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Plot 1

Jaebum a crying Mina came running towards them. Mina whats wrong? Jaebum asked his
sister, worry etched into his face. He released his girlfriend and pulled his little sister closer to
him. Theres a mean boy over there making fun of me, she told him through fresh tears. What
did he say? Sana asked, he too, was very concerned.

He called me a weirdo when I told him that I dont have parents he started calling me an
orphan. I told him to shut up, but he kept calling me an orphan. He kept pointing at me and
saying, Youre an orphan. You dont have a mom and a dad, that makes you an orphan, she
explained while attempting to mimic the bullys tone.

Jaebum was on his feet in seconds, Which one is he Mina, point him out, he angrily ordered,
he was going to make that kid pay. No one was going to make fun of his sister. Before Mina
could single the other kid out, Sana grabbed ahold of Jaebums wrist and yanked him back down
onto the bench, hey, you cant beat up a kid, she said firmly.

JB snatched her hand away, Why the hell not? He made my sister cry, thats what big brothers
do, the elder justified, it all made perfect sense to him. Hyung, hes a kid. Kids make fun of
other kids, thats what they do. You cant beat him up because he made Mina cry, the younger
scolded, You also cant beat him up because hes a little boy and you will most definitely go to

Jaebum narrowed his eyes at the younger, Fine then, you handle it the responsible and legal
way, he challenged. But if it doesnt work, then Im going to step on that little brat, he
thought to himself and sat back to witness the conversation. Fine, Sana accepted the

He grabbed the sniffling girls hand and pulled her closer to him, Mina dont let what that little
jerk said get to you, hes probably having family problems of his own and hes just trying to
make you feel as bad as he does, he told her.

But hes right oppa, I dont have parents. Im an orphan, she mumbled defeated. Youre not
an orphan Mina. You dont live in an orphanage and you do have a parent, he said lifting her
head up. I do? she asked in confusion.

Sana smiled and nodded, Of course you do kid, he answered, Who takes care of you? Who
clothes and feeds you? And tucks you into bed at night? Whos there in the morning waking you
up for school? Jaebum-oppa, but hes my brother. Hes not my mommy or daddy, she
answered, she was still very confused.

True, but just because he isnt your mom or dad doesnt mean he isnt a parent. Everything he
does to take care of you makes him a parent. He does the same things any other mom or dad
does, Sana explained. Mina smiled at that, He does, doesnt he? she conceded with a nod.

Sana nodded in return, Yea, so dont let that little boy, or anyone else, make you feel like youre
lacking because youre just a little bit different. Besides, being a little different is good; who else
can say they have a mom, dad, and big brother all wrapped up in one neat package? I know I
cant, she said with a shrug.

Mina beamed up at Sana and threw her arms around her neck, Thank you, Sana, she squealed
in her ear. She hugged her back, No problem kid, she told her patting her back. She released
her and then pulled Jaebum into a hug as well, I love you oppa, she told him, she squeezed him
extra tight. She was very happy and lucky to have her in her life.

Jaebum grinned and shook her off, Alright, alright, enough of this hugging crap, he said
nudging her towards the jungle gym, go play. Mina waved at the pair before she ran towards
the slide, she was back in carefree-kid mode.
Plot 2

Jaebum, what the hell happened to you tonight? Sana angrily yelled as she burst into his
boyfriends apartment. Jaebum looked up from the leather-bound book he was reading, What?
he asked the younger in confusion. Seriously? Sana skeptically thought as she glared at his
boyfriend. I asked you to pick me up from the library tonight, remember? she questioned
fisting her hands at her hips.

Jaebum nodded as realization hit him, Oh yea, he semi-acknowledged before he went back to
reading his book. SERIOUSLY? Sana asked herself again, Who is this guy? Oh yea? Sana
incredulously echoed snatching the book from the elders hands, thats all you have to say? Oh

Jaebum shrugged nonchalantly and crossed his legs, I forgot, what do you want me to say
Sana? he half-heartedly defended himself. Anything couldve happened to Sana, why was JB
acting like he didnt care? I want you to tell me what the hell happened to you tonight, the
younger demanded again, Tell me why you broke another promise to me. she tossed the book
to floor and sat down on the coffee table facing her boyfriend, her dark eyes fixed in a strong

Jaebum sighed, as if he was annoyed, and answered, I had to pick Mina up from Jinjus house.

You had to? Sana questioned with an unsure shake of her head, I thought Jinyoung was
supposed to pick Mina up. You arranged for him to pick her up specifically so you would be able
to pick me up. Did something happen to him? No Jinyoungs fine, I just called and told him
that I would pick her up instead, JB revealed with another shrug. These constant uninterested
shrugs were getting on Sanas last nerve tonight, as was everything coming out of Jaebums

And you couldnt call me to tell me that? Sana asked in disbelief. Hey Sana, I decided to pick
Mina up instead. Sorry, but do you think you can find another ride? he dramatically mimicked
his boyfriends phone voice. Doesnt seem so hard, does it?

Jaebum scooted to the edge of the couch and rested his palms on Sanas knees, Look Sana, Im
sorry I forgot to pick you up. I really am, but you made it back OK. Dont you think youre
overreacting just a tiny bit? It was amazing how quickly his apology had morphed into
something so inconsiderate, like, it completely threw Sana to see her boyfriend acting so
indifferent about breaking another promise to her.

