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eighbourhood Assembly that local government remains responsive and

transparent. One notable example of a civil
concept has come of age
society-led initiative to carve a space for citizen
for up scaling and participation is the Neighbourhood Assemblies

hristian Partners Development
Agency (CPDA) Practical
Experience with Neighborhood
Introduction Assemblies
In the absence of a comprehensive framework
in the management of local affairs, efforts to
enhance citizen participation have had to rely
on the piecemeal administrative reforms
carried out since the late 1990s. These reforms,
however, have been insufficient to deliver
meaningful citizen participation and downward
Examples of such piecemeal reforms include a
1999 directive to establish the Local Authorities
Transfer Fund (LATF), which transfers five
percent of national income tax to the country’s In 1998, the government of Kenya
175 local authorities (LAs). The release of 40 per advertised a call for proposals for
cent of a local authority’s allocation under the community-based projects. Financed by the
LATF is contingent on the involvement of local European Union, the Community
residents in drawing up a Local Authority Development Fund expected community-
Service Delivery Action Plan. based organizations to raise 25 percent of
the proposed budget.
Experience so far, however, suggests that
One self-help group based in the town of
without a change in the culture of local
Vihiga (which bears the same name as the
governance, the participatory processes created
district in which it is located) was interested
through these reforms have been pigeon-holed;
to apply, but could not raise the necessary
there is no indication that they have the funds from among its members. The group
potential to gradually transform mainstream of women sought advise on the matter from
local government toward a culture of the Christian Partners Development
transparency and answerability to local Agency, which suggested they approach the
residents. The culture of opacity remains MP for their district.
entrenched. Most municipal decision-making in
At the MPs office, the women were told that
Kenya does not involve the public and he was not in, but as they discussed their
budgetary and expenditure information is next step, the MP walked through the office.
seldom available to the public. The group was disappointed by the lie, but
Still, with the growing frustration has also come also inspired. They ultimately raised their
an increased effort by civil society to ensure own money, and partly in disgust with the
state of politics, decided to reconfigure their ne idea, many issues
group as a Neighbourhood Assembly, a
parliament of villagers. Neighbourhood Assemblies
are forms of village level
The concept of Neighbourhood Assemblies parliaments intended to
has since been adopted by the Christian address common concerns
Partners Development Agency. At the end such as poverty, food security, local
of 2009, there were over 150 neighborhood leadership and governance. The assemblies
assemblies established in Vihiga and have an elected convener, who is expected
Kakamega Districts, and the organization is to represent the neighborhood’s interests in
currently looking for resources that would other forums.
allow them to upscale the model nationally
and regionally buoyed by the success in the In essence, the assemblies are sites for
two pilot districts. cultivating alternative forms of leadership.
They are not affiliated with any political
party; in fact, open party affiliation is
The NA concept discouraged. The remit of the assemblies is
determined by the assemblies themselves,
This concept draws from the ancient Greek though each is operated with a similar
model of democracy where all male governance structure. As a new assembly is
household heads participated in decision established, the Christian Partners
making process at the local level. The Development Agency provides training for
dichotomy in this NA model with the Greek assembly members on the procedures and
one is that it is all inclusive through an open principles of modus operandi.
door policy where women, men and youth
The assemblies rely on public deliberation,
who have attained 18 years and above
careful recording of minutes and democratic
automatically qualify to participate in the
voting. They have tackled an array of
discussions on issues that are of communal
different issues ranging from public
accountability to human rights abuses ; below
The NAs are neutral forums and draws are few examples of Neighbourhood Assemblies
membership from the local village level and successful stories .
members have equal rights to be heard and
this is what captures the spirit of the NA Relief Food Scandal: In Vihiga division , Magui
concept, an antithesis of local provincial NA , successfully followed up on the
administration barazas/ meetings which are mismanaged relief food supplies by the
highly intimidating to ordinary citizens to be assistant chief . The compliant was forwarded
able to question oppressive and draconian to the District Commissioner, who initiated
leadership and actions. It is only the investigations that eventually led to the
loyalists and bootlickers who are allowed to dismissal of the administrator.
speak in praise of the establishment and
statuesque. An effort by Chanda Neighbourhood Assembly
to improve the lives of the community is but an
understatement. Among many community
service the NA has undertaken include ,
considerable variation in terms of what was on
paper and the actual. In response the
government sent its senior officers on the fact
finding mission and in pursuit , the
Parliamentary Accounts Committee led by Hon
Mwandegu visited the scene and made their
recommendations . Members of the NA were
invited at a sitting in Nairobi to give evidence.
The NA is still waiting for the verdict from
successfully lobbying for CDF funds for Chanda
Parliament about their poorly constructed
and Chambiti secondary school, the schools
market. Other issues that the Joint Chavakali NA
received 300000 and 700000 respectively .
has tackled include lobbying for installation of
The NA has also been instrumental in ensuring
street light which later on turned out to be a
that the community benefit from the rural
source of corruption, the NA found that the
electrification program by applying for
tender process was not done in a transparent
installation of electricity under Umeme Pamoja
manner and over shilling 1.4 million could not
Project .In addition the NA has also made a
be accounted for. The NA is still demanding for
follow up on issues of human rights abuses ,
inclusion in project implementation in the area,
example they made a successful follow up of
citing the failed street lights as a classical
mysterious murder and secret burial of a boy in
example of poor governance by the local
the village , the
authority .Other social audits that the NA
matter was
followed include the mismanagement of
presented to the
Solongo Youth Polytechnic CDF funds by the
board , the NA presented the concern to the
Secretary Internal
Ministry officials and the Provincial
security who
Administration , in reaction the board was sent
responded by
packing and the head of the institution sacked .
sending a team of
a close to 1.8 million had been set for fixing
CID officers to investigate the case . The NA has
power in the institution . By now the power
also petitioned the former president Mr. Moi
lines have been dropped at the college, one
for failing to pay compensation to one of his
new used vehicle has been purchased for
former Employer late Mr. Libeya who had
mechanic class, thanks to quick intervention by
worked for him at a Little Farm in Nakuru . The
the Neighbourhood Assembly.
NA is still waiting for a response from the
provincial state counsel. Sustainability
In Sabatia the joint NA sessions have handled The Alternative Leadership Project
arrays of issues but the more pronounced endeavors to equip people with
knowledge in good governance. This
follow up is the construction of Chavakali
knowledge remains with the people to
Market . The members of Chavakali be passed on orally and through books,
Neighbourhood Assembly initiated a process of brochures, pamphlets, newsletters etc. It
is envisaged that the education,
investigating the quality of work in progress at information and creation of awareness
the site . They established that there was a processes will continue over time as
people adopt alternative leadership At the local level, the importance of NAs
modes so will convention be established is increasingly being recognized by local
and maintained. assistant chiefs, chiefs. Even the
general community members are turning
to NAs for interventions when their
This project is also seen as people rights have been trampled upon by local
owned by virtue of their direct administration and local public
participation in organizing for meetings, institutions of governance. They have
reports and follow ups on their used this platform to lodge complaints
deliberations. Being a village based against arbitrary arrests, corruption,
initiative, running cost for sustainability thuggery, rape and defilements by by
are very minimal and can be met by the people who have been entrusted with
community through their own planning responsibilities as parents and
and coordination. Having built the guardians.
capacities of the community, through At the national level, they work closely
NAs and trained conveners, with divisional heads and line ministries
sustainability of the project is assured. especially that of Agriculture for
We intend to strengthen the networking extension services, local authorities,
capacities and linkages with the various social development on the issues of
community resource own persons service delivery. They are also engaging
(CORPs). the district community policing office to
learning more on the concept and also
channel their grievances for action.
Being an advocacy forum for human We have also partnered with Actionaid
rights, as an organization, CPDA Kenya in public expenditure monitoring
envision a scenario where NAs will and reviews, advocacy campaigns on
increasingly be involved in livelihood constitution, Millennium Development
issues as rights based concerns. At the Goals ,Local Authorities Transfer Fund
grassroots majority depend on agri- (LATF) among others,
based means to meet their basic needs; The project also worked with the NGO
a lot of rights are trampled upon by Council as a member of the pro-poor
various institutions which have a direct working group in conjunction with
link with people. The NA framework is government on Poverty Reduction
better placed to address these issues Strategy Programme (PRSP) to collect
among small scale farmers and artisans. data in Vihiga District.

