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Payment Medium Workbench SAP FI Training Document SAP FI Tr jum Workbench TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF SYMBOLS -3- TYPOGRAPHY -3- OVERVIEW -4- REQUIREMENTS 5+ CONFIGURATION -5- MASTER DATA -5- ROLES -5- GLOSSARY -6- COURSE MATERIALS -7- 1, PAYMENT MEDIUM WORKBENCH CONFIGURATION -7- 1.1. CONFIGURE PAYMENT MEDIUM FORMAT Te 4.11. CREATE PAYMENT MEDIUM FORMAT an 4.1.2, DELETE PAYMENT MEDIUM FORMAT -10 4.1.3. ADJUST PAYMENT MEDIUM FORMAT " 1.2, ADJUST NOTE TO PAYEE 13 1.2.1. OREATE NOTE TO PAYEE “14 1.22. EDIT NOTE TO PAYEE “15 1.22.1. DETAILS SCREEN +15 1.22.2. DEFAULT NOTE TO PAYEE -16 1.22.3. LANGUAGE DEPENDENT NOTE TO PAYEE “17 1.23, DELETE NOTE TO PAYEE “7 1.3. DEFINE PAYMENT METHOD -18- 1.4. CONFIGURE SELECTION VARIANTS, -20- 1.4.1. MANAGE PAYMENT MEDIUM SELECTION VARIANTS. -21 1.4.11. CREATE SELECTION VARIANT -22, MODIFY SELECTION VARIANT -28 DELETE SELECTION VARIANT -24 1.4.2, SETTING SELECTION VARIANTS -24 SAP FI Training Document - Payment Medium Workbench TABLE OF SYMBOLS ee Path to find trarsacton in SAP MonulSAP Customizing @ Note ~ Example input data TYPOGRAPHY Example text Words or characters that appear on seen, neues screen names, ed tes, button names, menu names ard options Example text words or phrases thal the user will tyoe when required. SAP FI Training Document - Payment Medium Workbench OVERVIEW Payment Medium Workbench (PMW) is a tool provided by SAP used to configure and create documents that will be sent to the company's house banks informing the transactions that need to be done to an account in such bank It works along with automatic payments and provides a better control of payments, since personalized documents can be set specifically for each company and house bank combination or as detailed as the user needs it, This tool is expected to gradually replace the classic payment medium programs. SAP FI Training Document - Payment Medium Workbench REQUIREMENTS CONFIGURATION eee oe Prepare automatic, ‘SRO > Financial accounting (new) > Accounts receivable and accounts postings for payment payable > Businoss transactions > Outgoing payments > Automatic outgoing program payments > Automatic posting > Prepare automatic postings for payment program ‘Set up payment method SPRO > Financial accounting (new) > Accounts receivable and accounts per country for payment payable > Business transactions > Outgoing payments > Automatic outgoing transactions payments > Payment method/Bank selection for payment program > Set up payment method per country for payment transactions MASTER DATA Data rd Use in BQE! House bank ‘Assignmont of solection variants to Payment Medium Formats SAP_EXAMPLE Data Medium Exchange (OME) Creation of Payment Medium ormat © (Chique) Payment method Payment method to which a Payment Medum Format will be assigned ROLES occ cue) Fun SAP FI Training Document - Payment Medium Workbench GLOSSARY Data Medium Exchange (DME) File formats created to meet a house bank's requirements for document exchange. House bank Financial institution through which the company makes its internal banking transactions, and is the link between a bank account and G/L accounts. Note to payee Information that can be added to a Payment Medium Format and contains relevant information for the business partner. Payment medium Document created during automatic payment and that is sent to the company’s house banks. Payment Medium Format (PMF) Program that allows users to determine a bank's specifications of a payment medium. Payment Medium Workbench (PMW) Too! provided by SAP that allows companies to send information to their house banks through the configuration of payment media. Payment method Procedure by which payments are made. Selection variant Specific configuration where the user determines which PMF will be used for automatic payment depending on the level of detail that governs a payment media. Medium Workbench N Ye company to make Jse banks. The user ts of the company's ormation to the bank it can be modified to nd only creating one inge of predefined Payment Medium youse bank cannot Accounts receivable id accounts payable > Business transactions > Outgoing ments > Automatic outgoing payments > Payments Media ‘Make settings for payment medium formats from payment adium workbench > Create payment medium formats 3PMi SAP FI Training Document - Payment Medium Workbench