, retitled, and combined together with other material to form fix-ups
as part of later republication campaigns.
The first original Elric novel, 1972's Elric of Melnibon, was a prequel detailing
Elric's origin and how he came to possess Stormbringer. In 1989 came the second
original Elric novel, The Fortress of the Pearl, followed in 1991 with The Reve
nge of the Rose. A decade later Moorcock began an original Elric trilogy, beginn
ing with The Dreamthief's Daughter (2001), followed by The Skrayling Tree (2003)
and The White Wolf's Son (2005).
Internal Chronology[edit]
The main sequence, according to the saga's internal chronology, comprises the fo
llowing books (in those cases where a book is composed of several titled sub-sto
ries, these are listed):
(I) Elric of Melnibon
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
The Fortress of the Pearl
(II) The Sailor on the Seas of Fate
Book One: Sailing To the Future
Book Two: Sailing To the Present
Book Three: Sailing To the Past
Elric at the End of Time
(III) The Weird of the White Wolf
Prologue: The Dream of Earl Aubec
Book One: The Dreaming City
Book Two: While the Gods Laugh
Book Three: The Singing Citadel
(IV) The Vanishing Tower (original title: The Sleeping Sorceress)
Book One: The Torment of the Last Lord
Book Two: To Snare the Pale Prince
Book Three: Three Heroes With a Single Aim
The Revenge of the Rose
(V) The Bane of the Black Sword
Book One: The Stealer of Souls
Book Two: Kings in Darkness
Book Three: The Flame Bringers (original title: The Caravan of Forgotten Dreams)
Epilogue: To Rescue Tanelorn
(VI) Stormbringer
Book One: Dead God's Homecoming
Book Two: Black Sword's Brothers
Book Three: Sad Giant's Shield
Book Four: Doomed Lord's Passing
The first five novelettes were originally collected in The Stealer of Souls (196
3) and the later four novellas were first published as a novel in an edited vers

ion called Stormbringer (1965). The 1965 novel had about a quarter of the text r
emoved for reasons of length (mostly in the second and third novellas) and the r
emaining text rearranged with new bridging material added to make sense of the r
In 1977, DAW Books republished Elric's saga in six books that collected the tale
s according to their internal chronology. These paperbacks all featured cover ar
t work by the same young artist, Michael Whelan, and helped to define the look o
f both Elric and his sword Stormbringer. The DAW edition of Stormbringer restore
d some of the original structure and text compared to the 1965 release, but othe
r revisions were performed and other material excised. A few oddments were colle
cted in Elric at the End of Time (1984), which became the seventh book in the DA
W line when DAW released it in the US in 1985. It includes two Elric-related tal
es: the title story and 1962's "The Last Enchantment", originally intended as th
e final Elric story but put aside in favour of those that eventually made up Sto
rmbringer; it was not published until 1978. Both would appear in later collectio
ns (with "The Last Enchantment" occasionally retitled "Jesting with Chaos").
In the 1990s, Orion Publishing/Millennium released a two-book collection
Elric o
f Melnibon and Stormbringer containing the Elric material then available. White W
olf Publishing released a similar two-volume compilation
Elric: Song of the Blac
k Sword (1998) and Elric: The Stealer of Souls (2001). The White Wolf text has m
inor revisions when compared to the Millennium release.
The early version of the Elric saga, i.e., the first nine short stories
with "Th
e Flame Bringers" using the later title of "The Caravan of Forgotten Dreams" and
the full text of Stormbringer as it appeared in Science Fantasy was republished
in a single volume as Elric (Orion/Gollancz 2001), volume 17 in the Fantasy Mas
terworks series.
Beginning in 2008, Del Rey Books reprinted the Elric material as a series of ill
ustrated books: The Stealer of Souls, To Rescue Tanelorn, The Sleeping Sorceress
, and Duke Elric (in 2009). 2009's Elric in the Dream Realms reprinted Fortress
of the Pearl, and 2010's Swords and Roses reprinted other later material. The ve
rsion of Stormbringer featured in the 2008 Del Rey collection restored all the o
riginal material missing since the 1977 DAW edition
which had formed the basis f
or all later editions as well as Moorcock's preferred versions of all the revise
d material in an attempt to produce a definitive text. These volumes present the
evolution of the character through early fanzine stories, early musings by Moor
cock, some Elric stories, some others introducing the reader to the wider "Etern
al Champion" theme, stories of other heroes who coexist with Elric in the realm
of Melnibon, unpublished prologues, installments of Moorcock's essay "Aspects of
Fantasy", a 1970s screenplay, a reader's guide, and notes from an Elric series t
hat never developed.
