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- CNU Selected for PoINT Project / 2016 The Ministry of Education

- CNU Selected for WE-UP (Women in Engineering - Undergraduate Leadership
Program Project / 2016 The Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation of
- CNU Selected as an Excellent Institute for Training Human Resources in the Public
Service Area / 2016 The Ministry of Education and Korea Research Institute for
Vocational Education & Training
- CNU Ranks 2nd among National Universities / 2016 17 The World University

CNU Selected for PoINT Project

CNU has been selected for the PoINT (Program Of national university for INnovation
and Transformation) project of the Ministry of Education, which provides governmental
grants of 384 Million KRW until August 2017.

The PoINT project, since the Ministry of Education started it in 2014, has supported
voluntary efforts of national universities for innovation in university administration and

finance and ultimately functioning as national institutions. CNU and the other five
universities were selected for the project this year through assessment and will receive
their first year grants.

As a national flagship university, CNU will build an advanced governance to contribute

to the development of the region and nation by constructing effective and innovative

To perform the ideal function of national university, CNU will foster fundamental
academic fields which need protection and develop educational programs such as
training programs for free leaning semester of local middle school students and
voluntary programs for local residents to meet the demand of the community.

In addition, CNU will carry out various programs such as the reformed assessment
criteria for the facultys academic accomplishments, decentralization of power by
delegation of competence, and regulation on duties of faculty members. CNU has been
operating policies to elaborate the efficiency of university administration such as
designation of specialized faculties for lecture and research and settling the direct
employment contract with campus cleaning workers, which stabilized the employment
environment of CNU.

President Ji stated, With the PoINT project, CNU will elaborate the competence in

education and research as an excellent national flagship university, perform the

universitys duty in the society, and ultimately take a pivotal role in the development of
local and national economy.

President Ji Emphasizes Challenging Spirit to Graduate Students

President Ji mentioned the importance of challenging spirit in the meeting with graduate
students, the next generation of various academic fields.

To adapt to the fast changing society, we should take an audacious step to challenge for
the new era with confident practice rather than passively waiting without any

On October 5th (Wednesday), CNU held a meeting with President Ji and CNU graduate
students under title of Conversation with the next generation scholars, in the Gwangju
Bank Hall of Yongji Hall Building. During the meeting, President Ji stress the value of
human resources as leaders of future, which will be the era of the fourth industrial

In the address titled as Changes of future society and the Career of next generation
researchers, President Ji stated, The fourth industrial revolution, which is led by
conversions in the information and communication technology, will change the human
life rapidly and drastically. In this quick paced changes in information and knowledge
based society, we have to be capable of consilience of various field are required.

President Ji added, Many vocations will disappear as the fourth industrial revolution
prevails. But we dont have to worry about it since we will expect new fields to invest
our passion. We should face the new waves and incubate creativity through constant
efforts rather than staying still.

President Ji also said, While other scientists were concentrating on the synthesis of
protein, Professor Ohsumi Yoshinori came up with ideas for the decomposition of
protein, which brought him the 2016 Nobel Prize for Physiology/medicine. We can see
the importance of the courage to challenge for new ideas.

More than 100 graduate students of CNU MA and Ph.D programs attended in the
Conversation with the next generation scholars, asked questions on the lecture of
President Ji and listened the responses.

The graduate students attending the meeting proposed to expand opportunities to

interact across majors among researchers in various fields foster and protect

fundamental research areas amplify the scholarship programs for graduate students.

Based on the opinions of on university education from the meeting, CNU will bring
about plans for supporting graduate students.

CNU Scholarship for National Competition Awardees

CNU awarded scholarship to students who accomplished excellent results in national

and international competitions.

On October 4th (Wednesday), CNU held an awarding ceremony Scholarship awarding

ceremony for students with excellent record in national and international competitions
in the Reception room in the 5th floor of the Headquarters Building.

