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B/E AEROSPACE, INC : ] 9100 N.W. 105™ CIRCLE Medley, Florida 33178 QUALITY DOCUMENT No: 105 APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS FOR UPHOLSTERY FACILITIES FOR DYNAMICALLY TESTED SEATS IN SERVICE REVISION: A_ | DATE: April 23, 2008 | PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Copyright © 2008 B/E Aerospace, Inc., All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT CONTROL-RELEASED MAY 0 1 2008 APPROVALS: b pe, Vol. Voba PREPARED BY: arios E. Rebollar ,QA Manager Pade drisicha foy 4-27-08 APPROVED BY: Scott Ea Certification Manager ess 4-29-08 APPROVED BY: Carlos Castillo, Qual Doc #105| Rev: A, 04/23/08} Upholstery Facilities - Seats in Service | Page 2 of 12 REVISION PAGE REV. DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVAL, A Initial Release 04/2308 | Carlos Castillo IS 0 Rev: A, 04/23/08 Page 3 of 12 SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE TITLE PAGE 1 LOG OF REVISION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE.. 2.0 SCOPE... 3.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 4.0 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS. 5.0 FLAMMABILITY DATA/REQUIREMENTS 6.0 DESIGN DATA.. 7.0 DESIGN LIMITATIONS... 8.0 DOCUMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION... APPENDIX A .. Page 4 of 12 [aa Doc #105] Rev: A, 04/23/08 4. PURPOSE Dynamically certified seats have inherent upholstery design restrictions due to the role upholstery plays in the structural loading of the seat. This document defines the instruction that need to be followed in order to initiate the process for Seats in Service. 2. SCOPE “The scope of this document covers both BYE. and applicable regulatory requirements goveming the seat ‘cushion system of all dynamically certified seats manufactured by B/E. The seat cushion system consists of the uphoistery/cushion assemblies for: a) Seat headrest cushion(s). b)_ Seat backrest cushion(s). ©) Seat bottom cushions). 4) Seat legrest and footrest cushion(s). €) Divans, corner units, ete. 3. REFERENCES Doc 103, Approval Req, for Upholstery Completion Centers for Dynamically Tested Seats 4, DEFINITIONS ‘BIE Designee — an inspector trained under Document 103, and operating under a Completion Facility. B/E Representative — a trained B/E employee or subcontractor under Document 105, to perform inspections at Uphoistery Faciities. ‘Completion Facility (CF) — facilty authorized under Doc 103, to upholster B/E dynamically certified ‘seats/divan. Upholstery Facility (UF}- facility authorized under Doc 105, to upholster B/E dynamically certified seats/divans. 5, RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 B/E Aerospace Miami BIE is responsible for providing contracted Upholstery Facility performing upholstery of seats in service, with TSO approved technical data and personnel to perform conformity inspection. B/E is ONLY responsible for the conforming inspection of upholstery work completed by the Upholstery Facility (UF), to B/E’s TSO Approved Technical Data. B/E is NOT responsible for the seat structure and for returning the seat to service, the UF has the sole responsibility to return the seat to service, and/or per agreement entered with the UF customer. “Completion Facility” under Doc 103 (Part inder (Part 43), must follow this Note: Faci 21), and are also upholstering “Seats in Service” procedure. ilities — Seats in Service 5 of 12 [Sahl [Poe Rev: A, 0423/08] Upholstery F 5.2 Upholstery Facility (UF) UF is responsible for initiating the Flammability process, as outlined in Para. 6.1 of this ‘document, and providing Upholstery Drawings, Cushion Labels, Work Orders and Raw Material Certificates, and completed Statement of Certification, at time of inspection. UF is responsible for building upholstery assemblies per B/E TSO approved technical data, and to provide a representative seat for inspection of the foam build-up, upholstery and cushion labels, for each configuration. UF is responsible to identify each seat cushions with a label, containing upholstery drawing information, and providing photos of their installation to B/E at time of inspection UF is responsible for providing B/E a copy of the Flammability Test Plan package for record retention. UF has the sole responsibilty for the seat structure, and for returning the seat to service, and/or per agreement entered with the UF customer. 