TB bee BS BS BS termes rrerton LB fastmentmme hans iinet ane Fig. 1 - Menu path for transaction OBPM1 The initial screen of the transaction, shown in Fig. 2, lists all the PMF that exist. ics aw oe Pree er ees Fost Ora Fig. 2 iit al screen for transaction OBPMi SAP FI Training Document - Payment Medium Workbench To create a new format, click on New entries "=" 5 and anew screen will appear where the format details will be configured (Fig. 3). Fig. 3- Details screen for a new format. Enter the following data and press Save ©. A confirmation message will appear. fraud SAP_SAMPLE Payment format for Banque de Cer ad poceeal : Cranes ee) eee Cae) Pa eared Ceres The Payment Medium Format's name must have the same e name as the Data Medium Exchange (DME) tree. SAP FI Training Document - Payment Medium Workbench Next, select the Text fields for reference information option at the left side of the screen and a new screen will appear (Fig. 4). These text fields define the length of the notes that will be used in the payment documents. ‘Change View “Taxt Fhe tor Reerence Itormation™: Overview 9 too DEORE escre —feorm ate Fig. 4 - Text fields for reference information overview screen ‘To add a new text field, press New entries NeW Enties, and add the following data. Press Save G and a confirmation message will appear. Note to payee including lines for “ ae header Field length 35 Deo 4 41.1.2. DELETE PAYMENT MEDIUM FORMAT To eliminate a PMF, go to the initial screen of transaction and select the entry you wish to eliminate. Press Delete [ah and a message will appear informing how many entries willbe removed [2 Nunber of dekted entres:1 Press Save GI to confirm changes. =10- : Medium Workbench he menu path given ?RO > Financial accounting (new) > Accounts receivable 'd accounts payable > Business transactions > Outgoing yments > Automatic outgoing payments > Payments Media ‘Make settings for payment medium formats from payment 2dium workbench > Adjust payment meaium formats 3PM3 Temeraten ice scot oe ‘etwcot ne Nc Foe BSS alist of PMF 3. 5 - Menu path to transaction OBPMS. (Fig. 6). Double click on the entry you need to 11. SAP FI Training Document - Payment Medium Workbench “Change View "Payment Meda Formats" Overview vacRea Fig. 6- Initial screen of transaction OBPMS. A Details screen will appear that will allow the user to modify format structures and separation of document according to level detail, as shown in Fig. 7. “ange Ve Payment Mears Farts Dats Fig. 7 - Details screen of Payment Medium Format entry. Function modules can be called during certain event of the file creation, in case a calculation needs to be done or some information needs to be retrieved. To establish when a function will be called, click on Event modules option at the left side and a new screen will show (Fig. 8) listing all the events that are configured for this PMF. Here, function modules can be added, modified or deleted as the user needs. “12- Medium Workbench entry. » G to confirm the vat will be present in Sccounts receivable 'd accounts payable > Business transactions > Outgoing yments > Automatic outgoing payments > Payments Media ‘Make settings for payment medium formats from payment adium workbench > Adjust note to payee 3PM2 =13- SAP FI Training Document - Payment Medium Workbench "3 By °B, | ee So Bo Same 8 See 5 see’ B ieionry ‘ara un es Fig. 9 - Menu path to transaction OBPM2. The next screen will appear (Fig. 10) with a list of existing Note top “Change Vew "Note payee” Over PO veto BRO DRD Fig. 10- Change view screen of transaction OBPM2. 1.2.1. CREATE NOTE TO PAYEE SAP recommends using the existing notes @ creating one in case the existing notes don't To add a new Note to payee, press New entries New Ents and { 11, will show. In this section, you will determine the note's descriptio ‘ee and only your needs. xt screen, Fig. structure. 14. SAP FI Training Document - Payment Medium Workbench oy Business transactions > Outgoing yments > Automatic outgoing payments > Payments Media ‘Make settings for payment medium formats from payment adium workbench > Assign Payment Medium Format and >te to Payee to payment method ALR_87100701 Sincere etry ew) B9 ceermncner | = Menu path for transaction $_ALR_87100701. ‘een is as shown in Fig. 15. A list of payment methods per click on the country and payment method combination you -18-

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