In line with CPDAs long term objective At the regional level, a number of
of playing a facilitative role through Kenyan based NGO have also visited
empowerment, it has moved away from CPDA and NAs in Vihiga District to learn
micro managing the NAs to hands off the concept and replicate it in
approach. This is attested by the fact Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda,
that a number of NAs are now are Tanzania and Southern Sudan as
accessing support directly from peace building initiative.
government and other donors ( Women
Enterprise funds , Youth Enterprise
Funds , Njaa Marufuku , APHIA II, World Conclusion
Bank , TOWA, KCDF,)
The world over, experts and scholars in peace
Collaboration building and conflict resolution are burning the
midnights oil in search of contemporary models
As a result of the good work of
to contain the ever changing forms of conflict
championing the rights of common man
within the grassroots society, NAs are and hence the UN – Secretary general His
increasingly getting recognition among Excellency Ban Ki-moon’s appeal for a fresh and
institutions at the local, national and out of the box approach. This concept can
regional levels. effectively be adopted to manage conflict, and
has an in-built mechanism for early warning
systems to detect and diagnose issues that
portend conflict. This article is meant to act as a
talking paper to showcase the NA concept and
appeal for national, regional, international
communities, policy makers and scholars of
conflict management and peace builders to
rethink their approaches and embrace new

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