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Technical Solution Description PROCUREMENT PACKAGE: “SUPPLYING METRO NETWORK EQUIPMENT FOR DA NANG CITY” UNDER PROJECT: “PURCHASING METRO NETWORK EQUIPMENT FOR DA NANG CITY AREA" (© Nokin 2016, Arighls eserved About Nokla Nokia sa gobal leader nthe tecinologis that conect people and things. Powered by the Innovation of Ball Labe and Nok Technologes, fhe company iste freront of eating and Icesing tn echrsoges ta are inerasirgly al Roa of out connocted Wes. Wh stote-fhe-a sewer haravare and sence for any type of network Nokia is uigualy postioned to neip communication seve providers, governments, and large enters deliver on the promise of 5G, tho Cleudand the Internet oF Tings. itetuaneokiscom | hipshetotsrkiacon Table of contents 1 2. 2A 22 3. an 32. 33. 34, 35. 4 44 aaa 4n2 443 42 424 422 423 43 4a4 432 433 Introduction . Solution overview. 7 IPIMPLS Moto Ethemet Network Solution Highlights ‘Technical solution architecture. Mobila Backhauling Tipleplay Services. ‘Virtual Lease Line (E-Line), ‘Witual Private Lan Servi (VPLS) ‘tual Private Routed Netwerk Solution components. Nokia 7705 SAR. Product overview Key benef and features Deliverables Nokia 7750 &R.. Product overview Key benefits and features. Deliverabes. Nokia 5820 SAM, Product overvaw Koy bonofits an features Deliverables References. Glossary Appendix, ub 3 5 5 6 7 7 a 9 1 2 mobifone 1 Introduction ‘The purpose ofthis docu! iso give an overview onthe technical sluton by Noka fr MobFane ‘Mave. Network requirement fr Da Nang ly. The parhersp of ITC-COMAS understands the (objectives of Mobifone and adress the requirements with Nokia 7750 Serco Roster (SR), Nokia 170s Service Aggregation Router (SAR) and Nolea Servic Aware Manager (SAI) 8620 fo the lendto-ondnetwerk and sonvee management acoss al domans ofthe converged, alP network Aatvering unified eperatons. ‘Tho comprehensive toca! soon document designed as a pat ofthe currnt proposal wit adres the flowing business cbecves tear it Cee eat ae ete ‘The parmership of ITC:-COMAS proposed Nokia's solution Is the most versable system inthe ‘marke supporting many aifeent network scones and an evolutonary path to new technologies. [Thos atady been chosen ty Large Werldwe Operators ana by these engaged inthe eaest ané largest IP/MPLS Network evolution, This soliton adresses th by objectives in he flowing manner: Pee nee Reenter eet Seen erates a ton eee eee eee aes ‘Why Nokia is your bos partner? Nokia IP Notworks Solutio is strongthenng is markt poston and ie eating tho industry trond Novia has outstanding expeence fom many lage Telco Opersior advanced markets and has ‘seneved ingusty rag petarmance benchmarks ih mul-vendor newons wih consistent) lover latency and nigner though. Nokia's soliton s Reliable Nokia Networks has fotpntin every region and ve references allover the werd. Our bestin-class pads eng capa olesnal sees fan Gen 9 cope ee oe et ‘This expeionc and learrnghas helbed Nokia olout robust and resiont networks enabling a fast, {nd smoot network evolten wih maximum costticiency. Noks proposes fo bring th ame ata compotive savantags to Meifone, The olered products nave smoot nerconnestoly wth oer leading tlecom vendor's peduct. hee Avene acne SaNDBN 7 maobifone 2. — Solution overview Nia has carfuly designs a technical soliton keeping In vew the objective of Mobfone. The Poposed lution allows network providers to extond the servee ffenngs and evlve boyand Emly supolying high bandwith anspor. enabies new apoteatons and services ha wil prove monetization of natwork amats Development ofthe Mot Netwek Famework was, based on ‘extensive experience wih eer across ai global theaters supparing a wide varity of nook “spicatons and soonars, leomprses te Flowing tvee dimensions 1+ Meio Network proxdes cost eictent, reliant rotecton switching ime fs bolow rs ant ting ratworkpotason michanism ‘uth restoration end 10 end below 380m). Duk anspor. hte ase providing he Feito route and monitor capacty whore and when i Ierequed nan opetatonaly eficlent manner '+ MPLSIVPLS ences enable abstraction of the serve layer fom the anspor layer — 0 Provide 2 more voqutous, scalable, fr reacting and oporatenaly consistent moans ‘eter series andthe ticles tat go along with hem (eg Quabty of Sve, Teale Engincoing, ease ct provsionng, exile) ‘+ Senco specatzatan and monetzaton of the network simplifas delivery of all types of ‘ppucaton