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European Innovation Scoreboard 2016

Belgium is a Strong Innovator. Innovation performance gradually
increased over time and then declined in 2015. Over time, performance
relative to that of the EU has improved to almost 116% in 2015.
Belgium is performing well above the EU average in Linkages and
entrepreneurship. Also Belgiums research system is performing well in
particular due to a high number of International scientific co-publications.
Relative weaknesses are in Intellectual assets, where performance
is somewhat below the EU average for all four indicators, and in the
dimension Economic effects.
Performance has improved most strongly in Open, excellent and
attractive research systems (4.4%) and has worsened in Finance
and support (-3.8%). For nine indicators, performance has declined, in
particular in Venture capital investments (-11%).

Note: Performance relative to the EU where the EU = 100.


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