Disowned Affidavit

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I, _________ s/o ___________ r/o ___________________ do herebysolemnlyarm and stateasunder: -1.That the deponent has
executed Deed of Disowningwhich bearshissignaturesand thedeponent has
disowned his/her son/daughter, (Name). The contents of the disowning deed are true and correct. The deponent hasdisown
ed hisabovenamed son/daughter of hisfree
wil and consent, as she was not according to the temperaments of the deponent and was not obedientto him.
The above named son/daughter was beyond his controlandsupervision, sothedeponent severeall relationswith her and disownshim/herfrom hisinheritance
absolutely and forever heretofore. And whosoever
wil deal with her, will be doing so at his own risk and responsibility and the deponentand hisfamily shall not beliablefor
any act of theabovenamed daughterofthedeponent.2.That thecontents of thedeed of disowning executed by thedeponent be read aspart of thispara of the
adavit and thoseare
deemed to be part and parcel of this adavit, those are reasserted and reiterated in thispara. Disowningdeedis
annexed herewith.Deponent VERIFICATION: - Veried that the contents of my above said adavit are true andcorrect
to myknowledge. No part thereof isfalseand nothingmaterial has been concealed therefrom.Chandigarhthe _____(Date) Deponent

I, ________ S/O. _______ R/O_______ do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under :1. That the deponent has executed Deed of Disowning which bears his signatures and the deponent has
disowned his/her son/daughter/brother (Name). The contents of the disowning deed are true and correct.
The deponent has disowned his above named son/daughter of his free will and consent. as she was not
according to the temperaments of the deponent and was not obedient to him. The above named
son/daughter was beyond his control and supervision, so the deponent severe all relations with her and
disowns him/her from his inheritance absolutely and forever heretofore. And whosoever will deal with
her/him, will be doing so at his own risk and responsibility and the deponent and his family shall not be
liable for any act of the above named daughter of the deponent.
2. That the contents of the deed of disowning executed by the deponent be read as part of this para of the
affidavit and those are deemed to be part and parcel of this affidavit, those are reasserted and reiterated in
this para. Disowning deed is annexed herewith.
VERIFICATION :Verified that the contents of my above said affidavit are true and correct to my knowledge. No part
thereof is false and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.
Dimapur, the 26th December, 2016


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