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Names for gallo pinto around latin-America:

Costa Rica : Gallopinto; rice and beans in Limn

Nicaragua: Gallopinto; rice and beans in the Caribean

Cuba: Moros and cristianos or congri

Puerto Rico: Congri or arroz con moros

Repblica Dominicana: Moro

Panam: Gallopinto

Per: Tacu tacu

Colombia: Calentado

Venezuela: Pabelln criollo

El Salvador: Casamiento

Honduras: Casamiento and rice and beans en la costa norte

As you can see in the list of names above, the origin of the Gallo pinto is not very clear,
and this is because nearly every latin-american country has its own version of the famouse
In Costa Rica the Gallo Pinto is the most popular tipical food, and this is why costaricans
claim that the origins of the plate are in Costa Rica, but since so many different countries
have the same dish it is obvious that its origin doesnt belong to costarrican land.
Gallo Pinto , as it is, its quite a simple dish to prepare, and thats why it is so popular. All
you have to do its to mix rice, beans and any other ingredients to add extra flavor like
condiments and sauces. In Costa Rica it is usually prepared with apium, rice, beans and
salsa inglesa.



Ingredients(Costa Rica):

Worcester sauce(salsa inglesa)

In the caribean part of Costa Rica you can find the rice and beans wich is pretty much the
same as gallo pinto, but it has coconut oil added to the rcipe.

Jos Pablo Arias & Jos Andres Espinoza

Food from Costa Rica: Gallo Pinto
Prof. Anajancy Solano

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