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386 Master the TOEFL Test SECTION 2 STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION Time—25 minutes Part 1: Sentence Completion Directions: Questions 1 to 15 are not complete sentences. One or more words are left out of each sentence. Under each sentence, you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that completes the sentence correctly. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of your answer choice. Birds make nests in trees hide their young in the leaves and branches, (A) can where they (B) where they can (©) where can they (D) where can Deonr The sentence should read, “Birds make nests in trees where they can hide their young in the leaves and branches.” Therefore, you should choose answer (B), Sleeping, resting, and are the best ways to care for a.cold, (A) To drink fuids (B) Drank fluids (©) One drink fuids (D) Drinking fuids ®2Boovowe The sentence should read, “Sleeping, resting, and drinking fluids are the best ways to care for a cold.” ‘Therefore, you should choose answer (D) ‘Now begin with the questions. 1. Alog grabberhas along arm which 2. A home computer __ an opportunity stretches out to pick up logs. for convenient and efficient work at home. (A) calls ajib Dh) provides VV (B) calling a jib (B) tobe providing (© ajibcalted (© which provides called jd adj fivase ©) providing i Practice Test6 387 Eli Whitney's milling machine remained un- 9, __chldrenmasterthe basics, advanced changed for a century and a half because development becomes easier, was so efficient (A) The wit (RS Once Adv ®) he (©) That (C) of (D) Even ©) is 10, _there s close correlation between Some of the rainwater from clouds evaporates Stress and illness. bere ee (% Some psychologists believe S+V OX}. reaching the ground (B) Believed some psychologists (B) toreach the ground (©) Some psychologists to believe (©) reach the ground (D) Some psychologists believing (D) the ground reaches u is often used in soups and sauces ‘Once an offending allergen has been identified THE Parsley, an inexpensive herb, noun ffiase tests, it is possible forthe doctor to © wn bebeeniek give specific desensitizing injections. i accme ras ae eee hop (D) An herb is inexpensive parsley. WH by means of = Mth is done 7 g (©) of the means by 12, Perspiration increases Vigorous ex- (D) by means ercise or hot weather. OM during confundion Sometimes wears people out and is ae worse than the lack of sleep itself (©) atthe time (A) to sleep he desire ‘ ° (D) for BR the desire wo sleep oun phinse (C)_todesire sleep is 13, Goddard developed the first rocket to fly faster (D) the desire to sleep who (A) than sound is Although dissimilar in almost every other re- ie), oon spect, birds and insects have both evolved eff cient capabilities. (C) sound | (a) fy {Bi than sound Comparison By fying ad) 14, Even if the unemployment rate (C) tofly sharply, the drop may still be temporary. (D) is fying (A) to drop 3. The wheel, thas remained important @) cropping for 4,000 years, is one of mankind’s first inven- (C) have dropped tions. (py drops. V (A) how (B) when (which one E> 388 = Master the TOEFL Test 15, Studies indicate collecting art today than ever before. (A) there are that more people (B) more people that are (Ghat there are more people (D) people there are more Part 2: Error Identification Directions: In questions 16 to 40, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of your answer choice. Aspirin is recommend to many people for its ability o thin the blood, w ®) (Ono) enon The sentence should read, “Aspirin is recommended to many people for its ability to thin the blood.” ‘Therefore, you should choose answer (A). ‘Some people believe that human beings will never use away all the natural resources on earth. a) 8 © © Deon The sentence should read, “Some people believe that human beings will never use up all the natural resources on earth.” Therefore, you should choose answer (B), Now begin work on the questions. is 16. The surface of the tongue’ covered with tiny taste buds. a ww» © o by 17. Cosmic distance is measured on light-years “ ® ae oO 18. A million 3f tourists from allover the world visit New York every year. “a B © i) called 19. Whereas Earth has one moon, the planet call Mars has two small ones. wy ® @ i) - fair 20, An ardent feminist, Margaret Fuller, through her literature, asked that women be given a fairly (a) 8) © i chance, 2B. 24. 26. 21, 28, 29. 30. 31 32, 33. 34, Cn) A) Conguters All data in computer are changed ito electronic pulses by an input unit. Ww laws © (B) @ Practice Test6 389 wv 21. No longer is scientific discovery a matter of one person alone working. 2) collect . The scientific method consists of forming hypotheses, collect w © ta, and testing ess oy 0) ‘The basic law of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are taught to all elementary B) © ow school students ©) lage wo B) © (D) . A largely percentage of Canadian export business is with the United States. ard, The famous Jim Thorpe won both the pentathlon of decathlon in the 1912 Olympic Games. “ ® w © which ‘Acute pharyngitis pain is most often caused by a viral infection. for who antibiotics are ineffective. a B) @ © Knowledges about cultures provides insights into the leamed behaviors of groups. wm @) © ©) Kaki {A fiber-optic cable across the Pacific went into service in Aprit 1989, link the United States and Japan, Unlike. ay @) © ww Dislike the gorilla, the male adult chimpanzee weighs under 200 pounds. on 8) © ©) Before lumberjacks had mechanical equipmenys, they used horses and ropes to. drag logs, « we © ©) but George Gershwin not only composed popular songs for musicals, also wrote more serious concerts, “ 8) A) © B) 4 ) has _been no war ‘Among the world's 44 richest countries, there has been fot war since 1945. commen Caricature, a type of comic exaggeration, is commen “ B) wz a) li o ced in ptt! cartons ESS 15 i a 390 Master the TOEFL Test 35, 36. 37, 38, 39. or. (One and more sentences related to the same topic form a paragraph. Ww ® © o) made Mirrors done of Shiny metal were used by the Eayptians in ancient times. bo ®) © ) Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn cone of America’s national treasures © &) © © tector In his early days as a direct, Charlie Chaplin produced 62 shor. silent comedy films in four years. “ Bw © ) shat o. Some studies show that young babies prefer the smell of mitk to he of ther aus a) B) ~» oO Plants absorb water and nutrients and anchor themselves inthe sil with ther roots @ 1B © © STOP END OF SECTION 2.IF YOU HAVE ANY TIME LEFT, GO OVER YOUR WORK IN THIS SECTION ONLY. DO NOT WORK IN ANY OTHER SECTION OF THE TEST.

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