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Resources on Earth


Water, air, soil, minerals, fossil fuels and living

things are resources that sustain life processes of
mankind and other organisms on Earth.

2. Water :


Water covers two-thirds of the surface of the

All living things on Earth need water to survive.
Excessive loss of water in living cells called

Air :
(a) The air that surrounds the Earth contains which
support life.
(b) All living things need oxygen for respiration.
Plants need carbon dioxide to perform


Soil and minerals :


Soil is a mixture of mineral and sand particles,

humus, water and air.
(b) Humus is the remains of decomposed living things
which makes the soil fertile and suitable for farming.

Materials and Their Physicals Properties

A physical property is any characteristics of a material

that can be observed or measured without changing the
composition of the substances in the material.
A physicals property is any property that is measurable
whose value describles a state of a physical system.
The changes in the physical properties of a system can
be used to describe transformations or evolutions
between its momentary states.
Materials have different properties and characteristics
depending on what they are used before.

5. Fossil fuels :
(a) Fossil fuels consist of petroleum, natural gas and
(b) Petroleum products (such as petrol and diesel) are
used in vehicles.
(c) Coal is used in power plants to generate electricity.
(d) Natural gas is use in manufacture, for heating, cooking
or as fuel for vehicles.

6. Living things :
(a) Living things are sources for food, materials for clothing



and building and fuel.

Sources of food are obtained from the poultry and
seafood, vegetables and fruits.
Sources of materials for clothing are obtained from
animal skins (such as sheep, silkworm and crocodile)
and plants (such as cotton and rubber tree)
Sources of building materials are obtained from timber,
rattan, casuarina and nibung plant.
Sources of fuel are obtained from palm oil and rubber

There are 15 materials and their physical properties..

Malleable :

~ Malleable is able to be flattened into a thin sheet or

~ It easily pressed or forged into shape.
~ It also have ongold, aluminium, silver, lead, steel,
cooper and tin.

Absorbent :
~ Absorbent materials soak up water.
~ Towel are made of cotton fabric because it is absorbent.

Waterproof :
~ Waterproof materials do not let water through them.
~ Nylon fabric is use to make tents because it is waterproof.

Elastic :
~ An elastic material will stretch and then return to its original
~ Rubber is used to make rubber bands because it is elastic.

Electrical Conductor
~ An electrical conductor allows electricity to pass through it.
~ Copper is used to make wires because its a good electricity
Electrical Insulator :
~ An electrical insulator does not allow electricity to pass

through it.
~ Plastic is used to coat wires because its an electrical insulator.
Flexible :
~ Flexible materials bend without breaking.
~ We use leather to make shoes because it is flexible.

Rigid :
~ Rigid materials do not bend easily.
~ We use wood to make tables because it does not bend easily.
Hard :
~ A hard material is difficult to scratch or wear away.
~ We make knives out of steel because it is hard.
Soft :
~ A soft material is easily scratches or wears away.
~ We draw pictures using chalk because it is soft and wears
away easily.
Transparent :
~ A transparent material allows light to pass through it.
~ We use glass to make windows because it is a transparent.
Tough :
~ Tough materials do not break if they are hit or dropped.
~ We use rubber to make balls because it is tough.
Opaque :
~ Opaque materials do not let light through.

~ We cannot see through them. We make curtains from fabric

because it is a opaque.

Strong :
~ Strong materials do not bend or break when force is applied
to them.
~ We use bricks to build houses because they are strong.

Weak :
~ Weak materials are easy to break.
~ We use paper to wrap presents because it is weak.

Chemistry Folio
Name : Batrisyia Alyya
Class : Al-Ghazali 1
Subject : Chemistry
Subject teachers : Miss

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