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. .

. .
. .
, , , ,

** 2011 11
, .
*** 2011 .

92 8

(Galenos) 1), (Chrysippos)
.2) , ()

, , , , , , , (,
, ? .


1) , Philip De Lacy (ed.), De Placitis Hippocratis et Platonis, (

PHP ) 3.2-3, 3rd ed., (Akademie Verlag: Berlin, 2005).
2) , 10.9-10.
3) PHP, 4.6-7.
4) , , 1078-9.

/ 93


. 'path' () .5)
apatheia .
, .
, . ,
, ( )
. ,

, "

5) () (). (
, , , )
6) , 'path'

94 8

[=, path]
. ,
" " .
" "
. ,
(eidos) (logos) .7)

. ,
. . ''( '')
'psych' .
, .
, , , , ,


. (logik) (physik)
, .
, ''(hgemonikon), ''(pneuma)


. (, phantasia,
impression) .

7) De Anima 1.1, 403a29-403b2.

/ 95

. ()
(typsis)8) ,

5 (Stobaios) () 1
(Arius Didymus, Areios Didymos)
(, epitom) .

[= ] . (epithymia)
(orexis). ,
(doxazein) . (doxa)
(prosphaton) (kintikon)9) .
< , (orekton)
(phobos) (ekklisis).
, (pheukton)

8) J. von Arnim, Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta (=SVF) (Leipzig 1903, reprint

Stuttgart 1979), vol.1-4 1.141 (=Eusebius, Praeparatio Evangelica 15.20.2).
. , De
Anima 2.12, 424a17-24; , , 191c-195b.
9) ( )
10) Meineke Wachsmuth .

96 8

(lyp) , ( ,
systol). , (pareinai)
(systellesthai) (kathkei)
, (doxazein) .
(hedon) , (eparsis).
(epairesthai) , .11)

, , , 4 .
4 .
, '', '', '', '' .
. (
) (kinsis) ,
. (),
(), ()
, (). ,
('') , (' ', '
', '', '~ ') .

. ,
. ,

, .
11) Ecl. 2.7.10b (90 Wachsmuth).

/ 97

, .
'' , '~
' , ('') .
, .

, .

. ?
(homodokein) .12)
. 4
( ) (prosdokia).13)

12) , 4 442d.
13) , 198b; , 358d; ,644c-d.

98 8

2 10
10 .
. (org) (
) ,
(phainomen) (dia),
(phainomen) . ,
(apo) (hepesthai). (2) (phobos),
(phantasia) (ek)
(prosdokia) ,
(oiesthai). (5) (eleos),

(phainomenon) (epi) ,

(phainesthai) . (8)
(praots, 3), (philia, 4), (aischyn,
6), ()(charis, 7), (to nemesan, 9), (phthonos,
10), (zlos, 11) .

. , (doxa), (phantasia), (oiesthai)
. , ,
. ,
. (dia) , (epi)

/ 99

, (meta) , (apo, ek)

. .14)


14) R. Sorabji, Emotion and Peace of Mind, (Oxford,
2000), 22.
, A. O. Rorty Essays on Aristotle's Rhetoric(University
of California Press, 1996) S. R. Leighton, "Aristotle and the
Emotions", 206-237; J. M. Cooper, "An Aristotelian Theory of the
Emotions", 239-257; M. C. Nussbaum, "Aristotle on Emotions and Rational
Persuasion", 303-323 .
M. Frede, "The Stoic Doctrine of Affections of the Soul" in M. Schofield
G. Striker(eds.), The Norms of Nature (Cambridge, 1986), 93-110; M.
Frede, "Stoic Epistemology" in K. Algra et al.(eds.), The Cambridge
History of Hellenistic Philosophy (Cambridge, 1999), 295-322; M. C.
Nussbaum, "The Stoics on the Extirpation of the Emotions" in M. C.
Nussbaum, The Therapy of Desire (Princeton, 1994), ch. 10, 359-401; T.
Brennan, "Impulses and Emotions" in T. Brennan, The Stoic Life:
Emotions, Duties and Fate (Oxford, 2005), ch. 7, 82-113.
16) ,
(psychological monism),
(eudaimonism) .
, ,
. ,
. .
( ,

100 8

. , ,
. , ,
(metriopatheia) .

, --
, .
, .
. ,
. . ,
. 18)
. .
(epi hi)

), ,
, .
17) ~ ~
. ,
~ ~ .
18) , (pareinai)
. ,

/ 101

, .
, .
. .
. , .
. .
? .
, .
. .
, ,
, , -
( ) () . , -
( ).
, - ,
()20) .

19) ''
. ,
. ,
. . .
(doxazein) . ,
. 1(first order)
2(second order).
1 2.
2 . .
20) .

