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Nidana sthana:

Diagnosis of disease / cause 16 chapters in a specific sequence almost all

the pathologies that can ever exist in the body the rest are combinations of
these diseases will be either one of these 16 in a pure form or combinations of
different degrees of these 16 if you study these, you can diagnose any
pathological state
Jvara is the foundation every disease has an inflammation there cannot be a
disease where there is no inflammation if you can trace that inflammatory
process, you can get to the end of the disease
One by the dhatus are represented in the pathology rasa is jvara, rakta is rakta
pitta, mamsa rajayaksham, medas is prameha, asthi, majja vata vyadhi, vata
rakta affects the sukra and ojas
The order of the chapter is in the order of the severity of the pathology. So in fact
it is just one disease progressing to deeper levels.
How to make these medicines to collect the ingredients, what to take care
when applying, The dangers in applying these medicines and their antidotes
Choosing the right medications and treatments indications of different
medicines corresponding chapters but each medicine is not restricted to that
chapter but there is a reason why it is placed in that chapter the management
of all the conditions in the 16 chapters are mentioned

Uttara the end (answer, north, - the rest of the 7 branches of AH

Why are the sections arranged in this order? Smnya is always first. Then
Kaya cikitsa is the base using those principles the other 7 are specializations of
kaya cikitsa
All the 8 branches of AH mentioned in first chapter 1.5 completed
Forgiveness for any inappropriate statements not intended to ridicule or hurt
anyone. Everyone must be treated with utmost respect.
Read them again and again and pick out the hidden messages
Thank you

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