In August 2012, Victor Gollancz Ltd. announced their intention to republish all
of Michael Moorcock's back catalogue, including all the Elric stories, presented
in internal chronological order along with previously unpublished material, and
in both print and e-book formats.[14] The Elric volumes were released in 2013 a
nd 2014.
Characters in the Elric series[edit]
See also: Deities in the Elric series
"Yyrkoon" redirects here. For the French death metal band, see Yyrkoon (band).
Cymoril: A Melnibonan, Elric's cousin and consort. He hopes to one day make her h
is wife and empress. She tries to understand and help Elric, but like his subjec
ts, she has difficulty understanding Elric's motivations and would have him rule
as the emperors of old, with no concern for any but himself.
Dyvim Slorm: A Melnibonan, Elric's cousin, son of Dyvim Tvar. He fights alongside

Elric in the final war against Chaos, wielding the black sword Mournblade.
Dyvim Tvar: A Melnibonan, one of Elric's few friends. He is one of the Dragon Mas
ters, a group of Melnibonans who can speak to the Dragons of Melnibon. Dyvim Tvar
stays loyal to Elric even after he destroys Imrryr. Dyvim Tvar also has more of
a moral compass than most Melnibonans.
Jagreen Lern: The cruel ruler of Pan Tang, skilled with both magic and the use o
f a battleaxe.
Moonglum of Elwher: A short, red-haired human with a cheerfully ugly face, adven
turing companion to Elric. He and Elric share many dangers and rewards together.
The most steadfast and loyal companion of all the Young Kingdom humans Elric en
counters. He helps Elric in completing his fated purpose.
Rackhir, the Red Archer: A human, once a Warrior Priest of Phum but cast out of
his order. He and Elric travel and adventure together several times throughout t
he series.
Theleb K'aarna: A human sorcerer of the Pan Tang isles. After being displaced as
Queen Yishana's advisor and chief sorcerer by Elric, he seeks revenge and uses
sorcery to hinder several of Elric's plans.
Yyrkoon: Prince of Melnibon, Elric's cousin. He is next in line for the throne, a
s Elric has no male heir. He worries about Elric's behaviour and takes all of El
ric's brooding and philosophical talk as a sign of weakness. He yearns for a ret
urn to more traditional emperors and secretly plots Elric's demise. Yyrkoon is a
great sorcerer who has made many pacts with unholy forces to obtain his sorcero
us strength. As further evidence of his decadent ways, he openly desires his sis
ter Cymoril and intends to make her his wife and Empress if his plans ever reach
Zarozinia: A human of the Young Kingdoms. She falls in love with Elric and event
ually marries him, for a time allowing him to experience true love and companion
ship. For her sake, Elric also gives up his blade Stormbringer and reverts to ta
king sorcerous herbs to sustain his life.
Appearances in other media[edit]
Conan the Barbarian No. 14 (March 1972), Elric's first appearance in comics. Cov
er art by Barry Windsor-Smith
Elric first appeared in comics in 1972, in Conan the Barbarian issues 14 15, an ad
venture in two parts entitled "A Sword Called Stormbringer!" and The Green Empres
s of Melnibon . The comic was written by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Barry Windso
r-Smith, based on a story plotted by Michael Moorcock and James Cawthorn.[15]
Star Reach comics published Elric stories in the late 1970s. First Comics publis
hed several Elric mini-series in the 1980s as well.
Elric also appeared in a number of original stories published by DC Comics. Heli
x, a short-lived science-fiction and fantasy imprint of DC, published the 12-iss
ue Michael Moorcock's Multiverse from 1997. In 2004, DC Comics published the fou
r-issue Elric: Making of a Sorcerer, with art by Walt Simonson, a story about El
ric's magical training before the events of the novel Elric of Melnibon.