102 8

, - , .
. , -
. , .

. , / /
( ). ,
( ).
( ).

. T .
T .
(conditional). ,
. , (
/) ( -)
() ,
(). , ( )
( ) ( -)

, / /

/ 103

, -
, .
1 .

1. T .
2. ,
3. T O .
4. O .21)

1 3 "O ."(
3-1) . 3-1 2 .
3-1 2 4 . ,
. ' ', ' ',
'', '', '' ,

4 ? 1. 2
. 3 2 4 3
1 . 1 4
2 .

21) M. Graver, Stoicism and Emotion (University of

Chicago Press, 2007), 44-45.

104 8

1. [ : ]
2. [ : ]
3. [ : ], (- )

4. [ : ], (- )
2 , 12 -
. 1 2 " " .
, -
. -
. ' '
. - ,
, .
1 2 . 1 2
. 1 2
. 2, ,
( ) ,
(persona) .
'' .
, ,

/ 105

. , ,
(hexis). 1

. "
." "
." .
( 3 )
. .
. " (1
) ." " ."
, ,
. ,
' ' ''
. " ."
, 4
1. /

1 .
"" . 1,
, () /

106 8

, .
. .

. ,
. .

22) , 1 .
. , 1 3
. , (3 4
) 1
1 .
, 2 (, .
) , 1( T .)
1-1( T .) .
( ) .
, ( ?) .


/ 107

. , ,
(phantasia, species)
(doxa, opinio) (krisis, iudicium)
. ,
. ,

, .
" (epi hmin) ."
" " .24)
" " .
, .
(synkatathsis, adsensus, probatio) .

23) , 263e-264d.
24) De Anima 3.3, 427b16-21. "phantasia" "
(imagination)" . (phantasia)
(doxa hypolpsis) 428a18-b9.
phantasia , 449b31-450a9.
phantasia M. Schofield, "Aristotle on the
Imagination" in G. E. R Lloyd G. E. L Owen(eds.), Aristotle on Mind and
the Senses: Proceedings of the 7th Symposium Aristotelicum (Cambridge,
1978), 99-130; D. Frede, "The Cognitive Role of Phantasia in Aristotle" in
M. Nussbaum A. O. Rorty(ed.), Essays on Aristotle's De Anima (Oxford,
1992), 279-298 .

108 8

, .
. (vi sua)
(probatio) (hominum
arbitratu) .

. ,

. .
, ()
. ,

, .
. ,

25) (Epictetos) 9(= 19.1).

. , ,
, 1
. () ,
.(J. Cooper, Posidonius on Emotions in J.
Cooper, Reason and Emotion (Princeton Uni. Press, 1999), 449484.)


/ 109

( )
(), .

, .
. "X F ."
"X F ." .
. ""

. .

, .
, ,
, ,
. ,
( , ) .

. ( )

. ,

110 8

. "
." , (1
3) (1 1 2) "
."(4) 26)
. .
, "
." .

. .
, .

. 1
1 . , , 1
" ."
, .
. , 1 4 "

26) , ,
. .
( ) .
, 3 .
" " " (dia ts dianoias) "
, "() "(asmata) .(DL 7.51)


/ 111

. - .


. , -
( , )
, .
. ,

(horm27) pleonazousa)
.28) ,
( ) .

27) horm < hormn : ~ , ~ . ""

. . "(~) " "(~)
" "(~)"
. ""
"" , ""
. "
"(epithymia) . ( ,
, ) . ""
. "" . "
" .
horm , ,
28) DL 7.110, , 4.11, Ecl. 2.7.2 (44
Wachsmuth) .

112 8

, ,
, .
, ,
. .

(phantasia hormtik) . ,
, .30)

'' .
" " " " .
" "
. , 1
29) . ,
"() "
. "

."(DL 7.51) ""(eixis, )
. ""
B. Inwood, Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism (Oxford,
1985), 75 .
30) Ecl. 2.7.9 (86 Wachsmuth).

/ 113

." .
) .

. , (all) ,
(epi allo) .
(aximasi) , (katgormata) .
, .31)

) . " " .
" " () " ,
" " .
- .
, ( ) .

. .
, ( )
31) Ecl. 2.7.9b (88 Wachsmuth).

114 8

. ""
? (pleonazousa)
. "pleonazein" ? ""
" " . ,
, .

32) (excurrere) .
. .

. .
, .
, .
(transsilit) (secum rapit)
. ,
(prima agitatio animi),
, .33)

. .
, .

32) .
33) , , 2.3.4-5.

/ 115

, .

, ,
. ,
(h kata logon symmetria) (huperbainn) .

