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Steps for BMC issuing individual Billing system towards Property Tax

All dues should be cleared on or before application to BMC for individual billing system.
Pass resolution in Sgm/agm approving individual billing system
Send the following
1. Resolution copy attested by Hon. Secretary (Format attached)
2. List of Flat Nos with names (if flat is in joint name mention the same) certified
3. Copy of receipt of last payment

The Assessment Department
Brihanmumbai Mahanagar Palika
R/ Central Ward
Next to Prabodhan Thackeray hall
Borivali (W)
Dear Sir,

Application for issue of property tax bills in the name of individual flat owner


Account No: RC0211991680000

Reference above, we would like to state as under for your consideration


We are being a co-operative society namely Gorai Matru Ashish Co-operative

Housing Society Ltd. are presently assessed to Property Tax for entire building
under Account no RC0211996180000.


In the Annual General Body Members held on 30 th August 2015, it has been
resolved to have separate bill of property tax for individual flat owner for the tax
amount related to their respective flat for the period 2016 onward, the society will
not be responsible to collect the same from 2016.


Therefore, we hereby requesting you to issue separate bill for individual flat
owner for respective amount of property tax related to their flat.


In this connection, we are enclosing herewith following documents required for

your consideration and record.
a. Duly certified list of Flat Owner / Occupant with Flat No
b. Certified True copy of resolution passed at Annual General Body meeting.
c. Copy receipt for payment made for period upto 30.09.2015


We hope the above documents shall meet your requirement. If you require any
further information in this matter please let us know at the earliest


We hereby sincerely request you to consider our application and issue property tax
bill for the period from 2016 onwards to individual flat owner for their respective
amount of property tax and oblige.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully
For Gorai Matru Ashish C.H.S Ltd

Hon Chairman / Secretary / Treasurer

Dated : 28/9/15

Extract from the minutes of Annual General Body meeting of Gorai Matru Ashish CoOperative Housing Society Ltd held on 30th August 2015 in the society premises
Resolved that from January 2016, each individual member shall pay amount of property tax
related to their flat/shop/hospital directly to BMC and for that purpose the society shall make
an application to Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika for issue of separate bills to each
individual flat/shop/hospital owner for amount of property tax related to their

Further resolved that Mr. Vaibhav Parab (Chairman) and Mr. Nikhil Manampady (Secretary)
be and hereby authorized to signed, seal, execute and deliver all paper, application and/or
other documents require in connection with and for the purpose of issuing separate bills.

Proposed By:- Mr. Mahesh Dalmia

Seconded By:- Mr. Shamrao Gaikwad
Approved:- Unanimously

Certified True Copy

For Gorai Matru Ashish C.H.S Ltd

Hon Chairman / Secretary / Treasurer

Dated : 28/9/15

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