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Student Reference No: S0278690

Date of Birth: January 31, 1993

June 27, 2015
CQUniversity Sydney
Level 1
400 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Ph: (612) 9324 5000

Roshani Poudel
C/- Nepal International Educational Consultancy P Ltd
4th Floor Share Market Complex
GPO 8975 EPC 1028

Roshani Poudel
Mahadhaiya 02 Semlar Rupandehi Nepal
Recruiting Agent: Nepal International Educational Consultancy P Ltd

Dear Roshani
Congratulations on your successful application for admission to CQUniversity Sydney. We are pleased that you have chosen to
study with us and are happy to offer you a place in the following program. Please ensure your read your offer letter carefully.
Program: Master of Professional Accounting CC57


Commencement Date: 09 November, 2015

Admit Term: 2015 Term 3

Completion Date: 16 June, 2017

Normal Duration: 2.00 years Full-Time (4 compulsory study

periods) with the possibility of completing in 1.50 years

Attendance: Internal Mode of Attendance

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: This offer is conditional upon providing a certified copy of a completion certificate for a 4 year
Bachelor of Business Administration program with all official academic transcripts (original and translation) from Pokhara
SCHOLARSHIP OUTCOME: The Vice Chancellors Scholarship Application is not able to be assessed until all
certified/translated and fully numerically graded (percentage or CGPA) academic transcripts have been submitted. Please
ensure these documents are provided to the campus on or before Census Date of your commencement term.
Please note that the conditions outlined in this offer letter must be met prior to issuance of your Confirmation of Enrolment
(COE) unless the condition relates to a program being undertaken through CQUniversity or an approved packaged partner.
Tuition Fee: AUD $42,520.00 per total program of study cost and AUD $10,630.00 per study period (Term) for a normal fulltime study load for the current year commencing 01 January to 31 December. These amounts are estimates only.
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC): AUD$1024.00 for visa length duration (single rate); AUD$4000.00 for visa length
duration (dual family rate) or AUD$8371.00 for visa length duration (multi family rate)
OSHC: The Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection requires that you have Overseas Health Cover (OSHC)
for the entire duration of your student visa. The above OSHC amount is estimated based on your expected visa duration. You will
be required to finalise payment of any variation to this amount when you arrive on campus to enrol.
TUITION FEE: If you commence your studies on the above date, your tuition fees will be calculated in accordance with the fee
schedule applicable to your admit year and will be held at that rate, for the duration of the above program. Courses from a
different discipline area will attract tuition fees at the applicable rate; this may increase/decrease your annual tuition fees.

Cricos Provider Code: 00219C

If you change your enrolment from the above program to another, then you will receive another offer relating specifically to the
new program for which a different rate of tuition fee may apply. The University reserves the right to increase tuition fees at any
time if it is necessary to do so in order to stay above the minimum tuition fee for overseas students as legislated by the
Commonwealth Government of Australia.
PRESCREENING: All Offers of Admission to CQUniversity may be subject to screening to determine if the Genuine
Temporary Entrant (GTE) and Genuine Student criterion is satisfied prior to the issuance of a Confirmation of Enrolment.
Personal information relating to applications to undertake study with CQUniversity may be provided to the Department of
Immigration and Border Protection. Further information on the GTE criteria can be located on the Department of Immigration
and Border Protection (DIBP) website.
ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER: To accept your offer of admission to the University and to be eligible to receive a
Confirmation of Enrolment (COE), please return the enclosed International Student Contract (four pages) and the Tuition and
Health Cover Fees to us at .
If you are from an assessment level 3 country you will also be required to complete and return a Financial Declaration form
and provide sufficient evidence of your funding arrangements whilst in Australia prior to your Confirmation of Enrolment
being issued. To find out your country assessment level, please check the DIBP web site: CQUniversity will only issue a Confirmation of Enrolment to
you after the required fees, and forms have been received and verified. You must have a Confirmation of Enrolment to apply
for your Student Visa.
PAYMENT METHODS: Preferred payment options for CQUniversity include:

Payment by peerTransfer (Available only for offshore accounts - please refer to the online payment site)

Payment by credit card. Please visit your campus to pay in person or telephone your campus to pay via phone.

