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1. Location:
a) Urban

b) Rural

2. Gender:
a) Male

b) Female

3. Your age:
a) Below 20

b) 20-30

c) 30-40

d) Above 40

4. Education:
a) UG

b) PG

c) Others

b) Unemployed

c) Student

b) 25000-50000

c) 5000

4. Are you currently?

a) Employee

d) Homemaker e) Retired

5. Monthly income:
a) 25000

6. In which of the following categories you buy private labeled products in the supermarkets?
a) Food

b) Body care products

d) Baby products

e) Electronics

c) Home care products

7. How often do you buy private label beverage drinks?

a) Few times per year

b) Once a month

c) Few times per month

8. Which type of private label beverage drinks do you buy?

a) Tea

b) Coffee

c) Soft drinks

d) Other

9. How often do you buy private label body care products?

a) Few times per year b) Once a month

c) Few times per month

10. Which type of private label body care products do you buy?
a) Hair care products

b) Body wash

c) Toothpaste

d) Baby products

e) Other

11. In which of the following categories you buy national brand products in the supermarkets?
a) Food

b) Body care products c) Home care products

d) Baby products e) Electronics

12. How often do you buy national brand beverage drinks?

a) Few times per year

b) Once a month

c) Few times per month

13. Which type of national brand beverage drinks do you buy?

a) Coffee

b) Tea

c) Soft drinks

d) Other

14. How often do you buy national brand body care products?
a) Few times per year

b) once a month

c) Few times per month

15. Which type of national brand body care products do you buy?
a) Hair care product

b) Body wash

c) Toothpaste

d) Baby products

e) Other

16. On which base you make buying decisions?

a) Brand

b) Lower price

c) Higher quality

d) After sales service

c) Disagree

d) Strongly Disagree

17. I am a Brand conscious customer

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

18. Where do you buy the private label brands from?

a) Shopping malls

b) Specialized stores

c) Internet

d) others

19. Do you particularly visit certain stores for the want of private labels variety of that store:
a) Yes

b) No

20. Why do you prefer a private label over a national brand and vice versa in the category
of electronics?
a) Quality assurance b) Service c) Low price d) Brand loyal
21. Why do you prefer a private label over a national brand and vice versa in the category of
a) Quality assurance b) Lower price c) Brand d) Risk averse
22. Suggestion:

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