assured sovcrs. across all market segments. — moble, resent) and Desiness VPN hla keeping cost down 2.1 IPIMPLS Metro Ethernet Network Nokia Mobile Backhau Azhitecture Nokia fered soluton comprses ofthe flowing network laments: + Nokia 7780 SR-t2e28 Met Core (MC) equipment "+ Nokia 7750-12 ss Aggregation equipment (AGG) ‘+ Nek 7705 Accossoquement (CSS) ie A wes ‘eerie aizon Bean ae — mobifone ‘+ Nokia $620 SAM a: Notwork Management Systom 2.2 Solution Highlights Servic rchness \Wth Nokia's festuresch Senice Router Operating System (SR OS) and extensive QoS capitis, the Nokia proposed soluten has the service richpess and too to deine and deve tne most ‘Shingent SLAe for high, dferentated sevis, With specitzed appiciton processing, the Solan leverages embedded subserber, sarvco and appcaion inoligance to anable deopor loves of integrated Service capaitie, The soliton suppots tons of thousands of service fons fr the delvey of resicental meblo and Business Intomet access, Carrer hornet and IP" VPN ‘seroes, ad more all wihou ompromaing performance. Caroe SON integration Multvendor sotware defines networking (SON) contol integration is enabled through OpenFiow, Path Computation Eloment Protocol (PCEP), Border Gateway Protooo! wit Link Stato (BGP-LS} land NETCONFIVANG nefscea In combinaten wi the Nola Network Series Patios (NSP the 7780 SR can be deployed a8 part of @ Carr SDN soliton, supporting iid Svcd ‘tlemation and natwark opimzaion acess IP, MPLS, Ethernet and epical vanepot ayers ‘The proposed solulon can dive cost-ffectne mob tansprt ‘High network ofaity and service avalabity 26, 36, LTE.) ‘+ Serves reslency wth servic end-point protection and end-to-end path recovery + Senice avareness: ably to pecorm exible creation fo mobile QoS, classy and Doetize Wa and seu required ang guaantaed QoS perlamance, cual day, Fer and packet oss ‘+ Eficiont bandwidth management ‘+ Mutiple tafe low aggregation and tanspoiation + Powerful management and engncoingtcls ‘+ Comprehensive endtoend OAM and SLA perfomance and woubleshacing capabities ‘+ Rolabo notwork tiring itbuton using packt based mechanisms fr supporting ‘+ ook ltt othe base stations, ncaing frequency, phase and time synchronization {+ Netwerk monitoring and capaci planing tools 4 Necwork secur orconto ana dae plane SER Meee aon SSC mobifone 4G 3. Technical solution architecture Nokia proposes bestin lass solution and high rekable products with advanced fates wil help ‘fer tho best seens tote sustomers “The proposed network iceporates suflent Layers of ult in Fosundaney both a haere and logeal evel. Nokia ofers products and soluions whi are able fo provide valve aa services fr Notfore's customers trough isos technlogy. Figur blow dopcs the high vel solution architecture as proposed to Mebione IP-Core Natwork mete IP/MPLS. IP/MPLS The proposed soliton abe to salable up 100,000 Access Nodes in single Metro domain ‘And the proposed equipmertreedly suppor Nigh avalabily of 98.68% when redundancy onthe tn cars, Natwihatading for ples naveed impairment event, curing nonzongaston conan, FRrT10m,Jter «Sm & Pace oes ~ 106 can be achieved th prope Ges implentton, ‘Based on that high vel desin,MebiFone i able to provide a tof serves forthe customer Some ofthe seneces wi be desrbe as below 34, Mobile Backhauing Having reviewed the cost divers and the impending Wai, ven by ‘aslo and appicatons Rater than using muliplaoveay networks i the lerestil RAN, 2 station, based on a modern ‘mll-service rouing and swichig plaiorm, can accommodate legacy sccess needs and be optimized fora care grade Ethernet centieevoaen to be algned wth broadband deployment ‘TOM and ATM (an INA) canbe adapted via the use of pseude-vr transport. The use of PMPLS. based pseuso-wies brings nature and elfeletfunctonaty to the RAN. Figure below shows the ‘aplaton of various mobile taf sources and types over pseudo nies, mobifone ee streamer {= =o eg ie — Mobi Bacthaul by Carter Ethernet While studies can be eared over a numer of packet or ame:basd inrasructures, the uso Cf MPLS has strong attits partcuary fr tis appcation. As a convergence technology, MPLS has been the subject ofa great deal of telecommuncatons industry attention recent. ‘This nas led fo numerous benefits in terms of overhead afcency, CoS capsbitis, reslency and management domain sophisicaon, The use of MPLS.base6 peevsowies to backhaul ATM and TOM cicuts allows lagacr mobile equipment to coninue