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Read there following text carefully and answer question number 1

Text 1 :
Thailand Festivals
Songkran Festival The Thai New Year is celebrated with the water
festival all over the country. However, Songkran in Chiang Mai is
considered the most festive. Foreign and domestic tourists head to Chiang
Mai for this weeklong, mid-April festival, during which everyone is free to
sprinkle or spray people with water. Be prepared to get wet!
Text 2 :
Loi (Loy) Krathong and Yee Peng Festival
Of all the festivals held throughout the year, Loi Krathon is the most
anticipated. For three nights during the full moon in the 12th month of the
Thai 12 calendar (usually November), the rivers and lakes of Chiang Mai
are decorated with floating flowers and candles. When the flowers and
candles are set afloat on the water, they are often accompanied by
perfume or money. The sky is also lit up by the light from flying paper
lanterns. People cast off their candles and paper lanterns with praise and
hope, believing that by doing so they will avoid bad luck. It is also an
expression of gratitude to the ruler of water and heaven.
(Adapted from Panorama Magazine, Jakarta Post January 8, 2009)
1. How long is the Songkran festival?
a. 3 days
b. 4 days
c. 5 days
d. 6 days
e. 7 days
2. When is Loi Krathon held?
a. in August
b. in September
c. in October
d. in November
e. in December
3. What do people do with their candles and paper lanterns during the
Loi Krathon?
a. They burn them.
b. The put them hanging in the sky.
c. The burn the money in the lanterns.
d. They set them afloat on the water.
e. They decorate them and then set them on fire.

4. Below are what people believe when they cast off their candles and
paper lanterns,
EXCEPT . . . .
a. They want to thank the ruler of water.
b. They want to avoid bad luck.
c. They like the beautiful scenery of the festival.
d. They want to send their praise and hope.
e. They want to express their gratitude to the ruler of heaven.
5. The word gratitude in the last sentence means . . . .
a. greatness
b. gratefulness
c. greediness
d. grand
e. Grants
Read there following text carefully and answer question number 6
Text 3 :
A beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the
marketplace. Opening it, he discovered that it contained 100 pieces of
gold. Then he heard a merchant shout, "A reward! A reward to the one
who finds my leather purse!" Being an honest man, the beggar came
forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying, "Here is your
purse. May I have the reward now?" "Reward?" scoffed the merchant,
greedily counting his gold. "Why the purse I dropped had 200 pieces of
gold in it. You've already stolen more than the reward! Go away or I'll tell
the police." "I'm an honest man," said the beggar defiantly. "Let us take
this matter to the court." In court the judge patiently listened to both sides
of the story and said, "I believe you both. Justice is possible! Merchant,
you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold. Well,
that's a considerable cost. But, the purse this beggar found had only 100
pieces of gold. Therefore, it couldn't be the one you lost." And, with that,
the judge gave the purse and all the gold to the beggar.
6. The passage mainly tells about .
A. a beggar
B. a stolen purse
C. an honest beggar
D. a reward of stolen purse
E. a beggar and a merchant
7. A beggar is .
A. a person asked for money for living

B. a person sold something for living

C. a man stole the purse
D. a place sold the purse
E. a very smart person
8. What is the character of the merchant?
A. Deceitful.
B. Honest
C. Clever.
D. Smart.
E. Calm.
9. Which paragraph told that the merchant was deceiving?
A. Paragraph 1.
B. Paragraph 2.
C. Paragraph 3.
D. Paragraph 4.
E. Paragraph 5.
Why did the beggar return the purse to the beggar? Because
he .
A. had counted the 100 pieces of gold
B. heard the merchant saying
C. wanted to get the reward
D. had opened the purse
E. was an honest man
Which of the following statement is true?
A. The beggar got 100 pieces of gold.
B. The purse contained 200 pieces of gold.
C. The merchant admitted losing 100 pieces of gold.
D. The beggar wanted to hide the purse in the marketplace.
E. The court couldnt solve the problem between the beggar and the
Therefore, it couldn't be the one you lost. (par.6). The
underlined word refers to .
A. the court
B. the purse
C. the beggar
D. the merchant
E. the 100 pieces gold