P. Craig Russell has drawn comics adaptations of three Moorcock novels: Elric of
Melnibon (with Roy Thomas and Michael T. Gilbert; Pacific Comics), The Dreaming
City and While the Gods Laugh (representing the first two-thirds of Weird of the
White Wolf; Marvel/Epic Comics), and Stormbringer (Dark Horse). The character h

as also been adapted by Walter Simonson and Frank Brunner, and by George Freeman
and others on the long-running Elric series at Pacific which Russell had co-cre
ated. (Reportedly tensions between him and Thomas were the reason for his depart
Adam Warlock, under artist Jim Starlin, was influenced by Elric and made into a
Marvel Comic version of that superhero, with concepts such as the Soul Gem steal
ing souls, the introduction of Master Order and Lord Chaos. The premise is simil
ar to the Adam Warlock soul-stealing gems, which may well have borrowed from Elr
Tom Strong No. 31 and No. 32, The Black Blade of the Barbary Coast part 1 & 2, w
ritten by Moorcock, feature albino pirate Captain Zodiac seeking the "Black Blad
e", a black cutlass marked with red runes. This presents a recurrence of Elric a
nd Stormbringer, with a liberal dash of Monsieur Zenith.
2011 marked the launch of another Elric-based comic, Elric: The Balance Lost by
BOOM! Studios. The series, written by Chris Roberson and drawn by Francesco Biag
ini, is available in both traditional hard copy and for digital download.
In 2014, The Ruby Throne, the first volume of a new four-volume adaptation of El
ric of Melnibon written by Julien Blondel and illustrated by Didier Poli, Jean Ba
stide, and Robin Recht, was published by Titan Comics. Stormbringer, the second
volume was published in March 2015 by the same team and publisher. Moorcock stat
es that this is his favorite comic adaptation of his Elric stories to date and p
raises the subtle changes to the original story, saying that he wishes he had ma
de them himself.[20]
The Chronicle of the Black Sword is a 1985 album by UK space rock band Hawkwind.
Moorcock and Hawkwind had, at this stage, collaborated a number of times. An ex
panded live album, Live Chronicles, was released in 1986. This included several
spoken-word interludes by author Moorcock in his capacity as on-stage narrator.
The live show also included a mime artist portraying Elric himself. A video conc
ert film entitled The Chronicle of the Black Sword appeared on VHS and later on
The song "Black Blade" was recorded for the album Cultsaurus Erectus (1980) by Bl
ue yster Cult, written by singer/guitarist Eric Bloom with lyrics by Moorcock. Mo
orcock also collaborated on the songs "The Great Sun Jester" (Mirrors (1979)) an
d "Veteran of the Psychic Wars" (Fire of Unknown Origin (1981)).
The heavy metal band Tygers of Pan Tang take their name from the fictional islan
ds of Pan Tang in the Elric series, where the ruling wizards keep pet tigers.
In 1974, the UK hard rock band Deep Purple released an album entitled Stormbring
er. In a 1974 interview with New Musical Express, David Coverdale said he "never
even considered Michael Moorcock's work" writing the song.[citation needed]
Influential new wave of British heavy metal band Diamond Head made Elric one of
the primary lyrical subjects of their seminal 1982 release Borrowed Time and fea
tured the character on the cover art. Songs from this release would gain further
visibility when they were re-recorded by Metallica.
Washington State Thrash/Black metal band NME released the song "Stormbringer" on
their 1986 album Unholy Death.
The German band Blind Guardian has written several songs pertaining to Elric's s
tory and Stormbringer, including "The Quest For Tanelorn", "Tanelorn (Into The V
oid)", and "Fast To Madness".

The Italian power metal band Domine has based most of their albums on the Elric
The second studio album Agents of Power by American heavy metal band SKELATOR co
ntains "Elric: The Dragon Prince (A Tale Of Tragic Destiny In 12 Parts)", a 40-m
inute Elric epic.
The Serbian fantasy metal band Nmenor has written several songs on their debut al
bum Colossal Darkness based on Elric of Melnibon stories including: The Eternal C
hampion, The Sailor on the Seas of Fate and While the Gods Laugh.
Swedish melodic black/death band Sacramentum (band) have referenced characters a
nd themes such as the cult of Slortar on their 1999 album Thy Black Destiny, not
ably the track "Overlord".
