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Language Learning
Prepared by Rania Merza

What is CALL?
CALL(Computer-Assisted Language Learning) is as an
approach to language teaching and learning in which the
computer is used as an aid to the presentation,
reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned,
usually including a substantial interactive element. (Levy,

There are Three Phases of CALL:

By Mark Warschauer
Behavioristic CALL
Communicative CALL
Integrative CALL

1. Behavioristic CALL as Warschauer suggests,

The first phase of CALL, conceived in the 1950s and
implemented in the 1960s and '70s, was based on the
then-dominant behaviorist theories of learning.
Programs of this phase entailed repetitive language
drills and can be referred to as "drill and practice" (or,
more pejoratively, as "drill and kill"). (Warschauer, 1996)

What Drill and KillMeans?

Warschauer states that drill and practice courseware is
based on the model of computer as tutor .In other words
the computer serves as a vehicle for delivering
instructional materials to the student. The rationale
behind drill and practice was not totally spurious, which
explains in part the fact that CALL drills are still used
today. (Warschauer, 1996)

2. Communicative CALL according to Warschauer,

He states that the second phase of CALL was based on
the communicative approach to teaching which became
prominent in the 1970s and 80s. Proponents of this
approach felt that the drill and practice programs of the
previous decade did not allow enough authentic
communication to be of much value. (Warschauer, 1996)

3. Integrative CALL according to Warschauer that:

Integrative approaches to CALL are based on two
important technological developments of the last
decade - multimedia computers and the Internet.
(Warschauer, 1996)

Multimedia technology - exemplified today by

the CD-ROM - allows a variety of media (text,
graphics, sound, animation, and video) to be
accessed on a single machine. What makes
multimedia even more powerful is that it also
entails hypermedia. That means that the
multimedia resources are all linked together
and that learners can navigate their own path
simply by pointing and clicking a mouse.
(Warschauer, 1996)

Advanteges of CALL according to Torat


CALL can adapt to the learners abilities and preferences.

CALL offers individualized and private learning.
CALL provides a strong motivation for learning.
CALL can provide immediate responsiveness and feedback.
CALL provides opportunities for mastery-learning language skills.

Limitation of CALL
According to Torat in his Article (computer-Assisted Language learning An overview) he
mentioned also the limitation of CALL besides the Advantages of it, I would mention a few of
the limitation.


Computer hardware is difficult to install and maintain for classroom teachers.

Web pages appear differently on different computer platforms (e.g. Windows, Mac). It
sometimes makes students confused.
Some CALL (e.g. the internet) does not support face to face communication (e.g. E-mail,
chat) well, though some present technologies can provide sounds and pictures during
communication there are some limitations with speed, sound and picture quality.
A lot of CALL activities (e.g. Behavioristic CALL) are limited to certain types of exercises
such as multiple choices, true false, matching, ignoring question-answer interactions.

Thank you

- Levy, M. (1997). CALL: Context and Conceptualisation. [Oxford: Oxford
University Press] Retrieved from
Warschauer M. (1996) "Computer Assisted Language Learning: an Introduction".
In Fotos S. (ed.) Multimedia language teaching, Tokyo: Logos International: 3-20
Retrieved from

-Torat B. computer assisted language learning- an overview. [advantages and

limitation of call] Retrieved from

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