He discovered that it contained 100 pieces of gold. (par.1) The
underlined word means .
A. funded
B. found
C. fixed
D. took
E. put
From the text, we know that .
A. the beggar was very greedy
B. the purse belonged to the merchant
C. the merchant was a very good person
D. the court could solve the problem wisely
E. the court concluded the purse belonged to the merchant
What is the moral value of the passage?
A. Be a humble man.
B. Dont beg to a mean person.
C. Deceiving makes more benefits.
D. Honesty brings more advantages.
E. Being a beggar is valuable for living.
Text 4 :
The fish are dying in the Adirondack lakes northern New York State.
Fishermen are worried. This used to be a favorite spot for sport fishing
Somehow, every year there is fewer fish. Some lakes - 6% of them - now
have no fish at all. Scientists are beginning to get worried too. What is
killing the fish?
The cause is acid rain. Acid rain is a kind of air pollution. It is caused by
factories that burn coal or oil or gas. These factories send smoke high into
the air. The wind often carries the smoke far from the factories. Some of
the unhealthy things in the smoke may come down with the rain hundreds
of miles away. This is what is happening in the Adirondacks. There are
many factories in the Midwestern states. They are sending a lot of smoke
into the air. The wind blows the smoke towards the east. That means
toward New York State and the Adirondack area.
The rain in the Adirondacks is not natural and -lean anymore. It is full of
acid chemicals. When it calls on lakes, it changes them too. The lakes
become more acidic. Acid water is like vinegar or lemon juice. It hurts
when it gets into your eyes. It also kills the plants and animals that usually
live in lake water. That is why the fish are dying in the Adirondacks.


The topic of the text is ..

the Adirondack lakes
acid rain
air pollution
fish killers
factories in the Midwestern states

The problem that the writer points out in the text is that
A. fish has become scarce in the United States due to the acid rain
B. there are too many factories in the Midwestern states
C. six percent of fish in the Adirondack lakes is dying
D. the total catch of fish in the Adirondack lakes is decreasing
E. many favorite spots for sport fishing have dried up


Which of the following statements is TRUE about acid rain?

Acid rain kills all living things in the Adirondacks.
Acid rain causes air pollution in northern York State.
Smoke emitted by factories creates poison,: acid rain.
The burning of coal, oil or gas increases level of poison in acid
E. Acid rain carries a lot of smoke hundreds miles away.

The rain in the Adirondracks is harmful to the environment,
because .
A. the wind that blows from the Midwestern states sends a lot of
smoke containing dangerous chemicals
B. the rain comes from an area where air is badly polluted by factory
C. air pollution caused by factories burning coal, oil or gas has been
a problem in the Adirondacks
D. factories operating in the Adirondack area send polluted smoke
high in the air and come down with the rain
E. the Adirondack area is geographically located in one of the
Midwestern states which is a center of industry
If water from an acidic lake gets into our eyes, it will
A. be like vinegar
B. cause blindness
C. clean them
D. be like lemon juice
E. hurt them

1. Each of students . received an invitation.
A. Has
B. Have
C. Had
D. Does
E. Is

2. The school has a lot of classrooms. Each of them .equipped with

an overhead projector.
A. Has
B. Have
C. Has
D. Does
E. Is

3. Neither the football players nor their coach satisfied with

referees decision.
A. Was
B. Which
C. Whose
D. Is
E. Are

4. Six hundred miles ..a long distance to drive in one day.

A. Has

B. Have
C. Had
D. Does
E. Is

5. Name of a river passing through some big towns ..the title of a

popular Indonesian song.
A. Is become
B. Had Become
C. Has become
D. Was Become
E. Does Become

6. Many of my students can afford to buy a ticket for the Michael

Jackson show, the majority .. from well to do families.
A. Came
B. Come
C. Comes
D. Become
E. Became