The younger furiously shoved the elders hands away, No, I dont think Im overreacting
Jaebum, I think youre underreacting. I mean, youre being completely apathetic about standing
me up. he snapped back crossly. I dont understand what you mean by that, JB admitted with
a shake of his head. He leaned back into the couch and crossed his arms over his chest, hed
never looked so guarded.

What I mean is that, lately, youve been flaking on me a lot; practically this entire month.
Every time you promised me something you ended up not coming through for me; just like
tonight. And every time you hollowly apologized; just like tonight. Not only have you been
completely careless, but youve also been extremely standoffish and cold towards me. And
whenever I ask you whats wrong, you either say Im imagining things or leave the room
really quickly, Sana ranted Like, just tell me if Ive done something wrong. She was so

Jaebum glowered up at his pacing girlfriend, annoyance etched into his fine features, Sana, you
havent done anything wrong. I just forgot plain and simple, so can we please just drop it? It
was phrased as a question, but JBs definitive tone made it sound like a warningone that Sana
was going to blatantly ignore. She deserved answers, damn it.

No Im not dropping anything because I dont believe you. I think you did it on purpose and I
want you to tell me why, JB. Why have you been treating me this way? Tell me whats been
going on with you, she demanded, Theres nothing to tell Sana, Ive been doing what Ive
always done: taking care of my sister, Jaebum answered calmly.

But Mina didnt need you to pick her up tonight, Sana made sure to stress the word need,
She didnt need you to take her to school last Friday when Sukis mother offered to walk her.

And she didnt need you escort her to the movies for Hanjoons overly chaperoned birthday
party two weeks ago either. Are you sensing a pattern here? Each time you stood me up was
because you said your sister needed you instead, but thats not true.

Sana knew she was being rude but, for right now, she really didnt care.

In a flash, Jaebum had his hands fisted in the front of his girlfriends favorite blue sweater, You
have no fucking right to tell me when my sister doesnt need me, he shouted as he roughly
shoved the younger up against the closest wall, the force causing Sanas head to bump against it.
Sana grunted in pain as shock, fear, and then anger flashed across her face.

What the hell was going on here?

How had their argument escalated so quickly?

What did he say to trigger such a fierce reaction?

All the commotion caused Mina to come running out of her room, what are you doing? she
cried out fearfully. Both adults ignored her as Sana attempted to pry the elders hands off of her,
Get your hands off of me, she yelled managing to push her agitated boyfriend off. Jaebum
angrily gripped his girlfriends shoulders and shoved him back against the wall, the thin drywall
cracking ever-so-slightly.

You listen here, Choi Sana, my sister will always need me. Whether you think so or not doesnt
matter in the least. You dont get a fucking say in when Im there for her, OK? There is no
designated time for when Im needed or not, thats not how things work. I will always
be needed by Mina. Understand? he said darkly.

Sana had never seen his boyfriend so livid beforeso much rage in his eyesso violent. But he
was pissed off too, and he wasnt just going to say Yes, Im sorry. Please forgive me, like some
spineless jellyfish. And what about my needs JB? What about me, your girlfriend? I need you
too, she yelled back bucking against her boyfriends hold.

Jaebum laughed in disbelief, You dont get it do you? he asked finally releasing the younger.
He took a step back just as Sana shakily questioned, Get what?

Your needs dont matter! Youre dispensable, Sana, JB harshly hollered at the younger. Off on
the sidelines, Mina flinched at her brothers booming voice. Sana was taken aback by, both,
Jaebums tone and statement. Jaebum took her girlfriends silence as a greenlight to continue,
The only person whose needs matter is Mina, and Ill tell you what she needs: me. Its been that
way since our parents died and it wont change just because youve been hanging around.

Sana felt her chest burn, like hed just been stabbed repeatedly, and his open wounds were
heavily doused in iodized salt and kerosene, and then lit on fire. So thats what this whole thing
was? he softly asked, almost like he was afraid of the answer, These past 9 months, which I
thought have been fucking beautiful, have just been an expendable relationship to you? It was
never meant to be permanent?

This couldnt be true? All of the love spoken, trust built, the mind-shattering sex? All the late
night talks, random dates, and impromptu sleepovers? All of that couldnt just be thrown away,
could it?

Jaebum curtly nodded, Thats right, we dont need you, he callously stated before he turned
away from the younger. Guess it could. Then why the fuck am I still here? Sana painfully
whispered. He swallowed hard, suddenly finding the simple task of steady breathing very hard.
Mustve been the metaphoric knife in his back, the imaginary knee in his chest, and the makebelieve foot in his gut. He felt like he was experiencing a heart/panic/asthma attack.

With shaky hands, Sana reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys. He quickly unhooked
his key to the elders apartment and set it on the table, the heart keychain it came with loudly
clinking against the glass. He looked past JB at Mina, gave her a broken smile, and waved.
Because his back was turned, Jaebum didnt see the tears falling freely down Sanas cheeks as he
leftbut Mina did.

She saw everything; she always did.

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