to be used whio leveraging the advantages of packet ranspat. The dynamic bandwith sharing of burst data raf, combined wih the ably to protect strict prsly tate, alows a combinalon of satsical gain and service «iforetaton tobe achieve While pseudowites provide an excellent vice fr adapting legacy and curentfeads into the RAN network, the carage of native Ehornat-sourced IP trafic wil bocome increasingly sategcaly important. Etteret psewdo-ies canbe used to achive his 36 part ofa highly converged Ehernt-contic sluion 32, Thipleplay Services Network service providers ae wrnessing a suge in boadband capacky requirements du to the -ncreased popuatiy of emenjing Internet appeations such as YouTube, MySpace, Facebook" and est of other contertsich and quality of sence (QoS)sensive multmeta content, othe point ‘hat HTTP-based web tafe has now surpassed poor-o-peer(P2P) trac. The ongoing cost of upgrading legacy high-speed Itemet (HSI) nasiucre to sty ahead of the capacty demand cave is an mereasing burden on operational proftabity that doos not address the rel issue of ‘elvering the quali of experience (QoE) that end users expect The wadtioal best efor Internet ‘commedty service meds going bankrupt, ad the legacy HSI inasrutre i nol the appropriate Foundation fo address these sew challenges eectvely. As esl, many network sve providers ‘xe facia the challenge of creating the competve dferntiion needed to sustain proftabe om 38 demand fer boast Intene! erie and apacty cantnueso vob. Sga Ararweneh Teor somtein mobifone ee —__= “cunmetrtg nt coe ant nee “Tiley Senicos Staton ‘withthe commercial success and matuity offs Tile Play Senice Delivery Architecture (TPSDA) as the do facto archtedueal standard for next-generation residential IP sencedalvary Infrestucture, Nokia tas a proven capsblly for solving operates’ rostband servic challenges, Besides enabling the intosucton of bandwithinlesie and QoS-senaive senices such 96 Internet Protocol elevsion (PTV, the TPSDA enabes operators fo leverage ils uniue capabites to migrate and evolve legscy HSI services on a purpose-built, next-generation breadband 1P infrastructure. Rathor than cating to make cosy upgrades to legacy HS! Inkasuctres fo an indofnito pared of te, cares can leverage the capabities ofthe IP service inrastucure to ‘ress the emerging neodsforItemat-basedapplcaton and corer delivery ak wel. ‘A noxt-goneration IP serves routing platorm (he AlsateLLicent 7450 Ethemet Service Switch [ESS] and AatL.ucent 770 Sorvce Router [SR] produ famiy enales the TPSDA to delves costetocive and flible bandwith capacty and scalable, fine-grain QoS con! fr indivi subscribers on 2 per-seree basis. This plsfom is enhanced wit) Application Assurance twchnology for delverng Emanced interne! Service (EIS) with fine-grain par-subscriber and pe ‘npleaton Gos support Thase abies wl alow consumers, content provers 0” averisrs to make porsoral chlces Inthe east and quality of experience for the Intanet-based content and pplcatons they value and “equte, instzad of boing subjected to the unpredictable, and a nes Intolerable performance, acisve wih Wadtona Internet commodlyservoes ona best efor bass 3.3. Virtual Lease Line (Eine) Etnemetpsouso-wres are use for poino-pant Caer Ethernet services A Ll plemented by tuneling over an MPLS naove Thi meren I patnen ivlependent aed MAC adest Indopondent, since no learning is required onthe network devices fering the service, VLL can also cay legacy technologies Ike Frame Relay and ATM, which ensues that legacy transparent LAN soroes ar migrated na setued manner onto a converged IP/MPLS nator, Like VPLS, VLL ‘als on MPLS fo overcome te scaling tations o STP and mmansely mprove VLAN seaabily. Bra Arpad “eo Savion ein ‘Virtual Lease Line Figure above lusts how Nokia deer Carter Ethernet eervees. This hlghyscalble soliton ‘enables operators to provide premium business VEN sores (bah pinto point and upon) in ‘he moto, nalonally and nteratioaly. Nokia Carrer Ethernet series, whieh are cated compat wih MEF @and 1 standards, support Multiple Carer Ethsnet Service types tom business eices + Poitto Point + Mutipoint VPLS + Pex intarering vith legacy Frame Relay and ATM deployments o suppor variog enterprise requirements Deron pes f operators, eluding + Incumbents, who tadtonally provide Carer Ethemet sores oor Frame Roa, ATM, copper (Point PointPoteol ove Etter! (PPPOE) and feor + Now entrants, such ae Cable MSOs, who are