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e from his paternal side

security and complexity of use.

The market for devices such as smartwatches, fitness bands and smart home techno
logy is growing, but in a more disjointed fashion, with a number of competing op
erating systems that can often confuse consumers.
In all of those environments, you will need some level of computing or connectiv
ity, so the companies that can deliver those kinds of things will be better posi
tioned," O'Donnell said.
With no single important device dominating, O'Donnell said the future tech lands
cape will see players emerge that can combine hardware, software, virtual realit
y and artificial intelligence. That could open the door to important roles for F
acebook, Amazon, Intel and other players
Devices 'fade away'
Some look to a landscape where technology and artificial intelligence permeate a
ll aspects of life, where the "device" may become almost irrelevant.
"Looking to the future, the next big step will be for the very concept of the 'd
evice' to fade away," says Sundar Pichai, chief executive of Alphabet unit Googl
e, in a recent blog post.
Over time, the computer itself - whatever its form factor - will be an intellige
nt assistant helping you through your day. We will move from mobile first to an
AI (artificial intelligence) first world
Samsung, the world's biggest smartphone maker, said it too is looking at a diffe
rent future of connected things.
"We are already imagining the next step beyond the smartphone," Samsung Electron
ics mobile communications business president Dongjin Koh told the company's deve
loper conference in California.
Samsung wants to integrate software and services using its Tizen platform in the
belief that "everywhere you go, there will be opportunities to bring devices an
d people together," Koh said.
Intel, the company known for PC chips and failing to recognize the shift to mobi
le devices, last month unveiled a major restructuring, with a view to the "Inter
net of Things." Some reports said Intel's new structure abandons the smartphone
in favor of emerging devices and services.
"The biggest opportunity in the Internet of Things is that it encompasses just a
bout everything in our lives today," said Intel CEO Brian Krzanich in a blog pos
"From our shoes and clothes to our homes and cars - the Internet of Things is tr
ansforming everything and every experience."
the biggest challenge is the availability of data. India s healthcare ecosystem is
largely fragmented and disconnected. In order to take care of our health, one n
eeds to go to doctors, labs, hospitals and medical stores.
The second biggest challenge is adoption by the medical fraternity to create med
ical records that patients can access anytime and the exchange of information on
line. We are taking an educative approach towards adoption and a value-based appr
oach to exchange information within the eco
We also want people to be able to manage their health profiles, medical records
and risk assessments in one place, and be able to get everything electronically
without additional effort - no matter whether they go for an initial consultatio
n, diagnosis, purchase prescription, hospitalisation or post-operative care.

The space, however, is far from empty. Practo has

ument management, and they also acquired a health
In October this year, Healthians, the Delhi-based
hcare marketplace, had raised Series A funding in
with Digital Garage, Japan, BEENOS and others.

a B2B wing that focuses on doc

management company last year.
diagnostics and wellness healt
a round led by BEENEXT, along

everyone in the digital health ecosystem is trying to acquire as many users or c

onsumers as possible on their app so that valuations can be inflated. And everyo
ne is trying to solve one small piece of the puzzle. No one is really looking at
it holistically and solving the foundational problem.

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