CNU conferred 1 Million grant to 10 students who received awards in national and
international competitions. The awardees are as follows: The students who received the
first prize, a prize awarded by the chairperson of the Bank of Korea, in 2016 National
Competition for Currency Policy of Bank of Korea (Lee Seul, Kim Do-hyung, and Kim
Da-hee of the School of Business Administration and Son Yong-hee of the Department

of Agricultural Economy), student of the School of Mechanical Systems Engineering,

who was prized with the first prize, an award of the Minister of Trade, Industry and
Energy in The 12th National Competition for Scientific Technology for Utilizing
Renewable Energy (Song Byung-gon, Jang Sung-min, Wee Hye-min, and Hwang Yuntae), and students of the Department of Education who received the first prize in
presentation in 2016 World Youth Meeting (Im Sung-min and Kim Da-seul).

CNU decided to give the scholarship from this year to encourage students to honor the
school and make the members of CNU to be proud of by proving their excellent
accomplishments in competitions held by external institutions.

President Ji stated, We should be prepared to go through and adapt to the rapidly

changing 21st century. Based on their academic knowledge gained through study in the
classroom, students should make audacious challenges to competitions of various fields
held outside of their classroom.

Friendly Meeting of National Flagship Universities

National Flagship Universities gathered together for a friendly meeting on September

29 (Thursday) to 30 (Friday) in the Jeonbuk National University.

The First Gathering of National Flagship Universities was established to build

cooperative relationship and make chances to communicate among national flagship
universities even in the increasingly unfavorable environment for national universities.

The gathering held various athletic competitions and cultural exchange programs with
more than 1,000 students, faculties, staffs, and Presidents of national flagship
universities attended.

Starting off with making a big bowl of Bibimbap, which stands for harmonization, the
gathering held athletic games and programs for mutual friendship such as soccer,
volleyball, foot-baseball, tug-of-war, relay foot race, rope jumping, performances and
talent shows.

The CNU soccer team won the first prize and CNU recorded 4th in overall programs
while the Kyungsang University recorded 1st.

This friendly gathering was established this year and will be held annually in national
flagship universities nationwide, holding various programs for promoting cooperation.
The second year gathering will be take place in the Kyungpook National University in
May 2017.

CNU Selected as an Excellent Institute for Training Human Resources

in the Public Service Area

CNU has been selected as an excellent institute for training human resources in the
public service area as it received the 2016 Best HRD certification.

The Best HRD certification is governed by the Ministry of Education and Korea
Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training. The certificate approves the
subject institutions excellence in the development and management of human
resources. The ultimate goal of this certification is to promote the invest of public
institutions in the development and management of human resources.

CNU received high marks in the assessment for 2016 Best HRD on management plan of
2016 especially in employment based on competence and fostering the competence of
students and faculties through training.

By receiving the Best HRD certification, CNU can benefit from the expanded
consorting service for development of human resources development and promotion of

the management method, oversea training programs in excellent institutions known for
human resources development, and exemption of regular inspection for certified
institutions for three years.

CNU Selected for WE-UP

CNU has been selected for the WE-UP (Women in Engineering - Undergraduate
Leadership Program), which is governed by the Ministry of Education and National
Research Foundation of Korea, and supports 2.1 Billion KRW for three years for
training female students in engineering field.

According to CNU, it has been one of the newly selected universities in WE-UP project,
which had called for application through open reception. The other nine universities
selected this time are Sungkyungkwan University, Ewha Womans University, Hanyang
University, Dongguk University, Sungshin University, Seoul Women's University,
Handong University, Kyungsung University, and Sun Moon University.

CNU will receive 2,115 Million KRW for three years, which is 705 Million KRW per
year and the largest amount among 10 universities for this project.

CNU will operate new subjects to meet the demand of departments such as Glocal

Engineer Training, Gender-innovative Engineering, and Coaching-Leadership

Subject Development to build an engineering education environment, which settles
gender equality.