offering Carr Ehomet business senices over ther Data ovr Cable Service Interface Speciation (DOCSIS) cable plant and fer 1+ Superior Inamete scalabily wih legates PEE and MPLSIVELS and inte-moto scaabiity with MPLSVPLS and VLL ‘The Senice Router (SR) and Serve Suteh (ESS) wth integrated FPS technology deliver a high ogres of sclaity wih perfomance preditbilty and can sustain inate forwarding wih al Cartir Ethernet services enabled. The FP3 technology nceases persiot capac to 400 Gs (ul upl to provide Terai petorance and sranthens the Service Router and Service Swit wih tons-otmousands senice ques lo deliver massive service dept and stale, This solulonensbles the varying enterprise requoments for ‘Hoa Ariewenes —___TeanistatzonDwapam TT ‘outing ane sitching protocls, and delves highly salable mutes eerdces ‘Common servce-awace management, which enabes te coven of dierent technologies (VLAN, PBB, MPLS, VPLS, VLL) to provide a common view af th newer and senvcos, and which ‘enables the oprato 6 apply end o-end poleee. This ond toon va rom a centa NOC can algo help reduce the ine to iderty and faa srvie iss. 34. Virtual Private Lan Service (VPLS) (Operators are begining to ol cut multipin carer Ethret serve offerings, such as VPLS, that ‘extend beyond the meto network. VPLS enabies the conrecton of rule ses in a single bridged domain over an operacmanaged IFIMPLS network, VPLS-based sanices continue to gain mindshare among opeaios worldwide. VPLS & atactve because customers only need 16 purehaso a single connection to the network tom every sto. dng a site doosit involve any costs Cotter han the cost of @ she connection and exstng sites dont have to ke reconlgued. A Customer stos in a VPLS instance appear to be on the same LAN, regardless oftheir locations (avo, national er tematiera. Service eterverang between Frame Relay and Ethernet enables operator to implementa precua, sto-y-ste migration, which minimizes saves dept, PL Grown \VPLS vsas an Ethernet intfaca asthe customer hand simpijng the LANAWVAN boundary ned allowing for rapid and leibie service provisioning The operator can ince VPLS along with IP VN ints snice proto. Unik IP VPN, VPLS isa mupotocal service tat supports the use of nonP appeattons. VPLS isan alternative fr customers who want ie move beyond pointto-poin Frame Relay sorices but whose needs are not said bya routed IP VPN service, Wit VPLS, ‘customers manta complete contol over her routing, and because al ofa customer’ router in tho VPLS are par ofthe same subnet (LAN), the IP acdressing plan is simplified. This s especially ‘nue when compared to a mash constcted fem many separate pont: point comectios. VPLS. eases the operate’ manajament responsbiies, a the operator has no awareness cf, of Drip I a susloners IP akesing pace ad retin. VPLS also ofere some acd advantages ‘+A transparent, prtoc-ndependent sence + Removes the geouriphic and size Instonstadtonaly associated with STP. Provides optimized, uly meshed sie o-ste reachable without having to un STP fo avoid ope, + VLAN IDs have local significance only in @ VPLS, whch eliminates the resticton to 4098 \VLANS per network hat ext wth vallonalbidged meto Ethernet sence, Ram TR MR ened Teen —SSSSSCSCSC«STT mobifone 3.5, Viral Private Routed Network ‘Today, mere than ever belie, enterprise IT depariments are under pressure fo ceiver mare vith less. Company executives vant ther ganizations te take ful aavartaga of echnsogy to enhance ‘Operations, improve communicalons and bull customer serve, but tey also want to minimize operating costs [A te same time, the naire of Enters IP WAN saves is changing with the increasing ‘dominance of emeging unfed communication and multnedacolaboratontechclgies leading © Enterprise 20 aplication end services. These new serves nee to be avaliable fim any lacaton anyime. The new pointoport er multipoint services, which often have vdeo o matimeda ‘compenens, add to the pressure on tho sonvce providers infastutue, as they requ more bandh, higher qual els, meroved reach, evstomer managemant, and greater salbiliy. ‘To meet today’s dynamic enerpse comands, senice provides need to ralesh the network Inrastuctures and adopt a moro eficion, feb, scalable and feature-rich networking soln, ‘They need to tanstion tei inastuctues to support al-IP arcectue, with mull-access ‘lise 1P VPN, This new architecture need to support a road mix of services fom a single Plato to inprove cost