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My first semester in Senior High School is a bit let down.

I'm not able to catch lup in

the straendrolled enrolled due to the lack of intelligence. Still, lessons and experiences
like learning communication deeply, calculating and solving mathematical problems,
philosophizing, responsible use of technology and internet, understanding Earth's
science, and Phisycal Education equipped me to fight and finish the first semester.
I've always been thinking that this track is not for me, but I struggled to fight. It's
always been hard for my dense mind to contain every lesson in every subject that I
have, yet I struggled to learn. Every minute in Pre-Calculus and General Math class
was ravaging my mind. Anyways, I struggled just to have a passing grades. I even
resort in copying my seat mate's answers. I remembered the the time when I just
played Pokmon in Game Boy Advance, instead of reviewing for the mid-term exams.
The mechanics of the game is when you don't have the skill to fight, the pokmon will
automatically struggle.
Then I realized, it's pretty applicable in my SHS life. Struggle to fight, win, and
conquer. If I failed, I'll just take my time to heal and recover, then rise again. Well, it
works. I slowly coped up with my school days in STEM 3.
As I'm working for these speech's conclusion, I consulted to my best friend, Mc. I
said, "What should I do for the conclusion? the body of my speech is pretty bad." He
said " start with a quote" and that's it. They say, if life gaves you lemons, then make
lemonade out of it". My first semester in Senior High School has gave me a lot of
lemons. I struggled my way to cut and squeeze these lemons that symbolized my
educational hardships and problems, of course, with some help from my peers and
bang! I got some juices that lifted me to rank 12 of the 1st quarter in STEM 3.
Probably, the following semesters will be tough for me. One way or another, I will
continue to struggle until I reach some milestone in Senior High School, because a
juice is worth a squeeze.

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