6. FLAMMABILITY DATA REQUIREMENTS: ‘The UF must demonstrate compliance with the flammability requirements of regulation, 14 CFR, FAR § 25.853(a) and (c). This can be accomplished through the generation and execution of an FAA approved Flammability Test Plan (FTP). 6.1 Creation of Test Plans ‘The UF is responsible for conducting flammability certification tests under an FAA project ‘number in accordance with an FAA-approved flammability test plan. 6.1.1 Test Plan Format Each test plan created by the UF, shall contain the following information, at a minimum: 8) Purpose ~ This section shall describe the desired effect of the document. in all instances, the desired effect shall be to verify compliance with FAR § 25.853 (a) and (c). ‘The guidance provided by FAA Policy memo, “Guidance for Flammability Testing of ‘Seat/Console Installations", ANM-100, dated 17 OCT 97, should also be considered. b) Scope - This section shall identify the FAA Project number, the production unit part numbers, the applicable seat assembly and/or upholstery part numbers, or the components to be substantiated and the applicable drawings , including revision level, defining the production upholstery. ©) Discussion of Testing - Present testing categories and requirements in this section. This section shall be standardized in all reports. 4) List of Materials - This section shall list all relevant materials within the production build- ups. €) Identification of Test Articles — This section shall list all test articles by test article part ‘number, with a description, a cross-reference to the cushion assembly or production part number being substantiated, and the applicable pass/fail criteria per the regulations. In some instances, an illustration may be present to identify the location on the production unit from which the sample was identified if muitiple test build-ups exist on a given part number. 1) Test Locations and Equipment — Included in this section shall be ail pertinent information required to complete the RFC. Proposed DER's, DMIR’s, and DAR's as well as test locations shall be presented in this section. Page 6 of 12} 9) Conclusion ~ This section shall be reserved to discuss the results after testing has been accomplished. h)_Alltest coupon data sheets shall be included in the test report ’) All conformity paperwork shall be included in the test report. At a minimum a copy of. FAA Forms 8100-1 and 8130-3 shall be included. Other paperwork included may be DER approval of deviations, the RFC, and/or the 8130-9. i) Each report may include the applicable drawings that were utilized to determine the flammability test requirements for the production unit. k)_ Each report shail include the applicable FAA Form 8110-3(s) when utilizing previously approved FAA data. 6.1.2 _ Previously Approved Data Materials and build-ups that have been previously approved by the FAA do not require additional certification testing. Proof of FAA compliance (e.g. FAA Form 8110-3 that clearly defines material) shall be provided in the test plan in lieu of retesting that material 6.1.3 Similarity Testing Flammability testing is not required when a dye lot number changes for a given leather part number/color from a specific manufacturer, provided that the flammability treatment remains the same. When the flammability treatment is different on the same fabric or leather part number, re-test is required. Substantiation by similarity for fabrics or leathers with different flammability treatments is not permitted. Note: When leather, fabric, or foam requires to be installed with adhesives, the same adhesive type must be used, to avoid re-testing. 6.1.4 Approval of Test Plans Test plans created as outlined in the above paragraphs shall be approved via FAA Form 8110-3. The 8110-3 shall include the applicable FAA Project number. 