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Ayurveda for men.

NAMA wants male reproduction, but I would like a broader

lesson from you with a holistic view of how Ayurveda can help the modern man
cope with stress, work pressure, improve body composition, heart health, help in
relationships, longevity, etc

Health ta snigdha gneya

Diff between men and women in body wrt this definition
Definition of health in SS what is disease according to that definition
What is the difference between men and women according to this definition 2
extra srotas (stanya, artava)
Criteria 15 factors of health
What is stress overload / wrong perception

For overload decrease load or increase strength

For wrong perception dhi, dhairya, atmadi vijnanam (nayam jano me
sukha dukha hetu)

Eg. mistake the rope for a snake or vice versa

Heart health it is a marma sthana, three marma sthanas / there are three
hearts in Ayurveda physical, emotional, intellectual (hdaya) hrdya
Relationships see chapter 2 dinacarya
Longevity cra rasyana satyavadinam akrodham
Nityam hithra vihra sev
Three pillars food, sleep, sex
Do not take for granted
Especially avoid vega avarodha

Prostate enlargement
Shukra kshaya
Stress related
Generally tends to have less problems due to being ta snigdha
Women tend to have more problems due to being ushna snigdha
Health is based on three pillars food, sleep, sex

Three three affect the dosha, dhatu, mala, atma, indriya, manas
Coping with stress difference of how stress affects men and women
What is stress?
When the mind feels that I cannot handle this. Actually our capacity is unlimited.
We have not tapped our potential. But when we start feeling that I do not have
the capacity, we spiral downwards.
When we start feeling I can do it it spirals upwards. There is a huge mental
component. It then reflects on the physical body.
And what you do with the physical body also reflects on the mind.
What is the difference in how men and women think according to Ayurveda?
Say some stories
So many books these days Men are from Mars

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