The Greek epic metal band Battleroar has written the song "Mourning Sword" on th
eir debut album Battleroar.
Swedish heavy metal band Grand Magus released "Steel Versus Steel", about Elric'
s dependence on Stormbringer's corrupting power, on their 2014 album "Triumph an
d Power".
Wendy Pini published a book documenting her attempt to make an animated film pro
ject of the Stormbringer series. Law and Chaos: The "Stormbringer" Animated Film
Project (ISBN 0936861045) was published by Father Tree Press of Poughkeepsie, N
ew York in 1987. The book contains original artwork, information on the characte
rs, an overview of the plot, and her personal investment in the project. The fil
m, however, never reached completion.
On 29 May 2007, in an interview with Empire Magazine, directors Chris and Paul W
eitz revealed that they are in the process of adapting a trilogy of films based
on Elric for Universal Pictures.[21] Chris grew up reading the material[21] and
has met with Moorcock, who trusted them with the project.[21]
Role-playing games[edit]
Elric (along with Stormbringer) was listed in the first printing of Advanced Dun
geons & Dragons (AD&D) Deities & Demigods rule book. However, Chaosium already h
ad a role playing series in the works based on Elric & Stormbringer and the init
ial AD&D printing was not fully authorised. A mutually beneficial deal was worke
d out between Chaosium and TSR, yet TSR chose to remove Elric from later printin
gs of Deities & Demigods.[22]
The world of Elric's Young Kingdoms was the setting of the Stormbringer role-pla
ying game by the publisher Chaosium (Hawkmoon has also been so treated, as has C
orum). After a disagreement between Moorcock and Chaosium, the Stormbringer line
was discontinued. In 1993 Chaosium released Elric! which still used their BRP s
ystem. Its main difference was in the way magic through demon summoning was deta
iled and the allegiance system that saw characters lean either towards law, chao
s or the balance, themes that underscored the books. Subsequently, a new version
called "Elric of Melnibone" was published by Mongoose Publishing under their Ru
nequest system.
References in popular culture[edit]
In the Babylon 5 episode "The Geometry of Shadows", the leader of the Technomage
order is named Elric in what Michael Moorcock called "clearly straight homage"[
23] to his Elric novels.
The Elric character is parodied in the Cerebus the Aardvark graphic novels by Da
ve Sim, as Elrod of Melvinbone, the Albino, with his sword Seersucker, and the s

peech-patterns of Foghorn Leghorn. Sim's drawing of Elrod follows Smith's drawin

g of Elric in Conan the Barbarian, which in turn was based on the US Lancer pape
rback covers by Jack Gaughan, complete with "tall pointy hat".[24]
Karl Edward Wagner wrote a short story, "The Gothic Touch", in which his immorta
l protagonist Kane enlists the aid of Elric and Moonglum, which can be found in
Michael Moorcock's Elric: Tales of the White Wolf (ISBN 1-56504-175-5) and in Wa
gner's Exorcisms and Ecstasies (ISBN 1878252283).[25]
Michael Moorcock received a songwriting credit for the Blue yster Cult song "Blac
k Blade". Blue yster Cult notes on their website that lyrical collaborations with
Moorcock "inspired ... 'Black Blade'".[26][27] He has also co-written "Veteran
of the Psychic Wars", inspired by the Elric stories.
Elric's nickname "the White Wolf" inspired White Wolf, Inc. Founders Steven and
Stewart Wieck were fans of the character, and named their roleplaying game magaz
ine, and later their company, after him.[28]
Author Neil Gaiman wrote a short story called "One Life, Furnished in Early Moor
cock'" about a troubled boy who loves the stories about Elric, and finds escape
from the everyday world in them. The story was published in the short story coll
ection Smoke and Mirrors.
Author Tad Williams features the character in "Go Ask Elric", a short story publ
ished in his collection Rite.
Elric, his homeland of Melnibon, and his sword Stormbringer are featured in Germa
n heavy metal band Blind Guardian's song "Fast to Madness" from their "Follow th
e Blind" album (1989). "Damned for All Time", from the same album, also concerns
Elric, as do the songs "The Quest for Tanelorn" from "Somewhere Far Beyond" (19
92) and "Tanelorn (Into the Void)" from "At the Edge of Time" (2010).