6.1.5 Test Article Conformity ‘The test specimens shall undergo an FAA conformity inspection. Conformity inspections must be completed, and an 8130-3, “Authorized Release Certificate”, issued before testing ‘can be conducted. 6.1.6 Record Retention ‘A copy of each test plan, FAA Form 8110-3 approving the test plan, FAA Forms 8120-10, 8100-1, 8130-9, 8130-3, test results, and FAA Form 8110-3 approving test results, must be ‘maintained by the UF, and a copy provided to B/E for their records. 6.1.7 Summary ‘A summary of events required to show compliance with flammability requirements is presented in the table below. These events are listed in the order that they should be accomplished. These events shall be accomplished with every upholstery job containing materials not otherwise approved (Ref Section 6.1.2). Upholstery jeats in Service | Page 7 of 12 ‘Summary of Events ITEM # ‘ACTION ACTOR 1__| Generate Flammability Test Plan (FTP). UF Engineering Department. 2__| Issue FAA Form 8110-3 approval of test plan. | Qualified DER. “3 | Forward FTP to B/E Aerospace for review and ring Department & B/E approval. 1 ~ 4 | BIE Aerospace issues FAA Form 8120-10 B/E Aerospace *Request for Conformity” & FAA project number. 5 | Fabrication of test specimen per approved test __| Upholstery Facility. plan (coupons). _ 6 | Complete FAA Form 6130-9 for test sample(s) (If | UF QA Department. ~ required by FAA Form 8120-10) 7 _| Perform conformity inspection on test sample(s). | Delegated DMIR/DAR. 8 | Complete FAA Forms 8100-1 & 8130-3. Delegated DMIRIDAR. ‘Conduct bum of conformed test specimen. ‘Approved bum facility. 10 | FAA Form 8110-3 issued approving results of | DER who witnessed test at approved | burn test. bum facility 71 | Revision of FTP to include results & conclusions | UF Engineering Department. ~ approved via FAA Form 8110-3, 12 _ | Forward copy of all completed documentation to | UF QA Department. BEE. 13 _| Record Retention Per UF QA Department Req. * These steps specifically state B/E Aerospace involvement and reflect an understanding between the FAA and B/E Aerospace. This understanding allows B/E Aerospace to issue an FAA project number via the issuance of FAA Form 8120-10. Should flammability testing and approvals be sought without B/E ‘Aerospace involvement, a similar sequence of events will occur. These events will be coordinated and approved by the TC/STC applicant's cognizant Aircraft Certification Office (ACO). 7. DESIGN DATA All the requirements, guidelines and/or criteria outlined TA 72 ed in a seat cushion system, must comply with ‘his section. UF upholstery/cushion assembly design data ut Applicability All engineering data (excluding those items in Section 6.1), used to design, fabricate and upholster ‘TSO approved seats must be reviewed and approved by B/E Certification and Engineering personnel. This is to assure that the upholstery design meets the structural qualifications and. requirements of the seat. Flammability Design data shall demonstrate that both the materials and cushion design comply with FAR § '25,853(a) and (c), for vertical bum and seat cushion (oll bumer) flammability. Bottom, backrest, headrest and legrest cushions must show compliance with FAR § 25.853(c). Compliance with FAR. ‘§ 25.859(a) must be shown for all upholstery buildups on the seat to include armrests and shrouds. Ensure the flammabilty report references upholstery/cushions assembly part numbers. (Ref. ‘Section 6.1, Creation of Test Plans) — Egg | boc 105] rev: a, 04/23/08] Upholstery Facilities ~ Seats in Service Page 6 of 12] 73 TsO-C127a For each unique TSO-C127a seat configuration, a seat assembly number must be defined that includes the seat structure part number and unique upholstery part numbers. This excludes TSO- C127a Models 2524.532.01(), 2524.533.01(), 2524.534.01(), 2524.535.01(), 2524.536.01() and 2524,537.01(). The seat assembly number should be provided on the Statement of Certification form. 7.4 Drawing Tree UF engineering shall provide B/E Engineering with unique part numbers that are assigned to each individual upholstered seat