Payment may also be made via Telegraphic Transfer (CQUniversity Bank Account Details attached). Please complete
and sign the Electronic Transfer Remittance Advice.
EMAIL: Email is an official means of communication within CQUniversity. The University recommends that students check
their CQUniversity Mail account once a week at a minimum as certain communications may be time-critical. CQUniversity
Student Email Principles may be found at

ORIENTATION: Orientation will be held during the week commencing 02 NOVEMBER, 2015. Please contact your
campus for details.

You are expected to arrive on campus in Australia prior to the commencement of your program to finalise your enrolment and
attend your Orientation program. For further information about CQUniversity, and the services we provide to international
students, please visit our website If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to
contact me, quoting the reference number in the top left hand corner of this letter.
We look forward to having you study with CQUniversity and once again offer our congratulations on your successful

Yours sincerely


International Student Contract
Notification of Disability/Impairment Details
Cricos Provider Code: 00219C


June 27, 2015



Roshani Poudel
C/- Nepal International Educational Consultancy P Ltd
4th Floor Share Market Complex Putalisadak
GPO 8975 EPC 1028


Master of Professional Accounting CC57

COMMENCEMENT DATE: 09 November, 2015

CQUniversity Sydney
Level 1
400 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Ph: (612) 9324 5000

COMPLETION DATE: 16 June, 2017

I understand and accept that:

I understand that my program contains four (4) compulsory study periods at a cost of approximately AUD$ 10,630.00 per study
period and my full program cost is approximately AUD$ 42,520.00.

I understand that refunds are only payable under limited circumstances upon receipt of a fully documented and complete
Refund Request and in accordance with the approved refund policy in effect at the time of application for a refund.
Approved requests will be payable in accordance with legislated timeframes and the CQUni Refund and Excess Payments
(Credit Balances) Policy and Procedures. The full policy and procedures are available at

I understand and agree that I must meet the following DIBP Student Visa conditions:
Maintain a full time enrolment load at all times and remain enrolled for the first 6 months in my principal/formal degree
program with CQUniversity (in accordance with the restriction on transfer between registered providers);
Achieve satisfactory academic performance and program/course progress for all studies and maintain at least an 80%
attendance record during my studies;
Maintain payment of Tuition fees by the census date of each term;
Ensure that I have and continue to maintain my Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of my student
Notify CQUniversity and DIBP within 7 days of any change to my residential term address;
Meet the terms of my written agreement with CQUniversity;
If I am under 18, maintain my approved accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements.

I declare that I am a Genuine Temporary Entrant and a Genuine Student as defined by the Department of Immigration and Border
Protection and confirm that studying the program for which I am accepting my offer is my primary purpose for coming to Australia
and I fully understand my obligations as an Australian visa holder.

I acknowledge that I have accessed or been provided by my agent, where applicable, sufficient information regarding the
structure, content and fees applicable for this program. I have also fully researched programs offered by other education
providers before making a decision to accept my CQUniversity offer.

I acknowledge that details relating to my application, enrolment and academic record may be shared with my education agent and
related provider for packaged programs (if applicable).

I understand that if I am unable to commence my studies due to compassionate and compelling circumstances, that I am able
to defer my commencement by submitting a Request for Deferment of Commencement Term to the International Admissions
Centre. Full details are available in Deferment and Pre-ponement of Admission Commencement policy and procedure on
the CQUniversity website at

If sponsored by a Government body or private institution, I give CQUniversity Australia permission to provide my sponsor with
information about my application, enrolment, fees, academic progress and contact details.

Cricos Provider Code: 00219C

DATE: ...


June 27, 2015

I give CQUniversity permission to check my visa status using the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) Visa
Electronic Verification Online (VEVO) system and to obtain details (address/phone/email/passport) from a registered CQUniversity
Agent, if I have applied through that agent and the information is incorrect or I have not supplied the information on my application

I authorise the university to disclose information relevant to my application and enrolment to the universitys OSHC preferred
provider and other third parties for the purposes for arranging my OSHC, progressing my application and enrolment, and
administering my program.

