2 Preface

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In the present technology there is lot more improvement required in

the engineering fields. Such as automobile sector, aviation sector, defense
sector and naval sectors are dealing with high means of accuracy and
improvements in efficiency of their products. But for to attain these goals
there is a requirement of improvements in the field of stress analysis since
the high end of accuracy precision mainly depends on the proper stress
distribution in the components of that machine and its life cycle. Hence the
study regarding the stress in the component is important.
Stress distribution in the components can be done in two ways such as
static stress analysis, dynamic stress analysis. Both methods having different
procedures to estimate the stress distribution in both static study
components and the components under working.
The Experimental stress analysis subject deals with the study of the
experimental methods to analyze the stress and strain distributed in the
components under testing. And determine experimentally the failure stress
and procedures to increase the life of the components.
The first unit of the subject deals with the Technique where Electrical
strain gages were studied the geometry, components of gauges , required
properties for gages, mounting techniques and some important analysis
Second unit is a study of rosettes which are the combinations of strain
gauges to determine the stress in more than one direction with some
numerical problems.
Third unit deals with the study of photo elasticity technique of
determining the stress in the optical materials in which plane polarization,
circular polarization and some modern techniques were discussed.
In the next unit give importance to the study of the three dimensional
objects stress analysis three determination by using scattered lights, some
coating techniques, stress freezing methods.
In the final portion of the subject deals with the study of the coating
techniques such as brittle coating where different crack patterns and
analysis techniques discussed.

Main objective of the subject is to understand the experimental

techniques involving in the stress analysis in the testing components and
there advantages over the conventional techniques.\

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