"logos" , ""
" " . ?
" "
.35) ,

34) , PHP, 4.2.14-18 (= 1 ).

35) ,
. ,
( emotion)
. , ,
"path" ( ,
path) ( , () path)
. ,
path ( propatheiai). ,
, 99.18-20 ,
(naturalis necessitas)
, (ictu doloris inpulsus).
, .(,
, .)

116 8

, ,
. , (
, ) .
. , - .
. ,
. .
. .

. .

. ,
, .
. ,
, (vi sua)
. .
.36) , (
) (, )

/ 117

, (proximae) (adiuvantes)
. (perfectae) (principales)
, .

. ,
""(lekta)37) , (
) .
. "" "" ""

36) , , 41.
37) lekton (sayable).
, lekta.(DL 7.57) lekton,

(sma), lekton . , lekton
, (Sinn),
, . (aximata) lekta .
M. Frede, The Stoic Notion of a Lekton, in
S. Everson ed., Companion to Ancient Thought 3: Language, (Cambridge
University Press, 1994), 109128.

118 8

, (apatheia) ,
" " .
" "(eupatheiai) .38)

, .
. ,
. .

38) DL 7.116. : (chara), : (boulsis),

: (eulabeia).
, DL 7.116 Ecl. 2.7.10b-c (90-92 Wachsmuth)

/ 119

Brennan, T.(2005), The Stoic Life: Emotions, Duties and Fate, Oxford.
Cooper, J.(1996), "An Aristotelian Theory of the Emotions", in A. O. Rorty(ed.)(1996),
Cooper, J.(1999), Posidonius on Emotions, J. Cooper, Reason and Emotion, Princeton
Uni. Press, 44984.
Frede, D.(1992), "The Cognitive Role of Phantasia in Aristotle", in M. Nussbaum and
A. O. Rorty(ed.)(1992), Essays on Aristotle's De Anima, Oxford, 279-298.
Frede, M.(1986), "The Stoic Doctrine of Affections of the Soul", in M. Schofield &
G. Striker(eds.) (1986), The Norms of Nature, Cambridge, 93-110.
Frede, M.(1994), The Stoic Notion of a Lekton, in S. Everson(ed.), Companion to
Ancient Thought 3: Language, Cambridge University Press, 109128.
Frede, M.(1999), "Stoic Epistemology", in K. Algra et al.(eds.)(1999), in: The Cambridge
History of Hellenistic Philosophy, Cambridge, 295-322.
Graver, M(2007), Stoicism and Emotion, University of Chicago Press.
Inwood, B(1985), Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism, Oxford.
Leighton, S. R.(1996), "Aristotle and the Emotions", in A. O. Rorty(ed.)(1996), 206-237.
Nussbaum, M.(1994), The Therapy of Desire, Princeton.
Nussbaum, M.(1996), "Aristotle on Emotions and Rational Persuasion", in A. O.
Rorty(ed.)(1996), 303-323.
Rorty, A. O. (ed.)(1996), Essays on Aristotle's Rhetoric, University of California Press.
Schofield, M.(1978), "Aristotle on the Imagination", in: G. E. R Lloyd and G. E. L
Owen(ed.)(1978), Aristotle on Mind and the Senses: Proceedings of the 7th
Symposium Aristotelicum, Cambridge, 99-130.
Sorabji, R.(2000), Emotion and Peace of Mind, Oxford.

120 8

With respect to the matter of emotion, the Stoics take a clear, consistent and
systematic stance. Their position can be characterized as cognitivist. According
to the Stoics, all emotions (path), in other words, all passions are cognitive
judgments themselves, or they are reducible to these. Furthermore, all cognitive
judgments analyzable in and from the passions turn out to be false. Therefore,
every passion is a false judgment in itself or reducible to this. Besides, this
false judgment proves a consequence which has been deduced from an inference
consisting of various beliefs. Accordingly, emotion is to be identified as a product
out of a wrong inference. Moreover, this inference is essentially connected with
a mental intentional event. The mental event of my agreeing is directed not
toward the external world itself but toward my impression and my thinking
of it. Agreeing is always intentional about my impression or my thinking. In
this regard, the Stoic conception of impulse (horm) is to be interpreted as an
idea of intentionality. Passion is on the one hand a false judgment triggered
by our intentional attitude, but on the other hand and at the same time, it has
been deduced from an inference that we have organized ourselves. Therefore,
passion is not caused by something external. It is the very event that I have
caused on my own by having agreed on an impression. In this sense passion
is mine. I am responsible for it.
keywordsThe Stoics, Emtion, Passion, Agreement, Responsibility
: 2012. 03. 10
: 2012. 04. 09
: 2012. 04. 12

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