efcency and operaional smelly. By reducing the complex of the network, sence provers can delver serves mere effienty and achive sgniflcant capita and peratenal savings. MPLS:based VPN services er aeady wellundersood by service providers work. Now, MPLS |P VPN senvces are entering a new phase, one that requires next generation architecture fr the olvery of Enterprise 20 sevies. AS a rau of enerprisadarmand, MPLS IP VPN services are forecasted to show sold growth. Figue below lustates the growing demand fr Business IP VPN 1 natenetenbton tp au mse sae ‘Noridwide MPLS IP VPN service revere Nota Bueinoee IP VPN onaice series providers to deliver custanr-Kaamad,sextgeneation IP ‘VPN serves efficent. By inproving operations, ducing platforms and providing access to new revenue steams, Busness IP VPN onables service prevders to incrasa the flu on thei Investment Figure below provides an overvaw of Acatl-LucentIP'VPN solution. Key components ofthe Alatl-Lucert soln retde: + Next-generation mulisonice edge plafonn - Alate-Lucent 7750 Service Router (SR), which supports orbit busines cones, a at + Next-generation service provider and customer management fly ntgratad Alcatot-Lcont $620 Service Aare Manager (SAM) for sence proviers, alg wih unified enterprise sence poral Busines P-VPN Soliton ‘The now serve capabities and extended management supprt of Nokia Busnoss IP VPN help sordoe providers offset dering legacy revenues and increase prottabty, These Key service otverycapabiies, combines wth eperatonal expertise, enable nex-genrationservicns deter, assurance and vel + Next-generation IP series delivery ~ multccess, mutsorve (IP VPN, VPLS, VLL) terabt capaci, high avalabity a perfomance; appttion assurance; dual stack Pvt and IPv6 VPN, next-generation mueas VPN faed-moble convergence (FMC). + Streamlined operaional expertise. - Nokia provides indus leasing network design ané operaona expertce so cere provides can mitigate risk and dlver customer focuced sarees ‘api. DRE Aoiweeed—_—_—TeSoonOomepoN SSC AH x 4. Solution components 4.4 Nokia 7705 SAR 4.1.1 Product overview mobifone Noa 7708 SAR porto eves nsustyeadng IPINPLS and pseudo wre capabities in compact Platforms that can elably and eecuraly aggregate mulple media, sence and Wenspot prseols on fan economical packet anor insti. Noléa 7705 SAR pottoi provides multiservice adaptation, aggregation and routing over an cient feature ch there and IPIMPLS hnastture. Leveraging the power Nokia Svcd Router Operating Syiom (GR 08) and Nokia 5620 SAM, Nokia 7708 SAR f valablo in compac, lewpowerconsimption, Indoor and outdoor platorms that dewer highly avaiable services and applications ovr Fexbe netork topoge Nokia 7705 SAR is distinguished by ts IP and MPLS sexo, ging network operators the greatest Pent to grow their networks, aang unprecedented numbers ol end Users and applcatns ‘trout having make acatonal capt invesient Novia 7708 SAR-x Nokia 7708 SAR-X systom treughput #4 Gh hal dion (HO) Tecineal spoctications of Nokia 7705 SAR.X ae afl + Power © Vatant ~ Two feeds: 48 VOCH80V DC ars24 VOC Variant 2: (One feed 100. AC to 240 VAC, 80 Heo 6 He + Normal operating teperatre range © 40°C 10 165°O (40°F to +140) a + Bultininwrtaces © 2xSFP+ 1068 © 8x SFP 10/100:000 Mats 4x Combo SFPR.A5 10/100/1000 Mole © OxRLMS THES + Physical Omensions ght: 1 RU; 437 om (1.72 in) © Depth: 25.4 em 0) Wt 442. (17.4) Shee Aaa Tao Sone ¢ x Rcsenauntai in 487m ak, bem dap (anne emma rack, 1.5 epi) mobifone Nokla 7705 SAR-18 Nokia 7705 SAR-18 system cughout # 140 Gbps haf ciple (0) Technical speciicatons of Nokia 7708 SAR-18 are a5 flows: + Power 2 Two feeds: 48 06480 VOC ‘© AG power soluonsavalabe: 200V AC 277 VAG SO Ha/60 He ‘+ Neral operating temperature range 2 Sto 445°C 23"F to +113) sustained © Sto +554 ("Po 4131) extended (96 hous) + Capacity for adapter cards © 12x28 Gb (FD) sats > 4X 10 bis (0) XMDA adapter card sss 1+ Physical mensions (> Height: 10 RU; 440m (1758) Dept: 20 em (11.8) Wich: 439em(17.2in) 2 Rack mounaba ina 48.2cm rack. 30-em depth standard equipment rack, 120 enh) 41.2 Key benefits and features Deployment lexiiity Nokia 7708 SAR pod is sackaged in wide range of erm factors o seconmosat the denaty 4nd types of senices requred at any lcaton. It provides bot indoor end ouldoor mounting Solitons combined wih extended temperature range and power-over Ethernet (Poe) opbon. Far ‘ess and conformarcoates variants alons Nok 1709 SAR to be used