assembly. The drawing(s) shall list all seat assemblies as depicted on the tree below. ‘Top Upholstery Drawing Number t BIE BIG! Green Bottom Cushion ‘Back Cushion | Headrest Assy. Restraint System ‘Seat Number ‘Assy, Number ‘Assy. Number Number ‘Number Foam Cushion Assy. Foam Cushion Foam Cushion Number Number "Number Footrest Assy. ‘Shrouds Assy. ater Number 7.5 Minimum Design Data Requirements Per TSO C127a, 5.2.12, detailed seat cushion drawings inclu foam, fire blocking layer, as required and dress cover of the seat back and bottom cushions are required. Adequate detail shall be provided such that for every control dimension on the Finish Control (FC) drawing, there is a corresponding dimension on the production control drawing for proof of compliance. All materials/processes used to manufacture the cushions should be included. Seat cushion label design should meet the requirements of TSO-C127a, Para. 4.2, b and c. 7.6 Data/Drawing Checklist A sample dataldrawing checklist is provided below. The items listed may or may not be applicable, depending upon the design of the seat cushion system (.e. ifthe footrest assembly is not upholstered, no data is required). The presentation of these items is required during the B/E inspection, in addition to those items listed in Section 9, Bgl | 0c #105] Rev: a, 04/29/08 ‘AssembiyiArea Bottom Cushion Upholstery 1) Bottom Cushion Assy. drawing with PIN & Revision. 2) Upholstered bottom cushion drawing, Back Cushion 1) Back Cushion Assy. drawing with PIN & Revision. Upholstery 2) Upholstered Back Cushion drawing. Legrest Cushion 1) Legrest Cushion Assy. drawing with P/N & Revision, Upholstery 2) Upholstered Legrest Cushion drawing. Headrest Cushion 41) Headrest Cushion Assy. drawing with PIN & Revision. Upholstery 2) Upholstered Headrest Cushion drawing. Footrest Cushion 1) Footrest Cushion Assy. drawing with PIN & Revision. Uphotstery 2) Upholstered Footrest Cushion drawing. ‘Armrest Cushion Upholstery 1) Ammrest Cushion Assy. drawing with P/N & Revision. 2) Upholstered Armrest Cushion drawing. All shrouds ‘Shroud Cushion and Carpet upholstery drawings with, PIN & Revision Finish Control Drawing Document governing upholstery build-up limits Restraint System Applicable drawings Auxiliary Systems Flammability ee Sec _ Divans, etc, ‘Applicable upholstery drawings Sag | 00c #08] rev: A, 04/23/08] Upholstery Facil Page 10 ff 8, DESIGN LIMITATIONS. 8.1 Design Changes and Limitations ‘No changes or deviations outside of previously approved FAA (TSO) design data shall be permitted without approval of B/E and FAA Engineering. More specifically, design changes and limitations are govemed by the following: a) Any upholstery design change(6) that fall outside of the FAA approved design data for the ‘seat backrest, bottom and headrest cushions must have written approval from BE. Engineering. Verbal approval is not acceptable. Major changes are treated in accordance with FAR § 21.611. B/E Engineering will determine if changes are minor and ccan be substantiated without further testing. b) Any minor upholstery deviations to design data must be submitted to B/E Engineering for written approval before acceptance of seat. ©) _ No deviations to the approved restraint systems are permitted. Some B/E TSO seats have multiple approved restraint systems that may be used if they are part of the design. 4) Foam substitutions are not permitted. Foam density variability wit! established upholstery design criteria is acceptable. ) As per FAR § 21.611 (c) no design changes are to be made by UF. B/E, as the TSO authorized to make design changes. f) Dress cover material changes must, at a minimum, be substantiated as per Section 6 of this document. the ies ~ Seats in Service | Page 11 of q Bg | 0c #105) rev: a, 04/23/08 9. DOCUMENTATION AND CERTIFICATION 9.1. Documentation Requirements 9.1.4 First Article Inspection (FAI) {As part of the requirements of this document, a First Article Inspection (FA) shall be required ‘each and every time there is a seat cushion system presented for inspection. The following documents must be completed and presented to