Elric is featured in the Spanish Power metal band Dark Moor's song "Fall of Meln
The new wave of British heavy metal band Tygers of Pan Tang are named after a wa
rrior society in the Elric stories.
The Grome landscape modelling software is named after Grome, King of the Earth e
lementals in Elric's world.
The metal band Grand Magus feature part of the Elric saga in the song "Steel vs.
Steel" from the "Triumph and Power" album.
In the TV series Game of Thrones, when Joffrey Baratheon is presented with a new
sword at his wedding feast, he asks the crowd what he should name it and someon
e suggests "Stormbringer".
The Witcher series' main character, Geralt of Rivia is nicknamed the White Wolf;
this is a direct homage to Elric's own identical nickname.
The Elric brothers from the Fullmetal Alchemist series are named after Elric.
The book You: A Novel contains many references to Elric as having influenced one
of the main characters.
The ZX Spectrum strategy game Chaos: The Battle of Wizards (1985) uses the "Arro
w of Law" and "arrows radiating outward" symbols of Law and Chaos established in
Moorcock's mythos to denote the alignment of spells. Use of Law or Chaos magic
also shifts the Cosmic Balance in favour of Law or Chaos, as in Moorcock's multi
verse. The game's author Julian Gollop acknowledges that the design was "partly
inspired by Moorcock's conflict of Law and Chaos".[29]
Jump up ^ Michael Moorcock (1 March 2008). "pronunciation". Moorcock's Miscellan
y. p. 3. Archived from the original on 16 April 2009. Retrieved 18 November 2016
. Mel-nib-on-ay (as in cafe)
Jump up ^ Moorcock, Michael (1987). Elric of Melnibon. Ace. p. 192. ISBN 978-0-44
Jump up ^ "Mike's Recommended Reading List". by Michael Moorcock
Jump up ^ Librarything on Elric of Melnibone
Jump up ^ Michael Moorocok, "Aspects of Fantasy" in Darrell Schweitzer (ed.), Ex
ploring Fantasy Worlds: Essays on Fantastic Literature. San Bernardino, CA: Borg
o Press, 1985, p. 27.
Jump up ^ John Martin Crawford (1888). "The Kalevala: Rune XXXI. Kullerwoinen So
n of Evil.". Retrieved 18 November 2016.

Jump up ^ John Martin Crawford (1888). "The Kalevala: Rune XXXVI. Kullerwoinen's
Victory and Death.". Retrieved 18 November 2016.
Jump up ^ Elric/Turambar
Moorcock's Miscellany.
Jump up ^ Moorcock, Michael (25 January 2003). "Tolkien times two". The Guardian
. London. Retrieved 1 May 2010.
Jump up ^ Paula Guran; Rich Horton. "The Metatemporal Detective by Michael Moorc
ock (review)". Fantasy Magazine. Retrieved 18 November 2016.
Jump up ^ Lancer pirates? > M. Zenith
Moorcock's Miscellany.
Jump up ^ Bill Baker, World Famous Comics >> Baker's Dozen 5 January 2005.
Jump up ^ E.g.: Monsieur Zenith the Albino, and Savoy People: The Most Banned Pu
blishing Company in Britain.
Jump up ^ Gollancz announces major new Michael Moorcock publishing project
Jump up ^ Thomas, Roy (w), Windsor-Smith, Barry (p). "A Sword Called Stormbringe
r!", "The Green Empress of Melnibon" Conan the Barbarian 14, No. 15 (March 1972),
Marvel Comics
Jump up ^ "Jim Starlin's 1975 Warlock series", Remarkable, 2 July 2009.
Jump up ^ "Starlin's Warlock and it's influence on Grant Morrison", 11 O'Clock C
omics, 6 May 2012.
Jump up ^ "Elric Movie", The REH Forum, 31 January 2004.
Jump up ^ "Elric of Melnibon vs. Adam Warlock", Who Would Win?
Jump up ^ Rob Bricken, "Michael Moorcock Reveals Why This Elric Comic Is Superio
r To The Books",, 25 September 2014.