In harsh endonmental conaon, ‘Shain 16. Areas voanes Taser Dogon a mobifone ‘Accommodates tre, coppsr and micrweve usin with support fr & fi rang onto to ‘accelerate doptoyment Precise timing and synehoization ‘Nokia 7705 SAR provides microsecond timing and accurate synetvonzation ta support mail base station requirements and te migration ct TDM based eorvices onto the packel network. Timing ‘accuracy ad performance over packel are enabled wi combination of bulla rcitecttal features, iiegrated lcta Navigation Satelite Syston (GNSS) receivers Nok Bell Labs agorims, and. poworul QOS mechanisms, whieh mininize the delay and. dol. vation ‘experienced by synclonzaion vale. ‘Accurate syncronization afows cas fective degeymant over packet astute and improves ‘ne weer expononce, Roliable service delivery Nokia SR OS software provides unmatched QoS on Noka 7705 SAR. Consistency of taffc {engineedng and shapng aooss the natcrsprvises Nghe packet routing perfomance overal wth afereited servce eatrent to ensure Une calvary of gh-pony and mason real data Nokia 7705 SAR also allows nada sorvions to bust pt ie te when aggregate bani & 4avalabe, while moving the perfomance paremeter, such aa commited sformaton tte (CIR) Beak lefomation rat (PIR), ayer and paca ss ofeach agua serve, ‘Allows for acvancod senice ofenngs and delves efcint etwork resource usage, customer Satsfacton and retention Wide ranging security Nokia 7705 SAR provides bust et of socuny features lo maintain network negty Inte abe of ‘yberatacks such a session hacking, spoting, and cena of servca stacks, Al Nokia 7705 SAR. seoany features inrecuce inmum ltoney ang aceve high tvoughput Used o safeguard cia infastructures and adtoes regulatory requtemans 413 Deliverables ‘Access Equpment(CSG) Nokia 7780 SAR Redundant Power 165 Redundant contral and 5 Power 26 Gateway equipment Nokia 7750 SAR-18 ontered Components 4.2 Nokia 7759 SR 4.24 Product overview Nokia 7750 SR (Service Rov) porto enables the delivery of advanced resident, business and ‘mobie servees, For entrprias, Hoka 7760 SR sares rovces Ngh-peformance networking fo! oud, dala centr and blah offee apotcatens. Designed Io say ahead of evoMng service ‘demands diven by Gous, 8 and he inerna-o-Thing, Nokia 7750 Sf prodst amy conse of Nokia'7760'SR seas, Nokia 7750 Sf-owories and Nokla 7780 Sha series Nokis 7750 SR series deers high-performance routing and an extensive range of IP applications {or serve provider and onloprce olworte, Nekin 7780 OR scale sytem capac fom 2 Tops (al pie) to 96 Tes (ha duplex) and is equipped with hghdensiy Gigabit Etnemet (CE) mobione yt Nokia FP3 neiwork processing sion, en essential element in the quest for no comprare, righ- ‘Speod,inligent sarees ard appteaions ha can adapt evolung customer requremnts Nokia 7780 SRet2e ‘Noli 7750 SR sting cpaciy 8.6 Tops fa plex, nonredundant be expendable {o supp Tops Ful-plx in hardware upon avail of upgrade ts 9 fotows: “Technical specications of oka 7780 SR-12e 4+ system tought © Perslt throughput 400 Gbps (til duplex redundant) + Power 2 DC power = Voltage: 40 VOC 1o-72V 06 cure 68 Ama © Exdmal AC power opton ~ Input vtage: 200 V AG to 240 VAC Output voage:42V DC to 86 V DC Current 50/4 + Dimensions © Height 87.8 em (385 ir), 22 RU Wid 44.5 om (175i) Dept 76:2 em 30in) Weight 78.4 kg Empty) 248.5 (Losded) + Cooling Side to Bak ae tow + Number of MDA-e'SHIDASISAS per chess: 18 mobifone Nokia 7750 8R-12 Novia 7780 83-12 swing capacity #4 Tees (al dupe, redundant) “Tectia! specications of Nokia 7750 SR-12 ae as folows: sytem teoughput Perso tous put 200 ops (il duplex, redundant) + Power © DC power: = Votag: 40V 0Cto-72V 06 = Current 99 to 162.8 14 reduntancy 2 dma AC paver opton): ~ Input tage: 200 V AC to 240 V AC ~ Output otape: 42V DC to 86 VOC = Cunent 594 + Dimensions 9 Height 62.2 em (245 in), 14RU © Wid: 44.5 em (175 in} © Doplh (tout cable management): 4.8 em (25.4 In; Depth with cable ‘management 78.5 cm (301) Weight 84k Empty 185.7 ka (Loaded) + Cooling Sidoto Baka fow 1+ Numberof MOA sMDABISAS per chase 20 ‘+ Number ot ioMemutsists pr chassis: 10 ‘Sra a6, Arges ~ esha Scales eas mobifone 422 — Key benefits and features Incrossed revenues with mova, etferotatedsorvicos ‘Suppo for advanced appleons and senvces allows sore providers to capitalize on iftmation ‘ritedded inthe nebvork ord atngush eres with wove conte concumer serve packages, ‘ove enterprise win me. vil on applications