the B/E Designee/Representative prior to inspection. Seat must be presented without dress covering for each seat configuration, for inspection of the foam build-up, upholstery, and cushion labels, a applicable Documentation Internal Work Order with traceabilly to raw material certificates Flammability Test Plan (per FAA § 25.853(a) and (0), for cushions and all upholstery) FAA Form 8110-3 (Approving Flammability Test results) FAA Forms 8100-1, 8120-10, 8130-3, 8130-9 (included in FTP) Upholstery Drawings (showing Cushion P/N and referencing Finish Control drawing) ‘Statement of Certification (Appendix A). (Completed & Signed) 9.1.2 Visual & Dimensional Inspection Inspection to upholstery drawing, FC drawing, and test plan will be performed on the following items, but is not limited to: Flammability ‘Vertical and Oil bumer test results © Verify Velcro or stitching enclosure + Verify Leather or fabric part number + Verify Carpet used on shroud, when applicable Dimensional ‘* Cushion Overall Length ¢ Stiffener on cushion © Shoulder hamess dimension © Backrest height © Overall Arm Width & Width between Arms. Additional Inspection * Verify p/n & revision for cushion foam and dress cover © Verify Seat belt part number ‘* Verify Seat/Divan weight © Verify Adhesive used Note: 1) Upholstery Completion Centers (Doc 103), may use their B/E designated inspectors, but only at the designated facility. BJE designated inspectors (Doc 103), must request B/E approval in writing, prior to performing (Doc 10) work outside the designated facility. 2) All required documents (9.1.1) must be completed and presented to B/E Designee/Representative at time of inspection. aa Doc #105) Rev: A, 04/23/08} Upholstery Facilities - Seats in Service | Page 12 of | APPENDIX A STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION FORM waa tye eu “BWEN AUEduIOD Prt ‘Beg or I ‘SINVEUBIS Gr ‘seubiseq Ailend 3/a ‘SwWeN jug er "B4 penouddy uBlseq OS. 3/G S}8eU ‘AINO Wa;SAs UOIYSND yeas Jo Aiquessy Ausysjoydn Jo LNAWALVLS NOILVSISILYAD - Oa 3/8 * OedSU! 3eU3 AyII29 AqaueY | BileN AueduIOg Pet area SiNyeUBig = Jowsedsuy AVieno an OWEN Wud = ‘201/186 0} 3808 Buuinjau 404 e/qjsuodsas Aja|08 81 Axyj98.4 A18}8/04dN ‘IeAcidde UB}sep 3/q [eujBU0 ey3 Wo44 POTETTE 40 Pely|pou ueEq JOU ansy asmongs yes 9411 “enoge pe}si] BPEP ey} JJM B9UBP10998 UI Peje/dW02 UeEq eABY ‘persi) Syonpoid Bupees eoedsoley 3/q OY, LNAWALVLS NOILVOISILYAD - ALITIOWS AMSLSTOHdN * ['sdnpying pnosys pur yseuuue epnjout snus Ayiiqeuurel4 “evep 189} AyjqeUUEY ayy Jo ‘(aI ‘spaoudde €-0LL8 Wd @pnjou! ysnw pue pesn 1eA09 sseup eiqeoudde 405 (9) 8 (e) ege'sz Uv WI Jdwioo Moys ysnw yoded Awa ee *# LHOd3e ALMIGVWWV14 AYALSTOHGN @ Aaa *# SM TONLNOD HSINId Yad GALOAdSNI ANFLSTOHdN + Agu :# ONIMWUC Yad GSWYOINSd ANALSTOHdN D —— *# NILATING SOIANAS *6 ‘#43CNO WYOM 3d GAWHOsYAd NOIL31dNOD * BIE wonog az qwanpegez 7u/s 3888 Ba? 7d 3885 Bae Tad Rasy 78057 S.Nid Uolysng 3Beg "2 ‘3009 gor a/a* CNIS LAVEOUIV” TaGOW Livedouly* (qi sou ‘oz WO 3/8) NOILVSISILYAD AO LNAWALVLS sa B/E AEROSPACE BUSINESS JET GROUP 9100 NW 105 Circle Medley, Florida 33178 ot I - Document No. 105 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM To: All Upholstery Facilities SUBJECT: Approval Requirements for Upholstery Facilities for Dynamically Tested Seats Attached is a current copy of Document #105. By signing and returning this page, you acknowledge that you have received this revision and understand its contents and liabilities. If you have any questions regarding this document please contact B/E Aerospace, Inc BJG-Miami ‘Quality Department and they will be able to answer any concerns you may have, In order to ensure this document has been received by your company, please sign and date this acknowledgement and return it either by mail of fax to the attention of B/E Quality Department. DOCUMENT 105: REVISION A COMPANY NAME RECEIVED BY (Print) ‘SIGNATURE THLE DATE Please Return To: BIE Aerospace, Inc Business Jet Group -Miami 9100 NW 105" Circle ‘Miami, F1 33178 Attn: Quality Department Form 202, Rev A (4/04/08

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