7. The shipment of logs from China ..because of the bad weather.

A. Must been postponed
B. That been postponed
C. Have been postponed
D. Had been postponed

E. Has been postponed

8. It was a miracle that neither of the passengers nor the driver .

injured in the accident.
A. Was
B. Has
C. Had
D. Have
E. Have been

9. The increase in the sales of new cars .. not expected to make

traffic jams worse.
A. Was
B. Has
C. Had
D. Is
E. Have been

In the next poetry contest, each of the contestants .
expected to be more critical and more accurate in pronunciation.
A. Was
B. Has
C. Had
D. Is
E. Have been

One of the problems faced by foreign businessmen . the
frequent changing of regulations.
A. Has
B. Have
C. Had
D. Is
E. Have been
A : " Is Yanti still in the Training Department? " B : " No, She
to the sales department.
A. Has been transferred
B. Had been transferred
C. Have been transferred
D. Has been transfer
E. Had been transfer


Her book is not here anymore. It must have ..

A. Taking away
B. Taked away
C. Took away
D. Tooking
E. Taken away

This is a very popular TV program. Every week it . by
millions of people .
A. Is watching
B. Is watch
C. Is watched
D. Was watching
E. Has been watched


1. ANI : My right hand is a ache. I cannot write now. I have to check it
to the
doctors. Where should l go?
INA : You should see Dr. Edward. Tell him about your hand ache,
did it happen? How do you feel now?
ANI : Well, I'll do my best. My hand has been ache since two days
INA : You ought to pay attention that INA is giving
From the dialogue above we know that INA is giving.


2. Mr. Lukman
: Allow me to introduce my self. Lukman, an
English teacher
: How do you do Mr. Lukman? We're glad to
meet you.
From the dialogue above we know that
A. The students have already known Mr. Lukman
B. Mr. Lukman has already known the students
C. Mr. Lukman and the students have known each other
D. Mr. Lukman has taught the students English before
E. Mr. Lukman is new English teacher
3. Tom : Do you know Miras address?"
Mary : Oh, sorry, l don't know. M
Tom : "I want to visit her, but l don't know ..
A. where she lives
B. where she lived?
C. where she does live?
D. where does she live?
E. where did she live?
4. The teaher said, ls John absent? The teacher asked .
A. ls John absent?
B. Whether John is absent
C. Was John absent
D. What John was absent

E. If John was absent

5. Jim : I heard John failed the speech competition held at Language
Center in Jakarta last week.
Tono : Oh really? Its strange, he should have won it because he is
good at English.
The underlined sentence is used to express..
A. Disagreement
B. capability
C. Possibility
D. curiousity
E. Surprise
6. X : There will be a party at my house tonight. Would you like to
Y : Id love to, but I have an appointment with my colleague.
From the dialogue we know that the second speaker the invitation.
A. Gives
B. enjoys
C. Declines
D. curiosity
E. Surprise
7. Tony : Hi Andi, what about going to Agungs birthday party tonight?
Andi : I am afraid I cant. I am going somewhere with Dwi.
The underlined sentence is used to
A. Decline an invitation
B. Ask for permission
C. Agree to do something
D. Express a surprise
E. Ask for an apology
8. Rony : you look so weak, Dandy.
Dandy : Yes, I am tired.
Rony : I think youd better take a rest.
From the dialogue we may conclude that Rony. Dandy to take a
A. Orders
B. requires
C. Advises
D. commands
E. Persuades
9. Son : Dad, I got a straight A for mathematics.
Father : really? Oh, your mom and I are really proud of you.
The underlined phrase expresses
A. Sympathy
B. Pride
C. Irony
D. obligation
E. Satisfaction
Dony : Excuse me, is it all right if I sit beside you?
Rina : with pleasure.

From the dialogue above we know that Dony asks for?...

A. Apology
B. Permission
C. Information
D. Pleasure
E. Sympathy
Nuki : Mom, I got 9 in Biology and 8 in mathematics yesterday.
Mother : Oh, I am glad to hear that .
From the dialogue we know that mother feels.
A. Dissatisfied
B. pleaed
C. Terrible
D. enjoyable
E. Honourable

1. What

do you know about scholarship? Scholarship is .