I accept and acknowledge any recognition of prior learning indicated in my offer of admission. I further acknowledge that any
credit is conditional upon the presentation of the original or certified copies of academic transcripts, any testamurs and other
documents at enrolment.

I acknowledge that the withholding of information or provision of incorrect or fraudulent documentation relating to my
application and acceptance may result in the cancellation of any offer or enrolment by CQUniversity Australia, and the
university may inform others, including Government agencies, of this information.

I understand that information is collected on this form and during my enrolment in order to meet CQUniversitys obligations under
the ESOS Act and the National Code 2007 and the Vocational Education, Training and Employment (VETE) Act 2000; to ensure
student compliance with the conditions of their visas and their obligations under Australian immigration laws generally. The
authority to collect this information is contained in the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, the Education Services
for Overseas Students Regulations 2001 and the National Code 2007. Information collected about me on this form and during my
enrolment can be provided, in certain circumstances, to the Commonwealth and State Government Agencies and designated
authorities and, if relevant, the Director of the Tuition Protection Service. In other instances information collected on this form or
during my enrolment can be disclosed without my consent where authorised or required by law.

I understand that in the unlikely event CQUniversity is unable to deliver the program that I will be offered an alternative program,
or, a refund on unspent fees. Further information is available at

I am aware that it is my responsibility to ensure that I am enrolled in the correct program and course/s at all times to satisfy program
progression rules, and undertake to meet the policies and rules of CQUniversity as listed in the CQUniversity Handbook at

I am aware of the likely costs of my stay in Australia, which includes tuition fees and associated study costs, living costs and
dependent expenses (if applicable), and I understand that neither CQUniversity nor the Australian Government is obliged to help
me if I require financial assistance. I understand that if I have children between the ages of 6 to 15 who will accompany me in
Australia, I will be required to pay compulsory school fees. I declare that I have access to sufficient funds to cover the full costs of
my study in Australia for the duration of my studies.

I understand that tuition fees cannot be accepted by CQUniversity, and that COEs will not be issued without this signed agreement.

I understand that Accreditation to professional bodies is not guaranteed upon completion of a program. Please refer to specific
details in the CQUniversity handbook and to the accrediting body.

I will arrive on campus for the Orientation Program prior to commencement of my formal degree program.


Cricos Provider Code: 00219C

DATE: ...


June 27, 2015

I am aware as a student studying at CQUniversity I can contact the Manager, Student Participation and Wellbeing Centre to arrange
assistance for me with matters relating to my general welfare. I will refer to my program advisor for academic matters.

I agree, where possible, to use the universitys internal grievance and dispute resolution procedures to resolve any dispute or
grievance which I may have. This agreement and the availability of the complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right
of the student to take action under Australias consumer protection laws.

I supply my passport number as follows:

I will be applying for my Student Visa from the following Immigration/High Commission Office Please specify Country and
location eg Australia, Sydney

I will be applying for the following OSHC cover. Please specify rate of OSHC required
Single Rate

Dual Family Rate


Cricos Provider Code: 00219C

Multi Family Rate

DATE: ...

June 27, 2015

CQUniversity may provide assistance to students with a disability/impairment or medical condition who
require support during their study. If you require any assistance during your study from the university, please
complete and sign this form and return along with your International Student Contract.
Name: Roshani Poudel
Student Number: S0278690
Disability Details
Please indicate which of the following is applicable to you:

Please describe the nature of your disability/impairment or medical condition:

Please describe how your condition may impact on your study, and what sort of assistance you would

I give consent to (CQUniversity) to obtain from and provide to other CQUniversity staff, relevant disabilityrelated information about me. I understand that all such information will be used in the strictest confidence,
but the disclosure of this information could occur in instances where CQUniversity may be legally required to
make a disclosure.
Signed: ____________________________________________ Date: ________________

Cricos Provider Code: 00219C

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