Minjumarus Traditional Korean Music Concert

CNU held a traditional Korean music concert, Sound of the Fall, on September 23, in
Minjumaru. More than 600 people in attendance, including local residents, alumni, and
CNU members. The Sound of the Fall is the second event among the celebratory
festival for the opening of Minjumaru.

The Sound of the Fall consists of traditional Korean musical instruments and dancing

With Professor Kim Sang-yun (Department of Korean Traditional Music), as a master of

ceremony, the Sound of the Fall started with Ensemble Flow, an ensemble series of
Arirang Nori of four alumni of the Department of Korean Traditional Music. Sanjo
Byungju (duet) of Kmungo (a Korean harp with six strings) and Chilhyunkeum (a
reformed traditional instrument) and a Pansori performance of Ju So Yun, one of the
most renowned performer of Traditional Korean Music were presented on stage. Jus

passionate performance of Simchungka (Song of Simchung), especially in the part

describing the moment Simchungs father open his eyes was attracted the audiences

Audiences enjoyed the dancing performances of Hanryangmoo and Taepyungmoo of

Kang Sunyeong Rendering by Lee Chung-woo, one of the most popular dancer of
nation, with accompaniment of traditional Korean music of A-jaeng, Deaguem, Piri,
Kmungo, and Gayageum. Traditional folk music performances of Dongbaek Taryung,
Sungjupuli, and Jindo Arirang were performed by Ju So-yun and students of the
Department of Traditional Korean Music. The Daegeum performance of Sinawe and
Salpuli of Professor Kim Sang-yun made the grand finale of the concert.

The Association of Multicultural Experiences, which consists of international students

in CNU attended the concert and enjoyed traditional Korean culture.

CNU KORUS Center Opens on Campus

CNU held an opening ceremony of KORUS center, a resource management center for
national universities.

CNU and the Ministry of Education held the ceremony on September 22 (Thursday) in
the CNU Yongji Hall with President Ji, Lee Jun-sik, the Deputy Prime Minister and
presidents of 39 national universities nationwide attended.

The Resource Management Center for National Universities will establish a

comprehensive system for university administration and finance (including finance,
accounting, human resources, salary, Industry-University liaison, and research)

The main system of KORUS center will be initiated in 2017 to contribute to the
transparency and efficiency of administration and finance of national universities and
ultimately to promote the competitive power of education and research of national

The Resource Management Center for National Universities is a project of the Ministry
of Education to for better the management efficiency and finances of national
universities. Gwangju Metropolitan City government will cooperate to create jobs and
activate the local IT industry through this gigantic governmental project to which the
Ministry of Education assigned 54.4 Billion of budget.

President Ji stated, How fast and effective we gather and process the information
decides the productivity and competitive power of an administrative body. The
Resource Management System for National Universities will elaborate the level of

information management of national universities nationwide.

President Ji Claims for Separate Budget Planning of National


A claim for a separate budget and finance for individual national universities was drawn
instead of a governmental budget planning, which is unfavorable for national

President Ji came up with this claim in the Presidents Summit of National and Public
Universities, which was held on September 22 (Thursday) in the Grand Conference
Room of the Headquarters Building.

President Ji stated, The current budget planning for national universities is based on a
ranking of standardization and control-friendly governance rather than voluntary and
autonomous administrations. With this structure, it is almost impossible to achieve
flexible and efficient governance of educational institution to prepare for the future
society. He added, Due to the lack of philosophy in policies for national universities,
the governmental financial support displays disproportionate emphasis on private
universities. That is why we need to reform the system of governmental grant for

national universities by introducing new budget planning method of local government

and the government.

President Ji also mentioned, The Bottom-up structure in budget planning will reduce
the application procedure for assessments and financial support for universities It is
essentially to meet the demand of different functions and sizes of universities such as
national flagship universities, regional specialized universities, and teacher training
universities and to concentrate on education and research.