School fees
Some money that is very important for students
Some money that vital for students
The wages or salaries for school fees
Financial awards given to clever o qualified students to be
used for tuition board and books
2. Public school does not train the students in a particular skill.
The underlined word means






A. continue
B. neglect
C. impose
D. teach
E. decide
We mustn't flow harmfull substances into the rives. The underlined
word means
A. Enormus
B. Dangerous
C. Numerous
D. Momentous
E. Vigorous
Now we will habituate us our rooms .. The synonym of scrub is
A. sweep
B. brush
C. repair
D. fill
E. make
I am applying for the position of assistant storeman/woman
advertised in the Courier of January 1994. Position means
A. Interviewer
B. Place
C. Letter
D. Job
E. Company
I am available for an interview at your convenience. The underlined
word means.
A. Satisfied with
B. Good at
C. Proud of
D. Ready to have
E. Afraid to have
The minister of Public work, Radinal Mochtar, has instructed that
repairs of damaged roads and bridges be completed before Idul
Fitri holiday at the end of March.
The underlined word has the same meaning with

A. Concluded
B. proceed
C. Planted
D. distributed
E. Finished
8. Radinal said he ordered the state owned construction company,
PT Adi Karya, to begin the reconstruction immediately
The underlined word has the same meaning with
A. Customarily
B. very much
C. Suddenly
D. very soon
E. Little by little
9. The company rebuilt booth the Kali Comal Bridge, which has been
damaged by floods three years ago, and the Kali Kuto Bridge, shich
has been destroyed by floods two years ago.
The underlined word refers to
A. Proved
B. damaged
C. Improved
D. identified
E. Gouped
I was impressed with what the man did. Eventually, we cashed
his check. The underlined word has the same meaning with ?
Eventually means
A. Meanwhile
B. However
C. In addition
D. finally
E. Consequently
Ridwan : Do you think our nation have the competence to
keep up with the Americans in technology ?
Ade : I dont think so because it needs a lot of money.
The underlined words mean.
A. Knowledge
B. capability
C. Cleverness
D. profession
E. Experiment.

1. Rearrange these sentences to make a good narrative text.
1.One upon a time, there reigned in East Java a king named Sindureja.
2.Sidupaksa had a very beautiful wife.
3.He had a prime minister named Sidupaksa.
4.They lived in complete happiness.
5.Each day she tried to think a way to separate Sidupaksa from his
6.Sidupaksa loved his wife deeply.
7.However, Sidupaksas mother didnt like her daughter-in-law.
The best arrangement is
A. 1
B. 1
C. 1
D. 1
E. 1







2. Rearrange these sentences to make a good narrative text.

1. The pigeon saw this and wanted to help her.
2. The ant climbed on to the grass and saved to the dry land.
3. Once upon a time there was once a very happy pigeon.
4. He picked up a blade of grass and dropped it quite close to the ant.
5. He liked to splash in the water of the stream.
6. One day an ant fell into the stream accidentally.
The correct arrangement of the sentences above is .



3. Rearrange these sentences to make a good narrative text.

1. He had some beautiful daughter.
2. It rolled into the well and began to cry.
3. Since that time it always stay close to the princess.
4. One day she played with her golden ball.
5. There was a frog that was willing to help her.
6. The youngest daughter was the most beautiful.
7. A hundred years ago there lived a king.

A. 7
B. 7
C. 6
D. 7
E. 1



4 -1 5 - 2

The man and the Monster

Once upon a time there ....7... a young man, named Nazar. He lived a
One day, Nazar went to town to look for a job. He had to climb up the
a thick jungle to get to a nearest town. Suddenly, he heard ...9... from
he approach, he found some people gathering around a big tree. Nazar
that the people we doing against God order. Then he took out a
big ....10.... axe and planned to cut down the tree.
4. A.Found
B. Lived
C. Appeared
D. Came

E. Met
5. A. Checked
B. Examined
C. Inspected
D. Went Through
6. A. Trembles
B. Shadows
C. Movement
D. Gasture
7. A. Sharp
B. Edge
C. Dull
D. Roug

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