^ Jump up to: a b c Empire Staff (29 May 2007). "Weitz Brothers Making Elric". E
mpire. Retrieved 13 July 2008.
Jump up ^ See the RPGnet brief history of Chaosium for more details.
Jump up ^ "I have noticed that, though I haven't seen much Babylon 5, not gettin
g to see TV that often (usually in motel rooms when travelling). I don't mind, s
ince the Elric reference is clearly straight homage, and I'd do the same myself
in the circumstances." --Michael Moorcock [1]
Jump up ^ "I loved Dave's parody. As he knew. He'd been a little charey of what
I'd think of it and I thought it was tremendous. I even bought the Elrod T-shirt
." "Jack Gaughan. I never forgave him for that hat." Michael Moorcock. Moorcock'
s Miscellany. Image here. Retrieved 23 March 2008
Jump up ^ "Karl's Influences". 24 November 2007. Retrieved
18 November 2016.
Jump up ^ "Michael Moorcock". Retrieved 19 November 2016
Jump up ^ Blue Oyster Cult Music Shop
Virgin Radio Archived 10 February 2016 at
the Wayback Machine.
Jump up ^ "A Brief History of Game #11: White Wolf, Part One: 1986-1995 - RPGnet
". Retrieved 18 November 2016.
Jump up ^ "Julian Gollop talks Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars and a career in turn-bas
ed gaming - GamesTm". Retrieved 13 December 2016.
External links[edit]
Moorcock's Miscellany (formerly Tanelorn, & Moorcock's Weekly Mis
Michael Moorcock's Comics Compendium incl. Elric adaptations, a source of summaries of the novels
[hide] v t e
Michael Moorcock
The Fireclown (1965) The Jewel in the Skull (1967) The Final Programme (1968) Th
e Mad God's Amulet (1968) The Sword of the Dawn (1968) The Runestaff (1969) The
Black Corridor (1969) Behold the Man (1969) The Chinese Agent (1970) The Eternal
Champion (1970) Phoenix in Obsidian (1970) Warlord of the Air (1971) A Cure for
Cancer (1971) The English Assassin: A Romance of Entropy (1972) Breakfast in th
e Ruins (1972) The Land Leviathan (1974) The Adventures of Una Persson and Cathe
rine Cornelius in the 20th Century (1976) The Condition of Muzak (1977) Gloriana
(1978) Byzantium Endures (1981) The War Hound and the World's Pain (1981) The E
ntropy Tango (1981) The Steel Tsar (1981) The Brothel in Rosenstrasse (1982) The

Laughter of Carthage (1984) The Alchemist's Question (1984) The City in the Aut
umn Stars (1986) Mother London (1988) Jerusalem Commands (1992) King of the City
(2000) Firing the Cathedral (2002) The Vengeance of Rome (2006) The Coming of t
he Terraphiles (2010) The Whispering Swarm (2015)
The Time Dweller (1969) The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius (1976) The Histor
y of the Runestaff (1979) A Nomad of the Time Streams (1982) The Opium General a
nd other stories (1984) The Metatemporal Detective (2007)
Comic books
Conan the Barbarian Michael Moorcock's Multiverse Tom Strong
Anthologies edited
England Invaded Before Armageddon
Characters and concepts
Corum Jhaelen Irsei Dorian Hawkmoon Deities in the Elric series Elric of Melnibo
n Eternal Champion Jerry Cornelius Karl Glogauer Lapis alectorius Law and Chaos M
ultiverse Stormbringer Symbol of Chaos Ulrich von Bek Melnibon Tanelorn
Music contributions
New Worlds Fair Warrior on the Edge of Time Sonic Attack Zones Live Chronicles L
ucky Leif and the Longships Hype Cultsaurus Erectus Mirrors
Other work
Epic Pooh New Worlds
Airtight Garage The Chronicle of the Black Sword The Final Programme Stormbringe
Categories: Eternal ChampionMichael Moorcock charactersNovels by Michael Moorcoc
kMichael Moorcock's MultiverseFantasy books by seriesFictional characters with a
lbinismFictional emperors and empressesFictional mercenariesFictional characters
who use magicCharacters in fantasy literatureDark fantasyFictional characters i
ntroduced in 1961Characters in American novels of the 20th century
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