In addition, President Ji argued that the following factors are contributed to limiting the
competitive power of national universities: governmental funding system which utilizes
favorable criteria for private universities, funding system with ambiguous criteria and
purpose, short-sighted assessment rather than long-term perspectives, and accumulated
fatigue due to too much assessments.

Furthermore, President Ji emphasized, While the fourth industrial revolution, which is

led by conversions in the information and communication technology, will change the
human life rapidly and drastically, the policies for universities are rather outdate. The
government should get rid of inefficient strategies and unnecessary regulations on
university. It has to see universities as object to support and foster, not change and

The Presidents Summit of National and Public Universities consists of series of

conferences to deal with changes in policies and educational environment in future
society. The meeting was held on June 30 in Seoul National University and September 7
in Busan National University.

2017 Early Decision Admissions

CNU accepted early decision applications until September 21 (Wednesday) for the
upcoming academic year, which has recorded a competitive rate of 6.45:1, a remarkably
high competition rate.

CNU announced that it accepted early decision applications online from September 17
(Saturday) - 21 (Wednesday) and it will admit 2,734 of 17,637 applicants.

This shows a significantly high competitiveness as it recorded 7.37:1 in last year. This
increase is attributed to CNU's effort to enhance its competitive power and excellent
results in university assessments. CNU also became a more promising university in job
placement due to the relocation of sixteen public institutions including the Korea
Electric Power Corporation in Naju Bitgaram Innocity. The high competitiveness in two
consecutive years is also meaningful considering the decrease in the number of high

school students.

In addition, CNU allowed cross-intersectional application, in which students can submit

applications for the General Student Record admission and also for the Subject-oriented
admission. This is a part of CNUs effort to ease the application process for students.
Furthermore, CNU expanded the explanatory session nationwide and SNS events to
give students more opportunity to learn about CNU.

CNU will announce the first round decision on October 13 (Thursday) and final
decision on December 15 (Thursday) after the interviews for general students record
application and subject-centered admission.

The Importance of Speaking

The most basic principle of speaking is to separate the personal opinion and fact. We
should stick to this principle despite of difficulties.

This is Kim Hun, the author of the Thought While Preparing Ramyon, the book of the
year in Gwangju-Jeonnam Read and Talk campaign during the book concert.

The book concert was held on September 21 (Wednesday) in the Yongbong Hall of the
International Conference Building. In the special lecture, Kim mentioned that the reason
why the language fails to be a means of communication and became a means of
separation can be due to the lack of this principle.

Kim also stated, Many politicians nowadays are speaking out their opinions as if they
were factual while telling the fact as if it were their own opinions. This shameless
attitude is contributing to the separation and gap between individuals we are
experiencing in our society.

Furthermore, Kim emphasized that speaking is based on listening to others, which

means that we need to listen well and sound good. By listening to others, we can
sympathize the pain, pleasure, and hope of others and speak well. He added, One of the
most important thing in speaking is the details of daily lives. Language that can not be
supported by this specific context should not be said.

The book concert was held in great attention from the local community, which was
proven by more than 500 audience.

President Ji stated in the celebrating speech, Language is the most basic tool for

communication among people, which means it constructs all possible relationships in

this world. We can learn a lot from Kims writing and speech especially about the way
we can speak well.

Park Heon-taek Seminar Room in the College of Business


The CNU College of Business Administration opened Park Heon-taek Seminar Room
on September 28 (Wednesday) in the third floor of the second Business Administration

The seminar room was designed by remodeling of a seminar room in the building with
donation of Park Heon-taek (the Chair Person of Youngmu Civil Engineering and

The Park Heon-taek Seminar Room will provide a convenient space for conference,
seminar, and dissertation presentations which require cutting-edge facilities.

Park graduated the College of Business Administration in 1990 and after he worked for
9 years in Samsung Air, he has been working for Youngmu from 2002. Youngmu has
constructed numerous buildings nationwide including Apartment brand-named


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