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To check whether PC system account is working run the following command

C:\ at <time frame> /interactive cmd

mpt at that time)

(Time frame refers to kick off cmd pro

In new window run this

C:\ net use * \\SMSservername\SMSpkgf$ (This window works with System account ri
ghts not with the user access rights)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------VPN IP pool
AP: /
NA: /
EU: /
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IIS/MP troubleshooting
Defualt Website properties->Directory Services-> Edit(Aanonymous acccess and aut
h) make sure the username is IUSR_SMSservername and Windows auth is checked.
If MP is not getting installed then Remove the SMS client from the server comple
tely inculding CCM and CCMsetup folder and then install the MP. If any WMI issue
s are reported on the server while installing MP then rebuilt WMI on the server
and then install MP.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------System Type(Chasis number)
Desktops - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15
Laptops - 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 21
Servers - 23
(Local Server PSS)
LAtrobe PC - LACWX200671
D:\SMSADMIN\bin\i386\sms.msc /SMS:NodeInfo=1

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