runing on tek networks and protec uetomars rom secuny and lene eats. Subsecbe. srvice and appleaton awareness can be ‘eed fo prove siferenta' GoS teatment of hgher-vaie tafe steams and manage the onine exparenee CGuwanteoing a superior qualty of experience (Qoe) for cetsn apieaions and metering thom paral friling por bred pacing fo diferent ves of service Reduced operational expen 2y comnining services on Nokia 7750 GR-tased converged provider edge, nevork operations are ‘hnoifea beesuae al serves run ove apo wh a conscant feature sol opeational mode ‘3nd management whe sufporing ihe servco sealabay required to combine senices. As logacy {eroes a mpfated to cowerge sence network, the lacy netwerks that cared the service Can be decommasionad,trhersmpliying etal network operations and expendi, ‘Numerous features for autyated provisioning of subscnbers and sorvces based on service Tonpiates end nteracing wb oer operation! systems for authonteaion, auerizaton and bing DBostin-class high avalebity igh avalabty fs mare than jst onda haraware In adliton to redundant common equipment {nd ino card redundancy, SR OS supeors numerous fates that minimize sence duption, ‘These features ncide norsop rutng, non-slop sence, ssf falover Incervce sofware Upgrades (SSUs), fet rect, peeudo wre redundancy and inovalve mul-chacss ressncy. Futer, Nokia 7750 SR sugpodte service assurance and mentoring tols across IP, MPLS and Etheret Soman With 2 conprohonsve sue of high avalabily features, Nokia 7760 SR is tho Industry's most ‘oli plato for afring non-stop aplestions and sowicos Environmentally fondly Pioneering advances In power efcioncy are incorporated into each member of Nokia 7750 SR. family, rogveng te expente of Both powering and cooing when companing products wth Toss ‘sdvanend lion eehnaogy ‘Assist src providers in ein tho envicnmantl impact 4.2.3 Deliverables tio Core (MC) REE a ‘Redundant Cortland 5 Equpment ie Powe! ‘Aggregation equipment ye ‘Redundant Cortland pages Nokia 7760 SR-12 ee a Oottered Component Sie Ap iwened—~CN ROO we mobjone hetwork * dobveng uni oparatons, whether network series are running In a vitualized environment of on specalzes hardware Platforms. Nokla 6620 SAMs a network Management System tat simpfioe route operatons fd alors Be bux provsining of netwerk objects The ‘bid based on Nokia £620 SAM masts the management requrermants of metwark grout, Satsyng front comands along the way ‘an oveww ofthe complete network structure trough an ea5}to understand network view andthe ‘ity to zeom down to NEs deta give a ler understanaing of the natwar Is conigtion and ‘vont, Contmuovs callecten of key peomanceindaters (PIs) erabies monitoring of networe tice perfomance and soni health, Advanced Woubleshosing and service assurance help 10 FesoWe patims fast betore they impact end users or apptabons 4.3.1 Product overview Nia 6820 Serie Aware Manager (SAM) is acarer-grade management applaton fr managing Svancad network olutons and services based on Ilemat protocol (IP) Ethernet ard Mul Protocol Label Sutching (PLS) netwersing porto. Nia 6620 SAM ratwork management uncon inclu tho flowing ‘+ servos and outing onfiguraton using dstibuted poles and profes ‘+ cauipment, service and customer ventory reporting + network prfrmans, accounting and fowsbased statis eolcton + near! lam exltion between objets + intoropration wih her network ystoms ‘Noam a6, Alri veoned——~SCTecnenlaenDscpin ——SSSCSCSCS~*«ST as septs jes fas ee fe Figur: Nokia SAM 8620 Componant communication 43.1.4 Mullayer Mode! Nokia 5620 SAN system elements ar oglaly rganized in a ramework hates the folowing layers: + ntograton + business ‘+ presentation + lent ‘Wi mutisayer model, Nokla $620 SAM can easly manage thousands of NES and easly noprate 088 stam, ‘The diagram below shows a mulayer model of Nokia 6620 SAM with the components t each layer. Shae 6. Ali mene ai - —— x I. TT ” pt | aot 7 By BS Figure 2: Nokia 6520 SAM Mutayer mode 4.3.11 Service management Noa 6620 SAM service managorent functions allow newerk operators to proviion VLL, VLAN, VPLS, VPRN and miror varies for customers. Each serves can be montored fo provide performance, usage and faut formation. “These serve ntwors can then be tracked for perfomance monitoring, bling, ventory. porting And alarms sows te provstcning of serie mavors to manter seria af or teubeshootng ofa surveltance purposes 431.2 Equipment management Nokia 6620 SAM mentins an equpment data model and depioys coniuraon updates to the managed NEx For example, hen a Nokia 8620 SAM operator ads card to an NE, the dala ‘modelo updated to ncluge the ead, andthe card provoning and eonfguralen commands aro Sent to the Ne New Nes can be dacovered at operator request or aulomealy. A nenly ‘decoverd NE ese th Sa model 43.1.3 Performance management Nokia 8520 SAM can mont servic and network resources sing perfomance stats, OAM ‘Sancti too, snd dla vation, and als alarms when appropriate “+ Nekia 8520 SAM calle NE performance stats using SNMP. “+ Nokia 5520 SAM has a comprehensive sue of OAM tel for meniring svi, NE and transport avalablly and performance. Tests canbe run before serves ecvaton to ensure thata seer functors eorecy ater activation, “+ Nokia 620 SAM renal compares the configuration ntarmation on manaped NES wth the normaton in Naki 9620 SAM databace fo ensure synctvonzaton. Sree a6. Aria mobifone ab 43.44 Fault management Nokia 6820 SAM performs fault management in responce to NE SNMP taps. Tho system converts trpe to statue updates and raises ams when appropriate. GUI clnis ese vital and auatoy {eso alt an Operator when an ler ised Nokia 5620 SAM immodiaaly fSards feu information as JNS events to OSS clots that Subccnbe fo the apromiate IMS top and in response to OSS cent XML requests fo infomation, 43.2 — Key benefits and features Scalabo, secure and leiie system architect High avait, system redundancy and fat system falover ction allow operators to inplement a hghy secure network opraione evonmant. The ditibued acecure enables suppor fr the Srgestneborks and a manave ole of states. VN id be banat by deploying smal! notwork and expand H accoring (0 the notwork equromore Sorvorvieualization Nokia $520 SAM vitals server deployment enables NMS or IT administrators to easily tegrate ‘Naka $620 SAM ino thor stardarizes envicnment, reducng OPEX and taking savanage of Generic eolulons fr redurdaney and backuprectoo. And wrtuatzod corer deployment can leverage exiting IT tcnnolexes such as SAN capa fo data repletion, os well at hypense ‘montorng and mantenance tot. 1t provides an eptimal solute to secure business cic data .The ovale of notworkrsaurces ‘an be improve by proving coy automated restoration designed fo mini (ve ocovey ean cut intortace Easy-to-use GUI and tnpates accelerate mantenarce tasks, Web-based GUI for wider accessbily ard GUY based service povsionng wit concuren, multiple object edt, Minnie time and costs associated wth th onors that commonly occur when @ commanding iarface (Cup is used Cou effective integration Increased productvty and texblty with a management solution tat easly adapts to alow cost: ‘fective negation no the esing operatenal envfonmen, enhancing werkows an procossos Reduced cost of delveriny mutitechnolgy composite services by minimizing tho risk of misconiguratns 4.3.3 Deliverables Poe re ae Network management S620 Soon ANE aN nee System Manger Redundant Hard 4 5. References Trusted parr of 700" sence provider worldwide, sa Pcie Europe, Middle East, and Aico EMEA)» 1 Routing References Re BIE Miia ——_—_—TedalSaumOeohm—SSCSCSC*~*~*~*«ST mobifone at cet 6. Glossary AC ‘Aerrting Curent ‘CAPEK (Copal pendtue en Centimeter vc Dect Curent f Ful Dupe Fs Feature Pack 3 Gos (ipa Bt par Second ops Giga Bt Per Second ce Gigabit ern oul ‘Graphical User Inortace He Herz mm Integrated Mutimedia Modules in Ine om InpavOigut Module iP Internet toca Isa Intgraed Service Adapter Is Intograied Services Module ir Infomation Tecnology as Java Mestage Senvce Ko ‘gram ‘avis Mega Bt rer Second MOA Mesa Dependent Adapter Ne Network Exuipmont Nas Network wanagerent System om ‘Operation nistation Mairtenanco opex operating Expands oss (Operations! Suppo System 08 uaty of Service RI Reg)tores Jack RU ack Unt SP ‘smal For Factor Pkggable Module SNMP Simple Newerk Management Pretocl Tops Tera Bits Fr Second 10M Tine Divison Multiplexing vn Virtual Local Area Network wu Vial Lessed Line mobifone ‘Vital tate Local ea Network Senvce ‘Vital Pate Network van ‘ital Pate Rott Network x0 Extended Markup Language ‘Anbroviations mobifone- ac 7. Appendix ‘+ Nokia 7705 SAR Sees Datsheot pat ‘+ Nokia 7780 SR Series Datasheet pa 1+ Nokia 5620 SAM_Oatasheet pal LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PARTNERSHIP BIDDER General Director ‘Nguyen Van Dong Sega Mima Tocca Gaon esis TP

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